Slim's Second Chance (Phantom Bastards MC Book 2)

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Slim's Second Chance (Phantom Bastards MC Book 2) Page 12

by Erin Osborne

  “Just give me five minutes. Get dressed and we’ll head out.”

  “I can’t go out smelling like sex.”

  Slim laughs at me before climbing out of bed and dragging me with him. We head to the bathroom attached to his room and he makes sure the temperature’s right before helping me in. Standing under the water, I let myself think of all the changes that are about to happen in our lives. We’re adding a baby to the mix when he’s just finally given us a chance-a real chance.

  As soon as we’re out of the shower, we quickly get ready to head out for the day. Slim leads me from the clubhouse, ignoring everyone sitting in the common room. He leads me to the SUV he’s going to drive so we can leave.

  Turning around in the seat after catching something out of the corner of my eye, I see a car seat already installed. It’s got a light pink pad in it and a little toy hanging from the handle. Where the hell did this come from?

  When Slim gets in the driver’s seat, he doesn’t say a word about the car seat. He starts the SUV and drives us back toward the house. My curiosity is getting the best of me, but I keep my thoughts to myself.

  We get out after he parks the vehicle next to the house. Slim leads me upstairs to the room that we talked about turning into a nursery. As soon as he opens the door, tears instantly fill my eyes. Everything we could need for a baby is setup.

  The walls have been painted a soft purple. Pictures of butterflies line the wall to the left of the doorway. There’s also a small frame hanging between the two windows on the opposite wall with the Phantom Bastards logo. Along with a picture that would be on the back of a rag. The club’s logo is in the middle with the words ‘Property of Slim’.

  There’s a crib sitting along the back wall with Kinsliegh’s name spelled out in block letters above it. Each one is a different color and some have designs on them. A bedding set is already on the bed with a mobile hanging from the corner. It’s got butterflies and hearts hanging from the strings. I can’t wait to hear what song it plays.

  On the opposite wall of the crib is a dresser and changing table that matches the crib. Blankets, lotions, powder, and baby wash sit on top of the dresser while there’s a baby tub sitting on the floor right next to the dresser. Diapers, wipes, and diaper rash ointment line the shelves on the changing table. The closet door stands open and I walk over to run my hands over all the small dresses and other clothes hanging there.

  At the bottom of the closet sits a box with toys in it. Kinsliegh won’t need all of them for a while, but it’s nice to know that they’re sitting there ready for her. I also see a walker that’s collapsed and leaning against the wall along with a mat with different toys and things on it. Perfect for tummy time.

  Sitting between the two windows is a rocking chair. The padding on the chair is white and a purple blanket is folded over the back of the chair. A small teddy bear wearing a bandana on his head and a small leather vest sits there. Next to the rocking chair is one of the little vibrating chairs that I’ve seen Sally put her daughter in when they first came here.

  I finally turn my attention toward Slim and see the huge smile on his face. He knew about this being done and kept it from me. My love for the man grows because he knew how much I needed this right now.

  “How did this happen?” I ask.

  “The girls went shoppin’ and made it happen. They know how much you’re goin’ through right now and want to help us out. We can head right to the hospital to get her now,” he says, pulling me into his arms. “I know everyone is gonna be waitin’ at the clubhouse when we get back too. They want to see her because the women are the only ones that have really been up there.”

  “Okay. We won’t stay long though. I want to get her home so we can start figuring out how this is gonna go. I’ve never had a baby constantly before and I want to make sure she’s comfortable.”

  Slim kisses me on my temple before we leave the nursery behind. My excitement level is rising knowing that we have everything we’ll need. Now, the only thing we have to worry about is getting to the hospital, getting her dressed in the outfit Bailey brought for her, and getting back to the clubhouse with nothing happening.

  When we get to the hospital, the first person I see is my aunt. She’s sitting in the chair holding Kinsliegh. Putting my hand out, I stop Slim so I can take a moment and watch my aunt with her granddaughter. It’s a precious moment that I need to get a picture of. I pull out my phone and capture them.

