Renegade Hunter: A WhyChoose Demon Romance (Mates of the Realms: Mortals Book 1)

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Renegade Hunter: A WhyChoose Demon Romance (Mates of the Realms: Mortals Book 1) Page 11

by Lacey Carter Andersen

  “We arranged all of that. And the best part? You never even knew what you were. You filthy, little half-breed. But I want to tell you, so there is no mistake, we will never, ever, let you go. So run little half-breed. Our Hunters like a challenge.”

  Then, the line went dead.

  Alec snatched the phone from her, removed the battery, and tossed it out the window. His expression said everything. He’d heard their conversation, and even he had been shaken by it. Her gaze slid from him to the end of the apocalyptic disaster area she had created, and back to the road leading out of town. Her car bumped back onto it, even as her mind spun, turning over the psycho’s words over and over again.

  I’m a half-breed? Me? If what she said was true... what am I, angel or demon?

  And how much of my life was orchestrated? My rape, but what else? How many moments, how many friendships, were all part of their plan?

  And why? What’s so special about me?

  “Sharen, are you okay?” Alec asked.

  Something dark moved through her, replacing her shock with a dangerous anger. “Yes, but I’ve come to a decision.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “I’m going to take down The Universal Protection Department. And every one of those bastards.”

  Chapter Twenty

  One year later...

  Sharen moved through the shadows of the city, her pulse racing. Taking a deep breath, she crinkled her nose. The air was crisp, cool, and tinged with the scent of rain... and coppery death.

  Removing the cloth from her pocket, she wiped her hands and dagger free of blood, then put the cloth away. Instinctually, she touched her other pocket, relieved when she felt the outline of the tiny item that had been worth killing for.

  Now, we have everything we need.

  The strange warm spot within her grew hotter, as if to whisper, yes, we do.

  She closed her eyes, stretching out her awareness. After a second, she breathed a sigh of relief. She neither detected Hunters or angels nearby. Hopefully by the time they find the body, I’ll be long gone.

  Continuing to walk through the shadows of the alleys, she moved through the city undetected. Nearly an hour later, she came to her destination. The alley looked just like any other, except it held a secret.

  Between two abandoned warehouses, she ducked down a short passageway that ended in a brick wall. But just before she reached it, she stopped and faced the wall of the building. Pushing aside one of the red bricks, she revealed a tiny key pad. Typing in her code, she slid the hidden door open and moved into the darkness of the room beyond, sliding the wall closed behind her.

  Weaving through the boxes of neatly lined supplies throughout the room, she came to the big black stone in the center of the room. For a second she stared at its flawlessly smooth surface. Dozens of people had died to secure the stone. And yet, she hoped it would save hundreds of thousands of lives.

  At least now that we have the last piece of the puzzle.

  Going to the small glass enclosure before the stone, she typed in a different code. It opened, empty. Waiting. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled it out, her hand shaking. Then, carefully, she set down the Soul Chalk.

  When she was a Leader, she never thought of how precious Soul Chalk was. It had seemed that there was a limitless supply of them. But now she knew better. This chalk was more important than she ever imagined possible.

  Closing the case, she sealed it safely inside. A strange weariness moved through her. It was a feeling she never grew accustom to. Going to the other side of the massive room, she pushed open a doorway into a bathroom lined with open showers. The white tiles practically shone beneath the fluorescent lights.

  “I guess there’s one good thing about having a demon who loves to clean.”

  She winced as she pulled off her clothes. Looking across the room, she caught her reflection in the wall of mirrors. She was absolutely filthy, and covered in dark bruises. And big red marks that would soon be new bruises.

  My demons won’t be happy.

  Shivering in the cold room, she went to one of the dozen or so handles on the walls and turned on the shower. Standing to the side of the water, she waited until it heated up and then moved beneath the jet.

  “Oh yeah.”

  “I thought you were only supposed to make sounds like that with us.”

