Dare (In Safe Hands Book 2)

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Dare (In Safe Hands Book 2) Page 10

by S. M. Shade

  “They weren’t very smart about it,” Justus snorts. “Give me a few days to try to track the porn. If the boys are underage, we may want to handle it differently.”

  Of course, we don’t want to publicize video of underage kids. If that turns out to be the case, that much will be turned over to authorities. “I won’t do anything for now, but I don’t want to wait long. This asshole has gotten away with too much for too long. We can try them in the court of public opinion first, but I want the father and son behind bars. If we can’t manage that, I can’t promise I won’t feed Talbot to the pigs.”

  Justus grins and slaps me on the back. “I get it, man.”

  It’s the middle of the night when I get home again, and Ayda’s apartment is quiet. One way or another, I’m getting in touch with her tomorrow. These days apart have done nothing to make me forget her. Just the opposite, I want her now more than ever.

  As soon as my eyes pop open the next morning, I hear Ayda’s shower running. Finally, I’m going over there and she’s going to explain why the hell she’s been ignoring me. I’m dressed and at her door a few minutes after the sound of her shower stops.

  My knock on her door goes unanswered, but I can sense her standing just on the other side. I swear, I’m doomed to have all our conversations through a damn wall. “Ayda, I know you’re there. Just open up and talk to me.”

  After a few seconds of silence, I add, “I’m not going away. I’ll wait right here until you come out.”

  The door is jerked open and her glare nearly cuts me in half. “What do you want?” She’s standing there in a pair of form fitting jeans and a clingy sweater, and I want to throw her over my shoulder, march her back to the bedroom and remind her why we’re good together. The look on her face screams don’t touch me, so I settle for walking just inside the door so she can’t lock me out before I figure out what pissed her off.

  “Why have you been ignoring my calls?”

  She crosses her arms and takes a step back. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Bullshit. You’re pissed. Tell me why,” I demand.

  Her ears turn pink and she presses her lips together so hard they nearly disappear. “Un-fucking-believable,” she hisses.

  “I thought we had a good time Friday night. So, what has changed since then?”

  “Friday night was a mistake. It never should’ve happened and it sure as hell won’t happen again.”

  My fingers wrap around her wrist when she starts to walk away. “It wasn’t a fucking mistake.” I’m struggling to control my anger.

  She takes a deep breath. “Yes, it was, because I’m not one of these needy bitches who’s going to follow you around and lick your balls, hoping you’ll choose me. I have no desire to try to compete with whatever trash you dragged home Saturday night.”

  Silence fills the room as I stand there, stunned. “I was in Ohio Saturday night.”

  Her stare is incredulous. “Do you think I’m fucking stupid? I heard you! You know I can hear you! And I got the message just fine when she was screaming your name. I’m done. Now, get out!” She raises her voice and shoves at me, which would be kind of cute if I weren’t so pissed. She can’t weigh one fifteen soaking wet and her head only comes to my chest.

  I notice another neighbor watching, a young woman with her little boy. The wary expression on her face says she’s ready to intervene. Shit. I don’t need cops showing up over an argument. When Ayda shoves me again, I take a step back onto the landing. “We’re not done, Ayda,” I warn, before she slams the door.

  What the hell just happened? Confused and pissed off, I stalk back to my apartment, my mind running in overdrive. I dealt with some of the worst human beings alive when I was locked up, men bigger and more brutal than me, but this little scrap of a woman has me pulling my hair out.

  There’s no way she heard fucking coming from…shit. Justus. Justus has a key to my apartment and he knew I’d be gone. I’ll kill him.

  Grabbing my phone from the table, I nearly crack the screen hitting his contact name. “Dare, what’s up?” he answers.

  “Did you bang some chick in my apartment Saturday night?” I demand.

  He laughs. He fucking laughs and I’m glad he isn’t in front of me right now. “Yeah, I changed your sheets, man. Didn’t think you’d mind. I worked a bachelorette party and the chick was all over me. I didn’t want her to know where I lived.”

  “And you gave her my name,” I bark.

