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The Trophy Wives Club

Page 13

by Ali Spooner

  “For a moment I just got lost in the music.” She moved to begin removing the dildo from Lindy’s body, but Lindy stopped her.

  “Not yet, unless you’re uncomfortable.”

  Marley stopped her movements and relaxed on her elbows. She noticed Lindy grinning at her. “You want more don’t you?”

  “That was so good. Do you have another one in you?”

  “I think so.”

  “Let’s try a position that will be easier for you.”

  “Tell me what you want, and I’ll make it happen.”

  “Stand up beside the bed and I’ll get up on my knees. I want you to take me from behind with that monster of yours. I can help with the motion to make it easier for you.”

  “Did you have this planned all along?”

  “I had no idea you would be so proficient, and I’d love another orgasm like that. You okay with that?”

  “Absolutely. I missed my workout today.” Marley chuckled. “Or so I thought I did. That did feel fantastic though.”

  “Do you need a break before we go again?”

  “I could use a bit of water?”

  “I’ll get us both a bottle. Are you ready?”

  Lindy nodded and Marley slowly withdrew the dildo from her body and rolled off the bed. The toy dangled between her thighs as she walked to the kitchen for the water. When she returned to the bed, Lindy was sitting up on the side watching her.

  “That is a very alluring sight on you.”

  “To be honest, I feel a little silly.”

  “There is nothing silly about the way you handled that.” She motioned toward the dildo with the opened bottle of water she’d accepted from Marley. “That was some serious fucking.”

  Marley smiled. “Glad you approve, Ma’am.” She tapped her bottle against Lindy’s. “Drink up.” She took a long drink from her bottle, capped it and reached back for Lindy’s. She saw the lubricant on the table. “Do you need more lube?”

  “Ha! You must be kidding. I’ll add some for you though.” She reached out her hand.

  Marley poured more lube into her hand and stepped forward. She watched Lindy’s hand slide up and down the shaft, marveling at the sensual movement she used to spread the lube.

  “There, that should be good.” Lindy turned around on the bed and raised up to her knees. “This looks like a good height for you.”

  Marley moved closer to the edge of the bed to find Lindy’s hips just lower than her own. “This will do just fine.” She lifted the dildo between Lindy’s legs. “Would you care to do the honors?” she teased as she rubbed the toy against Lindy’s lips.

  Lindy took the head of the toy and inserted the tip inside her opening. “All set.”

  Marley leaned forward and felt the dildo sink deep into Lindy.

  “Oh yeah baby, that feels good. Fuck me hard, Marley.”

  The mood of the music shifted again and Marley closed her eyes and took Lindy’s hips in her hands and began rocking into her body, her hips slapping against Lindy’s ass with each forward thrust. She felt Lindy pushing back against her, adding to the depth of her strokes. The resistance of the dildo against the harness straps sent delicious waves of pleasure through Marley as she plunged faster and deeper into Lindy. She felt a bead of sweat trickle down the center of her back and lifted her right foot onto the bed adding a bit of an angle to her thrusts, reaching a highly erogenous spot inside Lindy causing her to call out in pleasure.

  “Yes, yes, that’s it, Marley. Oh, fuck yes.”

  Marley was amazed her body could keep up with the frantic pulse of the music, but she found herself moving without thought as she fucked Lindy wildly, until she cried out and flew forward on the bed. Gasping for breath, Marley slipped down to her knees beside the bed, breathless with sweat pouring down her legs.

  Several minutes later, Lindy managed to roll onto her back and sit up. She took Marley’s face in her hands and kissed her deeply. When she broke the kiss, she reached to help Marley stand. “Remove the harness and come snuggle with me for a few minutes. I have something I want to ask you.”

  Intrigued, Marley stood and walked to the bathroom. She took the harness off and placed it in the sink. She grabbed a hand towel and wiped her face and looked at her image in the mirror. Holy shit. I can’t believe I just did that. Twice even and enjoyed it too. She grinned and dropped the towel on the counter. She returned to the bedroom and took a long drink of water. “Are you thirsty?”