  She whirled around and stared at Ryder. He was wearing his typical clothing, a plaid shirt and jeans that hugged his incredible ass. At least his typical ‘out of the office’ clothes.

  Ever since her demons took over a very successful company, they’d been spending their time bouncing between work and their secret project. She knew they were exhausted from it, but it was the only way they’d have the cash to fund their very expensive work.

  They need more fun in their lives.

  “Mind if I join you?” There was a twinkle in his eyes as he asked.

  “Sure.” The word came out soft and tired.

  His expression changed. “You okay?”

  She wanted to feel nothing but happiness that her sexy demon wanted to join her in the shower. But after her day, she couldn’t seem to summon the proper emotion.

  I can’t let him see how much this work is impacting me.

  She turned back to the water, lowering her head so that it could wash over her. Pressing her hands to the shower wall, she willed herself to forget what it had been like to take a life. No matter how much she told herself that killing an enemy didn’t matter, it did. To her.

  How can so many lives be lost in a battle the world doesn’t know exists?

  Strong hands grasped her shoulders and spun her around. Ryder’s gentle fingertips tilted her head up so that she was forced to meet his gaze. For a minute, they looked at each other. Their mouths so close she could feel his warm breath rushing over her flesh. And then, he brushed the gentlest kiss against her lips.

  “Let’s get you washed up.”

  His touch was strong, yet soft, as he bathed her. He scrubbed her body with soap, and washed her hair. All while she closed her eyes and let his hands give her the strength to forget about the things she couldn’t change.

  A war I’ll continue fighting, no matter the cost.

  She’d communicated twice with Elaina since she’d joined The Rebellion of The Forgotten. Her friend was on the run from the Hunters and the angels. Always just a step ahead of them. And the angel who had helped them? It sounded like she’d been captured.

  If only I could save them all.

  “I think we should dress and head home,” Ryder said, folding her in his arm from behind. His warm body curling around her in a way that made her feel safe and loved.

  Her body tingled pleasantly as she opened her eyes. “But we finally have the last piece. We can cross over.”

  It just needs to be tested.

  He smiled. “We can do it tomorrow. I think for tonight you should have a good meal, maybe a foot rub, and relax with your husbands.”

  That sounds, her eyes stung with unshed tears, amazing.

  Unable to help herself, she turned and threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you,” she murmured into his skin.

  Without another word, he shut off the water and carried her from the room. Drying her with a soft towel, he dressed her, and then himself. Even though she protested, he picked her up and carried her to his black Bentley parked just around the corner.

  Sending a quick text, he threw the car in gear and drove a few blocks to the brand new high-rise. Tossing his keys to the valet, he carried her through the luxurious lobby, to their private elevator, and up to their penthouse suite.

  The first thing she smelled as the door opened was her favorite Italian restaurant.

  “Did we get baked lasagna?” she asked, her exhaustion replaced by excitement.

  Alec rounded the corner, striding out of their kitchen. He wore nothing but boxers, a sight that was as mouth-watering as the food. “Baked lasagna, chicken parmesan, and ziti. Your favo

  She grinned as Ryder put her into her chair at the table. “You guys are the best!”

  Her gaze slid over the rest of their massive apartment. “Where’s Kade?”

  Alec spooned food onto their plates, avoiding her gaze as he sat down beside her. “He’s trying to be patient.”

  “Patient?” she asked, frowning.

  Ryder sat down on her other side, digging into his food.

  “Yup,” Alec said, popping a piece of lasagna into his mouth. “He’s hungry for something other than food.”

  Tearing her gaze from the table, she looked to her bedroom door, swallowing hard. Suddenly, something sounded better than food.

  “Is he just lying there?”

  A gruff voice came from the bedroom. “Naked, erect, and ready. So eat quickly and get your sweet ass in here.”

  She must have started to rise, because Ryder tugged her back down. “Eat first.”

  When she failed to pick up her fork, Alec smirked. “Trust me, you’ll need your strength for what we have planned.”

