Dare (In Safe Hands Book 2)

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Dare (In Safe Hands Book 2) Page 15

by S. M. Shade

  “You don’t have to think about me, sweets. The fantasy could never be as good as the real thing. I’d be happy to come by tonight.”

  “Don’t call me sweets. And I don’t want stripper glitter all over my house, so I’ll pass.”

  A snort of laughter comes from Jeremy, and Justus steps back, feigning offense. “I don’t wear glitter!” A smile stretches across his face. “Unless you’re into that. I could pull it off. My buddy has a unicorn costume women seem to like. Sparkly unicorn turn you on? My horn is huge.”

  Sadie turns to me. “Is he serious?”

  I shrug. “We’re never sure.”

  “I’ll give Ayda your message.” She hesitates. “I’m worried about her. I know you’re facing charges, but, do whatever you have to do to keep her safe. She’s had more than enough pain in her life.”

  “I’m on it,” I swear, walking her to the door.

  “That chick wants me so bad,” Justus claims after she leaves.

  Jeremy leans back and cracks his knuckles. “Yeah, I could tell by the way she was completely repulsed by you.”

  “You just don’t know women. She’s playing hard to get.”

  “I don’t think she’s playing.”

  “Either way.” He shrugs, and sits back down with his computer. A few seconds later, he shouts, “Got him! Dare! We got that motherfucker. Look at this.”

  “The quarter mil payment went to a Judge Powers. There was also a deposit sent to Sarah Noort. She’s a court clerk in charge of assigning cases. I’d bet my left ball he paid her to make sure your assault case lands in Powers court, then bribed Powers to throw the book at you.”

  I’m on the phone with Mason in a matter of seconds. “We need to meet with the lawyer. I have evidence that I’m being set up.”

  “It better be good, because the prosecutor just upped the charges to aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.”

  “I didn’t have a weapon,” I growl, gritting my teeth.

  “Then we need to look into the prosecutor too.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  It’s been almost a week without Dare, and every day has been longer than the last. I drag myself out of bed, work on whatever project needs done that day, usually a book cover or two, then head to the studio. Lisa offered me a full time position teaching her beginner class. After thinking about it for a couple of days, I accepted.

  I need something to keep my mind occupied, and the only time I don’t feel like someone is slowly turning me inside out is when I’m lost in the beauty of dance. Watching a class full of smiling, giggling elementary school kids fall in love with ballet the way I did is the high point of my day. The hours I spend dancing alone after the last class help me stay centered and keep me from brooding on what I lost.

  Sadie has been great, but I can’t impose on her anymore. I have to go home. I have to get back to my life. I’ve decided that moving would be the easiest choice. There are plenty of apartments available that don’t share a wall with the man I love, but can’t have.

  Dare has stopped trying to get in touch with me. I guess after a week of sending his calls to voicemail and not answering his texts, he figured out I’m not going to change my mind. No matter how much I want to.

  After my two afternoon classes are over, I pack up my stuff and head home. At least I don’t have to worry about running into Dare, since he still can’t leave his apartment. He recently met with the lawyer and prosecutor to reject a plea deal. He’s going to trial. I know this because Justus and Sadie have been texting back and forth all week. She says she’s not interested, that she’s just screwing with him, but that didn’t stop her from showing me the most horrible picture of him in nothing but a unicorn horn and body paint.

  I make my way to my door as quietly as possible, hoping Dare won’t open his and see me. It’s going to be hard enough being able to hear him again. Thankfully, my lease is up in less than eight weeks and I can start looking for a new place. I breathe a sigh of relief when I close my door behind me.

  I’m chucking all of the rotten food out of my fridge when I hear my door close again. I knew Sadie would follow me. Suddenly, I’m looking at the floor. “Sorry about this, Tiny Dancer, but Dare will never quit pestering me if I don’t bring you to him. He’s a bitch like that.”

  “Put me down, Justus!” I screech, bobbing over his shoulder as he carries me through the apartment and out the front door. “I don’t want to see him! I can’t!”

