Bloodstone (Talisman)

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Bloodstone (Talisman) Page 68

by S. E. Akers


  Tanner leaned closer and stroked my cheek. “Did it hurt?” he whispered.

  “Worse than what you said,” I grumbled. “It still does.”

  “Good,” Tanner grinned and headed straight out the door.

  Yeah… I deserve that.

  Chapter 24 — Maiden In Distress

  Sweat pooled in every crevice of my body. Virtually glued to the sheets, I tossed and turned in a fit, trying to kick myself out from under the covers. I finally flung them off the bed. Kamya was sitting at my bedside (again), but in a strange twist, I found myself lying on a set of umber-dyed sheets. I was in someone else’s bed and definitely not in my hotel suite anymore. After a sweep of the room’s earth-rich palette and Hispanic antique décor, I doubted if I was even in the hotel. Wherever we were, there wasn’t daggone cool breeze to be found.

  “Thank goodness you’re awake,” Kamya gushed and then tenderly swept a cool rag across my brow. “I was starting to get worried.”

  Well, that greeting was a lot better than her last. I pushed myself up. “Where are we?”

  “In a house,” Kamya replied with several bats of her big brown eyes.

  “Are we still in Veracruz?” I posed.

  Kamya tilted her head and took an awkward pause. “Yes,” she finally replied with a thoughtful nod. “I think.”

  Okay, I pondered as I sprang out of bed. I stopped abruptly on my way to open a set of closed shutters and swung around after realizing I was wearing one of the hotel robes instead of my clothes. “How did I get here? Like this?”

  “You were passed out in the tub when we got back to the suite, precious girl.”

  My eyes narrowed. Precious girl? “So you yanked me out, threw a robe around me, and slung me in the Jeep along with my luggage?” I posed as I pointed to my bags lying on the floor.

  “No,” Kamya insisted. “Tanner did.”

  I blanched, though truthfully I wasn’t as embarrassed this time. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen most of it before.

  “By the way… Do you know that you snore?” Kamya posed.

  My mouth cracked. Do not. Scratch that. Now I was officially even more embarrassed than before.

  Kamya dismissed her tactless claim with a playful wave. “Anyway… How are you feeling?”

  The wounds on my hand and wrist were gone. I lifted up my shirt to find that only a hint of the slice from the malachite blade remained on the outside, but my insides felt like a sultry summer day. “Almost healed, but why am I still so hot?” I panted.

  “That’s the last bit of the malachite,” Kamya assured. “It should be out of your system soon.”

  “Why are we here?” I asked as I fanned my shirt.

  “Benicio showed up at the hotel. Tanner took off after him. Federo thought it would be wise if we hid you at his house, for your protection.”

  “Yeah,” I remarked skeptically as I raised the window and gave the shutters a couple of firm pushes. “Probably a good idea to hide out at his brother’s house. He’ll NEVER find me here.”

  “My, my we’re grumpy. Did someone wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Kamya scolded with a laugh.

  “No. I woke up on the wrong side of the-brother-of-the-Talisman-who-wants-to-kill-me’s bed.”

  “Relax, precious girl. I’m here,” Kamya assured with a confident nod.

  There goes that “precious girl” again. It sounded even more icky-sweet than before. I tried one more time to open the shutter-covered window, but they still wouldn’t budge. I couldn’t even get the louvers to flip. Did he nail everything shut for my protection too? I finally gave up when I spotted my bags and opted to change my clothes.

  “Where’s Tanner?” I asked.

  “Still tracking Benicio… I suppose,” she added.

  I whipped my head up. I “suppose”? Even that sounds a little too laid-back coming out of Kick-Ass’s mouth. I dug a much-cooler tank and a pair of shorts out of my suitcase and tossed them on the bed. My eyes shot open when I realized I wasn’t missing only my clothes.

  “WHERE’S THE STONE?” I gasped.

  Kamya smiled and pulled out the glowing red chalcedony. “Right here,” she grinned. “You don’t mind me holding on to it, do you?”

  “Of course not,” I replied. “Umm…What about my purse?”

  “It’s over on the dresser.”

  I turned to retrieve it when Kamya announced, “You can’t talk to him.”