  He’s got a point, my boys like it rough.

  Besides, it’s fun to make Kade wait.

  Taking her time, she ate until she couldn’t eat another bite, then polished it off with a glass of expensive white wine. Moscato my favorite.

  “How was work?” she asked, as Alec poured her another glass.

  He grinned. “Running a company is about as much fun as you can imagine.”

  She smiled back. “Had to deal with a lot of tools, I take it?”

  He laughed. “I can’t believe they call demons evil! Some of these humans make my skin crawl.”

  Ryder poured himself another glass of wine. “Sharen got a piece of Soul Chalk today.”

  Alec turned to her, his expression shocked. “How did you manage that? I thought the Hunters guarded that stuff like gold?”

  I don’t want to think about that. “Doesn’t matter, I got it.”

  Both demons went silent for a long minute.

  “Sharen,” Alec paused. “You don’t need to do anything that you don’t—“

  “It was fine.”

  Her husbands exchanged another look, then returned to their food. No longer in the mood for wine or conversation, she rose from the table and went to the bedroom. Stripping, she told herself that all she wanted was to be fucked hard. To forget about her day.

  She crawled onto the bed, easily identifying Kade’s big shape.

  Without hesitating, she straddled him.

  He cursed. “You keep up with that, and I won’t last long.”

  “I just want it hard and fast.”

  Kade rolled so that she was under him, but to her shock, he simply pinned her beneath him, and then stood staring at her in the dim light. “Want to talk about it?”

  It was her turn to curse. “No. I think I made it pretty clear what I wanted.”

  Kissing the sensitive space between her shoulder and neck, he trailed his lips slowly up to her ear. “That might have been what you asked for, but it’s not what you need.”

  Using his knees, he spread her further, pressing his length against her womanhood. But to her annoyance, he didn’t slam into her.

  Wrapping her legs around his back, she tried to pull him inside her, but he refused, holding himself stiffly above her.

  “Damn it!” she shouted. “If you won’t fuck me, get off of me!”

  Instead, he kissed her, gently, slowly. For a minute her thoughts swirled away, and then he slowly moved down. “You want to save the world,” he whispered against her flesh. “You want to change the world.” He pressed a kiss to the space between her breasts, then cupped her breasts. “But changing the world takes time. And more than one person.”

  She bucked beneath him. “Don’t tell me what to do!”

  He kissed his way to her nipple, then sucked softly, before pulling free. “I’m not telling you what to do, little human. I’m telling you what not to do. Don’t make yourself miserable. Don’t let the bad things you do define who you are.”

  When she tried to shove him away, he only moved to her other nipple.

  Panting, she curled her hands into his hair. “And how many bad things before I become no better than them?”

  He released her nipple, tearing a whimper from her lips. “We’ll never let that happen. So, hon, give yourself a break. Enjoy today, because you never know what tomorrow will bring.”

  Damn it, he’s right. I can’t just distract myself with angry sex. I need to let this go, or I’ll go crazy.

  So, she tried to let it go. Tried hard.

  But when he made it to her womanhood, she stopped having to try. His beautiful, amazing tongue did that for her. He licked slowly, pressing hot kisses to her clit, and making her toes curl. Her hands wound into the sheets above her head as her muscles tightened, her orgasm building and building.

  “Is there room for us?”

  In the doorway, her other incredible husbands stood watching. Alec with his dark, dangerous beauty. And Ryder with his boy-next-door good looks. She never grew tired of their company, their touch, or the feeling of them inside her.

  Moaning as Kade licked her clit, she whispered. “There’s always room.”

  Alec and Ryder stripped for her, right there in the doorway. Her gaze moved up their long, thick legs, to their long, thick cocks. She lingered on them for a moment, biting her lip as Kade continued his cruel touch. When her gaze moved higher, to their six-packs, massive arms, and almost impossibly beautiful faces, she felt lost in a dream. A dream where three demons made love to her as if she was the most important person in the world.

