The Trophy Wives Club

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The Trophy Wives Club Page 9

by Ali Spooner

  Lindy was sitting around a table, entertaining three other clients, when Marley entered. “Let me grab my appointment book and I’ll be right back,” she told Lindy after being introduced. “Does anyone need anything while I’m up?”

  “No, I think we’re good. Pour yourself a coffee or juice when you come back and join us, please.”

  Marley rushed to her office and picked up her appointment book and those of the other three massage therapists that she had recruited and would be onboard starting Monday. She hoped to have several massages scheduled for them starting on Tuesday. She had already scheduled Danna and Lindy in for several weeks, so she would spread the others out as evenly as possible. With the other duties as manager, she and Lindy had agreed she would limit her sessions to three a day.

  She returned to the lounge and poured a glass of apple juice, before joining the ladies at the table. Lindy began to introduce her to Nancy, but Nancy told her they’d already met in a near collision as she was searching for the locker room. “Oh, I’m glad to see you have your appointment book. Can you set me up for Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at one for the next few weeks?”

  Marley opened her appointment book and penciled Nancy as requested, she also explained there were three other therapists beginning Tuesday and booked the other ladies with them. They seemed a bit disappointed about not all being scheduled with Marley, but she assured them the other therapists were just as competent, and if they were not pleased, they could request another therapist.

  “We can’t overload Marley while the club is still in the opening phases. Maybe as things smooth out, she can take on more if time allows,” Lindy added as a consolation.

  The delivery men made quick work of bringing in the boxes of equipment and when they were gone, Luna came to take the two ladies whose assessments were interrupted by the delivery and told the other two that they’d be with them shortly.

  “This place is amazing, Lindy,” Sharon said. “I’m so glad you came up with this idea. It makes perfect sense. Robert is dying to know more. I told him it’s a ladies’ only facility, and no men, even husbands were allowed.”

  “Several of the women have told me that they are getting questions from their husbands,” Lindy said. “They’ve had their fun for all these years and now it’s our turn.”

  “Amen to that,” Mel, one of the clients said, in agreement. “And it’s about damn time.”


  The afternoon passed quickly and Marley was preparing for Carmen’s massage when Lindy walked into the room. “Can we do my massage when you finish with Carmen? That way I can get home, shower and dress in time for our dinner reservation.”

  “We still on for something extra afterward?”

  “Oh, most definitely.”

  “Good, I’m taking over flat number five, it’s next door to mine and will make it more convenient. I have something special planned for you tonight.”

  Lindy grinned with excitement. “Do I need to go home for a change of clothes now?”

  “That might not be a bad idea,” Marley smiled with her response.

  “I’ll see you at four then.” Lindy left the room as Luna came in to prop in the doorway.

  “What on earth did you say to her? She ran out of here like a scalded cat.”

  “She’s going home for a change of clothes, so she can shower and we’ll leave for dinner from here. Why don’t you plan on riding with me and you can stay here after we get back from Sister’s later?”

  “That’s not a bad idea. I’ll be back before you finish with Carmen. We’ve got something extra planned for afterward.”

  “High five,” Marley said and slapped Luna’s palm. “I’ll be sure and get her well-oiled for you,” she laughed.

  “Going to be the ride of her life. See ya in a bit.”

  “Be careful and keep your eyes on the road.”

  “Yes, Mom,” Luna shouted back and left the club.

  Moments later, the door opened and Carmen arrived for her massage. “I saw Luna leaving. I hope she’s coming back.” Her face turned into a frown.

  “She just had to run home for a few minutes. She’ll be back before your session is finished.”

  “Oh, thank goodness. That had me worried for a minute.”

  “She is very much looking forward to your appointment.” Marley watched the smile return to Carmen’s face. “Are you ready for your massage?”

  “I am so ready.”

  “I’ll give you a few minutes to undress and you can lie face down and pull the sheet over you if that makes you comfortable. I’ll knock to see if you’re ready.”

  “Thank you,” she said and closed the door behind her.

