Starke, Ruth, Writers, Readers and Rebels, Wakefield Press, Adelaide, 1998.
Stewart, Douglas, Norman Lindsay: A Personal Memoir, Thomas Nelson, Melbourne, 1975.
— Springtime In Taranaki, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1983.
— Writers of the Bulletin, Australian Broadcasting Commission, Sydney, 1977.
Stewart, Meg, Autobiography of My Mother, Penguin, Melbourne, 1985.
Stone, Jean, The Passionate Bibliophile, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1988.
Throssell, Ric, Wild Weeds and Wind Flowers: The Life and Letters of Katharine Susannah Prichard, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1975.
Thwaite, Joy L., The Importance of Being Eve Langley, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1989.
Tyrrell, James R., Old Books, Old Friends, Old Sydney, Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 1987.
Wilde, Hooton, Andrews, eds, The Oxford Companion to Australian Literature, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1991.
Wilder, Ken, The Company You Keep: A Publisher’s Memoir, State Library of NSW Press, Sydney, 1994.
Wilkes, G.A., A Dictionary of Australian Colloquialisms, Sydney University Press, Sydney, 1978
National Library of Australia
Beatrice Davis, George Ferguson, Colin Roderick, Douglas Stewart.
Vincentia Anderson, Thea Astley, Anthony Barker, Lyle Blair, Alec Bolton, June Bonser, Peter and Doreen Bridges, John Broadbent, Charles Davis, Rosemary Dobson, Anne Dowey, Geoffrey Dutton, John Ferguson, Dorothy Fillingham, Elizabeth Fulton, Patrick Gallagher, Anne Godden, Harry Heseltine, Elva Hoy, Tom Hungerford, Barbara Ker Wilson, Christopher Koch, Leonie Kramer, Mary Lord, Margot Ludovici, Enid Moon, Frank Moorhouse, Geoff Morley, Nancy Phelan, Jack Radley, Leslie Rees, Elizabeth Riddell, Colin Roderick, Marilyn Stacy, Marley Stephen, Meg Stewart, Frank Thompson, Judy Wallace, Richard Walsh.
Sue Ebury, Joan Fitzhardinge, Elisabeth Hughes, Ruth Park, Robert Sessions, Ivan Southall, Elizabeth Wood-Ellem, Patricia Wrightson.
The following abbreviations are used: A&R = Angus and Robertson; B.D. = Beatrice Davis
A&R (Bookshops) Pty Ltd 227
A&R (Publishers) Pty Ltd 227
A&R Classics 273
Abbie, Professor 222
ABC 63, 75, 79, 147, 148, 179, 207, 220
ABC Radio 288
ABC Weekly 74
Abernethy, John 244–245, 249–251, 264, 268, 270–272, 275–276
The Acolyte (Astley) 160
The Actors (Porter) 250–251
Adamson, Bob 272
Adelaide Festival of Arts 195–196, 213, 257
Adventures in Appleshire (Anderson) 150
Age 84
Age Book of the Year Award 288
Albert’s Bookshop 227–228
Alien Son (Waten) 215, 263
All That Swagger (Franklin) 90
Allen & Unwin Australia 236, 291–292
Allen Lane 231
American Library Association 208
The Americans, Baby (Moorhouse) 272
Amid the Plenty (Casey) 254
AMP Society 267–268
Anderson, Douglas 37, 129
Anderson, Ethel 150–151, 165
Anderson, Jessica 255
Angus, David Mackenzie 42, 269
Angus and Robertson
abolishes art department 233
AMP acquires Castlereagh St 267
Angus and Robertson 270
appoints B.D. as an editor 51–52
as part of Australia’s intellectual fabric 220–221
bookshop moves to Pitt St 269
Castlereagh St bookshop 7, 41
Collins withdraws from 266
creates director of publishing 228
develops paperback list 231–232
dismisses B.D. 2, 272–273
editorial department 109–110, 214–215, 217–220, 271–272
education department 109
fares well in 1950s 224
Frank Packer attempts takeover 235–236
friction between editorial and production 219–220
George Robertson as managing director 42–50
