The Trophy Wives Club

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The Trophy Wives Club Page 5

by Ali Spooner

  The next morning Luna met Marley at the local fitness equipment company and when they left there was an agreement to begin delivering the equipment on Wednesday after the flooring was finished. There were a few pieces of equipment that would need to be ordered, but they were promised for delivery by Friday.

  Luna was unable to sit still when they returned to the club and Marley gave her a list of items to order after she left for work at the clinic. Pepper pulled up just as Marley was leaving to help Luna with the ordering of supplies.

  “I will see you both later tonight,” Marley said as she walked from the club. “Have a great day.”

  “You too,” Luna said. “We will be thinking about you slaving away at the clinic.”

  “I will be dreaming about this place.” Marley climbed in behind the wheel.

  Tom’s crew was busy installing the flooring and Luna couldn’t help herself from walking back to the fitness room to check on the progress. She was very pleased at the appearance and the pace the men were working.

  “What do you think?” Tom asked.

  “This looks great. Will it be settled enough to put heavy equipment on it by Wednesday?”

  “You could put it on tomorrow with no problems. This is the best flooring money can buy. Mrs. Freemont has only gone with the best on this project.”

  “Yes, she has,” Luna agreed with a smile and returned to the office to continue ordering supplies.

  Later in the afternoon, equipment and supplies began rolling in. The equipment for the laundry was delivered and set up just as Pepper returned bringing in the linens they had ordered. The electrician had finished hard wiring the alarms and camera system and internet was run throughout the building. Flat screen televisions were delivered and installed and by the time Marley returned after her last appointment, the empty rooms were starting to take shape.

  The flooring crew stayed late to finish the floors. Luna was standing in the doorway of her exercise haven watching the final piece being laid when Marley walked in. Luna was lost in thought and did not hear her approach.

  “This is looking great.” She stopped beside Luna.

  Luna jumped in surprise. “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in. Yeah, it is looking great.”

  Marley leaned against the doorframe. “I called my landlord today and he was pleased with the idea of you subletting the apartment.”

  “That’s great news,” Luna eyes glowed with excitement. “I can’t wait to have my own place.”

  Marley smiled at her excitement. “I will start moving tonight if you help me load and transport some stuff.”

  “You have a deal.”

  “Toss in supper and I will volunteer to help,” Pepper said as she stopped beside them. “Let me give Hayley a call and let her know I’ll be late.”

  “Do you want to invite her to join us?” Luna asked.

  “Naw, she detests moving, but thanks.”

  “Italian then, Ladies?” Marley asked.

  “Sounds wonderful to me,” Luna said. “I could use some carbohydrates.”

  “The crew here is just about done. Why don’t you grab some food and Pepper and I will meet you at the apartment?”

  “Any special requests,” she asked.

  “Food and lots of it,” Pepper said. “We haven’t eaten all day.”

  “What? You didn’t even take a lunch break?”

  “Nope, we were too busy, Boss. Want me to show you around really quick?”

  Marley followed Luna through the laundry room and back to her office. She opened a small closet door and inside was five sets of new uniforms. “Those came out really nice.”

  “Yeah they did. They were delivered already pressed this afternoon,” Luna answered.

  Marley was still staring at the uniforms, “This is really happening, isn’t it, Luna?”

  “Yes, it is, Boss. Do I need to pinch you?”

  Marley turned to look at Luna who was grinning broadly. “No, but it all does seem like a dream sometimes.”

  “I agree, but even if it’s a dream, it’s a really good one.” Marley left Luna and Pepper to lock up after the workers finished, while she went to pick up some dinner for them. She called her favorite Italian restaurant and placed an order as she drove and hoped she wouldn’t have to wait too long to pick it up. She had decided to leave all of her furniture for Luna, so she would just need to take clothing and her personal belongings to the club. They could make a large dent in the move tonight she thought as she waited for a traffic light to turn green.


  “Let’s take these boxes over to Marley’s,” Luna suggested as they made a final pass through the club before leaving. “I doubt she has given any consideration to moving boxes.”

  “Probably not as busy as she’s been,” Pepper agreed. “Toss them in my backseat and you can leave your bike and ride with me if you want.”

  She and Pepper drove to Marley’s apartment and were unloading the boxes when she arrived. “That was great timing,” Marley said as she climbed out of her car. “Come help me with this Luna.”

  Luna walked over to her car and whistled loudly when she saw the bags of food loaded in the back seat. “You plan on feeding an army?”

  “You claimed you were hungry.”

  “Yeah, but if we eat all of this there won’t be any packing and moving done tonight.”

  “No way, I’m getting my money’s worth out of you two tonight,” Marley fired back. “Besides, I have decided to leave the furniture for you to use which should make the move much easier.”

  “We might have you all moved tonight then.”

  Marley laughed loudly. “You obviously haven’t seen my closets then.”

  “Oh please, don’t tell me you are one of those women who have a pair of shoes to match every outfit!”

  Pepper punched her in the arm. “What’s wrong with that?”

  “Dear God, not you too,” Luna said with exaggerated desperation.