  I spun around. Her mannerisms may have softened but her instinct was still spot-on. “Why not?”

  “Because of the spell Federo placed on the perimeter, silly girl. It restricts any psychic communication from the outside. It’s his house… He’s in control,” she sang, sounding as chipper as a bird.

  My mouth almost hit the floor. “And you’re OKAY with that?” I questioned.

  “Why shouldn’t I be?” Kamya rebutted with a blasé shrug.

  I edged closer. “Are you okay?” I asked.

  Kamya gave her arms a taut stretch above her head. “I’m perfectly fine. Great actually,” she corrected. “I’ve never felt more relaxed.”

  “In Federo’s house?”

  “Yes. He’s been the height of hospitality. He’s downstairs putting the final touches on our lunch.”

  Oookay… Maybe she’s lightened up on him, since he did help save me? I watched the now docile Ruby Talisman hop up and prance off like a bunny, less the fluffy, fuzzy tail.

  “Now that you’re up, I’m going to finally soak this arm of mine,” Kamya cooed as she headed out of the room.

  “Wait, Kamya!” I glanced around the room in a panic after remembering I’d left the wall safe back at the hotel wide-open. “My necklace! Where’s Katie?”

  “I didn’t forget her either. Look on the bedside table,” Kamya instructed. With a wave of her hand she closed the door and called out, “See you in a few… Ta-ta.”

  I couldn’t break my stare. I think I was waiting for a couple of bluebirds to start chirping and follow her out the daggone door. Weird. I drifted off and woke up in the freakin’ Twilight Zone.

  I walked over to the bedside table. There she was, sparkling under the pale light of the lamp. It was about that time — time for our talk. I’d put it off long enough, and now I had the privacy I’d so desperately craved. But most of all, I missed her. Even if she did end up yelling at me the entire time, I would take it — just to hear her voice. After I get dressed, I affirmed with a nod. I fanned myself again. And possibly after I’ve scored a tall glass of ice water.

  With the chain of the necklace now wound around my finger, I grabbed my purse and headed out the door. Ugh! It was even hotter out here in the hall. I found the stairs without a hitch, right beside another shutter-clad window. I worked my way down the steps, praying I ran across a thermostat. This is ridiculous. Hasn’t our host heard of central-air?

  The Amber Talisman was waiting for me when I reached the bottom. “Ahhh. Feeling better?” Federo asked.

  “Much,” I replied. I glanced towards yet another covered window. “Just hot,” I hinted.

  “That is expected. Malachite tends to boil the blood. You are fortunate to have recovered as much as you have. I’ve never known of any of us but Seraphina that can heal as quickly as you. Not even Adamas… Well, not without a little help,” he noted with nod. “It is almost as if the diamond was meant for you.”

  “Yeah,” I answered as I threw my moonstone ring a covert glance to make sure its veil was securely in place. “Maybe it’s my genes.”

  “Maybe?” Federo purred.

  This exchange was screaming for a change of subject. “So what happened with Olaf and the other guy?”

  “The man in the elevator was still locked in a trance. He didn’t see or hear a thing. But we had to convince the one who attacked you that his actions were nothing more than a dream.”

  “How did y’all do that?”

  “With my amber, of course,” Federo insisted. “The hallucinatio
ns it allows me to conjure are quite deceptive. I can weave one as easy as magician would on a stage in front of a crowd. My illusions cloud a person’s unprotected mind, leaving their subconscious vulnerable. Fool a person’s eye and their hearts and minds will follow suit,” Federo remarked with a laugh. “They are helplessly tricked into thinking the distortions I have suggested are exactly as they seem. And like a hypnotist, I can whisper whatever my wishes may be into their ears. It is not the same as your compulsion, but as long as they believe what they are witnessing is real, they can be coaxed into anything. The delusions are virtually inescapable for supernaturals, so I would not worry about a mere human ever waking from one. It is the only power my stone grants me, but a very useful one at times like these.”

  “Will he try to kill Mike again?”

  “If the magic is ever countered with a spell I suppose, but the chance he will ever discover that his reality has been magically manipulated is slim. I would not worry. It seems an unlikely threat.”

