Nothing Like the Sun

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Nothing Like the Sun Page 7

by Megan Hart

  Georgie floated, pushing all thought from her mind. She wanted concentrate on Julian, his scent, mouth, hands. His cock, now pressing hotly against her thigh.

  His hand moved down between her legs and found her clit with the same infallible grace he’d had all night. He stroked her once, twice, then found the slow, circling pace she liked. Georgie sighed again, parting her legs and tilting her hips. So good, this was so good, made somehow better for being in darkness.

  Julian stretched, and she heard fumbling. She kissed his chest, the patch of hair tickling her nose. He let out a little sound when she nipped him, and a moment later had caught her mouth again. He raised himself off her. She heard the crinkle of foil, then he murmured something made indecipherable by their kisses.

  His prick nudged against her, and Georgie reached a hand to grasp the base of it. She guided him. He pushed inside her, inch by slow, delicious inch, until he’d seated himself completely. Then he lowered himself again to kiss her.

  Georgie put her arms around him. She traced the lines of his shoulder blades, his spine, the twin dimples just above his buttocks. How familiar the curves and edges of his body had become, in so short a time. She let her fingernails dig into his shoulders, and smiled when he hissed.

  Georgie relished the feeling of him on top of her. She’d never been able to come in this position, but that was fine. Considering she’d had more orgasms tonight than she’d had in the past three years, she wasn’t going to complain.

  With darkness shielding them, it was easy to imagine the bed beneath them had become a rocking ship. He moved inside her with slow, liquid ease, and feathered kisses all over her face. Georgie rocked with him, happy to take her time. The sooner they finished, after all, the sooner they’d be done. If they could make this last forever, she’d be all too happy.

  Julian’s breathing quickened. “You’re amazing.”

  The whisper took her by surprise. The woman he’d taken to bed would have had a snappy comeback, but by now, Georgie had none. “Shhh,” she whispered in reply, and he did.

  Desire rose inside her as his pace quickened. She wanted to meet him again, one last time, but was certain she couldn’t manage. Her mind was more than willing, but the body just wouldn’t comply.

  Julian slowed again. His lips fastened on her neck and he sucked gently, urging a gasp from her. He slid a hand beneath her ass, lifting her. And somehow, something shifted. Like magic, he’d rearranged them so now, with every thrust, his belly rubbed her clit. The pressure was slight, intermittent, but he had again slowed his pace to allow her to catch up with him.

  And it was glorious. She’d already been aroused, but this extra stimulation eased her toward a climax so much better for being unexpected. A hand slid beneath them might have worked, too, but this…this was…

  “Fucktastic,” Georgie gasped.

  His face buried in her shoulder, Julian laughed. He moved again. She twitched, her clit throbbing. She hooked her heels around the backs of his calves and put her hands on his ass, pulling him closer.

  “I want to make you come again,” he whispered in her ear. “Will you?”

  He made it sound like she’d be doing him a favor, and Georgie kissed him again.

  “Yes,” she said, rocking her hips along with his thrusts. “Oh, yes.”

  The sound he made was enough to take her almost there. She held him close and they moved together. He moaned. She sighed.

  She came. Her orgasm washed over her and she gave in to it, gave up to him, took all he had to give and then, just a little more. Georgie forced a breath, then another, ecstasy rippling through her. She bit down on his shoulder, hard, and he thrust once more, hard. He called out her name.

  Julian sank down on top of her. His heart thumped against hers. After a moment, he rolled off and spooned her, holding her close. She waited for him to speak, but Julian said nothing.

  Georgie said nothing either, aware now she could pay attention to how the room had lightened as the sun risen. His hands smoothed along her belly and he snuggled against her back.

  She waited until she was sure he was asleep again before she got up and dressed. She wrote a note, agonizing over what to say, leaving him her email address and phone number, but at the last minute she tore the sheet of paper from the hotel pad and not only tore it into shreds, but flushed it down the toilet.