  Pepper carried the boxes inside and Marley pointed her to the bedroom. “Just drop them in there and come eat.” She and Luna began placing food containers on the small table.

  Luna moaned with the opening of each container. “I can feel a very long work out coming on to burn up these calories.”

  “I told you I planned to work you hard tonight,” Marley said, just as her phone began to ring. She looked at the number. “Lindy.”

  “This is Marley.”

  “Hello Marley, this is Lindy. I just wanted to say I stopped by the club tonight and things are looking great.”

  “Thanks. Luna and Pepper worked all day getting the deliveries taken care of and orders placed. I have them here now and after we eat some dinner, they are going to help me move some personal stuff to the club.”

  “That’s great to hear. I would feel more comfortable having someone on site at night until we get up and running.”

  “I should be all moved by tomorrow night,” Marley said.

  “Do you need any help?”

  “No, but we would love it if you stopped by and had dinner with us, if you haven’t eaten yet.”

  Marley could see the mischief light up in Luna’s eyes when she invited Lindy to dinner.

  “I’d love to, but Jay Dub is flying in tonight. I will drop by the club tomorrow night, so hopefully I will see you then.”

  “That sounds wonderful. See you then.”

  “Is she coming by?” Luna asked.

  “No. Her husband is returning home. She said she would stop by the club tomorrow night and was very pleased with the progress you two made today.”


  After they put a dent in the food, Luna and Pepper began carrying out her hang up clothing from the closet while Marley started boxing up clothing items from her dressers. “Should we go ahead and take this shoe rack and all these shoes?” Luna asked.

  “Sure,” Marley said. “You can toss all the shoes in a garbage bag and place the rack in my backseat.”

  “We will be re
ady to take the first load in just a few minutes then,” Luna yelled as she went to the kitchen for a garbage bag.

  Marley had emptied the contents of her dressers into three of the boxes. Her bedroom was already looking bare and lonely she thought as she sealed up the last of the boxes and handed it to Luna to carry out to the car. She was excited about her new home, but would miss the small little apartment that she had called home for several years. There were a lot of good memories between these walls. She walked into the kitchen where Pepper and Luna waited for her.

  “Let’s put these leftovers in the fridge and we can finish them off tomorrow night,” Marley said as she looked at her watch. “Let’s drop this load and then call it a night.”

  “No problem, Boss,” Luna said. “Do you want me to bring some newspaper over tomorrow for packing your dishes?”

  “I’m going to leave the dishes and kitchenware for you, so I shouldn’t need a lot,” Marley said.

  “You got a sweet deal going on here,” Pepper said as she bumped into Luna. “I wish Haley and I could land a deal like this.”

  “I must be doing something right,” Luna winked at Marley.

  Pepper placed the last of the containers in the fridge and they drove back to the club. They all carried an armful up the stairs to Marley’s corner unit. She had carried a box from her dresser filled with undergarments and sat them on the bed.

  “Why don’t you unload your box while Pepper and I carry the rest up?”

  “That would be great.” Marley began unpacking the box and placing her clothes in the chest of drawers in the bedroom as Luna and Pepper made four more trips each to bring in the rest of her clothes and shoes.

  “I put your shoe rack in the closet and Pepper is finishing placing your shoes back in order. Do you want us to help put the rest away?”

  “No, thanks, you have both done so much already tonight. I’m going to empty these last two boxes and then head for home myself.”

  “We should get the rest of your stuff moved tomorrow night then,” Luna said.

  “Will you need help moving your stuff in, Luna?” Pepper asked.

  “Lord no, all I have is some clothes and a few other items. Thankfully Marley is selling me her furniture. One trip in a friend’s truck, and I’ll be moved.”

  “I need to clean the place up for you first.”

  “That’s the least I can do in appreciation for all that you have done for me. Besides, the place is pretty much spotless already.”

  “Thanks, you two,” Marley hugged each of her friends and said goodnight to them.

  “I’ll lock the door behind us,” Luna said as they disappeared down the stairs.

  “Thanks,” Marley called after them.

  Marley sat on the edge of the king-sized bed and looked around her new bedroom. The rooms were well furnished with designer lines, but the walls were left bare. Marley visually planned where she would hang her artwork and then went to work unpacking the rest of her clothing. She smirked when she placed a well-worn night shirt in the drawer. “Time to do some shopping,” she said aloud and giggled. When she finished, she walked down the stairs to her office. She flipped on the light and her eyes came to rest on the desk where a small gift sat wrapped on top of a card. She walked over and picked up the card. She opened it and found a hand-written note from Lindy.

  Thanks for everything you and the ladies have done so far in making my dreams come true.


  Marley was eager to see what the small box held, but carefully removed the expensive wrapping paper and slipped the lid from the box to reveal a beautiful black Movado watch. Marley had been drooling over the exact watch for years, but her limited income had never allowed her to afford such a luxury. She took the watch from the felt lined box and turned it over in her hands marveling at the beauty of the piece before slipping it over her wrist. It fit perfectly, and tears welled in her eyes. She felt a pang of guilt for accepting such an expensive gift, but she knew that Lindy would be offended if she balked at accepting her offering. She would find a way to pay her back for the generosity of the gift.