  That’s reassuring… I guess.

  “Truthfully, young one, I am more concerned about Olaf’s appearance.”

  “Why’s that?” I asked.

  “It is one thing to tinker with one’s perceptions, but it is quite another when reason stares them back in the mirror.”

  I tilted my head, confused.

  Federo grinned. “Tanner left, let’s say…a lasting impression on him. I am sure his face is swollen like a balloon this morning, and I know he cracked several of his ribs before I intervened. It seems my friend took things personally last night.”

  “Oh,” I mumbled. Now I had a red-face to go with my physical flush. “Have you heard from him?”

  “Yes. He is out hunting Benicio as we speak, but he requested that you and Kamya remain here under my protection until he returns.” Federo extended his hand and pointed me down a long hallway. “Why don’t you step into the parlor? It’s much cooler in there, under the ceiling fans. Lunch will be ready soon. I had my housekeeper prepare an assortment of things. A few of Kamya’s favorites too.”

  “I take it the two of you have buried the hatchet?” I posed, knowing it wasn’t sticking out of his back.

  “Yes,” Federo laughed. “Thanks to you. We are now seeing ‘eye to eye’, as they say…and I have to admit, I prefer her much better this way.” He escorted me to the parlor with a gallant sweep. “Now you must please excuse me. My duties are calling.”

  “Could I trouble you for something to drink?” I asked.

  “But of course,” Federo beamed and then started down the hall. “I have the perfect thing to quench your thirst,” he assured with a doubtless point of his finger.

  Seeing I was one step closer to that cool drink I craved, I weaved through the plush, ostentatious room and made my way over to a hard bench. Hell, it could have been a table for all I knew, but I sought out the least comfortable spot. I had to be alert, focused, and prepared to retaliate like I would for any other fight. This one just happened to be with my best friend. With my rear firmly planted and praying I could fire-off my words quicker than an auctioneer, I took a deep breath and latched Katie around my neck.

  Here we go.

  “KATIE,” I called out telepathically. “I know you don’t want to talk to me, but—”

  “SHUT UP, SHI!” Katie screamed.

  I slammed my foot on the floor, threw my purse on the bench, and jumped up. “NO! Not until you listen to me!”

  “Nooo! You need to listen to me!” Katie contended.

  “Not until you hear me out!” the three-year old in me barked back. “I can’t undo what I’ve said or done, but you have to find a way to forgive me. You have to know I had your best interests at heart, just like you’ve had mine all this time. I know you’re worried about what’s going to happen when we do find your body. But you haven’t been entirely honest with me either. We’re best friends, Katie…and we’re supposed to tell each other everything and we haven’t. You’re just as guilty as me. So, if you can’t see that, then we’ve got bigger problems than just my lies.”

  “Tell me something I don’t know,” she sighed. “Can I speak?”

  “Proceed,” I said, standing my ground.

  “You’re right. You did a shitty, shitty thing…but I know you did it for me. And YES, my explosion wasn’t entirely directed at you. I am afraid. I’m VERY afraid. I think about what’s going to happen after you find my body ALL THE TIME! I know you. I know you’ll find it, and that’s what’s been eating at me. It was hard enough thinking about you off at college and me stuck back in Welch…without you. But what happens after you find it? I don’t exist anymore! The entire town thinks I’m dead. I’m afraid of ending up all alone. Take my word for it, I’ve gotten a good taste of what truly being alone is like not talking to you over the past FIVE DAYS!”

  “It’s not even been two,” I interjected.

  “You’re shittin’ me?” Katie huffed.

  “Seriously,” I replied, trying to suppress a giggle.

  “ANYWAY, I had to face my biggest fear… Not having YOU in my life, permanently,” Katie muttered somberly.

  “I would NEVER abandon you, Katie. Why would you ever think that?”

  “A lot has changed since you found that wand…since Bea and Tanner. Just look at you and Samuel. Look how the two of you have grown apart. He’s like your family too. I don’t know if I fit in your world anymore? If I can?”

  “You have to,” I pleaded.

  “And why is that?”