  The only thing that would be more embarrassing than him not calling her would be him having her phone number and still not calling her. This way, at least, she couldn’t be convinced to hope even half-heartedly for something that would never happen. One night, she reminded herself, looking at him from the door of the suite.

  He looked so elegant, even in sleep, the sheet draped with perfect grace over his lean hip and his hair so luxuriously tousled. She thought about kissing him goodbye just for the chance of smelling him again, for feeling his warmth on her lips, but in the end, the real Georgie, practical librarian Georgie, won out, and she left without a look back.


  “Forget about her,” Seth advised.

  Julian jerked open the throat of his silk shirt to reveal the perfect half-circle bite on his shoulder. “As if I could, with this to remind me?”

  He paced, flicking open the silver lighter and holding the flame to his cigarette, even though he’d sworn off smoking half a decade ago. Another hotel, another suite, another fuck-worthy shower. Another set of groupies waiting downstairs, too, but Julian didn’t want any of them.

  “I want Georgiana Davis’s phone number¸” he said, sucking in smoke that made his eyes water. “Why are you being such a fucking bastard about it?”

  Seth, the wanker, gave a lazy shrug from his spot lounging on Julian’s couch. “Sorry, mate. What can I do? It’s some sort of pact, or something.”

  “Fuck the bloody pact,” Julian barked. He looked at the fag in his hand and scowled. “This tastes like shit.”

  “What do you want me to do, Jules? I asked Cassie, and she wouldn’t give me the number. You ask her.”

  “I did.” Julian stubbed out the smoke and ran a hand through his hair. “She told me to bugger myself. She said if Georgie didn’t leave me a note, there must be a reason for it, and she wasn’t going to give me her number, no matter what I bribed her with.”

  Seth laughed, looking entirely too much like the cat who’d eaten the canary. “What did you bribe her with?”

  Julian tossed up his hands. “Nothing! I have nothing to bribe her with!”

  “So let it go, mate,” Seth told him. “Look, I know this must’ve put your nose out of joint, but really, I’ve never seen you like this over a woman.”

  Julian stalked to the mini-bar and yanked it open. “I can’t even fucking look at chocolate bars without thinking about her, Seth.”

  Silence while his best mate pondered that bit of information. “Ouch,” Seth said.

  “Yeah, ouch.” Julian slammed the fridge door closed. “She was something. She was lovely without being blatant about it. She was fucktastic…” Her word, one he couldn’t seem to stop using. “She was smart, man. Really smart.”

  Seth made a conciliatory noise. He’d know how much that meant to Julian. “She knew about “Her Eyes,” eh?”

  Julian sank onto the edge of the bed and rubbed his eyes. “Yeah.”

  “Sorry, man.” Seth got up and clapped him on the shoulder. “But we’ve got a show in three hours. Think you can pull yourself out of your lovelorn funk long enough to perform?”

  “Fuck you,” Julian said, morose, not looking up.

  “No thanks, mate. I’ve got a better offer.”

  Julian looked up with a scowl at Seth’s smug grin. “Sure, rub it in.”

  Seth shrugged, then reached over to squeeze Julian’s shoulder. “Write a song, Jules. It’s always worked before.”

  Julian groaned. “Yeah. Yeah, sure. Write a song. Me without my piano and a show in three hours. Right.”

  Seth paused at the door. “You can do it, you know. B
ut maybe you’d rather wallow in your self-absorbed grief?”

  The pillow would have hit him if he hadn’t been fast enough in closing the door.


  She waited for her life to resume, for her job to once again consume her time. For her taste in clothes to revert to the standard librarian garb that filled her closets.

  She was still waiting when she opened the door, expecting the pizza delivery boy, and instead stared into the face of the man she’d been trying hard to forget.

  “Hi—” Julian began, and Georgie didn’t bother giving him the time to finish before she’d grabbed him by the front of the shirt and kissed him like her life depended on it.

  He tasted as good as she remembered. Even better, actually. She’d caught him with his mouth open, but, to give him credit, he recovered fast. His tongue stroked hers. His hands came up to slide beneath her hair, tangling in it. Standing on her front porch he was a head lower than her; in the next moment she’d pulled him across the doorframe and her head tilted back, still kissing him, as he came up a step.

