Deep Into Destiny

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Deep Into Destiny Page 4

by Scot C Morgan

  As Nithia continued, I opened my eyes again to look at Alara. I wanted to make sure she was okay with waiting, and the fact that she'd be partaking of round two instead. But I also just wanted to see her naked body spread out on the bed waiting for me while Nithia rocked against me from her knees.

  Alara smiled at me while rubbing her hand against her loins.

  Be with you in a minute.

  But it didn't take that much longer for Nithia and me. She must've felt the tension in my hand on the back of her head. Right on cue, she slowed her movement, but made it deeper and more forceful, until finally, just when I wanted her too but was unable to get a coherent word out, she pressed her face firmly against me. I could feel the inside of her mouth pulsing around me, squeezing and releasing. At the end, she held firm until I relinquished all I had for her.

  My hand slipped from the back of her head onto her shoulder, and she slowly withdrew. I turned my gaze from Alara, who appeared pleased that I'd been satisfied, and looked down at Nithia. She tipped her head back and met my eyes with hers. Her lips were wet and the area around her mouth was glistening.

  As Nithia stood, I widened my stance a little to keep my balance. She wiped the edges of her mouth with her forefinger, then sucked it clean before kissing me on my cheek. "Come on," she whispered into my ear. "It's time to go to bed."

  She turned around slowly, then took a small step backward, pressing her ass against me. I'd been completely satisfied, but despite that, I could already feel the faintest stirring of the recharge I'd soon need. She walked to the bed and I followed.

  Alara closed her legs to make room as Nithia climbed in beside her. I stood at the foot of the bed, appreciating both of their naked bodies for a moment. Taking a deep breath, I let it out and girded myself for round two.

  "I might need a minute," I said.

  Alara nodded. "That's okay. Come here and we'll keep you warm until your ready."

  I climbed into bed and the two of them parted to let me have the space between them. I rolled over onto my back, resting my head on the pillows which had been bunched into the center against the headboard.

  Alara gently ran her hand across my abs, then traced her fingers down and over my pelvis. Nithia leaned over, pausing to let her breasts hang in front of my face before she began kissing my chest.

  "I sure hope Nithia didn't take everything from you," Alara said.

  I was about to answer her, though I hadn't decided what to say, but before I spoke Alara moved closer to Nithia and Nithia raised her lips from my chest to meet her. The two of them kiss directly in front of me, while Nithia's hand moved to join Alara's on my pelvis. I watched their lips press into each other then withdraw slightly as each of their tongues came out a little to play with the other's.

  Alara turned toward me and Nithia began kissing her cheek as Alara said, "Do you want some kisses too, Den?"

  "I'm not opposed to that," I said.

  Both of them scooted their bodies more against mine as they each came closer to kiss my cheeks. Then, taking turns, each brought her mouth to mine for a time, Alara first, then Nithia, then Alara. When Alara pulled away after her second turn with my mouth, I expected Nithia to take her place again, but she didn't. But I immediately discovered where she'd gone, feeling her lick the border between my upper thigh and my pelvis. Alara then took a position down below on the other side.

  I reached down with each hand to feel the long, silky locks on each of their heads. They'd left enough of it draped over my stomach and hips when they discovered how to get me ready for round two. Just as they took turns bringing their mouths to mine, now they took turns bringing their mouths to me again. I was thankful the pillows had been bunched up in a stack under my head. I had a good view of my women and for the next minute I watched them as the did a fine job of getting me back in shape for the next round.

  I admired each of their beautiful faces as each looked up at me between their duty turns. And, though there was no need to look anywhere else, I occasionally glanced to either side of me to take in the other great views after I'd moved my hands from their hair to their voluptuous asses, which were pushed upward toward me. I gave each of them a firm but playful slap when it was time to give the other's mouth a turn. They caught on to the signal after the first couple of times.

  I could tell I was standing firm and resolute for the task ahead, so I gave each of their asses a good squeeze and said, "Okay, ladies. Why don't you two climb on board. Your captain's ready for another departure."