  He pauses. “How did you know that?”

  “Because Ayda heard her screaming it, you fuckwad! That’s why she won’t have anything to do with me.”

  “Oh fuck. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. I’ll tell Ayda. If you’ll give me her number.”

  “I’m not giving you her number! You’re going to get your ass over here and explain it to her face!”

  “All right! Yeah, give me a few minutes. I’ll be on my way.” I end the call and toss the phone on the couch. I open my door just in time to see Ayda’s car speed off. Shit.

  “Leave her alone. She doesn’t need your shit,” a voice warns. A young woman is walking away from Ayda’s front door, her blond hair blowing around her face. I’ve seen her at Ayda’s before, so she must be a friend.

  “I need to talk to her. Where is she going?”

  The woman scoffs. “Away from you as fast as she can.” She shakes her head. “She finally puts herself out there, and you turn out to be another asshole.”

  “I’m not…look, it was a misunderstanding. She heard a friend of mine using my apartment. I didn’t know about it and I’m going to kick his ass, but he’s on his way now to tell her the truth.”

  Her hand is perched on her hip while she thinks about it. “It wasn’t you? She heard the woman say your name.”

  Sighing, I run a hand through my hair. “He used my name to get laid. Look, it’s a long story, but I need to find her.”

  Blue eyes glare at me. “She’s been through hell. If you’re just trying to get laid, you need to move onto to someone else.”

  “I’m not. I…” I rub my palm across my face. “I care about her, okay? I just need her to know it wasn’t me. She’s hurt.”

  The woman finally smiles. “She’ll be at the On Pointe Dance Academy from five until nine. Wait until class is over. If you cause a scene and embarrass her, she’ll hate you.”

  “Thank you,” I sigh, already counting down the hours until nine o’clock.

  “Just be good to her, or I’ll tear your nuts off and throw them in White River.”

  Chapter Nine


  “He did what?” Sadie demands. The water is out in her neighborhood, so she came to my apartment to shower.

  “Lied and said he was going out of town, then fucked some other woman the night after me, where he knew I could hear it. I assume it was his way of letting me know our night didn’t mean anything. Not that I thought it did, but still.” I flop onto the couch.

  “It was dick move,” she finishes.

  “I’m done with him. It sucks because I really liked him, you know?” I peek up at my friend and I have to smile. She’s as pissed as I am.

  “You can do so much better, girl.”

  A snort comes out when I laugh. “Have you seen him?”

  She joins me with a chuckle. “Yeah, why do the hottest ones always have to be assholes?”

  “Or married.”

  “Or gay,” she adds.

  “Better to know now, I guess, before I got in too deep.”

  Sadie hugs me. “I’m sorry. Just don’t let this keep you from trying again. You’ve been so much more outgoing since you met him.”

  “I agreed to give private lessons at your sister’s school,” I tell her and her face lights up.

  “Really? That’s awesome! I’m so proud of you.”

  We’re interrupted by a knock at the door. Sadie looks through the peephole and whispers, “It’s him. Want me to tear him a new one?”

  As tempting as that is, I
have to fight my own battles. When he refuses to leave and threatens to wait me out, my anger boils over. I’m not taking any more shit from him. “Wait in the bedroom,” I tell Sadie. “I can handle this.”

  She steps out of view, and he barges through the door when I open it. I leave it open, making it clear he isn’t coming past my foyer. I can’t believe the conversation that ensues. I expect him to apologize, claim he was drunk or something, but instead he says it wasn’t him. Seriously? That’s the best he has? I know you heard fucking and the girl scream my name, but it wasn’t me. It’s such an insult to my intelligence, I lose my temper, scream at him, and shove him out the door.

  His last words ring in my head as Sadie rejoins me in the living room. “We’re not done, Ayda.”

  I wish that were true, that things didn’t have to be this way, but I’m not sharing him with other women. “I’ve got to get to the dance school. Just lock up when you leave,” I tell Sadie, and escape to the solitude of my car.

