Slim's Second Chance (Phantom Bastards MC Book 2)

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Slim's Second Chance (Phantom Bastards MC Book 2) Page 5

by Erin Osborne

  “Fuck you, Slim. You just told me not that long ago I wasn’t allowed there. Now because you want me there, I’m supposed to bend to your will and do what you say? I don’t fucking think so. I’m working, so you’ll have to excuse me,” she says, turning her back on me and heading toward the customer that was checking out her ass.

  “I don’t give a fuck what you think or say, you’re goin’ to the damn clubhouse and that’s final,” I roar out.

  Shy looks at me for a few minutes before turning on her heels and walking away from the bar. I don’t know what the fuck she thinks she’s doing, but I’ll be damned if I leave her alone so some asshole can get her to get to the club. I follow her after grabbing one of the waitresses off the floor to get behind the bar.

  As I turn the corner to the hallway, Shy is standing there with her head bent toward her chest. Her shoulders are shaking as she cries. When she senses me behind her, I watch as she squares her shoulders before turning toward me.

  My heart breaks as I look at the devastation on her face. Tears still roll silently down her face as pain laces her eyes. Her lips are trembling with her attempt to stop crying. I did this to her and I’ll never be able to take it back.

  “Why, Slim?” she asks, her voice trembling and timid.

  “Because I got back to the clubhouse and found an envelope full of pictures of you. I want to know that you’re safe and the only way I can do that is to bring you to the clubhouse for now,” I answer her.

  My hands are in fists by my side as I attempt to stay away from her. I want to go to her and pull her into my arms, take away all the pain that I’ve caused her. Instead, I remain rooted to the spot on the floor in the hallway.

  “Slim, you never let me close because of your past and because you never wanted to put a target on my back. I’m not stupid. I also know that it’s because you think I’m too young for you. Now, there’s a target on my back for being associated with the club. We both lose,” she says, wiping her tears away. “I’m not going to the clubhouse because of this. I’ll move if I have to, but I won’t go back there.”

  “Shy,” I say, exasperated.

  “If you’re that fucking worried about it, put some guys on me. I have my cousin staying with me right now and I won’t be moved away from her. Now, I’m going back to work. You can figure out what you need to do in order to sleep better at night. Goodbye, Slim,” she says, walking around me and heading back to work.

  I stand in the hallway for a few long minutes, trying to get myself under control. A few of the strippers come out of the dressing room and look me up and down. They should know that I won’t touch them. None of the members of the club will. We don’t shit where we eat.

  With my temper somewhat in check, I make my way back through the club and out to my bike. Playboy is pulling in as I’m getting ready to leave so I wait for him to walk up to me before leaving. Pulling out a smoke, I watch my son walk up to me.

  “How did she take it?” he asks, a smile on his face.

  “She’s refusin’ to come in. Wants men on her instead. I guess her cousin is livin’ with her now,” I answer.

  “Thought so. I’ll make sure I got eyes on her while she’s working. You’re just gonna have to figure out when she’s home,” he says.

  “I know. I’ll follow her home tonight. Call me when it gets close and I’ll send a Prospect over now to watch over her cousin,” I say, turning on my bike and leaving the parking lot.

  The ride back to the clubhouse does nothing for my nerves or the rage at someone targeting Shy. She’s the only one that’s not with a member all the time and they’re going to go after her because of it. Fuck! If I had just gotten my head out of my ass and claimed her before I lost my shit, she’d be protected right now.

  As soon as I get back to the clubhouse, I shut myself in the office to wait for Playboy’s call. The only thing I want to do is shut myself in my room with a bottle of Jack and call it a day. I don’t want to think about putting guys on Shy because she’s alone or that the fuckwads coming for us have no problem going after a female. That’s the one thing that we don’t do. Women and kids are off-limits no matter what the problem is.

  Chapter Nine


  WHEN I LEAVE Allure, I have a bouncer on me as I walk to my car. Parked right behind my car is Slim. He’s sitting on his bike with a cigarette dangling from his mouth. This is not what I need tonight. Slim’s the last person that I wanted to know where I live.

