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The Braille Club Undone (The Braille Club #3)

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by J. A. Kerr

  “Are you looking for this?” He held up the hair band.

  “Oh, yes. Hey.” With one tug he’d pulled her on top of him. His lips closed around the nipple he’d been admiring and sucked.

  “Benedict, no...I’ve got...mmmm.”

  His fingers slipped between her legs.

  “Ben...” Siena gasped. He kissed her hard and her body succumbed. This time their lovemaking was slower, more intense, and when his release came it was powerful. Benedict held Siena tightly. He never wanted to let her go until he felt her elbows in his ribs.

  “Hey,” he yelped.

  “Don’t be late for Matt,” said Siena, her expression serious.

  “You’re right,” Benedict groaned, releasing his hold and sitting up.

  “Plus, it’s the only way I’m ever going to get dressed this morning,” said Siena. “Although...” Her gaze swept his body. “Half naked does suit you,” she sighed, running her fingers down his shirt.

  Benedict grabbed her hand. “I won’t be responsible for my actions if you tease me.”

  “You’re no fun,” Siena pouted but sat and swung her legs out of the bed.

  Benedict was disappointed, he always wanted more. Siena was like a drug to him. Her essence providing the high he was now experiencing. He checked his watch, frowned and started to pull off his tie. She had her back to him as he entered the en-suite and gasped when he pulled the shower door open and joined her.

  He’d made it to Matt’s with seconds to spare. Leaving Siena was always a wrench, but this was important. Matt was waiting by the window, his face anxious. Benedict parked the car and hurried up the path that Matt was slowly walking down. It was still a shock when he saw him. His weight loss had aged him, as had his injuries. Benedict resisted the temptation to help Matt. He knew he hated it. Finally, they were in the car.

  “Where’s Siena and the twins?” asked Matt, puzzled.

  “Siena’s meeting us there, Matt. It’s easier that way.”

  “Oh,” said Matt. His face fell in disappointment.

  Right on schedule, Benedict’s phone rang and as Siena’s voice filled the car, Benedict’s plan kicked into action.

  “Okay, I’ll go into the office,” said Benedict, sighing for effect.

  “Give me a ring when you’re free and I’ll meet you,” said Siena.

  He looked at Matt and saw his face brighten a little.

  “Matt, do you mind? It’s only for a few minutes.”

  Matt shrugged. “If it’s okay with Siena?”

  She played along beautifully, saying not to worry, just to call her when they were ready.

  Chapter 10

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. Pandora Zone. Siena listens as the chair stops and rotates. Then both of the chairs move simultaneously. There is a shock of warmth as their bodies connect. Her mind is assessing what she feels. The frame is larger than hers and more muscular. The flesh is taunt and hard—is it him? She must decide soon, her fingers hover over the button as she hones her four remaining senses.


  Siena sat drying her hair. Happiness bubbled up inside of her. She was late, but she didn’t care. He was worth it. She was meeting Niven for coffee but she should still make it. Knox, the name she had selected for her home, was finally finished and everything she’d dreamt of. It came complete with a swimming pool, gym and hot tub. Niven’s attack had been shocking, but in some ways helped Siena conquer her own demons; it empowered her. She stopped being a victim, fought back, and won. Twice now, her life and that of her children had been put in danger but that was behind her. She thought of Nick, of course, what victim didn’t think of their attacker? Although he was in prison, he still frightened her. Bravely she murmured, “he can’t hurt you now,” repeatedly. She told herself this frequently although a feeling of uneasiness persisted.

  Her finger caressed her wedding band, a habit now. The words thrilled her. She hadn’t thought it possible to love Benedict more than she already did, but somehow her love for him had deepened. Pulling her damp hair into a messy top knot she glanced in the mirror. God, she looked like the cat that got the cream. She was slightly tender from this morning but it was a lovely reminder of their passionate time together. Since moving into the house their sex life had gone off the scale and she was just as surprised as Benedict. Perhaps the combination of the zone sessions and their date nights kept them hooked.