  “Because I’m not losing you AGAIN!” I insisted and took a deep breath. “I’ve already felt what that’s like. I’ve never cried so hard or felt so lost in my life. When I was sitting at my vanity and heard your voice inside the diamond, it was indescribable. It was like someone had been listening to my pleas and granted me a wish like in a fairytale. You came back to me for a reason, and you can’t get rid of me that easily. Fate brought us together, Katie. I knew it when we were five and it was reconfirmed when your soul called out to me that day. You’re my destine bosom friend… Now and until the end.” A silence engulfed our connection. The more time that passed, the more my worry escalated. “Katie?” I called out apprehensively.

  “That was really sweet,” Katie sniffled. “How long did it take you to come up with that?”

  “I pulled it right out of my ass,” I replied.

  “Pretty good for off-the-cuff,” Katie praised.

  “Well, when you have a bosom friend like I do, whispering in your head all the time, some of their B.S. is bound to rub off.”

  “Naturally,” she laughed.

  “So are we good?”

  “No,” Katie replied curtly. “We’re better than that.”

  “And here I was worried that your solitary confinement would’ve made that smart-ass I know and love disappear.”

  “Nahhh. I’ve been brushin’ up.” Katie let out a shrill gasp. “WAIT, SHI…Where are you?”

  “I’m in a house with Kamya and Federo. Why?”

  “Umh… WHO are they?” Katie demanded.

  Yep… She’s missed a lot. “Two Talismans. Bea sent Kamya. She’s been watching me since New Orleans, and I met Federo yesterday. He’s Benicio’s twin brother, the Talisman who turned into the jaguar and chased me the other night. Federo is helping us find him.”

  “I don’t care if he’s his uncle’s cousin twice removed! That’s what I wanted to tell you, before you cut me off. I heard a couple of guys earlier. One of them was bitchin’ up a storm because he couldn’t find something.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  “YES!” Katie huffed.

  “How long ago?” I questioned.

  “Maybe an hour or two?” Katie replied.

  It was pushing one o’clock right now. Surely she heard the voices when I was asleep, here. But Kamya was watching me. I’m sure she stayed right by my side.

  “I think they were looking for your wand,” Katie warned.

  That…or possibly the

  “Where’s Tanner?” Katie asked.

  “Tracking Benicio,” I replied. “That’s what Federo and Kamya said. I haven’t spoken to him.”

  “Call him,” Katie urged.

  “I can’t. Federo put a spell on the house. It blocks psychic communication from the outside.”

  “Ummm… Why would he do that?” Katie asked suspiciously.

  “For my protection.” Crap. That sounded even worse repeating the words in my head.

  “Do you trust him?”

  “Well, he did help save my life…and Kamya is here with me,” I added. “She’s the one who roasted the guy at the cemetery and fought off Damiec in New Orleans. I trust her completely, but she’s acting kind of weird.”

  “You’d better find a way to call Tanner. Something’s not right. I know it, and I’d die if anything happened to you!”

  I could barely form my words. “YOU would die? The same person who thought I hadn’t searched for her body for months because I was only thinking of myself?”

  “Hey! That’s my shovel you’re spreadin’ that crap with.”

  “I know, but I figured I was do a turn,” I countered.

  “YES,” Katie laughed. “I would die ALL OVER AGAIN, if something happened to you, my until the end of time, till death do us part, through good times and even LIES…bosom friend!”

  She just had to get that last dig in.

  “What else happened while I was locked away in the tower?” Katie demanded.

  Correction. The princess had one more glass slipper to throw. “A lot,” I groaned. “Ty’s fine, no thanks to Lorelei. And I got stabbed in the gut last night with a malachite blade that was meant for Mike and puked until I passed out in the tub. Umm, I saved Kara from getting her head chopped off and was trapped with her all night in an ancient temple…and now we’re friends.”

  “HOLD UP!” Katie blurted. “You and KARA, are friends?”

  “Out of everything I just said, that’s what you heard?”

  “Kara and YOU are friends?” Katie repeated.

  “Yeah,” I reaffirmed.

  “Exactly how good of friends are you?”

  Good grief, I moaned as I shook my head. “I ran into Ferrol,” I interrupted. I figured that would shut her up, and it did.


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