  I’m not dumb. Slim can have Fox look me up in a second and find out where I live and any other information he wants to get on me. It’s different when I know for a fact that he has my address and can come around anytime he wants to. Not that I expect him to come over to the house. He lost that right and I think he knows it. If not, I’ll be more than happy to tell him.

  Driving home, I let my mind wander to the time I spent with Slim. It’s not like he’s not on my mind every second of every day. The one time that sticks out most in my mind is after the first time he fucked me.

  After thoroughly ravishing my body, Slim pulled me into his arms and we talked. The conversation wasn’t anything major, but it was a side of Slim that not many people get. He told me about his life in the club and asked me about my life before I came crashing into his world. For hours we just lay wrapped in one another and talked. That night was the first time anyone has ever wanted to truly know about me.

  Before I know it, I’m pulling into my driveway as Slim pulls his bike around the back of the house. They must not want anyone to know that someone’s here watching over Patience and me. Whatever they feel they have to do. As far as I’m concerned, they can all sit outside on the porch while I go in and visit with my cousin before heading to bed.

  Especially Slim.

  I’m just unlocking the door when I feel Slim’s body heat on my back. Looking over my shoulder, I see that he’s close to me as he waits for me to open the door. I turn my head back away from him and refuse to let him know the way that he still affects me.

  Not doing a good job, Slim wraps his arms around me and helps me get the key in the lock. He walks inside after me and shuts the door. I stand in the middle of the living room and stare at him with my mouth hanging open.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” I ask when my wits finally come back.

  “I’m watchin’ over you girls tonight. Shy, do what you do and just pretend I’m not even here,” he says, invading my home.

  “You can watch over us from outside. You don’t need to be inside to do that,” I say, placing my hands on my hips and continuing to stare at him.

  Before either one of us can move, Patience comes walking into the living room and stops dead in her tracks. She looks between the two of us in a silent standoff and walks into the kitchen. I follow her so that I can get away from the man that invades me every chance he gets.

  This was not part of the fucking deal. Slim needs to get outside and sit on the fucking porch. I’ll even give him a blanket if he wants one. But he doesn’t get to come to my home and try to dictate to me. This isn’t his personal space— it’s mine.

  “Who’s that?” Patience asks as I pull a plate of food out and put it in the microwave.

  “Slim,” I say.

  “Oh,” she responds, drawing the ‘o’ out.

  “He’s on babysitter duty tonight and I’m trying to get him to go outside,” I say.

  “What’s going on?” she asks, looking around the house.

  “I don’t know. It’s not you though,” I answer, pulling her in for a hug.

  Once the microwave beeps to let me know my food is done, I take my plate out, grab a soda, and make my way up to my room. Slim is sitting on the couch with the remote for my TV in hand. I can feel his eyes on me as I disappear around the corner.

  As soon as I’m safe in my room, I close the door and set my things down. My heart feels like it’s beating out of my chest knowing that the man of my dreams is downstairs. It would be so easy to cal
l him up to my room and find out if he’d fuck me. I haven’t been with anyone since him and I think that’s something that needs to be rectified.

  If only the men of Benton Falls weren’t scared to death of any member of the Phantom Bastards. They’ve seen me riding around with Slim and know that I’m basically off-limits. It doesn’t matter to them that I’m no longer with him or the club. They’ll be too afraid of blowback from Slim to do anything.

  Fuck my life!

  I hurry up and eat my food before undressing for the night. I’ve gotten used to sleeping naked and that’s not gonna change just because Slim’s in my house. Once I’m under the blankets, I snuggle down and let sleep claim me.

  The next morning, Alex comes to relieve Slim of his babysitting duties. I didn’t speak one word to the man as he sat on the couch. I could feel his eyes following my every move when I was downstairs, but I didn’t give in to his silent demand to acknowledge his presence.