  “I already drained the bottle. I’m good.”

  Marley stretched out on the bed and Lindy rolled onto her side and propped her head on her elbow. “Why do you look like the cat that ate the canary?”

  “Because I have something that I’d like to ask you, but I don’t know how to approach the topic.”

  “I think we’ve always been honest, so just ask. What is it you want?”

  Marley watched as Lindy licked her lips as she struggled to find the right words. “I’ve never experienced a threesome before and I’d like to.”

  Marley’s eyes widened, but she refrained from responding for several seconds while her heart was stuck in her throat. “Um, I’ve never done that either.”

  “Really, so it would be a first for you too? I mean if you’re interested.”

  “Yes, it would. What did you have in mind?”

  “I would like to be with you and Luna at the same time.”

  “Luna! Lindy, I don’t know about that. You know how I feel about her.”

  “I know how you claim you used to feel about her, but I sense that’s changed.”

  “Oh Lindy, I don’t know about this.” Marley shifted on the bed, suddenly uncomfortable.

  Lindy reached up to stroke Marley’s face. “I don’t expect an answer right now. I just want you to consider my request. I will be disappointed if you decline, but I will honor your decision and never repeat the request if it’s not comfortable for either of you.”

  “Have you mentioned this to Luna?”

  “No, I wanted to approach you first. I have a feeling that Luna would jump at any chance to be with you.”

  “You really think so?”

  “I’d bet my life on it. That woman adores you.”

  “Do you plan to mention it to her?”

  It was Lindy’s turn to shift uncomfortably. “I was kinda hoping you would broach the subject if you decide you are interested.”


  “Of course, I would make it well worth it to both of you for your time, but the experience would mean so much more to me than money.”

  Marley scanned Lindy’s face and knew her request was genuine and pleading. That was something she’d never seen in Lindy’s eyes before. “I’ll find a way to bring it up to Luna.”

  “Thanks for not giving me an outright ‘no.’”

  “But it’s not a ‘yes’ yet, either. I’ve got a bunch of thinking to do.”

  Lindy leaned forward and kissed her excitedly. “That’s enough to keep me hoping.” She scooted down to the end of the bed. “I’ve got to get moving. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  “Yes, sure. Have a great night.”

  “I left you an envelope on your desk. See ya!”


  Lindy left the flat and Marley laid back on the pillows. “Now what have I gotten myself into?” She was tempted to pull the covers up and fall asleep until she remembered she and Luna were going to dinner. If she got her butt in gear, she could strip the bed, put away her harness and toys and still have some time in the sauna before she would need to shower and dress for dinner. She stripped the bed and placed the soiled linens in a pillowcase she’d set outside the flat. She’d replace the linens and take the soiled ones to launder. Marley wrapped her body in the thick robe and went to work. She cleaned the dildo and placed it with the harness in a drawer in the bedroom. She picked up the linens to carry them downstairs. She smiled at the sounds of pleasure as she passed by Luna’s flat and descended the stairs. Haley looked up as she ar
rived at the front desk. “I’m going to be in the sauna if you need anything.”

  “Enjoy.” Haley took the linens and walked toward the laundry.

  Marley was relieved when no one was using the sauna. She didn’t mind company, but she had so much to consider regarding Lindy’s proposal. She was looking for some sweat and a quiet place to help her think things through. She climbed onto the second level and stretched out, ignoring the front of her robe falling open. Right now, she just didn’t care. There were very few people left in the club and with few exceptions they had seen her naked before. She felt the heat wrap around her body and her pores opened to purge her body of the toxins and excess fluid built up in her tissues. Marley closed her eyes and drifted until the buzzer sounded thirty minutes later to notify her the cycle had ended. She pushed up to a seated decision. She hadn’t found the answers she was hoping to find, but her body felt better. Marley left the sauna and took the back entrance to her flat, keying in the code to open her door.

