The Trophy Wives Club

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by Ali Spooner

  The Trophy Wives Club

  Ali Spooner


  Back of the Book

  An elite businesswoman decides it’s time to stack the deck in favor of the fairer sex, and once she sets her mind to something, it’s as good as done. She offers under-appreciated professional women an opportunity of a lifetime with the proposal to work at an exclusive fitness club.

  On the outskirts of Atlanta, lives of these women working at the elite club change. Friendships take shape, romance blooms, and the members get the workout of their lives.

  The Trophy Wives Club

  Copyright © 2019 by Ali Spooner

  Smashwords Edition

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 978-1-98-858819-3

  First Edition

  PDF, ePub, mobi

  Published: August 1, 2019

  This book is Published by

  Affinity eBook Press NZ LTD

  Canterbury, New Zealand

  E-mail: [email protected]

  Editor: Angela Koenig

  Proof Editor: Alexis Smith

  Cover Design: Irish Dragon Designs

  Production Design: Affinity Publication Services

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  This work is copyrighted and is licensed only for use by the original purchaser and can be copied to the original purchaser's electronic device and its memory card for your personal use. Modifying or making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, without limit, including by email, CD, DVD, memory cards, file transfer, paper printout or any other method, constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions.

  * * *

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  I would like to thank my fans for following my stories, providing great feedback, and encouragement. Writing wouldn’t be so much fun without you. Thanks to Affinity, Irish Dragon for the cover art and the team of editors, readers, and publishers who continue to help me grow as a writer.


  For Rhonda. Thanks for allowing me the time to create and your support of my writing.

  Love you Babes!

  Also by Ali Spooner

  Single Stories:

  The Bee Charmer


  Back in the Saddle

  Open Your Heart

  South of Heaven

  Shotgun Rider

  The Settlement

  Love’s Playlist

  Cowgirl Up

  Twisted Lives

  The Epitaph

  Terminal Event

  Bailey’s Run


  The Island Series

  Neptune’s Ring

  Venus Rising

  The Hunter Series


  The Devil’s Tree

  Sasha Thibodaux Series


  Bayou Justice

  Line of Sight

  Strong Southern Women Series

  Diamond Dreams

  Gator Girlz

  True North

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  About the Author

  Other Books from Affinity

  Chapter One

  Marley Jacobs had finished the back portion of Mrs. Melinda “Lindy” Freemont’s session and was ready to finish up. “If you’ll turn over, I’ll finish your massage.”

  Marley waited until Lindy turned and filled her hands with the warmed oil. She allowed Lindy to get settled and began massaging the muscles across Lindy’s chest.

  “How long have you been giving me massages now?”

  “I would guess a little over a year now, twice a week,” Marley responded as she caressed the tense muscles with strong hands.

  Lindy kept her eyes closed as she continued her questioning. “I would suspect that you actually get very little of what the center charges for the massages too.”

  “They call it overhead,” Marley chuckled. “I’ve looked into opening my own spot, but the overhead really is a killer and I don’t have the upfront money for that kind of investment.”

  Marley watched as Lindy’s mouth turned up in a smile, listening to her response. “How much do they pay you here?”

  Marley cocked her head at Mrs. Freemont. She usually wasn’t this full of chatter. “That’s kind of personal, but I gross thirty thousand.”

  “I’m sorry to be prying, but I do have a reasonable cause for it.”

  Marley chuckled softly. “That would be what, Mrs. Freemont?”

  “A business opportunity, Marley, but not one that can be discussed here. Would you consider having dinner with me tonight to discuss the proposal?”

  Mrs. Freemont had stirred her curiosity, but she also did not want to get her hopes up only to have it crushed. What the hell, all I have to lose is a bit more of my pride and this place was eating it up on a regular basis. “Sure, why not, never hurts to listen. I will be off at five.”

  “Do you know where Victor’s is?”

  “Yes, I do.” Victor’s was an extremely expensive steakhouse on the fringe of Northwest Atlanta. She knew where it was, but the menu was way out of her price range.

  “Will you meet me there at six-thirty?”

  “I can do that,” Marley replied as her hands stroked down the front of Lindy’s body.

  Lindy was a forty something wife of the Honorable Judge, Jay W. “Dubyah” Freemont, who was at least twenty years her senior. Jay Dub, as he was most commonly referred to, was a Federal Judge who, according to his wife, was spending more time at his Washington post than at his Atlanta home.

