Reckless Times: A Paranormal Romance (Paragon Society Book 1)

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Reckless Times: A Paranormal Romance (Paragon Society Book 1) Page 6

by Michelle Hercules

  With Stephan, I have to bring my A game. He can never suspect that I’m not what I pretend to be. As it turns out, he brings the sassy out of me like no other. Sarcastic comments roll off my tongue without any effort. I was worried he might be able to read me like a book this morning, but he was too preoccupied hiding his own shit.

  And now this. His brother is coming down the hallway, stinking like he was partying all night long.

  “Phew. Someone smells like they were swimming in a pool of alcohol and cigarettes,” I say.

  “Brother!” Soren exclaims. “What a surprise to see you here.”

  “Where have you been? You reek,” Stephan replies angrily.

  “I’d say a dive bar in a seedy part of town, judging by his scent.” I scrunch up my nose, stepping away from the guy for good measure.

  I shouldn’t be making obnoxious comments when I know the reason Soren is in this state, but my mouth has a will of its own.

  “Hey, you’re new.” He steps closer to me, almost making me gag. The guy really needs a shower.

  “Very perceptive.” Stephan gets in between his brother and me. “You can’t be here.”

  “The hell I can’t. You’re not the boss of me.”

  “You know what? I can’t deal with you right now. If you’re fishing for detention, I won’t get in your way.”

  Stephan’s words are laced with frustration. Judging by the scene I witnessed in the cemetery yesterday, it’s obvious he cares about what happens to his brother. I can’t just stand here and not help. I say mean things, but I’m not a total bitch.

  “We can do the tour later. I think you should deal with this situation first.” I gesture in Soren’s direction.

  “I’m not some problem that needs to be dealt with, new girl,” Soren barks.

  “Don’t talk to Andy like that,” Stephan retorts.

  “Oooh, Stephan’s stepping in as the fierce protector.”

  I sense people gathering nearby, murmuring about the scene. It’s probably the last thing Stephan needs. A crazy fear hits me that he might get in trouble because of his stupid brother and end up getting fired. I can’t lose him, even if I shouldn’t be clinging to the guy like that. He’s forbidden fruit, and not only because he’s my mentor. There are worse things standing in between us, obstacles that can’t be overcome.

  However, I don’t stop to think before I use my chains to knock Soren over. Keeping them invisible, I loop them around his ankles and pull it hard. He falls backward, making a loud thud upon impact.

  Ouch. That probably hurt.

  “What the hell!” he shouts.

  “Shit, Principal Redford is coming,” someone announces.

  Quicker than wildfire, the crowd disperses. Stephan curses under his breath, and with reason. One whiff of Soren and the principal will know the idiot is intoxicated.

  I step forward, meeting the man halfway.

  “Principal Redford, I’m so glad to cross paths with you, sir,” I say cheerfully, blocking his way.

  “Well, good morning.” His reply is half-hearted. He must be trying to peek over my shoulder.

  “I’d like to thank you for accepting me into your prestigious institution. You have no idea how much it means to me.”

  “Oh, I’m always happy to help close friends of Paragon Academy.”

  And pocket the healthy donation my father surely sent your way.

  “Has Mr. Silverstone handled all your paperwork yet?” he asks.

  “Yes, we’re all set. He was going to give me a tour of the premises, but Soren slipped and bumped his head. I think he needs to see a nurse.”

  “I don—argh!”

  I have no idea what happened, but I can guess Soren’s moan is due to newly inflicted pain.

  “I have to agree with Miss Belfor. I have to take my brother to the school nurse. You can never be too careful with head injuries,” Stephan replies.

  “Well, if you think that’s necessary,” Principal Redford says.

  “I do, sir.”

  Sensing Stephan and Soren aren’t out of the woods yet, I add, “Since my mentor can’t give me a tour, would you mind taking his place? It would make my life much easier if I got the lay of the land before I’m on my own.”