  She turned off the lights as she moved back through the club and locked the door behind her as she started for home to spend her last night in her tiny apartment. For a brief moment, she felt a hint of remorse about leaving the place she had called home for several years, but the spaciousness of her new flat brought on a whole new feeling of excitement. It was by far the largest space she had lived in since leaving home.

  Once she locked the door of her apartment behind her, she walked to her bedroom, stripping out of her clothes as she made her way to the shower. Only a few more miserable days left at work she promised herself as she showered and dressed for bed. She felt herself smiling at the memory of sleeping next to Luna, and she hoped Luna would enjoy the apartment as much as she had over the years she had lived there. It was a perfect location. Not far from the club, but when Lindy offered up the corner flat, Marley knew it was too good of an opportunity to pass. “I must be doing something right too,” she said, mimicking Luna’s earlier comment.

  Chapter Six

  Her boss surprised her when she got to work the following morning. “Today is your last day Marley,” he said.

  “What do you mean? I still have the rest of my notice to work out.”

  “Nope, I received a call from Lindy Freemont, and she bought out the rest of your notice. I don’t know what you fed that woman, but she thinks very highly of you. We’re going to miss you being here.”

  Marley just smiled at his comment and went to her work station and began packing up her goods. She was eager to finish her last two appointments and be on her way. Her first appointment arrived and the hour passed quickly. Marley was about to break for lunch when the receptionist called to inform her that her last appointment had called and cancelled. She quickly packed the remainder of her belongings and dropped her keys off to her boss before heading out the door.

  “Good luck,” her boss said as she walked quickly away. Marley tossed her hand up in a wave and kept moving.

  Feeling better than she had in many years, Marley drove to the club. Luna and Pepper were busily discussing the work out area, and in between deliveries they had been stocking linens and other supplies.

  “Fancy seeing you here this early,” Luna said when she saw Marley walk in carrying a box. “Do you need some help?”

  “Yeah, I got a couple other boxes in the back seat.”

  “Are you on lunch break?” Pepper asked.

  Marley smiled. “No ma’am, Lindy bought out my notice from the clinic.”

  “Damn, that woman really likes you,” Luna teased.

  “As a matter of fact, I do,” said Lindy who had surprised all of them by walking in so quietly. “I have every intention of working her just as hard though. When you finish bringing in your boxes, join me in your office, please.”

  “Go ahead, we will get the boxes and place them in your flat,” Luna said.

  “Thanks, Ladies,” Marley said and followed Lindy to her office in the rear of the club. Once inside the office she turned to face Lindy. “Thanks for buying out my contract. My heart really wasn’t into being there this week.”

  “I can understand that, besides we have a lot of work to do.”

  “Where do we start?”

  “I took the liberty of having some software pre-loaded onto the desktop computer. I want to spend the afternoon teaching you how to use it.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Marley sat in the chair in front of the computer. The watch was on her wrist and she turned to show it to Lindy. “Thanks for this beautiful gift.”

  “It was my pleasure. I hope you like it.”

  “I’ve been drooling over this watch for years. It’s perfect.”

  “Alright then. Let’s start by setting up the payroll file and getting these ladies on payroll,” Lindy passed a stack of forms over to Marley.

  Within an hour, Lindy had walked Marley through the process
of adding staff to payroll for processing and they loaded time sheets for each of the staff onto a laptop that would be placed at the front desk.

  “At the close of every week you link up to the payroll company and transmit the files for payment. Within twelve hours, the funds will be transferred directly into their checking accounts and the payroll stubs will automatically print on your printer.”

  “That’s amazing.”

  “All you have to do after you hit send is to print and place their pay stubs in an envelope and put them in their boxes.”

  “That seems simple enough. What’s next?”

  “I have set up a preliminary budget for the club. Let’s pull that up next and print a copy for you.”

  Lindy walked Marley through each step of entering the invoices they had received for the club start-up expenses. “You are actually under budget for start-up expenses so far,” Lindy said when they printed out a statement. “Let’s take a break and then we can finish up later.”

  Marley welcomed a break and stood to stretch.

  Lindy smiled at her. “Not used to sitting still for that long?”

  “No, not really, I spend most of the day on my feet.”

  “Let’s go check on the ladies and see if they are ready for some lunch.”

  Marley followed Lindy into the reception area. They found Luna and Pepper drafting a work out record. They looked up and smiled at Lindy and Marley. “Hey Marley, can you work on something for us?”

  “Sure, what do you need?”

  “We have a rough draft of a work out record, but we need someone to make it look professional before we send it out to the printers. Would you help?” Luna asked.

  “That seems easy enough. I will tackle it after lunch. I’m starving.”

  “I think we all could use a break. How about some sushi, my treat?” Lindy asked

  “Oh yeah,” Luna said. “I have to warn you, I’m starving too.”

  Lindy looked at Marley. “I think you will need to drive. I believe you are the only one who can comfortably seat four.”


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