  They giggled, then each gave me a final kiss below before moving their heads up near mine again.

  "Who's first?" Alara said, sitting up. "I think it should be me, since she had you before you came to bed."

  "That's true," Nithia said, also sitting now. "But I don't think I can wait."

  They both sounded a little pouty, but in a playful way.

  "Don't worry," I said. "There's room for both of you." I reached over to Alara and cupped the side of her breast, then ran my thumb over her nipple. "Why don't you get things started down there." I nodded down at myself, where they'd primed me.

  "Yes, Den," she said, moving down a little and putting one leg across me to straddle me.

  "Oh." Nithia sounded disappointed, but not angry.

  "Don't worry," I said to her, giving one of her breasts similar attention to what I'd shown Alara's. I patted my upper chest. "Put yourself up here. I'll take care of you."

  She looked at my upper chest for a moment and appeared confused. Then, after I pushed my lips out a little she seemed to get what I meant. "Oh, yes. Okay." She smiled and straddled my upper chest.

  I put my hands under her thighs and at the same time felt Alara settling down onto me, feeding me into her. "Yes," I said, meaning to give Alara the go ahead. "Now you." I looked at Nithia as she leaned her head above mine. Her full breasts were suspended over me. "Bring yourself up here, so I can get a taste."

  She obliged eagerly, and I went to work just as Alara did on me. We carried on for nearly twenty minutes, but Alara helped me run the course before Nithia had reached the end. Thankfully, they both already knew what to do, and both of them pitched in again. Each then took a new position on their mount and we rode on, doing the same again and again well into the night.

  Chapter 4

  I felt Alara nudge me. She was on my left and Nithia was on my right. We'd been in bed since coming back to Mettin's place without Tara.

  I can get used to this. Maybe Yedia will be home for us.

  "Dennis," Alara said.

  "Huh?" I had been enjoying a slow awakening from a well-earned sleep until her nudge.

  "Did you lock the door?"

  "What?" I heard someone trying the door handle. "Oh, I...don't know."

  It's Mettin's place. He's not going to bother us.

  "Going back to sleep." I buried my face a little.

  I heard a noise at the door and Alara nudged me again, harder this time.

  I sat up and looked across the room at the door, seeing the handle jiggle slightly. I glanced to Alara, then to Nithia, who was still asleep.

  "What time is it?"

  "I don't know," Alara said, sitting up too. "It's the middle of the night still, I think."

  I realized no one in Galderia had a watch, and sundials or those things with sand falling didn't help at the moment.

  "Tara?" I pushed the covers off of me, which unveiled Nithia's naked sleeping body. She moved a little. I push some of the cover back onto her to keep her warm.

  Alara, seeing that I was getting out of bed, slid her bare legs off her side of it and scooted toward the pillows to let me get by.

  As I climbed past her and stood, whoever was on the other side of the door continued to moved the handle.

  I didn't lock it, did I?

  I walked naked toward the door and heard a woman crying. "Tara?"

  The handle movement stopped, but the crying didn't.

  Standing so the door covered most of my nakednes
s, I opened it and she looked up at me, tears streaming down her face.

  "Tara." I opened the door more, dismissing the cold air I felt challenging my exposed manhood.

  She took a step and plunged her head into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and felt her trembling body stir with each breath she took between her sobs.

  "Tara, what's wrong?" Alara said as I guided Tara inside and shut the door.

  I leaned back and looked down at her, keeping my arms around her. "Tell me what happened?" I could smell the alcohol on her, but she didn't appear physically incapacitated. The walk back here wasn't long enough to sober her up. Given her smaller size, I figured she had slowed the partying down after we left her earlier in the night.

  But what happened after that? What have you gotten yourself into?

  I wasn't blaming her for whatever had happened, but she had a history of listening to her impulses.

  It took her a few seconds before she lifted her head off my chest and raised her gaze to meet mine.

  "It's," she said, then sniffled. "It's terrible, Den."