  Marley concentrated on her movements, but could not overlook the rock-hard nipples on the perfectly shaped breasts her hands had just caressed on their way down Lindy’s body. This wasn’t an uncommon response for most of her clientele, but was a first for Lindy. She shook the image from in front of her mind and was thankful Lindy’s eyes were closed so she didn’t see the flush on her cheeks.

  “If I haven’t told you lately young woman, you have the most marvelous hands,” Lindy softly whispered, adding to the coloring of Marley’s cheeks.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Freemont,” she managed to say after pushing the lump in her throat away.

  “I have had many massages over the years, and none left me feeling the way yours do.”

  “Careful now or you will give me a big head,” Marley chuckled, as her hands worked down Lindy’s right thigh.

  “I am being very sincere.” Lindy propped up on her elbows and looked at, Marley. Her blue eyes were sparkling.

  “Thanks, but you need to lay back now so I can finish.”

  Lindy smiled and complied with her request, much to Marley’s relief. Her blue eyes remained locked on Marley as she concentrated on her task and she could feel her eyes giving her a close inspection. She tried her best to ignore the soft moans coming from Lindy as she deeply massaged her legs and finished up with her feet. When done, she covered Lindy’s body with a cool sheet.

  “All good for today. Take your time getting dressed and I wil
l see you at six thirty Mrs. Freemont.” Marley smiled at her then left the room to allow her customer to get dressed.

  Marley closed the door softly behind her and walked to the small office break room to wash her hands and take a long drink of cool water. She carried a fresh bottle of water to her cubical and was making case notes when Lindy walked by. She looked up from her notes to a smile and wave as she passed. She returned the smile and turned back to her appointment book. Only one more appointment for today and then she would go home to shower before meeting with Lindy. She did a mental review of her closet in search of something decent to wear to her meeting as she waited for her next client.

  After her last appointment, Marley washed up and closed down her laptop before walking out to her car for the short ride home. It was Friday night, and the rush hour traffic was brutal as usual, but Marley had found a short cut and quickly exited the interstate. Her thoughts were preoccupied, pondering Lindy’s proposal and she nearly missed the turn into her apartment.

  Chapter Two

  Marley headed straight for the shower when she opened the door to her small apartment. For a moment, she regretted agreeing to a dinner meeting with Lindy, preferring instead to spend her Friday night winding down with a few cold beers at her favorite local pub. But she had agreed and it wouldn’t hurt to hear what her client was proposing over a fabulous steak dinner. Afterward, she would go for those beers, she promised herself.

  Time was passing quickly as she undressed for the second time and tried on a third outfit. “This will have to do,” she told herself as she slipped a light sweater over her head. She finished dressing and went to the bathroom for a spray of perfume and to run a brush through her hair. A look in the mirror told her she was presentable and actually looked pretty damned good. With a smile at the image looking back at her she grabbed her keys and walked out the door.

  She arrived at Victor’s at six twenty-five and found a parking spot. They had not discussed where they would meet, so she walked into the restaurant and was greeted immediately by the host.

  “Ms. Jacobs?” he asked.


  “Follow me please, Mrs. Freemont has already arrived.”

  Marley followed the young man through the restaurant to a small private area where Lindy was already waiting. The host pulled out a chair for Marley and left them once she was settled.

  “You look very nice,” Lindy remarked as Marley took her seat.

  “Thanks. You look marvelous as usual.”

  “Flattery will get you everywhere,” Lindy smiled. “Would you care for some wine?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Lindy poured a glass and handed it to her.

  “I appreciate you meeting with me tonight, Marley.”

  “I have to admit, you have my curiosity piqued.”

  Lindy rewarded her with a charming smile. “That is good, I was hoping I would. I need to ask some personal questions before we go much further.”

  “Ask away,” Marley lifted her wine glass to her lips.

  “You have been giving me massages for over a year now and we have never discussed your personal life. I am assuming quite a lot here, but I must ask if you are a lesbian?”

  Marley was very glad she had waited to take a sip of the wine until after the question. She calmly took a sip and then placed her glass on the table. “I will have faith that this is a reasonable question to be asked, but yes, I am a lesbian.”

  “Trust me when I say there is a perfectly good reason for the question.”

  A waiter arrived to take their orders and then left them again to their privacy.

  “What does my sexual orientation have to do with your proposal?”

  “I promise it has everything to do with it but let me explain.”

  “Yes, please do,” Marley was trying not to sound offended.

  The waiter approached with salads and bread. When he left, Lindy continued. “I have been mulling over a business venture for several months, but your participation is extremely important to me.”