  “Of course, of course. Do you need to, uh… to hold on to me?”

  “Oh no. Just describe our surroundings and point out where the danger zones are—you know, stairs and dead-end corridors.”

  Despite the situation, I’m amused. Standing before me is a high-level Idol, rendered uncomfortable by a blind girl. Maybe that’s the extra power Stephan said I should have: making people feel awkward.

  But thanks to Soren’s interruption, Principal Redford’s tour only lasts ten minutes. If I truly needed his help to get around school, I’d be fucked. He walks me to my first-period class, which is already full and, much to my dismay, makes a fuss about me.

  A minute of lecture is wasted by his unnecessary introduction, but it feels like I stood in front of the classroom for ten torturous minutes. I’m not convinced he didn’t do it on purpose as retaliation.

  “Welcome, Andromeda. You can take, uh….”

  The pause means he’s looking for a seat near the front of the class. Like everyone here, he hasn’t seen a blind Idol before. The problem is the only free seats are in the last row.

  Tired of being under the scrutiny of twenty pairs of eyes, I say, “Don’t worry. I can find a chair.”

  A couple of people chuckle. They’re laughing at my expense. My cheeks get warm, and I curse in my head. I hate that I can’t control what my body does.

  Someone sticks out their foot, hoping to make me trip. What the actual fuck? Are these people for real? I’m tempted to use my chains on the sucker but opt for something less violent. Without slowing down, I step on the obstacle hard, making the owner of that foot yell.

  “Shit. How did she do that?” the jackass asks.

  With a perfect air of innocence, I take my seat. My face is a calm mask of serenity, but my body is on edge. This little prank was just the beginning. Since I’m dampening my powers, no one knows what I’m capable of.

  Oh, this will be fun.



  A week later

  Andy seems to have adapted well to Paragon. No incidents, and no complaints on her part, which was a surprise. But just because her first week was a breeze doesn’t mean there won’t be problems in the near future. I went to that school. I know how ruthless those kids can be.

  I haven’t seen or heard from Soren since the drunken episode. Considering I’m now working at Paragon Academy three times a week, Soren must have gone out of his way to avoid bumping into me. It’s just as well, since I’m not in the mood to talk to him either. If Andy hadn’t interfered, he wouldn’t only have gotten detention but probably jeopardized my position in the school.

  If it were up to me, I’d avoid my brother for a little longer, but tonight there’s a Knights meeting. I’m almost certain Soren is still pissed at me, but he won’t miss that for anything.

  Our headquarters is outside of town, not too far from the cemetery where Mom and Sabrina are buried. A stately home owned by one of the founders of the organization, Walter Bradley. He once was one of the wealthiest Idols in the country, but he used most of his fortune funding the Knights. The mansion is the only asset that remains from his once vast estate. Running clandestine operations isn’t cheap, hence why it’s vital to bring in new members with deep pockets and influence.

  No expenses were spared securing the entire property. We’re all considered criminals of the highest order, traitors, and the punishment for our association with the Knights is death.

  By the number of vehicles already parked when I arrive, I know I’m one of the last ones here. Soren’s car is right next to Dad’s.

  I had a lot of catching up to do before I left my apartment. With the job at Paragon Academy—which was meant to be a simple ruse, but it’s actually turning out to be mo
re than I signed up for—I’m behind on my schoolwork from college.

  A retina scan pad is attached next to the front door disguised as a regular doorbell, and once inside, you can’t tell this is a secret headquarters. Dark furniture, rich tapestries, and oil paintings in gilded frames match the exterior of the mansion. It’s similar to the décor of Paragon Academy in a way. Immediately to my right, after I step out of the entryway, is a living room that most likely looks exactly the same as it did at the time Walter lived here. His grandson, William Bradley and his butler Mason Smith, are now the only residents of the mansion.