Gordon Barton takes control 266–268
Kylie Tennant’s relationship 65–66, 151
litigation on behalf of Frank Clune 162–163
litigation over We Were the Rats 64–66
mammoth book sale 230
Miles Franklin on 117–118
pays for Kenneth Mackenzie’s burial 172
production department 217–218
promotion of Harp in the South 136–137
publishing department 51–52, 228–229, 242–243
publishing policy 220–221, 264–265
relationship with Sun Books 263
restructured 227–228
sponsors literary competition 134–135
tardiness in printing work of Prichard 152
Walter Burns as managing director 227–237
working conditions 7–8, 109, 219, 228–229
Anne of Green Gables (Montgomery) 201
Anthony Hordern 267
Appleton, John 207
The Apprentices (Niland) 144
Apthorp, Leslie 218
Archdall, Mervyn 30–33, 35, 37, 55
Arkon 273
Armit, Henry 31
Arnot, Jean F. 253, 256
Ash Road (Southall) 210–211
Astley, Thea 2, 5, 158–160, 246, 254, 277, 286, 305
At Parramatta (Anderson) 150
Auckland Star 91
The Aunt’s Story (White) 178
Australasian Medical Publishing Co. 75
Australia, Land of Contrasts (Hill) 80
Australia at War (Johnston) 60
Australia Council, Literature Board 289, 305
Australia Day honours 289
Australia Hotel 9, 154, 187
Australian 87, 291
The Australian Blood Horse (Barrie) 282
Australian Book Fair 222
Australian Book of the Year 282
Australian Book Publishers’ Association 269
Australian Children’s Book Council 202
Australian Club 15
Australian Consolidated Holdings 235
Australian Dictionary of Biography 264
Australian Encyclopedia 45–46, 206, 221–223, 226, 232–233
Australian Expeditionary Force 19
Australian Journal 190
Australian Journalists’ Association 108
Australian Labor Party 59, 76, 152, 271
Australian Labour Leader (Evatt) 152
The Australian Legend (Ward) 263
Australian Legendary Tales (Parker) 148–149
Australian Literature (Miller) 221
Australian Medical Association 31
The Australian Novel 126
Australian Pocket Library 59–60, 152
Australian Poetry 2, 72–73, 75, 94, 107, 175
Australian Society of Authors 243, 277
The Australian Tradition (Phillips) 263
The Australian Ugliness (Boyd) 263
Australian/Vogel Award 291, 293
A Bachelor’s Children (Porter) 180, 246–248
Back to Bool Bool (Franklin) 127
Backblock Ballads and Other Verses (Dennis) 46
Baker, Kate 119
Bancroft House (Langley) 97
Barker, Anthony 5–6, 169, 178, 214, 217, 245, 277, 285, 299, 301, 303–305
Barnard, Marjorie 69, 73–74
Barrie, Douglas M. 282
Barton, Gordon 2, 266–271, 273
Bateman’s (hotel) 71
Bates, Daisy 77, 87–89
Bateson, Charles 89
Battle of the Seaways (Johnston) 60
The Battlers (Tennant) 91, 136, 151
Baume, Eric 133
Bean, C.E.W. 45, 47, 77
Beckett, Barbara 291
Behind Bamboo (Rivett) 60, 107
Behind the Wind (Wrightson) 205
Belschner, H.G. 282
Bendigo 14–18, 19, 22
Bendigo Shakespearean Society 14
Bennett, Janet 217, 221
The Best Poems of Hugh McCrae 167
Bibliography of Australia (Ferguson) 47, 221
The Big Fellow (Palmer) 255
The Big Smoke (Niland) 139–140, 144
Blackwood 44, 126
Blainey, Geoffrey 263
Blake, William 156
Blinky Bill (Wall) 201
Bluey Truscott (Southall) 208
Blyton, Enid 201
Boake, Barcroft 43, 53
A Boat Load of Home Folk (Astley) 160
Boddam-Whetham, Vincentia 34–37, 129, 160
Bolton, Alec 109, 138, 206, 217–218, 221, 228, 232, 249
A Book for Kids (Dennis) 201
The Book of the Territory (Hill) 82–84
Book Society (UK) 143, 158
Book Society (US) 138
Bookman of the Year 2, 285
Boyd, Robin 263
The Boys in the Island (Koch) 254, 287
Bradman, Donald 52
Brennan, Christopher 43, 70, 167, 229–230
Brent of Bin Bin 126–127, 130
Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable 8, 202–203
Brewster, George 254
Bridges, Frederick 6, 34–37, 52–55, 103–109, 124, 262, 297, 302
Bridges, Peter 35, 54, 298–299, 302
Bridges, Robert 54
Bring Larks and Heroes (Keneally) 245
British Library Association 211
British Medical Association 31
Broadbent, John 259–260, 290, 299, 304
Brooklyn Hotel 241
Brown, Pamela 272
The Brown Van (Tennant) 91, 151
Brunton, Paul 124
Buckley, Vincent 176, 241
Bulletin 35, 42, 44, 70–74, 90, 107, 153, 174–175, 243, 251
Red Page 70–71, 147, 177, 244
The Bunyip Hole (Wrightson) 204–205
Burgoyne, Geoffrey 213
Burns, Walter 244, 247, 266, 276
Burstyn, Winifred 28
Caddie, a Sydney Barmaid (Cusack) 156
Call Me When the Cross Turns Over (Niland) 144
Campbell, David 70–71, 73
Capricornia (Herbert) 181, 191, 195
Captain Cook Bicentenary 251, 273
Careful, He Might Hear You (Elliott) 255
Carnegie Medal 211
Casey, Gavin 59–60, 74, 254–255
Cassell 245
The Cats of Venice (Porter) 248
Cayley, Neville 45, 265
censorship 19, 248
Chauvel, Charles 79
Cheever, John 90
Chiari, Walter 216
Chifley, Ben 76
Childhood at Brindabella (Franklin) 130
Children of the Dark People (Davison) 201
Childrens Book Council 202
Children’s Book of the Year Award 149, 202, 204, 211, 287
children’s literature 44–45, 200–211
Children’s Session (ABC) 207
China 156, 158
Chinese Women Speak (Cusack) 158
Chisholm, Alexander 78, 221, 223
Christesen, Clem 67, 75
Churchill Fellowship 250
The Clairvoyant Goat (Porter) 286
Clark, Hilary 93
Clark, Manning 264
Cleary, Jon 135–136, 138–139
Clewlow, Frank 75
Clouston, Brian 264
Clune, Frank 50–51, 70, 162–163, 219, 273
Clune, Thelma 162
Coast to Coast 2, 72–75, 107, 134–135, 173
Cockatoos (Franklin) 126, 130
Coen, Margaret 101
Cold War 252
Collins, William 199, 251, 269, 285
Collins Australia 198, 236, 265–266
Come in Spinner (Cusack and James) 136, 154–156, 158
Commins, Kath 210
Commonsense Cookery Book 283
Commonwealth Jubilee Novel Competition 141
Commonwealth Literary Fund 59–60, 72, 76, 85–86, 100–101, 127, 141, 171–172, 175, 183–184, 190, 215, 289
Communist Party of Australia 152, 215
Compton-Burmett, Ivy 299
Consolidated Press 234, 237
Constable 156
Cook, Kenneth 4
cookery books 283
Coonardoo (Prichard) 44, 136, 151–153
copy editing 219
Coral Sea, Battle of 57
The Country Upstairs (Simpson) 242
Courier-Mail 97
The Cousin from Fiji (Lindsay) 273
Cousins, Aubrey 226
Cousins, Sadie 182
Cousins, Walter
as publishing director of A&R 35–36, 48–52, 72–73, 75–76, 92, 147, 151, 154, 206, 221
chooses Ferguson as successor 112–113
correspondence with Xavier Herbert 181–183
death 113
and Ernestine Hill 78–80
Glassop complains to 65
ill health 157–158
on paper shortage 58
on serialisation 137
on wartime publishing 59
opinion of George Johnston 60
optimism after World War II 107
relationship with B.D. 36, 51, 52, 66, 118–119
secures government contract 57
sets aside short stories of Xavier Herbert 190–191
view of literature 70
Covell, Roger 97
Cowper, Lady 167, 234
Cowper, Norman 167
Cowra 66, 170
Cox, Helen M. 282–283
Craig, Elsie 53
Craig, Tai 53
Crisis at Crowville (Southall) 209
The Crooked Snake (Wrightson) 203–204
Cross, Zora 43
Crowley, Grace 34
A Crown of Wattle (Steel) 43
Culotta, Nino, see O’Grady, John
The Cupboard Under the Stairs (Turner) 254
Curnow, Tim 198
Curtis Brown 198
Cusack, Dymphna 75, 119–120, 122, 124, 128, 130, 136, 146, 153–158
Daily Mail 143
Daily Telegraph 63, 164
Dalton, Robin 250
Darcy, Les 144
Dare, Ishmael, see Jose, Arthur W.