  "What?" I gently wiped a tear from her cheek. "What's terrible? What happened, Tara?"

  Alara got out of bed and walked to us, putting her arm across the back of Tara's shoulder.

  Despite having drained myself with Nithia and Alara over the preceding few hours, I would've been stirred into action again at having Alara's breasts pressing against my arm and holding Tara against my naked body, but deeper motives guided my thoughts—mostly. I'd left Tara behind and something had happened to her because of that decision. I quickly scanned her as best I could while still holding her. Her clothes didn't show any signs of struggle. My worst fears were played.

  Tara glanced to Alara, who was gently rubbing her shoulder, then looked at me again. "I wanted to tell them, but...I got scared. They thought it was me."

  She burst into tears again, burying her face into my chest.

  I ran my hand over her head, stroking down her long red hair. "You're safe. Nothing's going to happen to you."

  She collected herself a little and lifted her head from me. "They killed her."

  "What?" Alara sounded just as alarmed as I felt.

  Someone banged against the other side of the closed door and we all startled and turned to it.

  I stepped past Tara, leaving her in Alara's embrace, and went for the door.

  "Den," Alara said.

  I paused and looked back at her.

  She nodded toward my manhood and I glanced down.

  "Oh, right." I looked around the room to locate my shorts I'd tossed randomly from the bed a few hours prior. Spotting them, I quickly retrieved them and put them on. I'd gone back to wearing them under my leather kilt-like piece, since they kept me from dangling and risking an unwanted surgery from Mettin's blade in our practice sessions.

  The unexpected visitor banged on the door again.

  I reached for the door handle, but stopped short of touching it. Stepping to the right, I grabbed my sword which I'd leaned against the wall beside the door. Holding the blade at the ready, I grabbed the handle. "Who's there?"

  "It's me. Open the door. There's no time to waste."

  I recognized Mettin's voice. He sounded deadly serious.

  I lowered my sword and opened the door.

  He glanced at me, noticing my sword and then my boxers, then he looked past me to Tara and Alara.

  Seeing the expression of surprise on him, I turned to the women. "Oh. Alara." I nodded downward, toward her naked body.

  Mettin averted his eyes, turning his gaze back to the door.

  Alara left Tara and went to the side of the bed, where she leaned down and picked up her clothes from the floor and began putting them on.

  Nithia woke up, raising her head a little. She saw Mettin and pulled the cover a little higher to cover her breasts fully. "What's going on?"

  "I'm not sure," I said, turning to Mettin. "Mettin?"

  He moved his head a little to glance back at us. When he saw that Alara had covered herself mostly, he faced us all directly. "Her." He looked at Tara. "They're looking for her."

  Tara slowly shook her head. A tear spilled from her eye. "I didn't do it. You have to believe me." She was addressing Mettin, pleading with him—no doubt because of his position as Captain of the Guard for Yedia.

  "It's a horrible situation," Mettin said.

  I went to Tara's side and put my arm around her shoulders. "Of course you didn't." I looked at Mettin, knowing if he made a move for her I'd unleash hell on him.

  He didn't move a muscle, except to move his eyes from Tara to me.

  I stared back at him, still ready to act if he made the wrong choice. I'd left my sword against the wall again, but he didn't have his with him. I knew he probably had hand-to-hand training, but it wouldn't be enough against my barbarian strength...especially not when I was protecting one of my women.

  He must've known I'd drawn an invisible line in front of him. Slowly, he raised his hands, palms toward me. "I'm here to help, but we don't have much time."

  I kept my arm around Tara and continued to watch him closely. "What do you mean?"

  Nithia sat up in bed, holding the cover up to cover her chest with one hand while she fished for her clothes underneath the cover with her other hand. "What's happening? Tara are you okay?"

  Tara glanced back at her. "I am, but..."

  "Who died?" I asked Mettin. "And how did it happen?"

  "A woman," Mettin said. "You met her." He glanced to each of us. "All of you did."

