
Home > Other > Fated > Page 15
Fated Page 15

by Delisa Lynn

  My phone starts ringing, just as I start the grill. I look down and see my beautiful wife’s face come across the screen. I slide the answer button on. Before I could even get a ‘Hello’ out, she was speaking. The sound of her voice makes my heart flutter. Yeah, I fucking said that. I’m turning into a mushy man.

  “Hey, baby, did you get everything together? I’m on my way, but wanted to stop off and grab some strawberries. Do we need anything else?”

  “Hello, to you too, how was the meeting? Uh, maybe some extra beer. Not that shit you got the last time; I want some real beer. Can you see if someone there will load it in the car? I don’t want you lifting a lot of shit.”

  “Stop it. I can lift the damn beer. Is my best friend there yet?”

  “No, they aren’t. They are on their way over. You may get here before they do. If you hurry.” I laugh, knowing she wants to be here before they get here.

  “I’m at the store now then I’ll be there. I love you, husband.”

  “I love you more, wife.”

  She giggles then hangs up I can’t believe after all these years she is finally mine. After the baby is born, we will go on a real honeymoon; I just hate her traveling while pregnant. I walk in to grab some streaks and I hear a car out front. I look out and see it’s Evan and Ta. I sit everything down and walk out to greet them.

  “There’s my beautiful sister. Here I’ll get that you go sit down.” I say as I grab her bags.

  “Look, if the two of you don’t quit acting like I’m going to break, I am going to kick both your asses. Brody is doing it too. I am capable of carrying my own bags and everything else. Where is my best friend?”

  “Calm down killer, she will be here soon. She stopped off for some beer.”

  “That bitch better not bring anything good, she knows I can’t drink. She will drink it in front of me just to taunt me.” She says as she waddles toward the house. She is huge pregnant.

  “Hey, man. Should I put this in the house or are we sleeping in the barn?” Evan chuckles as he carries more bags to the porch.

  “In the house, fucker, not having sex. You can go to the barn for that shit.” I laugh.

  “Sex, what the hell Zander? I have a baby pushing on my uterus; do you think I want Evan inside of me? You are sick.”

  “Tatum, that was just gross. I do not want to hear that shit.” I say as I shake my head.

  “It’s true. I just need a bath and a nap.” She whines as she walks up stairs.

  “She has been uncomfortable for a few days; you know she stayed with Lila when she had Greyson. So now, she is freaked out about everything. She said she doesn’t know if a baby will fit through her vajayjay. Man, I need a beer.”

  “Shit dude, I need to puke. All this birth talk is making me queasy.”

  “Shit, just wait until Audrey gets pregnant. Oh hell, is that what the surprise is?” Evan smirks.

  “Jesus dude, shut up. She will kill us. She wants to be the one to tell everyone.” I whisper.

  “Shit, we are in for it. All three of them will be having babies the same time. Ta, is due next month. How far is she?”

  “Three months. Nikki is due the same time as my sister, isn’t she?”

  “Yes, well maybe a month or so later.”

  “Fuck, listen to us. We are talking about babies. Did you ever think we would all be here together like this? I love Audrey more than anything. She needs to come home so I can tell you everything.”

  “Wait, what do you mean everything?” Evan questions me.

  “Hello, can I get some help out here?” Audrey yells. Shit she saves my ass. I run out to help her.

  “Hey, baby, I’m sorry as you see we have company.”

  “You didn’t tell them did you?”

  “Not Ta, but Evan knows you’re going to have our baby.”

  “Well fuck me, so much for surprises.”

  “He doesn’t know we are married and she doesn’t know anything.”

  “Okay, I want to tell her now anyway.”

  “There is my best friend. Audrey Renee Ridge, you are pregnant. I can see that glow a mile away.” Tatum comes waddling up to us.

  “Squeee… I am. We are due in six months. Umm, you notice anything different about my hand?” I say showing off my wedding rings.

  “What the fuck, you all got married too? Zander, Momma is going to kill you.”

  “We just did yesterday, he took me to Arcadia. You know that small chapel that the Arnold’s own? Well that’s where we went. I didn’t know anything about it until we got there. Your brother is so damn romantic. He is a bossy ass too.”