  Marley walked to the lounge to retrieve two bottles of water and then knocked. She heard Carmen say, “Come in,” and slipped through the door.

  “Is this music and lighting okay for you?”

  “Yes, thanks, it’s very soothing.”

  “Alright, then we’ll get started. Are there any tender or sore spots I need to be aware of before I begin?”

  “My lower back has been feeling tight lately.”

  “I’ll see if I can’t loosen those muscles up a bit. Let me know if the pressure gets too intense.”

  Marley began working the muscles in Carmen’s neck and shoulders, rubbing the fragrant oil deep into her skin. “Oh, that feels so nice,” she whispered softly. Marley smiled, thinking you haven’t felt nice until Luna works her magic. She was thinking this to herself but felt a growing smile on her face. “It only gets better from here,” she promised.

  “That sounds intriguing,” Carmen purred.

  Marley kneaded her lower back, loosening the tightness and she could feel Carmen relax beneath her hands. “Is that feeling better?”

  “I haven’t felt this relaxed in ages.”

  “Good, I’ll move on then.” Marley continued working her way down Carmen’s lean legs, working the oil smoothly across her skin and when she reached for her left foot, Carmen giggled.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m a bit ticklish.”

  “That’s no problem.” Marley finished her feet and asked her to roll over. She noted how erect her nipples had grown and wondered if she had plastic surgery to enhance her breast size. Regardless, they were perfectly shaped firm mounds that she knew Luna would be enjoying rather soon. She couldn’t help but think of how Luna would please this beautiful young woman and she tried to clear the thoughts from her head to concentrate on her massage. She worked her way down the front of Carmen’s body. “Still feeling good?”

  “Good doesn’t begin to describe how I feel.”

  Marley smiled. As she worked down the insides of Carmen’s thighs, she could feel the heat radiating off her center. She was definitely a hot body now. Get a grip girl, she chastised herself. As she was finishing up the massage, she asked, “Do you know where to meet Luna?”

  “She said she’d be waiting for me in flat number one.”

  “That’s correct. There’s a robe behind the door you can slip on and take your clothes upstairs. Take whatever time you need to relax and try to drink a bit of the water I’ve left beside you.”

  “Thank you so much. I feel so much better now thanks to you.”

  “My pleasure. I’ll see you next week. Enjoy your time with Luna.” Marley slipped quietly through the door, carrying her water bottle and walked to her office after washing her hands. She was surprised to find Lindy there waiting for her. “Carmen is just finishing up in room one, but we can use another room if you want to get started.”

  “I can wait a few more minutes to give you time. No need to mess up another room. I doubt it will take Carmen long to get upstairs.”

  “I know that’s right. Give me a minute to prepare the room and I’ll be ready.”

  “Thanks, Marley.”


  Marley returned to find the room empty and another fifty-dollar tip on the table next to the folded sheet. “I can get so used to this.” She wiped down the
table and changed the music to something Lindy enjoyed. She turned on an aromatic burner with her favorite scent and was setting up a bottle of water for Lindy when she entered in a robe and closed the door.

  “I turned on the sound system upstairs.”

  “I’m glad you remembered. Once we open next week, I think we should program the system upstairs to come on at a particular time.”

  “That’s a great idea.”


  “Always ready for those hands of yours.” Lindy hung the robe behind the door and lay face down on the table.”

  “Any special requests today?”

  “More attention to my shoulders. They’ve been aching lately.”

  “I’ll give them some extra treatment. You just relax and leave the driving to me.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Lindy answered with laughter in her voice.

  Marley went to work on Lindy’s body and mentally practiced the special surprise she had in store for her afterward. She wanted to spice things up a bit for her and she hoped Lindy would approve. When she finished the massage, she handed Lindy her robe. “I’ll clean up here and meet you in flat five in just a few minutes. Drink some water while you’re waiting.”

  “See you soon.” Lindy smiled and left the room.