  "Who?" Alara, now fully dressed, stepped to Tara's other side. "When did we meet her? And what does Tara have to do with this?"

  "She'd never hurt anyone," Nithia said.

  Well, that's not true, but not unless it was life or death.

  Tara stepped forward, out of my embrace, and spoke directly to Mettin, who was still by the door, several feet away. "I saw it happen."

  I watched her in front of me as she took a deep breath, then said, "They killed her. Two of them."

  "Killed who?" Alara said.

  Mettin touched his side as he looked at mine. "The one who tended to you."

  I glanced down to where Mettin's blade had severely cut me days before. "You mean...the woman who-"

  "Applied the poultice to your cut," Mettin said. "Yes."

  I recalled her face. If it was the one who put the herbs on, she was the older of the two women, I thought.

  "The second one," Mettin said, evidently seeing some confusion on my face. "The one who came into the room with the boy." Mettin sighed. "They're still looking for him."

  "And the other woman? Was she there?" Alara asked.

  Mettin shook his head. "Not sure. They'll find her and question her, that I know."

  I stepped up to Tara and took her hand in mine. "You saw who did it?"

  She looked up at me and nodded. "And they saw me." She took a breath, as if trying to calm herself. "I ran...but they came after me."

  "Oh, Tara," Nithia said, climbing out of bed. She'd gotten her panties and top on. She came to Tara and gave her a hug.

  "So, you're going to get them," I said to Mettin. "The men-" I looked at Tara. "It was two men?"

  She nodded.

  I looked to Mettin again. "Your people will get the two men responsible for this? The ones who did it, and came after Tara."

  Mettin started to speak, but Tara interrupted, "There was a red mark on their sleeve. A dagger, I think. No. I'm sure. A red dagger. Both of them had it."

  "Damn," Mettin said. "You're sure?"

  She nodded.

  "They chased you," Mettin said. "Did they get a good look at you?"

  "Maybe." Tara's look of concern sharpened.

  "That explains why they're coming here." Mettin leaned his ear closer to the shut door for a moment, then pulled away from it. "I believe you, Tara. We don't have much time."

  "Why?" I went to my sword leaning against the wall and picked it up. "Who's coming?"

  "You're the Captain of the Guard," Alara said. "She's a witness to a murder. You have to protect her!"

  "I know," Mettin said. "And I will."

  "We will," I said, holding my sword up.

  "But there's a problem." Mettin dropped his gaze to the floor. "Those men."

  "If they try anything," I said. "I'll kill them."

  Mettin looked up. "It won't be that easy."

  I lowered my sword. "Why not? Either you do something about them or I will. They aren't going to hurt her."

  "The red dagger," Mettin said. "It's the insignia for the Yedian Patrol, the elite enforcers of the city."

  "So you have a couple of dirty cops," I said. "At least we know who we're looking for."

  Mettin shook his head. "No. I'm afraid it's much worse than that."

  "How?" Nithia said. "What do you mean?"

  Mettin looked at Tara, then at me. "It's not the first time."

  "Not the first time?" Tara sounded angry, but her voice cracked and she sniffled afterwards, clearly still fighting back tears.

  "They're almost untouchable." Mettin sounded ashamed. "It disgusting, but it's politics. The Yedian Patrol was dreamed up by a group of some of the more influential and wealthy merchants and politicians in Yedia a few years back, as a way of dealing with a surge in petty crime the normal city security forces were having trouble stamping out."

  "You're kidding me." I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

  Same shit in Galderia. Corruption. Doesn't matter where you are. Get enough people and money together and there it is.

  "I've been trying to take them down for a long time, but...they're connected. Protected." Mettin looked at Tara and shook his head. "I'm sorry. My men and I are here to protect the city from outside threats. We don't have as much influence on what goes on inside the city."

  "You're sorry?" I was pissed. I couldn't believe the Captain of the Guard for the city was telling me he couldn't do anything about two assholes who just murdered someone coming after Tara.

  "If they saw you," Mettin said to Tara, ignoring me, "you're not safe in Yedia."


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