by Young
Andy stared at me as if I was a whoreson, while Uncle James broke out in comedic exuberance. Shocked by my uncle’s boisterous outburst, my lover gaped, not knowing what to make of my guardian.
“You can take the boy out of China, but you can’t take China out of the boy,” the Englishman vociferated hilariously.
My chaperone scrutinized my uncle, wondering if the man had lost his mind. He waited for James’ laughter to subside. “What are you talking about?” he expressed.
I twittered, “In the event that you’ve lost your mind, sir, I’m not from China. I’m from Malaya.”
James iterated enthusiastically, “Nevertheless, you, young man, are Chinese. Having dealt with Chinese businessmen for most of my life, you are a true-to-form Chinese.” He resumed, “Like the Hong Kong Chinese I’ve dealt with over the years you are an excellent negotiator. You’ve inherited your parents’ genetic ability to strike an optimum bargain to your advantage.” He paused. “In all seriousness, I think your counter-suggestions may be just the ammunition you’ll need to fend off Mossey. That is, if you desire to forgo his offer,” he opined.
Quick-witted Andy responded cheerfully, “What an awesome idea. I’ll be more than happy to draft the counter-proposal for you, my lovely one.”
For the most part, I’d been a silent observer of this imprudent frivolity. I answered calmly, after giving the matter some thought, “I’ll sleep on this and have answers for you before our return to Daltonbury Hall.”
The First Day of 1968
Unlike the previous New Year, when Uncle James, Andy, Oscar and I had spent an intimate dinner celebration together, that year, we were guests of Sheik Fahrib. He had also invited Baron Pierre and the infamous Sir Ernest Ozwalt Mossey to dine with us at Claridges Art Deco restaurant.
Dr. Fahrib was pleased to meet my uncle. Their acquaintance had gotten off to a good start. While the men were discussing investment opportunities in Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates, Sir Ozwalt Mossey leaned across and whispered, “Have you made a decision?”
I nodded and reached into my suit pocket to pull out a sealed envelope. I handed it to his lordship under the table. Without uttering a word, he stuffed the document into his jacket’s breast pocket before participating in the men’s conversation.
My Valet gave me a devious wink. As the evening progressed, the sheik extended an invitation to my uncle to visit Sharjah. “Since the boys will be stationed at my home, you’re welcome to visit them anytime. I’d be delighted to show you my principality,” the doctor conveyed.
“Thank you for the invitation. I will take up your kind offer to see Sharjah and visit the boys while they are there,” my guardian replied.
A surprised look washed over Mossey’s face. He had not expected that I would be stationed in the Emirates. “Why are the boys under your care?” he queried.
Andy chimed smirkingly, “We are part of a student exchange programme and are learning the ways of Middle Eastern cultures.”
Ozwalt, mulling over the contents in the envelope, gave me a puzzled look. I gave him an endearing smile and looked away.
Chapter Sixteen
The Foibles of Young Love
“Ah, clear they see and true they say
That one shall weep, and one shall stray.”
Dorothy Parker
Back at Daltonbury Hall
Classes commenced as soon as Andy and I returned to our boarding school. This time around, I didn’t share a room with Duc and Samuel. I was allocated a BB named Wilhem, a Viking hunk of a Senior. If anyone was looking for the Swede, they were told to locate him at the school’s gymnasium. Since I was already a Junior and needed little attention and coaching, I was left on my own most of the time.
Andy had returned to Yates Fraternity. Little did I realize a new Valet had been assigned to me for my next household. Although Andy and I were stationed together at Assalamu Alaikum (Peace be with you), he would be Albert’s Valet, and I would remain in the Viking’s care.
The first couple of days at Daltonbury were a flurry of classes and assignments before our departure to the Bahriji (Oasis) School in the Emirates.