  Twenty minutes later she was sitting with Niven. Their relationship had survived and strengthened but she could see straight away her friend was upset.

  “I’ve just come from my lawyer’s,” said Niven shakily. The trial date has been set.” Niven’s eyes welled with tears.

  Siena took her hand. “The worst is over, Niven. Toby can’t hurt you anymore.”

  “I’m scared,” she whispered. Her beautiful eyes were haunted. Siena pulled her into a hug.

  “You’re strong, Niven. I’m not saying it will be easy but you must stay positive. What did your lawyer say?”

  “Anna is wonderful,” said Niven, smiling. “She and Guy are an item.”

  “She’s dating Guy?” said Siena incredulously. This was news to her. She liked Guy. If she hadn’t been with Benedict, she would have been attracted to him. He gave off a sexy undertone she doubted he was even aware of.

  “What’s she like?” asked Siena curiously.

  “She’s left nothing to chance. I feel I’m as prepared as I can be going into the trial.”

  “Good, I meant what does she look like?”

  “Gorgeous,” said Niven simply.

  “Guy never mentions her,” said Siena puzzled.

  Niven shrugged. “Guy’s not exactly the chatty type,” she giggled.

  Siena smiled. “You’re right. I wonder what they talk about.”

  Niven’s face fell as she nervously stirred her latte. “How’s Matt?” she asked quietly.

  She looked so sad, thought Siena. “He’s in the office with Benedict. They’re having a working lunch.” Siena left out the part of how they had tricked him into going there.

  Niven’s eyes lit up. “That’s fantastic. He’s better then?”

  Siena shook her head. “Just the same; it’s too early to tell at the moment.”

  “I miss him so much,” said Niven miserably.

  “Don’t give up on him,” said Siena, unsure why she was saying it. She didn’t want to raise Niven’s hopes unnecessarily.

  “We’ve not seen each other for weeks now,” said Niven bluntly. “What am I supposed to do?”

  Siena didn’t have any answers. “Wait,” she said lamely.

  “He blames me,” said Niven dully. “I can see it in his eyes.”

  “No,” said Siena soothingly. “Niven, I took a long time to understand everything that happened in my life was not completely my fault. Nick was a time bomb waiting to explode. I think Toby was the same. You didn’t do anything wrong. Matt doesn’t blame you, I promise. It’s just he’s...”

  “What?” said Niven anxiously.


  There was a silence. “I know. I tried, Siena. I really tried but he didn’t want me,” said Niven dejectedly. “At first he was fine and then as the weeks went on he kept pushing me away. I thought giving him some space would help but...” A sob escaped Niven. “He doesn’t want me.”

  “Give him time,” said Siena. “I don’t think Matt is really here with us at the moment. After my attack I didn’t have the time to dwell on things with the twins but for Matt it’s different.”

  “What about me?” said Niven bitterly. “I’ve been so low myself. I’ve struggled to come to terms with everything...” Niven’s chest heaved. “Does Matt ever think about what I went through? He’s not the only one involved here. I thought we would get through it together.”

  “I know,” said Siena hopelessly. “I know.”

  “All this time he never asked,” said Niven.

  “About what h
appened to you?” asked Siena shocked.

  “Yes. It was as if his ordeal was all he could focus on. Not once did he ask me what I had gone through. I spoke to the police, discussed everything, but told Matt, the man I love, nothing.” Niven turned away. “I am consumed by guilt and to make matters worse, I’ve lost Matt. In the beginning I made excuses for his behaviour but realised the only person going to look after me was myself.”

  “You have your mom now too,” said Siena gently.

  “Yes, I suppose, but realistically we’re strangers.”

  “For now, but that will change,” said Siena.

  Niven let out a long sigh. “Sorry, Siena, I haven’t asked how you, Benedict and the twins are,” she said apologetically.

  “We’re good,” Siena smiled, conscious not to go into too much detail. Like any newlywed she still glowed with happiness but could see how down Niven appeared.