  Alec and Ryder moved to the bed.

  Immediately, Alec thrust himself into her waiting mouth. One of her hands moved up to cradle his balls as he slid in and out of her. On her other side, Ryder took her hand and curled it around his shaft. Eagerly, she stroked her husband, enjoying the feeling of him swelling in her hand.

  When Kade sucked her clit, she cried out, gasping. She was so close to her release, but she wanted more than just his mouth, she wanted her husbands inside of her.

  “How do you want it?” Alec asked, sensing what she couldn’t seem to ask for.

  A naughty shiver ran down her spine. “Upside down?”

  “Fuck yes,” Ryder groaned.

  They launched into action. Kade moved from between her legs. Alec lifted her ass high into the air, and she put her hands out in front of her to steady herself.

  The first time they’d put her in a headstand on the bed, she’d thought they were nuts... but very quickly she’d realized the benefit to such a strange position.

  Alec and Ryder stood above her. All four of their hands on her legs and thighs, holding her into place. And then, very slowly, Ryder lowered his cock into her womanhood, thrusting his long shaft down further and further.

  Her inner-muscles clenched him tight as she bit down another moan of pleasure. He felt so good inside her. So right.

  Just what I need.

  When Alec parted her from behind and squeezed into her, she stopped breathing. Inch by inch he slid into her. The feeling of his big cock and her tight ass was almost too much, but she’d learned to keep her orgasm at bay, knowing her patience would quickly be rewarded.

  When Kade placed his cock close to her mouth, she opened her lips and took him in. He groaned, gripping the back of her hair and forcing himself deeper.

  As the three men thrust into her together, she almost came undone. In her position, she could scarcely move. She was entirely at their mercy, and somehow, she loved every second of it.

  Their groans filled her ears. Their tight grip on her legs kept her spread wide, allowing them to slam into her deeply, and thoroughly. As she felt her orgasm building higher and higher, she sucked harder on the dick in her mouth.

  When she felt Ryder shudder above her and explode into her womanhood, she lost all control and tumbled off the edge. Bucking the best she could, she rode the cocks within her as
her inner-muscles squeezed them tightly. Her vision wavered as Alec came into her from behind, his hot seed filling her. And then a second later, Kade came straight into her mouth.

  They held her still for a couple long moments, sliding slowly in and out of her as they panted. But at last, they released her, laying her gently on the bed. Covering her up, they curled around her, encasing her in their warmth.

  This was everything she needed and more.

  Trying to change the world was exhausting, but the three demons in her bed made it all worthwhile. Because at the end of the day, she got to go home to them. They were her world, her everything, and she gave thanks every day that they were in her life.

  So imagine her surprise when Kade’s phone began to vibrate on the nightstand, and an instant later he was springing out of bed.

  “I thought we don’t work when we’re home,” she said, flashing him a smile.

  How many times has he told me that same thing?

  But instead of smiling back at her, he didn’t look up from his phone. He just stared and stared.

  Uh oh.

  “What is it?” Alec asked after a moment.

  Kade passed the phone to him, frowning.

  This can’t be good.

  “What does that mean?” Alec said, his voice filled with frustration.

  “I don’t have a clue.” Kade folded his big arms over his chest. “Maybe nothing?”

  Feeling impatient, she snatched the phone from Alec and read the words. She’s back. They let her live. But something’s wrong.

  Her hand trembled as she lowered the phone.

  “What’s going on?” Ryder asked.

  Without looking up, she answered. “Surcy, the angel who saved us... the one they took... she’s back.”

  But what did they do to her?

  “Back from where?” Kade took the phone, looking confused.

  “From the angel realm.”

  From being punished.

  “What does this mean?”

  I don’t know.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Kade stood by the window, staring down at the city. Tension made every muscle in his body acutely uncomfortable. He rolled his neck until it cracked, but still, the tension remained.


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