  Julian kicked the door shut behind him. Two steps forward, and she pushed him against the wood hard enough to rattle the windows. He gasped into her mouth, one hand leaving the back of her neck to grab her ass, kneading it.

  She broke the kiss out of necessity, in order to breathe. “What are you doing here?”

  “Getting ready to fuck you senseless, I think,” Julian said, sounding as surprised as she felt.

  Then there really weren’t any more words. Gasps and groans aplenty, but nothing much to say. She’d been wearing a plain t-shirt and faded flannel sleep pants, fresh from an evening shower. It took only two seconds for him to lift the shirt above her head. Another three to push the loose waistband down over her hips.

  He pulled off his black leather jacket. She yanked open his belt. By the time they got to the couch, moving with flawless choreography, she was naked.

  Julian’s mouth slid from Georgie’s lips to run along her throat, down to her breasts, as he pushed her onto the cushions. His hands fumbled with his jeans as he suckled a nipple. A moment later he’d moved down her belly to nuzzle into the curls between her thighs. He pushed her legs apart, gripped her hips.

  She cried out when he licked her clit, which had begun to throb the moment she’d seen him on the front porch. Julian groaned. His hands tightened on her hips. He slid a hand beneath her ass, pressing upward to bring her cunt close to his mouth. He kissed her there, alternating flicks of his tongue with broad, flat swipes.

  This was good. Great. But she wanted more. She wanted him inside her again, the way she’d imagined so many times since their night together. She wanted to take his cock down the back of her throat and taste him. Fuck, she wanted all of it at the same time, but his tongue was making her mindless, and she couldn’t do anything but ride the waves of pleasure sweeping over her.

  Her body tensed, every muscle going taut. He slid a finger inside her, curling it to stroke her g-spot as tongue circled her clit. It was too much. She couldn’t hold out.

  Georgie shuddered, her back arching as she came. Stars blinked in her vision, and she heard a slight ringing in her ears. She was coming so hard she thought she might actually faint, a thought so startling she found the strength to laugh. Laughing made the orgasm surge harder inside her and she writhed with it, until spent, at last, she collapsed onto the cushions with a sigh of sated relief.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed your laugh,” Julian said after a moment, and Georgie looked down at him. “And I have to say, love, that’s some sort of record. Even for me.”

  He sat up, and at the sight of him, shirt still entirely buttoned but his jeans pushed halfway down his thighs, she laughed again.

  “Come here,” Georgie said.

  Obediently, he did. She kissed him thoroughly, putting her hands to the side of his face to hold him in place, while she took her time exploring his mouth with hers. When she pulled away to look into his eyes, Julian was breathing hard, his pale cheeks flushed.

  “Hi,” he said, finally.


  He reached up to stroke her hair away from her face. “I take it you’re happy to see me.”

  Georgie smiled. “What makes you think so?”

  Julian gave a pointed glance down to her nudity and his dishevelment. Georgie laughed again and sat up, rearranging them into a more comfortable position. She was pretty boneless from the climax he’d given her, but in no way replete.

  “Happy doesn’t begin to cover it,” she told him honestly.

  His grin lit up his face. “I told Cassie you’d want to see me.”

  “Did you?” Georgie set to work undoing his shirt buttons.

  “I did.” He shrugged out of the shirt and lifted his ass so she could push his jeans the rest of the way down. His cock appeared and she took it in her hand at once, stroking. “I told her—ah…”

  His reaction to her touch sent a shiver down Georgie’s spine. Later she’d think about what this meant, him showing up like this. For now she wanted only to accept it as the granting of a wish, one she’d made so fervently she’d been certain it wouldn’t be granted.

  “You can tell me about it later,” she whispered into his ear, straddling him. Her hand moved on his cock, and Julian shuddered. His hands cupped her rear.