  “Yep, that’s my brother. Shit, I guess we can tell you all now; we got married last month. Momma is going to shoot us all.”

  “Wait, you didn’t tell me?”

  “Bitch, you have been pregnant for three months and I am just now finding out? Yeah, okay.”

  “Come on, I need to get out of these heels and I want to show you the pictures from yesterday. You better have some pictures for me to see, did you wear a dress?”

  “I do, I’ll show you. I think I see Nikki and Brody coming down the road. Oh good, I am going to get changed though.”

  “Okay, I’ll wait so she doesn’t feel out of place. She is so nervous about being here.” Tatum says looking toward the road.

  “I am so excited that we are all living here. Our babies will grow up together. Okay, I’ll be back, my feet are already swelling and I am miserable.”

  “Shit, try looking like this.” She points to her ginormous baby bump. She was wearing a tank top, yoga pants and flip flops. She looks so cute. I am over the moon happy that they are moving here. I have missed her so damn much.

  “You look beautiful. Don’t ever think you aren’t.”

  “Oh I know I look good, I am just so damn big and can’t see past here.” She says rubbing belly.

  “You’re a mess, I love you girl.” I say as I hug her again.

  I head in the house to change while they all stand out front waiting for the Lewis’s. Berry followed me. “Hey, baby Berry, it’s going to be crazy around here. Your still my girl and my snuggle berry. Got that?” I say as I scratch her ear. I kick my heels off, peel my suit from my body and put on a pair of ‘Pink’ capris and tank. My baby bump is showing, so I know everyone is going to notice. I decide to call my daddy, to make sure they are still attending our party.

  “Hey Daddy, how are you? Are you and Mom still coming over?”

  “Hey, sugar bear, yes, we are actually on our way now. Your mom wanted to stop off at Mable’s and grab an apple pie.”

  “Oh, good, that sounds amazing. We will see you when you get here. Oh, ask her to pick up some vanilla bean ice cream too. Please.”

  “Anything for you, pumpkin. Love you.”

  “I love you too, Daddy.” I smile as I push end on the phone. My dad is the greatest. I hope that I can be a good mother and raise my child the way he has done with me.

  “Hey, baby, you feeling okay?” Zander asks as he kisses my cheek.

  “I feel great—my parents are on their way. They are bringing a pie from Mable’s.” I smile

  “Good, apple I hope?”

  “You know it is.”

  “My parents are here. Everyone is on the deck. I wondered where Berry went.” He laughs as he sees that she was lying in the bed.

  “Come on girl, let’s go eat. I am starving.” I say as I rub my stomach. I fell really nervous. I know that everyone we love is here and we are going to share our life with them. Since the kidnapping, I get really nervous; I didn’t used to get like this. I hate Sandy—I hope that bitch rots in hell.

  “Baby, are you thinking about Sandy again?” Zander asks, as he squeezes my hand.

  “How did you know?” I question him.

  “I can see the hurt on your face. She will never hurt you again; I promise no one will. Let’s go celebrate, Mrs. Kelley.” He laughs as he kisses me.

  “Now that you all are here, we w
ant to share our news with everyone.” I say as I rub my belly. “We will have our first child, in six months. We also got married yesterday.” I smile as I see my mom, Vivian and Tatum running toward me. I can see Nikki smiling in the corner, and I motion for her to join us. All four of the woman, have me squished in a group hug. I love it though.

  “Congrats, y’all this is amazing.” My dad says as he shakes Zander’s hand. “Son, I am kind of pissed that you took my baby girl off and, married her. But I know you love her more than the life itself.” I feel tears stinging my cheeks.

  “Sir, you have that right. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for my girl. She makes me very happy.”

  “Son, I am so proud of the man you have become. I knew ten years ago that you would marry this young lady. Take care of her.” Mr. Kelley says, as he hugs us both.

  “You know I will. I am so glad you are all here. Now let’s eat.”

  “I want some of that pie. Nikki, sweets, you have to try this apple pie. It is the best.” I say as I hand her a plate.