The news of Samuel’s rejection from the Enlightened Royal Oracle Society came to me through Duc, Sam’s BB. Although the boy had no idea he has been under observation, Andy, Duc and I did know about it. Unfortunately, Sam’s Yuletide insolence had jeopardised his recruitment potential. The Enlightened Royal Oracle Society’s authorities had assigned Duc to accompany a new E.R.O.S. Freshman to an Al Ain household. I was unsurprised when I found Samuel weeping in a quiet corner by Tolkien Brotherhood’s recreational room.
Poor Samuel
When Duc broke the news to his charge that he would soon be leaving for a student exchange programme to the Emirates, Sam went into a hysterical outburst. He threw a tantrum in front of a group of classmates and had to be carted off to the ‘Rabbit Hole,’ where Dr. Hunton gave him some calmatives.
Although a regular BB would replace Duc as Samuel’s guardian, the Freshman had fallen head over heels in love with his mentor. Remembering my own experience when Nikee left to forge a new life outside of Daltonbury, I sympathized with the adolescent. My heart reached out to Sam.
“Shush! Stop crying. Why are you so sad?” I asked, already knowing the answer.
The boy continued to weep. I wrapped my arm around his delicate frame. “Hush… Stop sobbing. Tell me what’s bothering you,” I consoled.
“Duc doesn’t love me anymore,” he blurted.
“What makes you think that?” I questioned.
Sam looked at me and burst into uncontrollable tears. “He’s leaving me for the Middle East, here on my own.”
“Now, now, stop being a cry baby,” I muttered. “Let me tell you a little story.”
He stared at me attentively. I began, “Once upon a time, there was a boy, much like yourself. He was in love with his big brother, Nikee.” I paused, remembering those first, innocent moments. “His BB reminded him to play the field – never to fall in love with him but to love him. Nikee quoted Gilbert Parker to his charge, saying, ‘Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars.’” Before I could continue, Samuel chirped, “What does that mean?”
“It means that no matter how far apart you are from the person you love, oceans and countries will never separate you. You’ll both be working toward the greater good for one another. This, my friend, is the nature of unselfish love. Love is neither egotistical nor possessive. If you truly love Duc, you’ll want to see him happy and allow him to express his freedom. True love is not possessive but expansive.”
The lad declared, “But I’ll be separated from Duc. I won’t be able to have him with me all the time.”
I patted the boy’s hand before resuming, “Cherish the wonderful times you’ve had together. These loving memories will keep your love for him burning bright. I’m sure your BB has told you before to love him but not to be in love with him.”
“He has said that on numerous occasions. But I wasn’t expecting to see him leave so soon…” My heart reached out to Sam as tears welled up again. I hugged him close.
“Shush, don’t start crying. I’ll take you to your room, and we’ll continue this conversation.”
He slipped his hand into mine as we walked to his chamber in silence. My companionship had eased his disquietude. Through Andy and my BBs, I had gained some insights into the meaning of unconditional love.
As we sat on Sam’s bed that evening, I related my personal trepidations over Nikee’s leaving me. I spoke of Andy’s manifestation into my life through universal design. Last, I reassured my friend that he would always have a friend in me, in my Valet and in Duc. I also assured him that Stephen, his newly appointed big brother, would care for him in the best possible manner.
Just as we were finishing our conversation, Duc entered. He was surprised to find me comforting his charge.
“Well, hello, who have we he
re?” he voiced cheerily before resuming, “It’s nice to see you, Young. How have you been?”
“I’m well. I’m about to leave. I’m sure Sam would like to spend time with you. I’ll leave the two of you alone,” I said in an attempt to excuse myself.
Before I could go, Duc put his hands on my shoulders, indicating for me to stay.
“Has this boy been crying again?” he said and reached to console his charge. I remarked, “He’s afraid you don’t love him anymore.”
The French Canadian wrapped his muscular arms around his little brother, kissed his forehead, said. “You silly boy, I’ll always love you. We’ll be apart for a while, but I’ll be back in three months after Al Ain.
“Stephen is a competent BB. You’ll like him. He will look after you while I’m gone. You’ll meet him tomorrow. Tonight, we can sleep together on the same bed. Would you like that?” Duc gave me a look. “Maybe Young would like to stay with us tonight?” he implored.