  Marley prepared the room for the next client and turned off the equipment before heading upstairs. She opened the door to find Lindy sitting naked on the side of the bed. “I want to try something different with you tonight and I hope that you’ll trust me,” she said as she walked over to the bed and opened a drawer to take out a black blindfold. She saw Lindy’s eyebrows shoot upward.

  “Well, this is certainly an interesting start. I trust you completely.”

  “Good,” Marley whispered as she placed the blindfold over Lindy’s eyes. “Relax back on the bed while I go change. I’ll be right back.”

  Marley waited until Lindy was comfortable and then slipped into her flat to undress. She slipped a robe over her body and walked to the kitchen. She opened up the refrigerator and removed a tray and a few other chilled items. She kicked the door closed and returned to the flat next door. She set the tray beside the table and sat down next to Lindy. “You look good enough to eat.”

  “You say the sweetest things,” Lindy chuckled.

  “Will you move over in the bed just a little please?” She waited until Lindy had repositioned and then carefully placed the tray within reach on the bed. She slipped out of her robe and straddled Lindy’s legs on the bed.

  “That’s a nice spot for you.”

  “I’m so looking forward to our dinner tonight, but I thought I’d have you as an appetizer.”

  “Oh my, I do love the sound of that. You know about those signs on Chinese buffets, right? Take all you want, but eat all you take,” she chuckled.

  “Oh, I plan to do just that,” Marley answered, with a voice husky with desire. She leaned forward and teased Lindy’s lips with a few kisses. “I’m starving.”

  Marley raised back up and reached for a bottle of chocolate syrup and flipped the cap open. She looked down to see Lindy’s nipples perked in anticipation. She raised the bottle slightly above Lindy’s chest and began drizzling the chocolate in swirls on her breast and when she reached the nipple, she coated it completely. She felt Lindy’s hips lurch, when the cold syrup made contact, with her heated skin. “With any masterpiece, you have to start with a good foundation,” she whispered, as she moved to repeat the sequence on her other breast. She drew a line of chocolate between her cleavage down to her navel and filled her navel with the chilled syrup.

  “You are such a tease, Marley,” Lindy whispered.

  “Should I stop?”

  “No ma’am, I’d hate to ruin your masterpiece.”

  Marley capped the syrup and returned it to the tray and picked up a pineapple ring and placed it surrounding Lindy’s right nipple.

  “I smell pineapple,” she said.

  “You are so right,” Marley answered. She completed layering the second ring and returned to the tray for a can of whipped topping. She filled the space between the ring and Lindy’s nipple with the topping, making her giggle with the sound of the can discharging. Then she opened a jar of maraschino cherries and pulled one out by the stem, coating her fingertips in the savory juice. She traced Lindy’s lips with the juice and her tongue snaked out for a taste.

  “Umm, cherries.”

  “I have a challenge for you.”

  “That would be what, my dear?”

  Marley dangled the cherry in front of Lindy’s lips. “Since your tongue likes to be involved, if you can tie this cherry stem into a knot, I will reward you with a very special treat.” Lindy opened her mouth to respond, and Marley placed the cherry on her lips.

  Lindy took the cherry into her mouth, devouring the cherry. Marley could see her mouth moving as she concentrated on tying a knot. She smiled and widened the line of chocolate running down the front of Lindy, and then placed twelve halved strawberries in the line of chocolate. Lindy was starting to wiggle beneath her and she warned, “Be still or you’ll ruin my masterpiece.” Lindy went still as Marley moved further down her body. She took her leisure, lapping the chocolate from Lindy’s navel, the tip of her tongue lapping at the sweet syrup. She flatted out her tongue licking up her skin until she reached the first strawberry, and as her teeth bit into it, the juice dripped onto her skin. Lindy moaned at the sensation of Marley’s hot tongue sliding down her side as she captured the escaping juice.

  “I’m not sure how much more of that I can take.”