  Just after I get done taking the picture, my aunt looks up at me with a wistful smile on her face. She smiles up at me and motions for me to come over to them. I kneel down next to the chair she’s sitting in and take a look at Kinsliegh. She’s already gotten bigger and Patience is going to miss out on everything. My heart breaks at the knowledge my cousin wanted this little girl more than anything in the world and now Kinsliegh will never get to meet her mother.

  My eyes tear up as I think of everything my cousin will miss out on. Slim pulls me up and into his chest as he lets me have my moment. I concentrate on the sound of his heart beating and try to push the emotions to the back of my mind. Later I can break down in the comfort of our home.

  “Alright. Are you guys ready to get this princess out of here?” Sharon asks, walking in on our moment.

  “Yes,” I say. “What do we have to do?”

  “The doctor has already looked her over today and given her discharge papers to the nurse. You have to call tomorrow to make an appointment for her check-up but that’s about it. You can get her dressed and ready to head out. I’ll make sure you have the paperwork and whatever else is needed to get out of here,” Sharon answers.

  My aunt hands me the baby while Sharon makes her way out of the room. Laying her down on the bed the staff left in here, I begin to change her while Slim and my aunt talk quietly behind me. Kinsliegh starts fussing as I get her dressed and I laugh at the thought she’s going to be one of the babies that hate getting dressed. Slim’s going to have a field day with that.

  It doesn’t take long before Kinsliegh’s dressed and fastened safely into her car seat. Slim ran out and grabbed it to give my aunt a few minutes with the baby before she heads back home. She needs to head back today even though she doesn’t want to.

  After Sharon brings us the paperwork we need to take the baby home, my aunt walks down with us. She’s got tears running down her face and I know she doesn’t want to leave. Unfortunately, she’s got a life to get back to and she doesn’t need all of us around her as she mourns the loss of her daughter— her only child.

  “Call us when you get home,” I tell her while Slim straps the car seat into the SUV. “I love you and I’m so sorry this happened.”

  “Yeah. Take care of Kinsliegh and send me a ton of pictures. I want you guys to come visit when you get a chance,” she answers, pulling me in for a hug. “This isn’t on you. It’s on the fuckers that chose to beat on her and take her life. Kinsliegh’s the one that has to pay for that now. She will for the rest of her life. But, you two will make sure she’s loved and want for nothing.”

  Slim walks her over to her car while I get in and turn my attention to Kinsliegh in the backseat. A mirror has been installed so I can see her in the car seat. She’s already passed out.

  A lone tear slides slowly down my cheek as I realize how much she looks like her mom. Her little face is an exact replica of my cousin’s when she was a baby. When she gets older, I hope she looks just like her mama and not the sperm donor.

  Patience was a short thing. I used to call her my fairy princess because she was always in a dress and made sure she looked her best. She had long, blonde hair that reached her ass with the lightest blue eyes. Sometimes they almost looked clear, they were so light. What she lacked in height, Patience sure as hell made up for with her attitude and sass. My aunt never knew what to do with her.

  Slim gets back in the SUV and pulls my hand to rest on his thigh. He keeps his hand on top of mine as he backs out of the parking lot and points us to
ward home. I look out the window on our ride and think about the way our lives are about to change. The same thoughts running on a loop in my mind every day it seems.

  Chapter Twenty


  AS SOON AS we get back to the clubhouse, all the ol’ ladies surround Shy and Kinsliegh. They want to see her, hold her, and gush over how precious she is. Shy uses the opportunity to grab something to eat real quick.

  I hover over the women as they surrounded my girl. Grim comes over and hands me a beer while I stay put. Until Shy is done eating, I sit at the table Kinsliegh’s car seat sits on and won’t let any of the women leave the table with her. The guys laugh at me, especially when Maddie decides to chew me a new ass in front of everyone.

  Maddie calls me a helicopter dad and tells me that no one is going to harm a hair on Kinsliegh’s head. She tells me I will have to loosen up and not be such an ass or Kinsliegh is going to rebel harder than most when she gets older.