  The cool air hit her with a blast as soon as the door opened, and she spoke to increase the temperature as she walked to the refrigerator for a bottle of water. She walked to her closet to decide on an outfit while her body temperature returned to normal. She settled on jeans and a black, long-sleeved polo, then dug out a well-worn pair of loafers. She finished her water, dressed and spritzed on a bit of scent. As she opened the door to exit her flat, Luna was about to knock. Her hand was raised, and the look of surprise filled her face when the door opened. Marley’s eyes traveled down Luna’s body. A black form-fitting shirt was tucked inside black jeans, topped off by black boots. “Damn, is there anything you don’t look great in?”

  Luna shrugged. “Maybe a dress or bikini.”

  “Maybe the dress, but I bet you’d rock a bikini.”

  “I’m more board shorts and body glove shirt type.” She smiled. “You’re looking great yourself.”


  “Have you worked up an appetite?”

  Marley smiled, her mind wandering back to her session with Lindy. “I could eat. Where are we heading tonight?”

  “I could use some carbs. You up for Italian?”

  “Come on, I’ll drive.”


  Hours later, after gorging themselves on pasta, salad and bread dipped in a seasoned oil mixture, Luna pushed back her plate. “I was hungry, but I can never finish portions this size.”

  “No worries, they’ll taste even better tomorrow.”

  “Are you feeling okay?”

  Marley cocked her head to the side. “Yes, why?”

  “You seem preoccupied tonight.”

  “Sorry, it’s been a long few weeks.”

  “Yes, it has. We only have a few appointments tomorrow, so we’ll close early. We can handle things if you want to take the day off.”

  Marley was finding it difficult to keep her eyes off Luna and her thoughts drifted back to Lindy’s request. She had never expected to see the side of Luna. She had been getting glimpses of, someone who was genuine in caring for others. Maybe she had judged her too harshly. Luna and she had developed a closer friendship in their new roles, and she was quick to give her a smile that made her feel special. Something was very different between them lately.

  “I just need a good night’s sleep. I’d like to get a work out in tomorrow and maybe some bath time.”

  “That does sound good. Would you mind some company in the bath?”

  “I was hoping you’d join me.”

  When the waiter returned with their leftovers in a bag, Luna paid the bill. Marley attempted to pay, but she was quickly reminded that Luna had asked her to dinner. “Do you want to still do some car gazing this weekend?”

  Marley smiled up at Luna. “Let’s plan on Sunday afternoon when there won’t be salesmen there to harass us. Lindy said to pick out what we like and let Danna work out deals for us.”

  “Funny you should mention Danna. She said basically the same thing. Pick out what we like, and she’ll make sure we’re treated well.”

  “Are you ready to buy?”

  “I’ve got ample funds for a very nice down payment. With my salary, I won’t have any problem making a payment and getting it paid off quickly.”

  “Let’s do this then,” Marley answered as she stood and walked to Luna’s side.

  “I’ve never had a new vehicle,” Luna said. “Always used or hand me downs from my dad.”

  “I had one and she’s served me well for years, but it’s time she goes to someone new.”

  They returned to the club and Luna handed Marley the bag. “Why don’t you keep these for lunch tomorrow?”

  “I can do that. Are you headed home now?”

  “I think we could both do with a good night’s sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “For breakfast? I can cook this time,” she offered.

  Luna turned back toward her and Marley could see her smile in the dim lighting. “Breakfast sounds great. See you at nine?”

  “That will be perfect. Ride safe.”


  Marley watched Luna straddle the bike and then drive away, before entering the club and setting the security code. She climbed the stairs to her flat and placed the leftovers in the refrigerator. After changing into a t-shirt and sweats, Marley stretched out on her couch and turned the television on to find a Southeastern Conference football game in progress. As hard as she tried to get into the game, Marley’s thoughts kept wandering back to her conversation with Lindy and her bold request. Am I ready to take the next step with Luna? I think Lindy is correct. We seem destined to be together. So why am I hesitating? Am I afraid my heart will be broken and it will ruin our working relationship? Is it really any different than sleeping with the members? Heck yeah, I don’t have feelings for any of them. Wait, did I really admit that to myself? Am I falling in love with Luna? Yes, I think I am.