  The undercurrent of sadness and disappointment I feel is tempered with anger that helps propel me through the next few hours. Ryan performs the routine beautifully, and I’m confident he’s ready for the upcoming competition. The new student I’m working with isn’t enrolled in this competition, so we have plenty of time to get her ready for the next one that’s over a month away.

  We choose her music and work out her strengths and weaknesses, so we’ll know what to work on, and I’ll know what to include in the routine. Her mother comes to pick her up a little early, and thanks me profusely for working with her. I smile and nod and say all the right words, but my mind is still stuck on Dare.

  The school is empty since it’s now after hours, and I decide to spend a few minutes dancing alone. I crank the stereo and let the music take me far away from all my worry and heartache. My mind clears as I float around the room, my eyes closed, feeling the tension of the last few days draining away. It isn’t until the last chord fades that I look up and see I have an audience.

  Sadie, Dare, and Justus stand by the door with smiles on their faces. I guess I should’ve locked up before I began. Sadie rushes to me with her palms up, “Don’t kill me. I talked to Dare, and I think you need to hear him out.”

  Sweat drips from my head as I walk over to grab a towel, and Sadie follows. “How long were you watching?”

  “Just a few minutes.”

  Before I can respond, Dare grabs Justus’s arm and drags him over to me. “Tell her,” he growls.

  Justus gives me an embarrassed grin. “Uh…yeah. That wasn’t Dare you heard at his apartment Friday night. It was me.”

  How stupid do they think I am? And why is Sadie buying their shit? “Nice try, but I heard her say Dare’s name.”

  “Yeah.” His pale face begins to flush. “I sort of told the woman my name was Dare.”

  My gaze jumps from Dare back to Justus. “And why would you do that?”

  “Because I met her at a…um…party, and I didn’t want her to be able to find me again. So, I gave her Dare’s name and took her to his place.”

  Sadie gives me a terse nod from behind their backs. She believes them.

  “If you don’t believe him, I have a gas receipt in my car from a station in Ohio,” Dare adds.

  Sighing, I shake my head. “I believe you.” I need to get away and process the information. “I’m going to shower. I’ll…talk to you later,” I tell Dare.

  He scoffs and takes a seat. “I’m waiting right here. We need to talk.”

  Sadie tries to hide a smirk and grabs Justus’s arm. “Let’s go. You’ve done enough damage for one day.”

  “Damage! I saved the day!”

  Sadie rolls her eyes. “This is the guy you were going to set me up with?”

  “Sorry.” I chuckle, shrugging.

  “We don’t need a set up. I’d love to take you out, sexy.”

  “Too late. I know your real name. It’d never work.” They continue their good-natured argument as Sadie drags him outside.

  I don’t know what to say to Dare. I need to apologize since I accused him of something he didn’t do, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to jump back into bed with him. If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past few days it’s that I like him way too much. I’ve never been so jealous over a guy, and if I continue with him, I’m afraid I’m going to get hurt.

  He approaches me and his hands land on my hips. “You were so beautiful out there. I didn’t know you could dance like that.”

  “I didn’t think anyone was watching.” I peek up at him. “I’m sorry I accused you of lying and…screwing around. I realize it’s none of my business who you’re seeing. We didn’t make any promises to each other.”

  “Bullshit. I said you were mine. Maybe I need to make this a little clearer.” His lips take mine, his hands cupping my cheeks, and he angles my face just right before slipping his tongue between my lips. His kiss is anything but gentle, and my hands fist in his hair as I give him back everything he’s giving me.

  His eyes are heated when we break apart. “You’re mine and I’ll trample anyone who gets in my way, including you. Understand?”

  I’ve just been claimed by a kiss that left me speechless, and I’ve never been so turned on in my life, but I manage a response. “That goes for you too, then. No other women.”

  Sweeping me into his arms, he grabs my bag and heads for the door. “I don’t need anyone else.”

  When I see where he’s heading, I laugh. “Dare! I’m still in my leotard. I need to change.”

  “No way. I want you just like this. Sexiest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

  He pauses for me to lock the door, but doesn’t put me down. “My car,” I point out when he puts me in his passenger seat.