  “It’s great to be in our home at last. I feel more settled now.”

  Niven smiled but her eyes were sad. “Good.”

  “You’re still coming to the party?”

  This time Niven’s smile was genuine. “Yes, I’m looking forward to it.”

  “I must be mad but I wanted to have a proper house warming. Benedict didn’t want to but it’s not up to him, thank goodness.”

  “What time is it again?” asked Niven, getting out her diary.

  “It’s 6.30pm. I know it’s an early start but I don’t have the energy for late nights at the moment,” said Siena, yawning. Although, this time it wasn’t the twins that were keeping her awake but her husband.

  Niven looked at her watch. “Sorry, Siena, I’ve got to go.”

  Siena also glanced at her iPhone and gasped. “Is that the time already? I’m late,” she said, jumping up.

  Niven laughed. “You’re always running late.”

  “I know. Not enough time in the day at present but I’ve got a conference call with Esme and Ford so I need to get back to the house.”

  “How are they?” asked Niven. Siena hesitated. They were completely loved up but Niven didn’t need to know that. “Good, they’re good.”

  As they reached the door, Niven hugged Siena quickly. “Tell them both I said hello.”

  “I will. See you at the party,” said Siena. Niven nodded and waved. Siena hurried to her car. She was troubled. Niven was putting on a brave face but she was obviously struggling. Matt was also coming to the house warming. She hadn’t told either of them about the other attending. She felt sure they were made for each other. Matt just needed time. Niven was the perfect girl for him and it was up to Siena to make sure he understood that.

  Chapter 11

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. Pandora Zone. Siena’s heart accelerates as she presses closer—instinctively, she senses it’s not right. Drawing in her breath, her fingers hit the button. There is a whirl and the warmth disappears—she is alone again. Has she made the right decision? Heart pumping, senses straining, she hears the door click once more.


  Tess sat in front of a chic woman who introduced herself as Grace. Her gaze swept the elegant surroundings and disappointment coursed through her. Everything was so tame, so...normal, this wouldn’t please Si. Tess nodded her head as Grace continued about Braille Commandments and thought she might giggle.

  1. Thou Shall Not See.

  2. Thou Shall Not Speak.

  3. Thou Shall Not Tell.

  She read the card Grace gave her and almost had to stifle a yawn. This was soooo boring.

  She saw Grace looking at her and realised she must have asked her a question.

  “Sorry, I was miles away,” she said.

  Grace stood suddenly. “Mrs Lawrence, I’m afraid I must ask you to leave.”

  Startled, Tess took a moment to respond. “What? Www-hy?” she stuttered.

  “You’re not listening,” said Grace bluntly.

  Heat suffused her face. “I’m sorry. Please, really, I’m sorry,” she pleaded.

  Grace sat down slowly. “Mrs Lawrence, it is my job to equip you with the necessary information to allow you to enjoy The Braille Club but if you cannot give me your complete attention...”

  “I can,” said Tess in a panicky voice. My God, she thought, it was the only thing left for them.

  “Good,” said Grace firmly.

  Tess gave Grace her undivided attention from that point on. She looked at the hood curiously. Maybe things were not as boring as she first thought. The sensory suit she was wearing was like a second skin; she liked the sensation. When she pulled up the teaching suit and walked towards the strange looking chair, she didn’t know what to expect. She sat apprehensively waiting for Grace’s instructions. This was silly. Why was she anxious? When Grace asked her to put on the hood, she hesitated but complied. The darkness was absolute and Tess became completely disorientated. Grace’s voice in her ear from the headphones in the hood made her jump in fright. Music filled the room and the suit Tess wore suddenly tightened, making her gasp in surprise. She felt something being snapped on her wrist and remembered the cuffs she’d seen earlier. Her heart thumped as she sat. It was the start of many surprises for Tess that day.

