Abbott, John, 515
Aberdeen, Lord, 238, 309
Abinger, Lord, 231, 233–35
Adelaide, Queen Dowager, 12, 15, 53, 161–62, 212, 302–3
Ainsworth, William Harrison, 37, 92
Albert of Saxe-Coburg betrothal of, 23–28
children of, 163–67, 257–58, 265, 268, 275, 281, 317, 357, 384–85, 435–36
death of, 359–60
marriage of, 10, 27–29, 53–54
role of, 28–29, 53–54, 162–65
royal balls and, 153–62
Alderson, Baron, 336, 340–42
Alexander II, Tsar, 442–43, 445–46, 466
Alexandra of Denmark, 361
Alibaud, Louis, 224
Allen, Henry, 182, 196
Anderson, Robert, 497
Anne, Queen, 25
Anson, George, 27, 71, 129, 159–60, 163–66, 179, 188, 304
Arbuthnot, Colonel, 176, 180, 182–83, 185, 196
Arthur, Chester, 447, 458
assassination attempts
by Arthur O’Connor, 385–86
by Edward Oxford, 54–64
by John Francis, 181–83, 186
by John William Bean, Jr., 212–16
on King George III, 42–43
on King Louis-Philippe, 223–25
on Prince of Wales, 503–4
on Queen Victoria, 54–64, 181–83, 212–16, 274–81, 315–17, 385–86, 452–54
by Robert Francis Pate, 315–17
on Robert Peel, 237–41
by Roderick Maclean, 452–54
by William Hamilton, 274–81
“Attempted Assassination of the Queen,” 490–92
Augustus, Duke of Sussex, 10, 128
Bailey, Samuel, 85
Balfour, Arthur, 499–500
Barkman, John, 271
Barnaby Rudge, 129
Barnum, P. T., 473–74
Barrett, Elizabeth, 223, 261
Barrett, Michael, 368
Barry, Charles, 313
Bartley, George, 150
Baup, Monsieur, 93–94
Beach, Thomas, 497
Bean, Esther, 512
Bean, John William, Jr.
arrest of, 218–19
assassination attempt by, 212–16
defense of, 232–34
early years of, 207–11
escape by, 215
examination of, 217–21, 226
imprisonment of, 220–21, 227–31, 512
last years of, 512–13
sentencing, 234–35
trial of, 231–35
Bean, John William, Sr., 209, 234
Bean, Sally, 219
Bean, Samuel, 512
Bedchamber Crisis, 22, 27, 57, 159, 304
Bellingham, John, 88–89
Bentinck, George, 262
Bicknell, Thomas, 136, 138–39
Biddulph, Lord, 489
Bird, Mr., 210–11, 221
Black Death, 346
Black Pirate, 37
Blaine, James G., 447–48
Bleak House, 322
Bodkin, William Henry, 199, 243
Bolívar, Simon, 377
bombings, 442–46, 493–503
Bow Street Runners, 61–62
Bradlaugh, Charles, 356, 401, 429–30, 457
Bravo of Venice, The, 37
Bresci, Gaetano, 503
Bridport, Viscount, 451–52, 455
Brougham, Lord, 314
Brown, George, 59, 60
Brown, John, 362–63, 368, 374, 384–87, 390, 398–99, 404, 452, 459, 472, 489
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, 261
Bruce, Henry, 392, 411–13, 415
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom, 313, 328, 333–34
Bull Ring Riots, 62
Bunsen, Baroness, 332
Burke, Richard, 367
Burke, Thomas Henry, 485–86
Burnside, James, 453, 461
Butcher, Susan, 134, 137–38, 144
Calcraft, William, 95–96, 144, 219, 368
Callan, Thomas, 495–503
Campbell, Sir John, 88
Carlyle, Thomas, 230
Carroll, Sir George, 79
Carver, James, 80, 93, 95, 144, 202–3, 229
Castro, Thomas, 394–96
Cavendish, Lord Frederick, 484–86
Chamberlain, Joseph, 505
Chowne, Dr., 83, 98–100
Churchill, Lady Jane, 384–85, 391, 506
Cibber, Colley, 42
Claimant, Tichborne, 394–98
Clarendon, Lord, 266–67
Clark, Dr., 120, 167, 179
Clark, Sir Charles, 20
Clark, Sir James, 20, 318, 329, 334, 337
Clarke, George, 416
Clarke, James Fernandez, 78, 82–83, 98, 100–101