  “Thank you, Audrey, congrats. I can’t wait to start planning a baby shower for you, if that’s okay.”

  “Girl, that is more than okay. Look at me; you are family. I will always be here for you and Brody.”

  “Shew, thank you so much, I was worried about coming here. But I think this was the best choice for all of us.”

  “You all belong here. Ta and I will show you around later this week. Wait until you see the mall. You will love it. Well it isn’t like the one in New York, but it’s still a fabulous mall.”

  “Oh good, I’m ready to shop. Now that you are pregnant, are you still going to work with the guys?” she asks as she devours her apple pie.

  “I think I am going to stay home for a few years. I worked today and will probably for the next few months, but I want to stay home with my baby.”

  “I know what you mean. I’m going to stay home too. I can’t believe we will be neighbors. Our kids can grow up together.” She smiles.

  “Hey, what are you all over here planning without me?” Tatum asks.

  “Hey, bestie, I missed you. We were talking about babies and life. How we will all be shopping why the guys are slaving away at the office.” I snort.

  “Pfft, they will all probably be there playing fucking cornhole out back. Did you see the cornhole set Evan took over there?”

  “Good God, no. He still plays that?” I ask laughing.

  “Oh, don’t act surprised, your hubs does too, my friend.” Tatum says as she points to Zander laughing.

  “Damn it, Brody plays that’s shit all the time. By him damn self half the time.” Nikki giggles.

  “No way, we are in cornhole hell.” I laugh as I see Zander drag a set from the garage.

  “Shit, we are in for it ladies.” Tatum laughs.

  “What are you girls over laughing about?” my mom asks as she walks over.

  “The men, and their cornhole skills.”

  “Your dad just bought a new one a few weeks ago. One of the dogs had gotten a hold of his beanbags and broke them.”

  “Mom, you are doomed.” I laugh as I see all the men walking into the yard. Vivian just laughs because I know Dex is the same way.

  “Okay girls, let’s talk baby showers.” Vivian says looking at us all.

  “Perfect idea.” My mom says clapping. Tatum, Nikki and I just laugh.

  We all spend the rest of the day, laughing, and eating. Listening to the men talk about corn-hole. I think Lila may have called Nikki, I overheard her asking about the kids and when they were coming to visit. I am so tired after everyone leaves it is just Tatum and Evan with us. We all settle in our pj’s around the fire. I love country living. I can’t wait to watch my baby grow up around all of this.

  “Audrey, come on Ta, is in labor.” I say trying to wake her up.

  “Oh, fuck, grab me a dress. That’s the only thing that fits.” She jumps up and starts brushing her teeth. She is almost five months and is huge. I love her like this—her hips and ass were perfect before, but now they are bigger.

  “Here, is this one okay? She was home alone; Evan had just left for the office. Brody is on his way to get Nikki and they are meeting us at the hospital.”

  “Shit, I gotta pee. Did you call your parents?” she says as she runs back to the bathroom.

  “Yes, I have been trying to wake you up for a while now.”

  “I’m sorry, I was so tired.”

  “Oh, baby, I understand. Let’s just go, we can stop and grab breakfast on the way.”

  “Okay, I just want to get to Ta. She is probably flipping out right now.”

  “She was actually pretty calm when she called me. She was shaving her legs.”

  “What the fuck? That bitch is crazy. My legs will just be hairy; when my water breaks we are going to the hospital.”

  We get into the truck and head to the hospital. By the time we get there, everyone is already there.

  “Evan, hey, bro. How are you?” I ask him, he looks like he was getting ready to chuck up all of yesterday’s meals.

  “I’m good, they are checking her now. They gave her medicine and said that it would be soon.”

  “Good, here I brought you some coffee.”

  “I need to see her—I am her sister-n-law and best friend. I have seen her damn hoo-ha before. Let me in.” I heard Audrey cussing.

  “Oh, shit dude, she will beat that nurse up if she doesn’t let her in there.” I laugh as Evan shakes his head.

  “Audrey and her mouth. Always getting someone in trouble.” He laughs.