  Chapter 12

  The Braille Club Undone

  The Braille Club, London. Two Years On. Pandora Zone. The hum of the approaching chair makes the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She feels the charge in the air; his displeasure seeping from every fibre of his body. Her breathing quickens as she prepares herself; she can hear the chair rotating. The touch, when it comes, is shocking...electrifying every part of her.


  Simon Lawrence sat, his body rigid and his face blank. He wasn’t happy about the situation but realised Phil had him over a barrel. That little slut, Si fumed. She’d been asking for it, begging him in fact, and when he gave her what she wanted...she used her safe word. Fuck that. The little tease got exactly what she deserved and he’d enjoyed every second. Her body bucked wildly as he had struck her over and over. He ignored her screams but when she dug her nails into his legs and bit him, he’d released her immediately. Si regretted getting involved with the group, it was a mistake.

  She wasn’t a professional like the others he’d been with. When she alleged assault, he’d been speechless. The places they frequented always had an understanding—nobody talks. He thought at first she was joking but she was serious, and it took serious money to shut her up. He ground his teeth but caught himself and tried to relax as he approached the elegant woman at the desk. Unlike his wife, he’d listened to everything Grace said to him, curious to know more.

  When Grace explained about the various zones his pulse quickened. He knew Tess would be on board with whatever he suggested. He absorbed all the information without question. The sensory suit was a surprise but he changed without protest. A further teaching suit puzzled him, but as before, he put it on. The chair he sat on was unusual and he examined the hood closely. He’d never seen anything like it. Sure, he’d seen masks and blindfolds but this was different. When the hood slipped over his head, the darkness was a new experience for him. He was uncertain whether he liked it. Normally he was a visual person. He liked to film Tess from various positions on his iPhone. It excited him.

  First he would undress her, filming different parts of her naked body from different angles. That was enough to get him hard. He’d instruct her to sit down on him slowly while filming her hand, guiding him into her wet, hot, honey trap as he liked to call it. Lying back, he’d film her ass pumping up and down on his shaft. It made him even hornier and he would often climax after only a few minutes, but Tess didn’t seem to mind. Just thinking of the video of Tess aroused him. He watched it often. Neither Tess’s nor his face was in the film but the thrill that it was actually them made watching it all the sweeter. He had a Twitter account under an alias where he loaded some of their videos and the thought of other people viewing it aroused him further. He jerked
as something heavy was placed across his lap and wondered what it was. Next, something went around his neck. Music flooded the room. Si understood the game but it didn’t excite him. His hands were secured and a touch to his shoulder told him it had begun.

  Impatient, Simon shifted his body. The shuddering at his wrists made him freeze. Suddenly the suit he wore tightened. It squeezed his arousal. He swallowed. When the weight across his lap started to pulse, the suit tightened further. Simon groaned and the cuffs around his wrists shuddered again. Sweating, it took all his resolve to stay still and seated. He realised he had never practiced control with Tess—selfishly he’d focused solely on his own needs.

  His body needs were very much on his mind at the moment. The suit continued to tighten exquisitely around his crotch and the throb of the pulse seemed to be connected directly with his erection. He was lost in sensation as the tightening and pulsing intensified. He bit his lip and groaned. His hips rolled upwards. Oh my God, he thought as he exploded. Heat suffused his face as his wrists shuddered but the pressure continued. When something touched his lips he stiffened. He had forgotten he was not alone. He tried to focus on the game but his mind and body were acting independently as the fingertip grazed over his lips. When the finger slipped inside his mouth, he gasped. Shocked and thrilled. He battled fruitlessly to control his reactions, but the continued shuddering at his wrists told him he was failing miserably. Suddenly his hands were released and everything stopped. Panting, Simon hung his head in defeat. Grace’s voice came through the headphones within the hood.

  “Mr Lawrence, please take your time. The lights in the room have been dimmed so your eyes can adjust. After you have removed your hood, please remove the sensory devises from your body and leave them on the chair. You have two further sensory lessons. Please book them in with reception,” said Grace.


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