He looked at Samuel for a response. “That would be nice. I would like that,” he mumbled.
“I’ll have to inform Wilhem that I’ll be spending the night here. Otherwise, he’ll be searching for me if I’m not in my room,” I expressed.
“We’ll be here. Just come to bed upon your return. I will leave the door unlocked,” the BB remarked contentedly.
Ménage à Trois
The moment my vision adjusted to the dimness of the room I had left not so long ago, the ardent couple was already in passionate embrace. Aroused by their ardent kisses, I stripped to join them. Duc’s well-defined musculature swaddled his little brother’s slender physique with amorous prudency. I stared beguilingly at the love that dared not speak its name.
His tender kisses slowly pried opened the boy’s delicate lips, exploring the depths of his lover’s inner crevasses. Sam reciprocated; their curling tongues swirled in an erotic sensuality as if they were desperately trying to fill the void of their impending separation. Sam’s eagerness stirred in me the memory of my Valet’s and my lovemaking. It was an inseverable prurience that only ardent lovers are bestowed the privilege to experience. Merging them into a solicitous entity, their coitus was a specimen of perfection. I was at a loss as I stood entranced by this exquisite emotional outpour. It was only when the big brother signaled to me to partake in their amative coterie that I released my hypnotic fascination to join in an affirmative ménage à trois. Although I felt the urge to remain a silent observer of this winsome captivation, my stiffness perforated my better judgement. The duo welcomed me into their midst. Our unconditional love needed no justification.
It was of little doubt that Duc’s and my serenity had electrified our little brother. Our passionate lovemaking had left a peaceful equanimity over the anxiety-driven lad. His serene slumber provided his guardian and me a chance to speak in private.
Conversation with Duc
We sat in a quiet corner next to the recreational room’s fireplace. Duc shook his head and began, “It’s a shame Sam didn’t make it into E.R.O.S.”
“I thought he was progressing well during his observation period. What happened?”
The BB sighed, “I discovered that Sam was the one who had played the vicious pranks at the ‘Peter Pan’ performances. It saddened me to disclose this information to the E.R.O.S. recruitment board.”
“Why did you inform them? You could have kept it a secret.”
He shook his head again. “In the event he got accepted, his arrogance and conceitedness would be a problem within the Arab households. I’m aware of the stringent E.R.O.S. rules. His vindictiveness would not have sat kindly with the board, and the lad is hot-headed and would jeopardize the society’s secrecy. It is for the best that he’s not nominated as a candidate,” the French Canadian stated.
“What’s going to happen to Sam? Is he going to be reprimanded for his offensive actions?” I questioned.
“I don’t know. For his sake, I hope he will not be expelled; after all, he caused injuries to both pantomime performers.”
I divulged, “Sam already misses you.”
“I know. I will miss him too. Unfortunately, duty calls. It’s a pledge I’d made to the society, and I will follow through with it. I hope our separation will help him understand that nothing is permanent. He must be responsible for his actions. I think, if Sam is allowed to stay in school, Stephen will be a good influence on him.
“But what’s up with you, Young? Tell me everything,” he urged.
I told of my blithesome time in Spain, including the misadventures with Thor. I also related Sir Ozwalt Mossey’s unorthodox proposal. We chatted at length until midnight, when we were booted out of the facility by the cleaning staff. We returned to our chambers, only to begin our hectic schedules once again a few hours later.
Chapter Seventeen
An Unanticipated Visitor
“Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes.”
Marquis de Sade
Andy’s Comments
You were well aware of my opinion of Ozwalt Mossey before you gave him your counterproposal. He was not an easy person, and I did not take kindly to his rancid demands. His unanticipated visit to Daltonbury still fosters putrid tangs in my memory.