  “Hey that’s my wife you’re talking about.” I say as I nudge his arm.

  “Evan, you tell them to let me in that room. I will go all Sandy on them, if they don’t let me see my best friend.”

  “Jesus, baby, calm down. They are checking her then you can go in,” I say, she never brings Sandy up. I don’t know what has gotten into her lately; it must be the hormones.

  “Come on, Audrey, I’ll take you in there.” Evan says.

  I walk over and sit with my parents; I see Nikki and Brody walking through the door. She is ready to pop at any moment. She should have their baby soon. We all sit there; I knew once that Audrey got in there that she wasn’t leaving until the baby was here. About an hour later, she walks out tears everywhere.

  “I am an aunt, she is beautiful. Zander come on you have to see her.” She says as she pulls me into the room. I walk in and see the beautiful baby in my sister’s arms.

  “Hey uncle, meet your niece. Scarlet Grace Martin,” Tatum says as she hands me the smallest baby I’d ever seen.

  “Hey, beautiful, I am your Uncle Zander. Your daddy and I have our shotguns ready to keep all the boys away.” I turn to Evan. “You did a good job; thank God she looks like my sister.” I laugh.

  “Give me my daughter… Ass.” Evan chuckles.

  “Zander go get Mom and Dad. Nikki and Brody can come in also.” Ta says.

  “Give me that baby, you boys go get everyone.” Audrey says as she sits next to Ta, holding the baby. I could hear her talking to Scarlet.

  “I’m Auntie Audrey. I’ll buy you whatever you want. Your cousin will be here soon. The two of you are going to be me and your mommy all over again.”

  Nikki and Brody had their son last month; they named him Tyus. Apparently, it is a family name. We all just call him Ty. Baby Scarlet is now three months old. I love being an uncle, I’m nervous about being a father. Now that we know we are having a girl, makes me even more nervous. I told Audrey that no dating until she was twenty. I can picture it now, me sitting on the front porch with my guns. I was young once, I know what these boys think with.

  “Zander, I know what you are thinking about I see your fist clinching together.” Audrey, snorts bringing me out of my thoughts.

  “She isn’t dating until she is twenty. That’s it. She can hate me forever, but I will protect that child with my life. The two of you are my world.”

y, she will be fine. You still have years to worry about boys knocking on the door.”

  “Please don’t remind me.”

  “You feel these hands on your ass? She whispers in my ear. “That means I want you to touch me. I need you to fuck me now. I can’t wait another minute.”

  “Jesus, woman, you are dripping wet.” I say as I dip a finger in her pussy.

  “Mmm, been thinking about you all night. I tried waking you a few times.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t feel you. God, I love looking at you like this.” I say as I pull one of her nipples in my mouth. I swirl my tongue around it, making her moan and wiggle next to me.”

  “Please….fuck me. I need to feel your cock in me.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you. Flip over.” I say as I help her to her knees. Her stomach is huge. I am surprised she even wants sex right now. She gets on her hands and knees and slides her beautiful ass toward me. I rub my hand between her legs. I position myself right at her opening. She was moaning, I hadn’t even pushed myself in yet.

  “Zander… Please, just fuck me already.” She whines, so I give my girl exactly what she wants.

  “Is this what you want love?” I ask as I thrust in and out of her. Her moans are getting louder, and her hip thrusts are matching mine.

  “Yes… Fuck yes… Harder, oh God… Faster, faster please. I need to come around you cock.”

  I can feel her pussy, clinching my dick. I can feel my release building up. My balls are so fucking tight. I want to make sure she is ready to come. I start going a little faster, I pull out and teased her a little. Then as I push back in, I feel her come. I give her a couple more thrust and I come as she still moans my name.

  “That was… Amazing…fucking amazing. If you hadn’t woke up, I was going to do it my damn self.” She breathes.

  “You would have come without me?” I knew she wouldn’t really. The only time that dildo touches her is when I use it on her. I would rather have my cock buried in her, but hey it’s fun every once in a while.

  “Yep, I needed touched. I think it’s my hormones, now a bath sounds great.”

  “I’ll run you some water. Are we still going to the furniture store today?”


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