  Marley left the couch and removed her sweat pants before climbing into bed. She found she was more drained than she thought and slipped quickly off to sleep. Her dreams were filled with Luna and what it would be like their first time together. When she woke, the dreams lingered and she realized she wanted something for herself. She needed to be intimate with Luna before they agreed to be with Lindy. Selfishly, she didn’t want to share that experience with anyone else. She glanced at the clock and shot up straight in the bed. “Oh shit, I agreed to cook breakfast.”

  She took a quick shower and dressed in shorts and a t-shirt before going to the kitchen. There was no way she could top Luna’s omelets, so she settled on bacon and French toast. She started the bacon cooking while she brewed a cup of coffee. She placed a container of syrup in a pot of water to warm it and pulled out the butter and eggs. She whipped up the egg concoction and added a bit of cinnamon to the mixture of egg and milk. She placed the juice in the freezer and set two place settings at the table. She knew Luna was punctual, so she started cooking the French toast just before nine to keep it hot for Luna’s arrival. She had just taken the first two slices out and covered them with butter when Luna knocked on her door. “Come on in,” she called out.

  “I smell bacon, bacon, bacon! I haven’t had that in ages.”

  “Yes, you do, and I’m hoping you like French Toast.”

  “Like it, no, I love it. Is there anything I can do?”

  “You can pour some juice and carry the bacon to the table. I’ll have two more slices done in a minute if you want to bring your plate.” Marley screwed up her face in thought. “I forgot about you being such a healthy eater. I should have chosen something better.”

  “Nonsense, I need to treat myself from time to time and this is perfect. No worries. I’ll have this worked off in no time.”

  “I wish I had your metabolism,” Marley chuckled as she walked toward the table.

  “This is fantastic,” Luna praised when they sat down to eat.

  “Glad you like it.” They both easily devoured two slices. “Can you do one m

  “At least one,” Luna grinned.

  “Sit tight then.” Marley cooked two more slices for Luna and another for herself.” She finished eating before Luna and when she looked over at her, Luna had a drop of syrup on the corner of her mouth threatening to run down her chin. Luna was so intent on eating she didn’t realize the syrup was there. Without a second thought, Marley leaned over to Luna and licked the syrup from her mouth with the tip of her tongue.

  Luna’s eyes grew wide from Marley’s gesture. She looked over at Marley, who was smiling at her.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”

  “No need to apologize, but hand me that syrup will ya so I can coat my face.”

  Marley broke out laughing.

  “This really was a great breakfast.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. No way was I going to try to imitate your omelets.”

  “They aren’t hard to make. I can teach you if you’d like.”

  “I’d like that. What time is Lindy scheduled this morning?”

  “Ten thirty. Do you want to work out with us?”

  “Would you mind?”

  “Absolutely not. I’m sure Lindy wouldn’t mind seeing me torturing someone else too.”

  “Maybe I should reconsider then.”

  “Nope, too late to back out now.”

  “Is she the only appointment today?”

  “No. Pepper has someone coming in also, and I think there’s a massage scheduled too. After that, the club is all ours. I’m looking forward to soaking in the bath.”

  “Me too.” Marley finished her juice and rinsed the dishes to place them in the dishwasher.


  Luna returned the syrup and butter to the refrigerator and was taking her juice glass to Marley when she turned around and they were mere inches apart. Without a second thought, she reached for Marley and leaned in for a kiss. Gentle at first, she was surprised when Marley’s lips parted, inviting her tongue inside for a slow, sensual kiss. Marley’s hands cupped Luna’s face and when the kiss ended, she smiled at Luna.


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