Clarke, Martha, 511
Clarkson, William, 193–98, 243
Claxton, William, 214, 216
Clayton, William, 59–60, 105
Cleasby, Baron, 405–11, 456, 483
Clifden, Nellie, 358
Cockburn, Alexander, 243–45, 325, 335–42
Cockerell, Charles Robert, 313
Cohen, Joseph, 496, 500–501
Cole, Henry, 284, 312, 328
Coleridge, John Duke, 396, 406–8, 416–18, 471, 477, 483
Coleridge, Justice, 243
Colville, Governor, 412–13
Conolly, Dr. John, 83, 98–100, 299, 300, 335–39, 403, 424
Conroy, Sir John, 12–17, 19, 22–23, 162, 236, 284, 302–3, 507
convict ships, 91, 205, 227, 287, 290, 343
Cooper, Isabella, 201
Cooper, James Fenimore, 37
Cooper, Thomas arrest of, 143
capture of, 142–43
crimes by, 141–42
hanging of, 219–20
imprisonment of, 143–44, 192, 202–24
sentencing, 202–4
trial of, 199–202 Cope, Governor, 70, 80, 82, 97–99, 123–24, 144, 201, 247
Corn Laws, 156, 262–63, 296, 305, 325, 331
coronation, 10, 16–19, 77, 349
costume balls, 153–62
Cottenham, Lord, 335
Courvoisier, François Benjamin, 45–46, 62, 67, 85–88, 91–93, 96–97, 100, 133
Cowling, Samuel, 337
Cronin, Dr. Patrick Henry, 500
Cross, Richard, 415–16, 418
“Cry of the Children,” 261
Crystal Palace, 345, 348, 376, 423
Cubitt, William, 313
Culverwell, Johanna, 488
Czolgosz, Leon, 503
Dagnall, Samuel, 134, 135
Daly, Timothy, 142–43, 199–200
Darmés, Marius, 223
Darwin, Charles, 475
Dassett, Charles Edward, 213–16, 219, 232–33
Dassett, Frederick, 214, 216, 232–33
Davis, John Birt, 83
Davitt, Mr., 484
Denman, Chief Justice, 134, 145
Derby, Lord, 368
Diamond Jubilee, 505
Dickens, Charles, 3, 7, 37, 94, 96–97, 129, 158–59, 190, 208, 322, 360
Dilke, Charles Wentworth, 353–55, 370, 372, 399–401
Dillon, John, 446
Disraeli, Benjamin, 5, 84–85, 261–62, 309, 311, 325, 354, 437–41, 475, 508
Dodman, Charles, 338
Donaldson, Thomas Leverton, 313
Dousbery, Thomas, 174, 177
Driscoll, Charles, 300
Drummond, Edward, 238, 240–41, 244
Drury, Edward, 200
Duchess of Cambridge, 57, 436
Duchess of Gloucester, 302
Duchess of Kent, 10, 12–17, 21, 57, 90, 127–28, 154, 222, 302–3, 346, 357
Duke of Brunswick, 89–90
Duke of Buccleuch, 313
Duke of Cambridge, 74, 127, 161, 301, 336
Duke of Clarence, 12
of Cumberland, 18, 40, 127, 162, 302
Duke of Devonshire, 328
Duke of Kent, 12
Duke of Sussex, 127–28, 161, 284
Duke of Wellington, 26, 74, 76, 161, 184–85, 255, 263, 303, 331, 344, 348
Duke of York, 12, 41–42
Dundas, Sir David, 327
dynamite bomb, 442–46, 493–503
Earl of Beaconsfield, 438, 440
Earl of Chesterfield, 370–71
Earl of Ellesmere, 313
Edward VII, 166, 504, 507, 520
Elam, William, 145–46, 151–52, 168
Elephant Man, 32
Elisabeth of Austria, 464, 503
Elizabeth II, 506
Erskine, Thomas, 43
Exhibition. See Great Exhibition
famine, 262–64
February Revolution, 264–68
Field, Charles Frederick, 322
Fieschi, Giuseppe, 224–25
Fisher, Mr., 201
Fitzclarence, Adolphus, 16
Fitzroy, Lord, 384, 385
Follett, William Webb, 193, 232, 243–45
Forman, Mary Ann, 35
Forster, W. E., 484
Foster, James, 146, 168–69
Foster, John, 129
Francis, Elizabeth, 146
Francis, Jane, 204
Francis, John
arrest of, 183–86, 191
assassination attempt by, 181–83, 186
assassination preparations by, 133–70
on convict ship, 205, 227
examination of, 184–85
exile of, 205–6, 511