  Patience talked to him while she was downstairs. She even made the man breakfast. I’m glad she’s comfortable around him, but she doesn’t need to get used to having him around. It’s not gonna happen.

  “Alex, I’m sorry, but we’re going shopping today. My cousin needs some more stuff and I need to pick up a few things myself,” I say as we walk out the door.

  Alex has no problem staying outside while he’s watching over us. It’s just Slim that has the problem with boundaries.

  “I got you. I’ll be waitin’ outside the stores you go in,” he responds, standing up from his position on the porch and following us down the sidewalk.

  Patience gets in the car and keeps her eyes glued to Alex. Oh no! I can already see an interest developing there and it’s not gonna happen. The last thing she needs is another man in her life right now.

  I don’t say anything to her though. Instead, I turn the music on and we make our way to Main Street and the little shops there. Patience is lost in her own world as she gazes out the window.

  We’re heading into the second store when someone slams into me from behind. I turn, ready to bitch the person out, and standing there is Collette. She’s dressed in an outfit that might fit a toddler, with the bottom of her tits showing along with her ass cheeks. Her shorts are so small I’m surprised her pussy isn’t on display for the world to see.

  “Look who we have here. The so-called head bitch of the house bunnies has fallen,” Collette says, not backing away from me.

  “What do you want, Collette?” I ask, shielding my cousin from the bitch in front of me.

  “You sure have fallen since leaving the clubhouse, haven’t you?” she asks.

  “I haven’t fallen anywhere. I’m working, have my own house, and I’m not spreading my legs for assholes. Can you say the same thing?” I ask, itching for her to keep going. “Oh, wait. You didn’t leave on your own. You were thrown out, weren’t you, Collette?”

  “Just because that bitch got her hooks in my men. I did nothing wrong. Wood and Boy Scout would have chosen me over that bitch,” she says.

  “But they didn’t. No one wants someone that spreads her legs for everyone they are close to. Not to mention the fact that you were used up way before the club got rid of you. You were only used for blowjobs and those weren’t even that good from what I hear,” I say.

  “Shy, you’re nothing but a fucking slut. You’ll be back to spreading your legs before too long. Even if you aren’t willing,” she says, turning on her heel to walk away from me.

  “Hey, Collette,” I call out. “Make sure your latest fuck buddy knows he should wrap his shit up with multiple condoms or get ready to have it fall off from whatever disease you have now.”

  I turn and push Patience into the store before the bitch can walk back toward us. I’ll beat her fucking ass and not think twice about it. Patience doesn’t need to be anywhere around that shit though. She’s had enough shit in her life and needs to be stress-free and peaceful for once.

  “Are you okay?” she asks as we begin to look at maternity clothes.


  “Who was that?”

  “One of the house bunnies I was telling you about before. She got thrown out of the club because she was trying to run one of the girls away. Collette was given more than one chance and didn’t straighten herself out. So, now she’s a bitter, used-up skank that can’t handle anyone doing good in their own life,” I answer, picking out a few shirts and maxi dresses for Patience to try on.

  We spend the next few hours shopping and having fun. Since I don’t get to hang out with the girls from the clubhouse that much anymore, it’s nice to have my cousin here with me. I forgot what it’s like to just relax and be able to enjoy someone’s company without having to worry about someone stabbing you in the back.

  Chapter Ten


  I GOT A call from Alex a few hours after he took over watching Shy and her cousin. He told me about an altercation between Shy and Collette outside one of the stores. From what he says, he didn’t get involved because Shy had no problem putting the bitch in her place.

  He told me what the car Collette was driving looked like and gave me a plate number so Fox can run it and find out where that bitch is. If she continues to be a problem around here, I’ll call Summer in and let her have some fun. It’s been a while since she got to get her hands dirty and I know Dozer is in town so he can see her handy work. Something to keep in mind for now.

  Summer is one of the girls who started as a clubwhore for the Wild Kings MC. She proved herself better than most and became close to the ol’ ladies of the club. We lost her for a while when her best friend Storm was killed in an ambush on the club, but she bounced back with Dozer’s help.