  No! What if Talbot is watching? He said if I stayed away, he wouldn’t show up in court, the case would get dismissed, and Dare would be okay. They’re about to fuck everything up.

  Justus ignores my pleas and threats and carries me into Dare’s apartment. He holds my arm a moment to steady me once I’m placed back on my feet, face to face with Dare. Dare gives him a terse nod, and he sighs. “I know when I’m not wanted.”

  The front door closes behind him, leaving me alone with a seriously pissed off man. His gaze singes my skin as it travels from my feet to my face, settling on my eyes. I have a million things I want to say, but I can’t seem to get my mouth to work. “Ayda,” he murmurs, then I’m in his arms, being kissed within an inch of my sanity.

  I know I should leave, I should run far and fast for his own good, but my body doesn’t give a shit about what I think. It softens and molds to him, reveling in every stolen kiss and caress. “Fuck, I missed you,” Dare says, pulling me tighter to him.

  “I missed you, too.” My fingers run through his hair. “But I can’t be here.”

  His forehead touches mine and his breath wafts across my face. “I love you, Ayda. Stop running from me.”

  My heart swells until it shatters. He finally said the words I wanted to hear so badly, but it doesn’t matter, we still can’t be together. “I love you, too, but…”

  “No. No buts.” He leads me to the couch and pulls me down with him. “Just tell me the truth. What happened? I know Talbot or his father is behind this. I’m trying to handle things, but I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s going on.”

  “Just wait until after your trial,” I plead. “It’s only a few weeks away. Then maybe we can see each other again. I have to go.”

  “Ayda, damn it!” He grabs my arm as I try to rise. “Tell me! I’m going out of my mind here.”

  I’m exhausted, mentally and physically from the constant stress. Watching behind me every minute, wondering if he’s there. If he is, it’s probably already too late. As if it heard my worst fears, my cell dings with a text message.

  -Have it your way, bitch. He’s never getting out. And your day is coming.-

  Dare grabs it and his face hardens, his cheeks going a deep scarlet. “He’s threatening you?” The anger in his voice scares me. “Which one is it? The senator?”

  I can’t keep anything from him anymore. There’s no point. Tears overflow as I reply, “First, promise no matter what I tell you, you won’t leave this apartment. I’ve screwed up your life enough. Don’t get sent to jail for breaking your house arrest.”

  I watch as he fights to control his anger, swallowing it down. His voice is softer when he speaks again. “I won’t leave.” His hands grip my arms, making me face him. “Tell me.”

  “Talbot. He said if I stayed away from you, he wouldn’t show up in court and the case would get dismissed. You wouldn’t go back to prison. And if I didn’t, he’d get his father to make sure you got the maximum sentence.”

  I bury my face in his chest. “I didn’t want to leave you. I love you. I wanted to protect you, but I couldn’t, and now, now he’s going to—.”

  “Shh,” Dare pulls me into his lap. “He isn’t going to do anything, Ayda. I told you. I’ve got this handled. You should’ve just come to me.”

  “I don’t want to lose you again.”

  His big palm is warm on the back of my head as he strokes my hair. “You won’t lose me. I’m not letting you out of my sight.”

  “He’s watching me.

  Dare’s entire body stiffens beneath me. “He said he’d be watching me. And just now, he knew I was with you.”

  “Fuck. I’m taking care of this right now.” I’m afraid he’s going to break his promise and go barging out the door to look for Talbot, but he grabs his phone and dials. “Mason? Yeah, I’ve got a problem. No, I didn’t leave the apartment! It’s Talbot, he’s stalking Ayda. Yeah, around the clock. She’ll be staying with me, so you can post him outside. Got it, thanks, man.”

  “Mason has a security staff. Someone will be with you at all times until this is over.” He pins me with a solemn gaze. “All times, Ayda. If you go to the dance school, the grocery store, wherever, he goes with you, understand?”

  Exhausted, I nod, and curl up beside him.

  “Everything will be okay, darlin’. You just have to trust me.”