  The only time I loosen up is when my grandsons and granddaughter get here. Summer drove them up knowing that Dozer is coming up here to help us out. Shawn, Brax, Chance, and Zoey come running to me. They slow down when they see their mom holding a new baby.

  I explain to them who Kinsliegh is and they become excited again. The boys all say they’ll protect her while Zoey talks about what they can do together because they are girls. She’s going through her boys are disgusting phase right now and I hope it lasts until she’s forty-five.

  My daughter has them sit on the couch and walks over with Kinsliegh still in her arms. She turns to face me and sticks her tongue out when she sees the look on my face. I’m sure it’s not a good one when the guys surrounding me burst out laughing. Shy even starts laughing so I won’t apologize for the way I’m acting. It’s been a while since I got to hear her sweet voice laughing like that.

  The rest of the time we spend at the clubhouse goes by quick. I go in for a quick meeting with the guys. Grim updates us on the arrival of Blaze and his guys while we figure out a way to get Collette. I think the best way is to let one of the Nomads tempt her. She won’t know them so it’s our best chance so far. We’ll talk more about it when Blaze gets here.

  Last night was interesting to say the least. I haven’t pulled an all-nighter since I was in my late teens or early twenties. Kinsliegh was up and down all night long though. There is no way I was making Shy get up with her all the time.

  The first time I got up with her, Shy was exhausted and barely stirred when we heard her on the monitor I placed in our room. That may have something to do with the fact I placed it on my side of the bed. And I know she’s pissed because the monitor is now on her side of the bed and I was told not to touch it.

  When I went in to get Kinsliegh, I took her downstairs with me so I could make her bottle. I sat in the corner of the couch while I fed her and made sure to burp her after a minute of eating. It’s been a long ass time since I took care of a baby. My grandsons are going on six now. With the distance between the Wild Kings and my club, it’s not like I got to see them on a regular basis when they were babies. But I made trips and invited Maddie and Tank down as much as we could make it happen.

  I talk to Kinsliegh while she is eating and then while I change her diaper. She’ll know that Shy and I love her, that everyone in the club loves her. I also make sure to let her know that no boys are going to be allowed near her until she’s fifty— or I am dead and buried.

  Kinsliegh is already capturing a part of me that no one’s been able to touch in a long time. My family fills my heart and Shy takes up a massive part of it. This little girl is starting to fill another large piece of it.

  I end up spending a long time sitting in the rocking chair in the nursery with Kinsliegh in my arms. After changing her, I wrap her up in her blanket and place her against my chest. She snuggled right into me and fell asleep. Her weight is like a soothing balm I’m not ready to let go of just yet.

  Shy comes in and finds me still sitting in the rocking chair. She took a few pictures of me holding the baby. I hate my picture being taken, but for Shy, I’ll do anything.

  She convinces me to go back to bed with her and we manage to get a little sleep before Kinsliegh wakes up again. Today, I have to meet with the Nomads and I’m going to be exhausted. I wouldn’t change a fucking thing though.

  I’m sitting in the common room of the clubhouse when I hear the pipes of bikes pulling in the parking lot. Grim and I stand up and make our way out to meet Blaze and his club. It won’t be long before Grim and his guys leave. Renegade and the rest of his guys left an hour ago so they can check on their own shit at home.

  My guys and I stand back and let Grim talk to them before making introductions. We’ve had very little interaction with the Nomad club for the Wild Kings. Yes, we’ve seen them around if they’ve been in town, but now they’re going to be on our turf so it’s important to follow Grim’s lead on this one.

  “Slim, this is Blaze,” Grim says, finally making their way over to us.

  “Blaze, thanks for comin’ to help us out with this,” I say, extending my hand.

  “It’s been a long time, Slim. I’m glad we could come down and help you out. Is there somewhere we can go and figure out how you want this to play out?” he asks.

  “Yep. We can go into church and lay everythin’ out,” I answer. “Then you can cut loose and sample the house bunnies.”

  As we’re walking into the clubhouse, Summer runs out and heads right over to Dozer. I turn my attention back to the front door so I can see my girls before we head into church for our meeting. I don’t know how long we’ll be in there, so I want to make sure Kinsliegh’s okay and Shy has help.