imprisonment of, 185–86, 188, 191, 194–95, 202–6
last years of, 511–12
motive of, 192, 197
sentencing, 198–99, 203–6
trial of, 192–98
Francis, John, Sr., 146–47, 184, 191, 204
Fraser, Inspector, 453–54
Frederick William of Prussia, 357
Freeman, Edward, 510
Freeman, John, 510
Fuller, John, 431
Gainsborough, Fanny, 391
Gardiner, William, 135–36
Garfield, James, 446–49, 457, 476
Garfield, Lucretia, 457
Garrison, William Lloyd, 68
George II, 25
George III, 11, 14, 25, 40–43, 302–3, 505–6
George IV, 12, 14, 25, 236
George V, 520
Gibbs, Robert, 150
Gibson, J. Rowland, 404, 407–8
Gilbert, W. S., 423
Gladstone, William, 309, 311, 324, 328, 355–56, 363–66, 370–73, 387, 389, 392–94, 400–401, 409–11, 419, 429, 439–41, 456, 462–63, 466–69, 481–87, 494, 508
Godrich, Alfred, 424
“Going to See a Man Hanged,” 94
Golden Jubilee, 493–503, 505
Good, Daniel, 133–50, 219
Good, Jane, 137–41
Good, Molly, 139, 140
Goodman, Mr., 170
Gordon, General, 487
Gould, Richard, 48–49, 67, 85, 90–91, 97
Graham, James, 174, 176, 189–90, 204, 215–16, 223, 226, 230, 242, 247
Grant, Ulysses S., 447
Granville, Lord, 312, 387, 481–84
Gray, Henry, 286
Gray, J. J., 51
Great Exhibition, 54, 284–85, 312–14, 327–33, 344–50, 375, 423, 510
Great Expectations, 360
Greville, Charles, 189, 257, 262, 331
Grey, Charles, 316, 318
Grey, George, 277, 281, 309, 318, 321, 323, 337, 368, 511
Grimaldi, Joseph, 149
Guiteau, Charles assassination of Garfield, 446–49
trial of, 449–50, 476, 480
Gull, Dr. William, 416, 417
Gurney, Judge, 199
Hadfield, James, 41–44, 70, 105–14, 119, 125–26, 199–200
Haining, William, 217
Hamilton, William arrest of, 275–76
assassination attempt by, 274–81, 391–92
early years of, 269–74
exile of, 286–87, 514
imprisonment of, 276–77, 342
last years of, 513–15
sentencing, 286–87
trial of, 282–86
hangings, 94–96, 133–34, 143–45
Harcourt, Lewis, 476, 480
Harcourt, William Vernon, 465–67, 481
Hardinge, Arthur, 384, 387
Hardisty, Edward, 323, 335
Harkins, Michael, 495–97, 499–503
Harmer, James, 79
Hartington, Lord, 440
Hastings, Flora, 13, 19–21, 57, 162
Hawkes, Henry, 233
Hay, Charles, 323–24
Haydon, George Henry, 509–10
Hayes, Superintendent, 453–54, 459–62
Haynau, General, 327
Haynes, John, 190
Hayter, George, 9–10
Hearn, Thomas, 214, 216
Henderson, Sir Edmund, 388, 411
Herbert, Auberon, 400
He-Sing, 348–49
Hilton, Mr., 209
Hobhouse, John Cam, 68
Hodgkin, Dr. Thomas, 98, 116
Holderness, Dr. William Brown, 456, 478
Home Rule Bill, 484, 494
“homicidal monomania,” 246
Hood, Thomas, 261, 423
Horry, Sidney Calder, 199–200, 232–34
Houghton, Thomas, 135–36
Household Words, 322
Hucker, Edward, 429, 430–33
Huddleston, John, 323, 335, 337, 341, 471
Hughes, Inspector, 62–63, 67, 70, 221
Hume, Joseph, 228–29, 245
Hume-Williams, J. W., 404–7
Humphreys, William Corne, 79–81
Hungry Forties, 156, 260–61
Hutcheson, William, 246
Industrial Revolution, 158
insanity defense
in Cooper case, 201
in Francis case, 193–94
in Guiteau case, 449–50
in Hadfield case, 43
in Hamilton case, 282
in Maclean case, 468–69, 476–80
in McNaughtan case, 242–44, 250
in O’Connor case, 406–7
in Oxford case, 105–8, 112, 117
in Pate case, 335
Jack Sheppard, 37, 92
Jackson, Sergeant, 386