  They kissed again, softer this time. He let out a small gasp when her hand curved, twisting around the head of his dick before sliding down again. She tipped his head back to gain access to his jaw and throat, where she pressed her lips over the beat of his pulse and sucked gently on his skin. His hips leaped, pushing his cock harder into her hand.

  “Fuck,” he murmured. “I want to be inside you, Georgiana.”

  “I want that, too.” She lifted herself off him, and let go of his erection to take his hand. “Come with me.”

  She led him up the stairs to her bedroom, where she laid him back on her pillows and followed him. Laying on top of him, his cock a thick, hard line of heat against her belly, she kissed him again. His hands roamed her back, tracing the curve of her shoulder blades and the cleft of her ass.

  Georgie’s own nightstand was fully stocked, though she’d had no reason to use anything in there. She’d just taken Esther’s advice, to always be prepared, to heart. She was glad she had.

  Still kissing him, Georgie reached into the drawer for a condom. Still kissing, she opened it. But then, instead of reaching between them to slide it on, she sat up, gave him a wicked grin, and held up the round latex circle.

  She tucked it between her lips and lowered her mouth, unrolling the condom down his length in a move Esther had forced her to practice to perfection, but which she’d never actually used. It had been worth learning, she thought at the sound of Julian’s moan.

  “You’re bloody amazing, you know that?”

  Georgie laughed, looking up at him. “What can I say? I’m a girl of many talents.”

  Julian reached for her and she gladly moved up his body to meet his kiss. “I can see that.”

  For a moment he looked into her eyes, saying nothing, and the momentum begun with their first kiss faltered for a moment. For the first time that night Georgie had time to think about what she was doing and what was happening.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you,” Julian said, his fingers stroking through her hair.

  Georgie kissed him again, slower this time, not sure what to say. His hands caressed her skin, up and down her sides. He nudged her hip, and she straddled him again, this time lifting her body to center herself before sliding down his cock.

  When she’d sheathed him fully inside her, she leaned forward to brush his lips with hers. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you either.”

  It was the truth, and therefore easy to say. His arms went around her, pulling her close. They moved together, bodies in perfect tempo, making a melody all their own. Point, counterpoint.

  Though it had been a month since the last time, Julian hadn’t forgot
ten what she liked. Or perhaps it wasn’t a question of remembering, maybe his body and hers automatically meshed. She didn’t know, didn’t care. All she could think about was how he felt inside her. How he tasted. Felt. Smelled. The sight of his eyes, staring deep into hers.

  Her second orgasm rolled over her with slow and easy precision. Perfect harmony to the melody of their lovemaking. She cried out with it, falling forward against his shoulder, where her mouth found a familiar spot and she bit down in her ecstasy. His fingers clutched her as he thrust upward, his hoarse shout mingling with hers. He pulsed inside her.

  The ripple of climax slowed inside her, and Georgie caught her breath. Julian hugged her. She put a hand over his heart, feeling the thumping slow. After a bit she rolled off him, but kept her head on the pillow close to his. He took her hand, their fingers linked.

  She listened to the sound of his breathing for while before she spoke. “Cassie told you how to find me?”

  “No. She wouldn’t. Said if you’d meant me to find you, you’d have left me a note.”

  Georgie smiled and turned her mouth to kiss his shoulder. “Sounds like her.”

  “Yeah. But what she didn’t know was, you had.”

  She paused. “But I didn’t.”

  Julian turned his head to look at her. “You did, sweetheart. You can thank Seth for me finding it. He told me to write a song because I couldn’t stop thinking of you. I pulled out the notepad from the hotel…I make a habit of collecting them, you see, because I never know when I’ll need to write down a song. You tore away the top sheet, Georgie, but you left the imprint behind. I shaded it with my pencil, and there it was.”

  Her laugh was chagrined, this time. “I thought—”

  “I know what you thought,” Julian said. He kissed her forehead. “I’m a ferocious slut, and I know it. I don’t blame you for running out on me.”

  She didn’t contradict him, though there was more to the story than that. “I’m sorry, Julian.”


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