  “You’ll take it all,” Marley answered, as she moved further up Lindy’s body, devouring the chocolate and strawberries until she was once more straddling Lindy’s legs. She could see the rise and fall of Lindy’s chest, as her breathing grew shallow as her anticipation increased. Marley licked slow circles around her breasts, removing the thick chocolate and then began to nibble the cherries, the tip of her tongue flicking across Lindy’s nipple as she ate each cherry and pineapple ring. “How are you doing with that cherry stem?”

  “Almost there,” Lindy groaned, as Marley’s hot mouth covered her left breast, sucking it deeply into her mouth.

  “Good,” she replied as her mouth and tongue trailed across to her right breast to remove the sweet treats.

  “Got it,” she said triumphantly with the stem clenched between her teeth.

  Marley leaned up to take the stem from her mouth and tossed it onto the tray. She covered her mouth with a feverish kiss and could feel Lindy’s body arching upward, to make contact with hers. “Are you ready for your reward?”

  “Oh, yes please Marley. I’m soaking wet waiting for you,” she answered with a breathy voice.

  “Spread your legs,” she instructed, and Marley opened her thighs.

  Marley reached down between them and entered her with two fingers, sliding deeply inside, as her hips arched to meet them. “Very nice,” she whispered against Lindy’s cheek, and then moved down her body, her fingers sliding between her soaked and clenching lips. Marley could feel the inner muscles as they clamped around her fingers as she drove deeper inside. Her hot breath burned a trail of desire down Lindy’s as her tongue flattened to remove the last of the sticky chocolate. Lindy’s hips arched powerfully with every thrust of her fingers and she began gasping for air. “Not yet,” she breathed against her skin as her fingers slowed to a stop and curled inside her warmth. Marley reached across with her left hand to remove a cube of ice and placed it in her mouth. Her fingers resumed moving inside and her hand covered a breast and began teasing Lindy’s nipple. Marley’s head lowered and her mouth covered Lindy’s clit, sending the sensation of cold and heat into her most sensitive spot as she added a third finger thrusting between her pulsing lips.

  “Oh, hell yes,” Lindy cried out, as Marley trapped her clit inside her mouth, sucking it hard as Lindy’s body exploded in pleasure, her hips bucking wildly into Marley’s face as her body gushed juices onto th
e bed. Marley lifted her face to crunch the remaining ice, and slowly removed her fingers from Lindy. Lindy’s hands still clenched the sheets as Marley lay atop her and covered her mouth, sharing the sweetness of the syrup and fruit, and the taste of her passion with Lindy. Her hand softly caressed her face, then she rolled beside Lindy to allow her to regain her breath. She gently removed the blindfold as a tear slid from the corner of Lindy’s eye. Marley wiped the tear with a fingertip and looked into Lindy’s eyes.

  “That was beyond fantastic,” Lindy whispered as she ran her fingertips down Marley’s face. “I’ve never felt so amazing before. I’ll gladly volunteer to be your appetizer any time,” she said with a chuckle.

  Marley pulled her into her arms and held her for several long minutes, not saying a word as none were needed. The joy she saw on Lindy’s face told her how much she enjoyed the experience. “Do you need some water?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Marley sat up on the bed and reached for a bottle of water she handed to Lindy, then removed the tray from the bed, placing it on the table. “We both need a shower,” she grinned, as she wiped the sticky chocolate from her chest.

  “Yes, but not together, or we will be terribly late for our dinner,” Lindy chuckled. “Thank you again for such a beautiful experience.”

  Marley returned her smile. “I’ll meet you downstairs in just a bit then,” Marley said and slipped the robe over her body and took the tray into her flat.


  Marley finished dressing after a long, relaxing shower to find Luna waiting for her in the lounge, looking refreshed and ready to party. “Has Lindy come down yet?”

  “About ten minutes ago. She looked very satisfied I might add.”

  “How’d your adventure go with Carmen?”

  Lune grinned. “She’s a handful of hot loving. She nearly wore me out changing several positions.”

  “Wait, stop right there, we’re drifting in too much information land,” Marley teased.


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