  Dozer is one of the Wild Kings Nomad members. He comes in every few weeks to spend time with his ol’ lady before heading back out. Right now, she’s not ready to be on the road full-time so Grim is letting her stay with them. It’s hard as hell on the couple, but if anyone can survive, it’s them.

  For now, I’m spending the day at the clubhouse. The first thing on my agenda is getting a few uninterrupted hours of sleep. There was no way I could sleep at Shy’s house last night.

  Knowing that she was just upstairs killed me. I couldn’t go to her and pull her in my arms or anything. The only thing I could do was sit on the couch, after pushing my way through her door, and listen as the house settled for the night.

  I make my way to my room. Ginger is standing in front of my door as I enter the hallway. What the hell is she doing? As soon as she sees me walking toward her, a smile covers her face.

  “What?” I bark.

  “Want some company, Slim?” she asks, trying to look sexy.

  I feel absolutely nothing. My dick doesn’t even twitch at her offer. Ginger has a few layers of make-up caked on her face and her hair has definitely seen better days. It looks like she just crawled out of someone’s bed and is looking to catch me next. Not gonna happen.

  “If I wanted company, or you, I’d let you know. Stay the fuck away from me and my room. Unless you want to be out on the streets with your friend Collette,” I say.

  Ginger tries to rub her hand down my chest. I grab it and stop her path as I press into her personal space. Finally, a look of fear enters her lifeless eyes.

  “I said stay the fuck away from me. That’s not an invitation for you to put your nasty as fuck hands on me,” I say. “Now, go find somethin’ to clean. If I hear you didn’t, you’re out.”

  Ginger scurries away as I pull my keys from my pocket and open my door. As soon as it’s shut behind me, I lock it and begin to strip. My clothes are in a path from the door to my bed as I flop down to crash.

  Waking up, the first thing that captures my attention is my door slightly ajar. Immediately, I sit up and look around my room to see who’s in here or what’s been touched. The only thing I notice out of place are some papers on my desk. And my computer screen is on. It’s on the screensaver because no one knows my password. No matter ho
w many times someone tries to get it, no one can figure it out. Fox can’t even get it and that man can get into anything.

  I don’t know how anyone got in my room without waking me up. I’m usually a light sleeper and the smallest sound wakes me up. Somehow, someone not only got into my room, but they were able to rifle through my things as well. The only thought in my head is that someone drugged me and that’s why I didn’t wake up. But I didn’t eat or drink anything once I made it back to the clubhouse. I’m at a complete loss.

  The one person that comes to mind is Ginger. She was standing in front of it when I walked in and something just didn’t seem right about it. I’m not sure what the fuck her game is, but I’m not playing it. I’ll let Summer come play with her too if that’s what it takes.

  No one is going to fuck with my club or anyone that’s part of it. That includes Shy and her cousin. Jennifer’s an ol’ lady now, but the rest of the girls and kids all fall under our protection and they’re not going to be taken, hurt, or fucked with in any matter while I’m the fucking President of the Phantom Bastards.

  Especially not by someone that spreads their legs for any man that will fuck them.

  I jump out of bed and throw on a pair of jeans. As soon as they’re on, I make my way to Fox’s room. Knocking on the door, I impatiently wait for him to answer. He’s probably in there with Kim.

  “What’s up, Prez,” he asks, out of breath and only in a pair of jeans.

  “Don’t mean to interrupt, but someone was in my room while I was sleepin’,” I say.

  “On it,” he says, walking over to his computer to pull up the feed of the camera in the hallway.

  I stand behind him and watch as Fox pulls up the feed for the last few hours. We watch the screens as Playboy, Killer, and Kim walk down the hall. It almost seems like we’re not going to discover who it was when I suddenly tell him to stop fast-forwarding and let the feed play.

  Ginger comes slinking down the hall and stops outside my door. As soon as she’s sure the coast is clear, we watch her pull something from her pocket. In no time at all, she’s in my room. Fuck!


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