  * * * *

  I feel like a child being escorted around by a bodyguard, but it can’t be helped. I’m always accompanied by either Alex, who it turns out is Mason’s brother, or Devon, one of his security staff. One of them is always outside Dare’s apartment when I’m there, and they drive me to work at the dance studio, making sure no one unfamiliar approaches me.

  Dare tries to convince me to take a break from teaching until this whole thing is over, but I refuse. I’ve just started teaching and I don’t want to let Lisa down, plus I’d go crazy being trapped at home all the time, watching Dare climb the walls.

  Alex walks me into the studio, then takes a seat in the lobby while I teach. I have a new girl starting today, a seven year old with autism, and her mother brings her a bit early so we can make her feel comfortable in the new surroundings. “Hi, you must be Ms. Light,” I say, walking to meet them. “I’m Ayda.”

  “Please, call me Cara. And this is Ginny.” She smiles down at a tiny blond girl, who’s glancing around the room, taking it in.

  She looks at me when I kneel down to her level. “Hi, Ginny! Look at your pretty tutu! I’ll bet purple is your favorite color.”

  She responds with the most adorable gap toothed smile I’ve ever seen. Her mother has explained that she understands everything that’s being said to her, she’s very bright, but she’s nonverbal. A few of the other kids filter in and start chasing each other around the room, and Ginny eyes them, warily.

  “Daisy!” I call to one of my other students, a sweet girl a few years older than Ginny, and she rushes over, ponytail bobbing. I introduce the two of them. “Ginny is starting today and she’s a little nervous. Will you be her buddy and help her follow along?”

  “Sure!” Ginny’s mom quickly explains that she doesn’t talk, but Daisy isn’t fazed. I think that’s the best thing about children, the way they accept everyone. I had a few ask about the scar on my face when I started teaching, but it was just curiosity, not fear or repulsion. Ginny takes Daisy’s hand and lets her lead her to the barre.

  Cara lets out a little sigh of relief, and I turn to her. “She’ll be fine.”

  And she is. Cara stays to watch in case Ginny needs something. She communicates using sign language, and I remind myself to find a program online to learn it. If she continues with dance, I want her to be able to speak to me. The class goes well, and everyone leaves happy. My heart swells at the sight of Ginny laughing and giggling on her way out. I hope ballet will give her another way to express herself.

  I’m cooling off, drinking a bottle of water when Betty, the woman who works the desk part time, sticks her head through the door. “Someone here to see you, Ayda.”

  I’m instantly alarmed. “Who?”

  “I didn’t get her name.”

  Her. What a relief. I shouldn’t worry, after all, Alex is standing guard outside. “I’m coming.” It’s probably one of the mothers asking about a private lesson.

  Thankfully, Betty and Alex are the only other people present in the lobby for the next few minutes. Still dressed in my leotard and ballet shoes, I round the corner and come face to face with Victoria. She’s dressed in dance clothes, her hair in a pile on her head. A taunting smile widens her face.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I demand.

  Her eyes flash with anger. She expected me to be afraid, but all I can feel is rage. I have never done anything to this woman, other than dance better than her, and she ruined my life. “Now, what kind of greeting is that for a prospective teacher? I heard this school was looking for an instructor for a beginner class. I figure I can fit it in between my competitions.”

  She’s just here to screw with my head, to remind me how everything hangs in the balance, and with one shove, her boyfriend can bring it crashing down. Something comes over me, I don’t know if I’d call it rage, because I still feel calm, eerily calm. I feel calm when I slam my fist into her mouth, when I grab her hair and jerk her head back so I can land the next punch on her nose, which sprays blood onto my clothes. My voice is level when I shove her to her knees and say, “You’re going to walk out of here and never come near me again, do you hear me? Tell your psycho boyfriend I’m done fucking with both of you.”

  Bawling and holding her nose, she nods frantically. “Answer me.”

  Hateful eyes glare up at me. “It’s your fault he doesn’t want me! He spends all his time following you!”

  This bitch is crazy. “Because you told him to!”

  “No! I don’t give a shit what you do.”

  “But you came here.”

  “I thought he’d be here,” she whispers.