First Weekend of Jan 1968
Andy, Albert, Wilhem, and I were scheduled to return to the Bahriji (Oasis) School on a Monday. I was surprised when Wilhem approached me after Sunday chapel service to inform me to report to the Headmaster’s office. When I asked the reason, the Swede shook his head. He had no idea why Dean Higgins had summoned me, but it seemed urgent.
Dr. Higgins motioned me to a seat across from his desk. “Young, I have been on the telephone with Sir Ernest Ozwalt Mossey. He has pressing matters to discuss with you.” My headmaster stared at me as if I was withholding classified information from him. He resumed, “I told him you’re not available until tomorrow morning. As you are aware…” he said and paused, “visitors to the school must provide a minimum of twenty four hours’ notice.”
I gave a cognizant nod. He continued, “But you are scheduled to depart Daltonbury tomorrow afternoon.” He eyed me intently before resuming, “So, I made an exception for Sir Mossey. He wants to catch you before you leave. He is arriving in the morning. You can meet him in the visitor’s lounge. Shall I ask your big brother Wilhem to accompany you to the meeting?”
I replied, “Can I have Andy accompany me, sir?”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” he declared. “I’ll have Wilhem close at hand if you require his assistance.” He appeared to have an inkling as to Mossey’s intention. “I’ll send for you when he arrives.” He shook my hand firmly before ushering me out of the office.
Conversation with Andy
As soon as I’d closed the door, I ran as fast as I could to locate my lover. I found Andy chatting animatedly with a group of his rowing buddies. He excused himself from the group as soon as he saw me approaching. “What’s up lad? Why are you in such a hurry?” he questioned.
“To find you,” I gushed.
“Whatever for?” he asked puzzlingly.
I pulled him out of earshot and blurted, “Mossey is coming to see me tomorrow morning!”
“What?! Why?” my Valet exclaimed.
“I have no idea. I thought my ridiculous counter stipulations would stop him from trying to see me again.”
“Apparently not!” Andy vociferated. “I’ll accompany you to the meeting. We’ll see what he’s got up his sleeve.
“Now, boy! Make sure you’re calm and composed when you’re in his presence. Don’t be flustered. Do you understand me?” he commanded. “Let me do the talking.”
I nodded.
Meeting with Sir Ozwalt Mossey
I was excused from my morning tutorials when Dean Higgins’ secretary came to summon me to the visitor’s lounge. Andy was already waiting outside the chamber. Before we entered, he said, “Remember what I told you y
esterday – let me do the talking.”
Ozwalt Mossey was surprised to see my Valet with me. He had obviously expected to see me alone. Although he greeted us politely, I detected his uneasiness at my chaperone’s presence. His lordship asked, “Can I talk to Young in private?”
“I’m his big brother, and it is my duty to accompany him to all his meetings. Please feel free to speak to my charge,” my Valet answered.
“I have private matters I’d like to discuss with Young alone. Can you excuse us?”
“I’m afraid that is not possible, sir,” my chaperone declared. “I have to be with the boy at all times.”
His lordship raised his voice impatiently, “I am asking you to leave us ALONE, Mr. Valet!”
Andy remained seated. I chirped, “Sir, please tell me the reason for your visit. My guardian is fully aware of your proposal.”
Struck by my candidness, Ozwalt stammered, “Very well, I will tell you the reason I’m here,” he raised his voice in displeasure. “Your counterproposal is deplorable!”
My lover remarked aggressively, “What’s deplorable about Young wishing to be kept in the style he is accustomed to?”
The Englishman exclaimed, “He’s not even of age to drive, and he wants a Lamborghini or a Ferrari? What is he thinking?!”
“You offered him a city car,” my Valet countered. “He has every right to ask for what he desires.”
The man repudiated defensively, “I offered him a city car upon his coming of age to drive, not before!”
He was seething with anger. “Atop this, he demands a luxury penthouse in Mayfair or Park Lane, not to mention the live-in personal tutor! Is he insane? Most adults wouldn’t be able to afford a luxury flat and experienced educator, let alone an adolescent who is barely out of his teens.”