  “Justus can bring it. Least the fucker could do.”

  “You were so mad at him.”

  “Darlin’ you have no idea.”

  * * * *

  Dare rolls over and grins at me from my bed as I pull a sweater from the closet. “Are you going to the studio today?”

  God, that man looks good in my bed. It’s been three weeks since we officially got together. You’d think after spending every spare moment with him, I’d be accustomed to his gorgeous face and lickable body, but I’m still stunned by it, and the fact he’s mine.

  “No, no lessons today. Lisa closed the school. We got six more inches of snow overnight.”

  “Perfect, I have an idea,” he says, grabbing his phone.

  Rather than listen in, I head to the shower. A glance in the mirror has me shaking my head. I have a small hickey on my neck, and a larger one on my breast. My chest and thighs are splotchy from the scruff on his face. This man is a monster and I love every minute of it. I never used to go for the bad boy type, but damn I see the allure now.

  Dare barges in the bathroom while I’m drying my hair. He’s fully dressed in dark jeans and a hoodie. “I have to go work with the guys for a few hours, but I want to take you somewhere when I get back.”


  “Suicide Hill.”

  He grabs my hips and buries his nose in my hair, sniffing, as I ask, “Are we offing ourselves?”

  “Fuck, darlin’, you smell good. I have to get out of here before I take you again.”

  Giggling, I step back. “Focus, horndog. What is Suicide Hill?”

  “It’s a massive hill on a golf course. We’ve got plenty of snow for sledding, and it’s not far away.”

  “You want to go sledding?”

  “Well, tubing. Landon has a bunch of giant inner tubes in his garage. His girl, Zoe, is going too, and maybe the rest of the guys. So, bundle up and I’ll pick you up around seven.”

  And bossy Dare is back. The man really needs to learn to ask instead of ordering, but since I want to go, and he’s so excited, I’m not going to make an issue out of it. “Yes, sir,” I reply, trying not to smile.

  His palm meets my ass with a loud crack. “Keep up the backchat, sweetheart,
and you’ll be calling me sir while you’re over my knee.” He massages my ass and gives me one of his long, slow kisses he knows drives me insane. A smile breaks across his face when a little moan escapes my lips, and he steps back. “Seven,” he repeats, and strides out of the room.

  I swear I’m always off kilter with this man. He’s so unpredictable, soft when I expect hard, rough when I expect sweet. I love every minute of it. Of him. I know I’m falling fast and hard and it scares the shit out of me, but I don’t care. I’ve never had a man treat me as well as he does, and I’m happier than I can ever remember being.

  This is the point where I usually screw things up, or run. I spent a few months in therapy after the attack and my therapist pointed out my habit of sabotaging my own happiness. Because everything I loved and wanted was taken from me so drastically, I’m always waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s like I’m afraid to be too happy or it’ll be stolen away again. Not this time. I’m just going with it and enjoying every second with him.

  I have a few hours before he’ll be back for me, and I think about inviting Sadie over, but I know she won’t want to drive in snow if she doesn’t have to. On impulse, I throw on my coat and walk across the street to Sunny’s apartment, taking a container of chocolate chip cookies I made the night before.

  Sunny and I always wave and say hi when we pass each other, but it’s time I made an effort to talk to her. She’s nice and I need to make some new friends. Sunny opens the door, her face flushed, trying to catch her breath.

  “Hey, did I come at a bad time?”

  “No!” A wide smile appears on her face. “Come in. We just came in from playing in the snow.”

  Her little boy, Brody, is struggling to get one of his boots off, and Sunny kneels in front of him, stripping off layers of clothes until he’s only dressed in thermal long underwear. He’s nearly falling asleep on his feet. “Make yourself at home. I’ll just be a second. Someone needs a nap.”

  “No nap,” Brody protests, his eyes glassy.

  “Yes, nap,” Sunny tells him, carrying him down the hall.

  We sit at her kitchen table when she returns and she makes us each a cup of hot chocolate. “I thought you might like some company since we’re trapped by snow.”


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