  I continue down the hallway until I reach another door secured by a retina scan. It opens to the stairs to the basement where the meeting is being held. Since the basement runs the entire length of the mansion, it’s large enough to accommodate all of Hawk City’s Idol agents. We have a network of Fringe and Norm associates too, but for security reasons, they don’t attend our weekly meetings. It would be too suspicious since it isn’t common for Idols, Fringes, and Norms to mingle.

  I immediately look for my brother, finding him across the room talking to William. He must have sensed my stare, glancing in my direction briefly before returning his attention to the host of the evening. The fleeting gesture was enough to tell me he’s not ready to speak to me yet. Holding grudges is Soren’s specialty.

  “What was that all about?” Britney Vermont, one of the junior agents in our group, asks.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I move away, trying to get rid of her. She’s a pest.

  “Are you trying to bullshit me, Stephan? The Idol with the lie detector gift? How thick are you?”

  Instead of offering an angry retort, I clench my jaw shut. The answer to her question is easy. I am fucking stupid for sleeping with her when she transferred here from the West Coast. I had no idea she was an obnoxious bitch when I made that mistake, and now I live to pay the price. She won’t leave me alone no matter how many hints I give her that I’m not interested.

  Case in point when she follows me.

  “I heard you’re back at your old high school. Couldn’t stay away from the plaid skirts, huh?”

  “Seriously, Britney. Go bother someone else. I’m not in the mood.”

  I spot my father and make a beeline in his direction. I haven’t seen him since he got back from his business trip, and I would love the chance to trade a few words before the meeting starts.

  “I’d be in a funky mood too if I had to babysit a useless blind girl.”

  Immediately, I stop and whirl around. “Andy is not useless.”

  I see my mistake the moment the words leave my mouth. Britney’s eyes widen in surprise before she squints in a predatory way.

  “Oh, Andy, is it? I didn’t know it was common to call students by their nicknames.”

  “Don’t start—”

  “I think everyone is here,” my father interrupts. “Let’s get started. There’s much to discuss.”

  As soon as everyone is seated, he kicks off the meeting. We each give a report of the previous week of patrolling. Soren, who decided to take the seat farthest away from me, has the shortest report. His story is like mine. He hasn’t seen or heard anything. But I have to tell them about Andromeda Belfor and why I took the position at Paragon Academy.

  “So, you’re hoping to get close to Blake Belfor by using their daughter? That’s cold, even for you, Stephan,” Britney pipes up.

  “Stephan saw an opportunity, and I encouraged him to pursue it,” my father cuts in. “We’ve all had to do things we didn’t particularly like for the greater good.”

  “As longs as he keeps it in his pants,” she mutters.

  With a scoff, I shake my head. It’s better than to tell her to fuck off in front of everyone. I glance at Soren, who’s eyeing Britney with disgust. He knows about my bad judgment, and he’s given me grief to no end about it. Suffice to say, he’s not her biggest fan either.

  The round of reports continues without more stupid interruptions, and then Dad takes the floor again.

  “I know we’re all getting antsy with the lack of action on the part of the Neo Gods, but we can’t lose focus now. They will strike sooner rather than later. We need to be ready.”

  “What news do you have from the West Coast?” Markus, Dad’s second-in-command, asks.

  His gaze becomes troubled, and I wonder what caused that change. “They’re experiencing the same phenomenon as we are. As a matter of fact, the Neo Gods are quiet around the globe.”

  “I don’t like this. I don’t like this at all.” Alberta, one of our best field agents, shakes her head.

  “Fuck, when did we get to the point where we want the Neo Gods to attack?” Dorian, a junior agent, blurts out, earning stern looks from the senior members.

  “How was your trip to Austria?” Markus changes the subject. “Did you find anything useful?”

  I glance at my father with a question in my eyes. I thought his trip was a legit business one. Our gazes lock for a brief moment before he looks away.

  “No. Unfortunately, the tip we received was false.”

  “Uh, can anyone explain what we’re talking about now?” Britney asks.