  Shy’s sitting at a table in the far corner of the common room. I weave my way through the tables until I’m standing right next to her. She looks up at me with wide eyes and a smile on her face. Kinsliegh’s in her arms, wrapped up in a purple blanket, sleeping. There’s the faintest hint of a smile on her sleeping face and my heart melts even more.

  “Gotta go to church,” I say. “Not sure how long we’ll be. If you need anythin’, let Summer or one of the other ol’ ladies know.”

  “Okay, babe. I might head home in a little while. I know it’s gonna be crazy once you’re done in church. Kinsliegh doesn’t need to be around all that shit,” she says.

  “Take Alex if you go home. I don’t want you alone,” I tell her, leaning down and taking her mouth with mine.

  I hear the catcalls and whistles as I reluctantly pull away. Shy’s got a smile on her face as she buries her head in our little girl’s body. No matter what, she still gets embarrassed and blushes like crazy whenever anyone calls attention to her in an intimate moment. It endears me to her a little more.

  As I walk into church, my mind wanders once again to the fact I lost so much time with the woman I love. She’s burrowed herself so far into me, I don’t know how I managed to push her away in the first place. No one, not even Roxy, has ever made me feel the way Shy does.

  Walking into the meeting room, I look at all the men filling our small room. It’s pretty much standing room only as my club fills their seats at the table, Grim and his few guys stand on one side of the room while Blaze and the Nomads fill the other wall. I make my way to my chair and take my seat before slamming the gavel on the table.

  “First order of business is findin’ out where the hell Snakes Revenge is. They’re hidin’ out somewhere between here and Shadowville. Because we’re workin’ with Satan’s Anarchy, they’re goin’ after both of us. My ol’ lady just lost her cousin because of these fuckers and we now have her baby in our custody. I don’t regret havin’ Kinsliegh at all, but my girl hasn’t even had a chance to grieve the loss. Her aunt just went back home and we’re hopin’ she’s left alone,” I begin saying.

  “Why did they fuck with the cousin?” Blaze asks.

  “Because of my fuck up. I pushed Shy away and she left the clubhouse. Shortly after buyin’ her house, her cousin moved in
with her to get out of her situation. We got pictures of Shy all over the place as if she was bein’ stalked. When I finally convinced her to leave the house after she was attacked, her cousin was left behind. They went in and beat the shit out of her to the point she went into labor. When they tried to fix her injuries, they couldn’t. She basically held on long enough to deliver the baby and then she passed away.”

  For a minute, there’s complete silence in the room. My guys obviously know what happened, but for a lot of the ones here from the Wild Kings, it’s the first time they’ve heard about the attack. And Blaze and his guys haven’t heard a word about it up until now.

  “What do you need Summer for?” Dozer asks.

  “We got an ex-house bunny that’s causin’ problems. At this point, we’re not sure if she’s workin’ with the Snakes or not. But we’ve been tryin’ to tail her and find out where she’s stayin’. Collette manages to lose us no matter what we do or how many guys are followin’ her,” Playboy answers. “It shouldn’t be this hard to track a bitch, but she’s makin’ it near impossible.”

  “So, we’ll have one of you guys go to the bar we know she frequents while the rest scour town for any signs of the Snakes. Unless you can come up with another way to find out the information we need,” I say, looking around at all the men in the room.

  “We’ll try it your way. If we don’t come up with somethin’ in a few days, then we’ll meet again and try to come up with another plan,” Blaze says. “Right now, I want to get a few hours’ sleep so we can make our first trip out tonight.”

  I watch as Grim and a few of the other guys who know Blaze smirk. Obviously, there’s other reasons he wants to go ‘sleep’ and not partake in the house bunnies. To each their own. The only thing I’m concerned with right now is going to see Shy and the baby before she’s down for the night. We’re trying to get Kinsliegh in a routine and Shy is doing her best to stick with it. It’s something she talked about with Maddie and a few of the other ol’ ladies.


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