Dark, Eleanor 74, 122
The Dark Bright Water (Wrightson) 205
Darlinghurst 51
Davey, Jack 143
David Jones 16, 137, 243
Davis, Anne (B.D.’s niece) 200, 220, 262, 300
Davis, Beatrice Deloitte
birth 13, 17
childhood 14, 18, 21, 24
death and funeral 6, 303–304
education 14, 25, 27–29
honours and awards 2, 285, 289, 304
in hospital 300–301
marriage 36–37, 52–55, 106–107, 297
personal style and appearance 3–4, 8–10, 151–152, 207, 212–214, 298–299
subject of rumours 10, 212–215
tributes 4–5, 282–284, 304
Davis, Charles Deloitte (Del) (B.D.’s brother) 17–18, 20, 22, 26–28, 103–106, 168–169
Davis, Charles Herbert (B.D.’s father) 14–15, 19, 21–26, 27, 55, 259
Davis, Ellen (nee Hayes, B.D.’s grandmother) 14, 103
Davis, Emily Beatrice (nee Deloitte, B.D.’s mother) 14–24, 26–29, 103, 261
Davis, Joan (B.D.’s sister-in-law) 169
Davis, John Deloitte (B.D.’s brother) 17, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 34, 80, 103–104, 168, 200–201, 301
Davis, Joseph (B.D.’s great-grandfather) 13–14
Davis, Judy 273
Davis, Quinton 233
Davis, William (B.D.’s grandfather) 14
Davison, Frank Dalby 69, 73–74, 91–92, 107, 122, 134
, 173, 201, 258
Dawe, Bruce 176
de Groen, Frances 189, 199
de Groot, Captain 41
Dead Men Rising (Mackenzie) 66, 170
Dead Men Running (Niland) 145
Deamer, Dulcie 48
Deloitte, Anne 200–201
Deloitte, Bessie (nee Marley) 15
Deloitte, Brenda 16, 20–23, 25, 28
Deloitte, Charles (B.D.’s nephew) 261
Deloitte, Edwin 17
Deloitte, Emily Beatrice, see Davis, Emily Beatrice (nee Deloitte, B.D.’s mother)
Deloitte, Emma (nee Millett) (B.D.’s grandmother) 16, 20–21, 28, 261
Deloitte, Enid 16, 20, 23, 28, 103, 261–262, 270, 299–300, 303
Deloitte, Joan 169
Deloitte, John (B.D.’s nephew) 200–201, 297
Deloitte, Marmaduke 16, 20–21, 23, 27
Deloitte, Mary 16, 20
Deloitte, Phyllis 16–17, 20
Deloitte, Quarton 16, 20
Deloitte, William Salmon (BD’s grandfather) 15–16
Dennis, C.J. 25, 44, 46, 201
Department of Education 29, 69
Depression 49, 151–152
A Descant for Gossips (Astley) 160
Devanny, Jean 117–118
Dictionary of Australian Biography (Serle) 221
Disturbing Element (Herbert) 195–196
Dobson, Austin 151
Dobson, Rosemary 70–73, 96, 109, 151, 202, 218
Dos Passos, John 63
The Doubleman (Koch) 289
Drake-Brockman, Henrietta 73–74, 111–112, 122, 124–126, 129, 152, 165, 173, 213, 253
and Ernestine Hill 84–86, 88
relationship with B.D. 147–150
The ‘Dreadnought’ of the Darling (Bean) 45
The Drums Go Bang (Niland and Park) 145
Ducat, Eva 47
Durack, Elizabeth 83
Dutton 93
Dutton, Geoffrey 213, 258, 263, 305
Ealing Studios 143
Ebury, Sue 281, 284–286
Eldershaw, Flora 69, 122
Elkin, A.P. 205, 282
Elliott, Sumner Locke 123, 255
Ellis, Malcolm Henry 91, 221
Emeritis Fellowships 289
English Association 8, 69–70, 75, 106, 128, 252
Ern Malley hoax 75
Evatt, H.V. 152
The Extra (Porter) 286
Eyre, Frank 263
Eyre & Spottiswood 254
Faber and Faber 245–251
Fabinyi, Andrew 263
Fairey, Eric 24
Fairfax, Warwick 135
The Family Conspiracy (Phipson) 202
Farringdon, Mr 64–65
Federal Directorate of Manpower 59
Fellowship of Australian Writers 69, 106, 108, 118, 122, 124, 148, 252–253
Feminist Club 252
Ferguson, George Adie 47, 206, 263, 285
appeals to British publishers for help 236
as publishing director of A&R 85–86, 112–113, 147, 152, 190–191, 215, 220–221, 224–226
A Certain Style Page 38