  Letting her go, I leave her with a warning. “Let this be the end of it, Vicky. If you show up again, this isn’t going to end well for you or him. I have nothing left to lose. You don’t want to fuck with me.”

  Alex grabs her arm when she gets to her feet and escorts her outside. He has a big grin on his face when he returns. “Damn, girl. That was brutal.”

  “She deserved it.”

  He holds up his palms. “Not saying she didn’t. I’m sorry I didn’t stop her.”

  “You’re supposed to keep Talbot and the senator away from me, not a woman dressed as a dancer. She knew what she was doing.”

  Lights flash across the front of the school and two officers enter. Shit. I’ve never been in trouble in my life. Alex knows one of them and intervenes, dragging him aside where they talk in low murmurs. They approach me and the look on Alex’s face tells me I’m not going to like what I hear.

  “The bitch is pressing charges, Ayda. You have to go with them, but I swear, I’ll have you out in a few hours.”

  With a sigh, I glance from one of the officers to the other. “I have an order of protection from her and her boyfriend. Does that make a difference?”

  “Yes, we can arrest her, and she’ll face charges for breaking the order, but that doesn’t mean you won’t have to answer for assaulting her. Be sure your lawyer knows about the protective order, and that you were defending yourself.”

  I can see the officer’s reluctance to arrest me, since they can see what’s going on, but their hands are tied. “Do you have to cuff her?” Alex murmurs, when one of the officers produces a set of handcuffs.

  “It’s protocol. We can take it outside, though.” So far, no one but Betty has been witness to all this, and I’d rather the few students and parents present not see me get arrested.

  My heart speeds up as I’m read my rights, my hands are cuffed in front of me, and I’m put in the back of a cop car. I’m scared, but I’m trying not to let it get the best of me. I’ve heard the horrible stories about the things that happen in jail. Never did I think I’d get to see firsthand.

  “Just a few hours, Ayda,” Alex swears. “Everything will be okay.”

  Forcing a smile, I nod. “Don’t let Dare find out. He’ll leave the apartment.” Alex agrees, then goes back to talking to one of the officers while I’m driven away.

  It’s pretty much what I expect. I’m taken to a room, fingerprinted and photographed before being put into a small cell with three other women who obviously
aren’t having the best day either. I get a few odd looks, considering I’m still in a leotard, but they are too lost in their own misery to comment.

  A long cement bench stretches along one wall, and I curl up in the corner of it, trying to get warm. It’s so cold in here, I’m surprised I can’t see my breath. A toilet sits in the corner, with a waist high wall separating it from the rest of the cell. I’ve never been so glad to have a strong bladder, because no way am I pissing in public.

  My teeth chatter as I tuck my arms around my knees. I can’t believe I’m here. No matter how hard I try to move on, Vicky and Talbot aren’t going to let me. They’re never going to stop fucking with my life. Now, I’ll have a criminal record. I allow myself a few minutes to wallow in self-pity before the sight of Vicky’s face flashes in front of me. The shock on her face when I hit her was almost funny. Through the fear and cold, I feel another emotion—satisfaction.

  I didn’t take her shit. And breaking her nose was totally worth a few hours in this concrete sewer. Leaning my head back against the wall, I let myself get lost in a daydream of Dare and I alone on an island with no threats hanging over our heads. His hard, tatted body laid out in the sun, his arms around me, dragging me into the surf while I laugh and struggle against being tossed into the water. Peace with the man I love. That’s all I really want. It’s not that much to ask for, is it?

  “Ayda Brooks.” I jerk back to reality when an officer calls my name. He leads me out to the room where I was fingerprinted and hands me my coat and phone.

  “What’s happening?”

  “You’re being released on your own recognizance. Sign this and be sure to show up for your court date.”

  My hands shake as I sign the paperwork. The officer leads me through a door to the lobby where Alex rushes to meet me. “Are you okay?”

  “Y-yeah,” I stammer, relieved but overwhelmed.

  His lips press together, and he gives me a warm hug. “I’m so sorry, hun. I shouldn’t have let this happen. Let’s get you home.”


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