James, Sir Henry, 463, 467, 477, 479, 481
Jarvis, John, 48–49
Jarvis, Mary Ann, 48–49
Jenner, Dr. William, 360, 363
Jervis, John, 281, 285, 323–24, 335–40
Jocelyn, Fanny, 315, 317–19
Johns, Charles, 150–52, 168–69
Johnson, Alexander, 239
Jones, Edward, 165
Jones, Jane, 137–41, 144
Joseph, Elisabeth, 464, 503
Joseph, Franz, 464
Jubilee Day celebrations, 493–503
“Jubilee Plot,” 493–503
Kean, Charles, 95, 146
Kean, Edmund, 95
Kelly, Thomas, 367
Kennedy, Miss, 500
Kensington System, 13–16, 19, 357
Kenyon, Chief Justice, 43
Key, Charles Aston, 99
Kiss, August, 349
Knight, Mrs., 433
Knocker, Wollaston, 465–66
Kossuth, Lajos, 327
Labouchère, Henry, 333
Lamb, Daniel, 275
Laurie, Sir Peter, 79, 85, 125, 174
Law Lords, 250, 337, 340
Lawrence, Thomas, 51
Le Caron, Henri, 497
Lehzen, Baroness, 13, 16–20, 23–25, 28, 55, 129, 163–67, 204, 304
Lenton, John, 50
Léon, Comte, 7, 62
Leopold, Prince, 10�
��12, 16, 25, 129, 175, 179, 212, 221–22, 260, 278–79, 290, 309, 329–32, 344, 384–86, 390, 404, 436, 464
Liddell, Georgiana, 180
Lights and Shadows of Melbourne Life, 510
Lincoln, Abraham, 359
Loftus, Augustus, 517
London Labour and the London Poor, 34
Louis Napoleon, Prince, 7, 57, 62, 265, 272, 277, 327, 356
Louis XVI, 41–42
Louis-Philippe, King, 223–25, 244, 264, 267
Lovett, Mr., 53
Lowe, Albert, 59–60
Lowe, Joshua, 59–60
Lucheni, Luigi, 464, 503
Lyndhurst, Lord, 250
Lyttelton, Lady, 187, 223, 304
MacDonald, Flora, 268
MacLachlan, Archibald, 432–33, 453, 478
Maclean, Annie, 427–28, 430, 432, 478
Maclean, Caroline, 428, 430
Maclean, Charles, 423–25
Maclean, Inspector, 150
Maclean, Roderick arrest of, 453–54
assassination attempt by, 452–54
assassination preparations by, 434–36, 450
defense of, 477–78
early years of, 420–25
examination of, 456–62, 465–69
imprisonment of, 461, 474–76, 480
last years of, 519–20
trial of, 471–72, 474–81
Macready, William Charles, 147
Mahon, Charles, 299, 339
Manning, Dr. Henry, 478
Manser, Sarah, 86
Marc, Charles Chrétien Henry, 246
Marchioness of Ely, 504
Marklew, Edward, 33, 67, 79, 82
Marquis of Anglesey, 349
Marryat, Captain, 8
Martin, Esther, 512
Martin, George, 215, 221, 232
Mary Queen of Scots, 236
Mathews, Charles James, 148–50
Matthews, Henry, 498
Maudsley, Henry, 424
Maule, Fox, 63, 68–69, 89
Maule, George, 99, 226
Maurice, Oliver, 479
May, Superintendent, 276, 281
Mayhew, Henry, 34, 342
Mayne, Commissioner Richard, 62, 140, 143, 190, 276, 323, 368, 388
McCafferty, John, 366, 367
McGonagall, William, 489–90, 492
McKinley, William, 503
McNaughtan, Daniel arrest of, 241
assassination attempt by, 237–41
defense of, 243, 325, 337
examination of, 243
imprisonment of, 245–47
motive of, 244
sentencing, 247
trial of, 242–47
McNaughtan Rules, 250–51, 339, 341, 449, 477–78
McNeill, James Carstairs, 451, 454–55
Melbourne, Lord, 16–17, 22–28, 54, 58, 67, 127, 160–64, 304, 439
Melville, Joseph, 495–96
Mensdorff-Pouilly, Count, 153, 180, 186–87
Merrick, Joseph, 32
M’Gill, Inspector, 140
Millais, John Everett, 55, 65, 66
Millais, William, 65, 66
Millen, Francis, 496–501
Minton, Mr., 35, 38
miscreants, 179, 207, 216, 223–28, 235, 251, 410
Mitford, John, 43
monomania, 82, 224, 246–48
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