  “One of the reasons I had to fly to Austria last minute was to investigate a tip we received regarding a possible descendant of Magia.”

  “Wait a second.” Britney holds up her hand. “Are you talking about the prophecy that one of Magia’s descendants will inherit her powers?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what we’re talking about,” my father replies calmly.

  “Are you serious?”

  I glare at her. “Hey, watch the tone. You’re not talking with one of your friends.”

  For once, she pipes down.

  “I’ve always thought Magia’s story was an urban legend,” Soren chimes in. “How come this is the first time we’re hearing it could possibly happen?”

  “My grandfather studied the texts on the subject extensively,” William replies. “He talked with several scholars across the world. He was convinced it was true.”

  “Wow,” Britney says with a tone of mockery.

  “Please don’t tell me our grand plan to destroy the Neo Gods relies on the fulfillment of a prophecy,” Dorian retorts.

  “No, it doesn’t,” Dad replies. “Magia had the power to unmake Idols, but she was only one person. Having such an Idol join our ranks would give us tremendous advantage, but it wouldn’t win us the war.”

  “Can this war even be won?” Soren asks bitterly. “We take one Neo God down and five more appear.”

  He’s not wrong, but airing his frustration out like that isn’t helping the overall mood in the room.

  “Enough with the fucking pessimism.” Markus walks over to the large presentation screen. “Let’s go over the patrolling schedule for next week.”

  At once, several phones ping, announcing incoming texts. Then my father’s phone rings, which he answers immediately. A few seconds into the call, his face turns ashen.

  “Are you sure about that?” he asks. “No, don’t do anything until we send agents to investigate.”

  “What happened?” I ask as soon as he ends the call.

  “One of our trucks was robbed. We’ve lost an entire shipment of lightning glass weapons.”

  “Fuck.” Markus drops his closed fist on the desk. “How did that happen?”

  “I don’t have all the details yet. The problem is, a Good Samaritan called the police. We’ll have to deal with some nosy cop now.” He glances in my direction. “Stephan, I want you, Britney, and William to head to the crime scene.”

  “What about me?” Soren asks with indignation.

  “You’re too young to pass for a police officer, son.”

  Sagging against his chair, he lets out a string of curses under his breath.

  I feel a hand on my thigh, squeezing it. “It sounds like it’s you and me, partner. Like the good old days,” Britney purrs.

  Pissed of
f, I push her hand off me and stand up. “If you can’t act professionally, maybe you shouldn’t be here.”

  “Relax, it was just a joke.”

  Ignoring her half-baked excuse, I stride toward William. “Got a police officer uniform I can borrow?”

  “What? You don’t have one in the trunk of your car?” He tries to make a legit surprised expression but fails to hide the mirth in his tone.

  “It got damaged by hungry cougars in my last stint as a male stripper.”

  “Quit making jokes and get your ass moving!” Markus barks at us.

  William lifts his hands and steps back. “Sorry, we’re going.”

  “Hey, wait up,” Britney calls after us.

  “You can’t ride with us, Vermont,” William says. “It would look suspicious.”

  I don’t turn to see her face, but I’m betting she looks disappointed. I follow William up to his bedroom, where he tosses a uniform at me.

  “What’s the deal with you and Britney? She was all over you like a hobo on a hot dog.”

  “Nothing, at least not on my part.”

  He watches me with a knowing smirk on his face. “You slept with her and now she wants more?”

  “Something like that.”

  “That explains her comment about that Andromeda girl. She’s jealous.”

  “Her comment was malicious and completely out of place. There’s nothing going on between Andy and me.”

  “And you still call the girl by a nickname. Interesting.”

  “Andromeda is too long of a name.”

  Such a lame excuse, Stephan.

  “Riiight. Would I be surprised to find out Andy is a pretty girl?”

  “Don’t you start with me.” I close the last button of my shirt. “Let’s get going before Markus drags us out by our ears.”



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