  Marley picked up her fork and started on her salad. “I’m listening.”

  “I assume that you know who my husband is?”

  “Yes, a very ambitious Federal Judge,” Marley answered.

  Lindy chuckled at her response. “Ambitious would be a good description of, Jay Dub. Anyhow, I know that he has been spending a great deal of time in DC and there have been several young women he has been spending considerable time and money on, if you catch my drift.”

  “He’s having affairs, is that what you are saying?”

  “When good old Jay Dub manages to get home, all I get from him on a rare occasion is ten humps and a slump. He takes his pleasure and quickly falls off to sleep and even that has been fairly non-existent these last few months.”

  Marley nearly choked on her salad when Lindy described her husband’s lack of performance and decided to place her fork on her plate. She had no idea that their conversation would be taking this type of turn.

  “Please continue,” she said with a smirk.

  “We can wait until after we eat if you would prefer,” Lindy offered.

  “No, I’m good,” Marley picked up her fork.

  “Most people would assume with the age difference that Jay Dub took me in as a trophy wife but I have my own career, my own money, so I don’t depend on him for handouts.” Lindy stabbed her fork into her salad. “I love him dearly and can look past his behavior. Divorce is totally out of the question, so where does that leave me?”

  “Sexually frustrated,” Marley said. “Sorry to be blunt.”

  “That is exactly where it leaves me, and I prefer your directness.”

  Marley cocked her head. “So, if divorce is out of the question, what do you see as your options?”

  “That is where you come into the picture. Do you have a partner?”

  “No, at the moment I am single, but why does that matter?”

  “Would I be someone you could feel attracted to in a sexual manner?”

  “You are a beautiful woman, but also a very married one,” Marley answered.

  Lindy smiled at her and waited for the next comment.

  “I will admit if approached by you, I probably wouldn’t turn away, Mrs. Freemont, if that is what you are asking.”

  “Please, call me Lindy and yes, that was exactly what I was asking.”

  The waiter arrived with their steaks. “Eat, these are too good to waste and then we will continue.”

  Lindy was correct, the steak was incredible. Marley pondered what she had heard so far as she enjoyed the plentiful meal. She thought she had some idea where Lindy was heading, but did not want to assume anything.

  After the meal, Lindy looked across the table at her. “May I take you someplace? I have something I want you to see that may help make more sense of the conversation we are about to have.”

  “You have me curious, and I don’t have solid plans for tonight, so I guess I’m all yours.”

  Lindy smiled at her eagerness. “Let’s go. You can ride with me and I’ll bring you back later for your car.” She placed cash on the table and stood to lead Marley from the restaurant. They walked to a small sports car and Lindy unlocked the doors. They climbed inside and she started the powerful engine and drove out of the parking lot as darkness fell on Atlanta.


  Fifteen minutes later, they pulled up in front of a large building. Lindy used her keys, opened a door and stepped inside. She flipped on a switch and the area lit up.

  “What is this place?” Marley asked as they started toward a small flight of stairs.

  “It is an investment piece that I have been remodeling. It used to be a small factory, but I have begun converting it to small flats. I had visions of using it as a rental property, but my vision has changed.”

  The room they walked through was open, nearly two thousand square feet of space, enough to create a variety of rooms. The building was much larger from the inside as they climbed the st
airs and took a tour of the five flats that had already been converted to private living spaces. They were decorated with the finest of furnishings and Marley felt they could bring a fortune as rental properties.

  “These are beautiful,” she said as they wandered from room to room. She looked out a window and beneath the soft glow of security lights, saw a freshly surfaced tennis court waiting for players. “So, what are your plans?”

  “Sit with me and I’ll tell you,” Lindy ushered her to a small love seat in one of the flats.

  “I want some of that sumpin’ sumpin’ Jay Dub’s been getting on the side. What’s good for the goose…, but I have a plan for a very discreet operation.”

  “Why not just go out and get some from any of the young studs that would so easily follow you home?”

  “It’s not a young stud I want, besides there is the risk of accidental pregnancy and STD’s. They usually have no sense of discretion either,” she added as an afterthought.

  “That makes sense. I can imagine how difficult it could be if it were spread around your social circle that you are getting busy with a young man.”

  “Speaking of social circles,” Lindy said. “I have a large one as you can imagine, and many of these women are in the same boat I’m in.”

  “So, we have a large group of Atlanta’s Elite with raging hormones?” Marley teased.

  Lindy broke out in laughter. “That is one way of putting it, but I prefer to think of us as women with needs and plenty of money to meet those needs.”


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