Reality Check

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Reality Check Page 5

by John Foltin

  They ate lunch at Le Pichet. Brian spent more time with McKenna than Julie, and jealousy started to show on the sweet face of Julie.

  From there, they went to Pike Place Fish Market, a place made famous for throwing fish. The three of them tried their hand at catching the fish.

  Brian missed the first one, and then had the second slip through his grip. He was able to catch one on the third try.

  Julie, being a trainer, used her developed muscles and caught a fish on the first attempt. This impressed Brian.

  For McKenna, they had to throw a bit lower. This made it more difficult to catch. After three attempts, she was unable to catch one. Brian consoled her. The green monster showed Julie’s face again.

  They cleaned the fish off their hands and ended the date.

  The next day, Alison met Brian in Vancouver.

  They went out on a whale watching tour in the Strait of Georgia. Three hours into the tour, they saw porpoises and sea lions, but no whales.

  All of a sudden, a herd of killer whales appeared. Alison screamed. Brian was there to hold her. That scream quickly turned to laughter.

  When they docked, they went to eat at Raincity Grill. As the conversation progressed, you could see the spark in Brian’s eye. He felt a strong connection with Alison. After dessert, they shared their first kiss. Brian heard singing as their lips met.

  After the date, Alison returned to the mansion. Brian stayed in Vancouver another night. In his room, he broke down and cried. There were three women he had a genuine connection with now. He knew in the end that two of them would be devastated and so would he.

  The next day, Brian had to make his elimination. He knew it was down to Sage and McKenna. He met with each of them in private to ask each a few questions.

  That night, he met the ladies downstairs. You could see the hurt on his face. He gave the first three roses to Alison, Julie and Caitlin.

  Tears started down his face as he made his final choice. He gave the last rose to …



  As he read the name, Sage dropped her head. Brian explained that the connection with her was not as strong as that with the other four. Sage was a beautiful lady and would have no trouble finding someone to make her happy.

  As Sage left, the four ladies celebrated what would be their last night in the mansion. They would be returning to their hometowns the next day. It was time for Brian to meet their families.

  First on Brian’s list was McKenna. He met her in Denver.

  She took him to her old high school. She showed him the trophies from her volleyball team. She was the MVP of her team her senior year, when they went to the state quarterfinals.

  Next, she showed him the scene of the accident which put her in a wheelchair. It was a painful memory for her, but one she felt she needed to share with Brian.

  They had dinner with her parents, brother, and sister-in-law. They asked Brian questions about what kind of person he was and how he felt about McKenna.

  He asked them questions about how everyone had to adjust to her being in a wheelchair. They shared how common everyday habits became much more difficult, especially since there wasn’t much room in the house to move.

  After dinner, he met privately with her father, then with her mother. He left a very good impression on all.

  That night, he flew to Fayetteville, Arkansas. Although Caitlin lived in Nashville, she grew up in a small town in Arkansas called Flippin. It was located in north central Arkansas with a population of a little over a thousand people.

  He met Caitlin the next day. Caitlin took him to Whiskey Dick’s, the bar where she got her start as a singer. She took the stage and sang a song she wrote especially for him. The song brought him to tears.

  She took him to meet her family: her father, stepmother, cousins, and four-year old Quinn. Quinn took and instant liking to him, as did everyone else.

  Brian told them how special Caitlin was and what she meant to him. Her family could tell he was ready to settle down and couldn’t think of a better person Caitlin could find than him.

  Brian and Caitlin shared a private moment under her favorite tree. They kissed, and darkness became light.

  He couldn’t stay too late. He had to return to Fayetteville. He left before the moon reached its apex.

  The next morning, he flew to Pittsburgh. That was the closest airport to Wheeling.

  He met Alison at the bar where she worked, the Swing Club. She fixed him her favorite drink, a Piece of Ass. It was one shot of almond amaretto liqueur, one shot of Southern Comfort peach liqueur, and filled with sweet and sour mix.

  After a few of those, it was time to meet her family. Brian wasn’t sure if she felt she needed to get him drunk to meet them, if she was that ashamed of them.

  Once he met her mother and three brothers, he knew he thought wrong. They were wholesome, down-to-earth people, just like Alison. Brian fit this puzzle perfectly.

  Dinner wasn’t too fancy, just everyday comfort food. He could see how protective her brothers were of their only sister. After dinner, he saw he was in with then. All he needed to do was get in with the mother.

  That took all of two questions in private. When Brian left, he felt like one of the family.

  He spent the night in Pittsburgh before his final family, Julie’s in Savannah.

  He met her at her gym. She put him through a workout, first on the treadmill, then in the boxing ring. After an hour, sweat was pouring from Brian’s head.

  He showered before she introduced him to her friends. Both of her parents had passed away, and she was an only child. At least, that’s what Julie wanted him to believe. She knew that if he met her parents, he would be running for the door. They were that eccentric.

  Julie’s friends painted the picture of her as a model woman, as she had told them to. They told him how men were always taking advantage of her good nature, but it still didn’t get her down.

  They said that Brian was just the type of guy she needed in her life. They told Brian everything he needed to hear. He didn’t know the real Julie, just the version they had invented.

  After dinner, they had a private moment. She kissed him, more passionately than any kiss he had had before.

  They all flew back to the mansion one last time for an elimination ceremony. Brian knew who he was going to eliminate. He just didn’t know how he was going to break the news to her.

  The three roses went to the three women he had the strongest connection with: Caitlin, Alison, and Julie.


  Brian walked McKenna out. After meeting her family, he was not convinced he could handle the responsibility of her disability. He didn’t want to let her know that, so he kept that to himself. He explained to her that he did have a connection with her, just not as strong as the others.

  McKenna was in tears, and so was Brian. They hugged, and then Brian helped her into the limo.

  After he wiped away his tears, he went back inside. Chris then told everyone that they were leaving for Australia. Brian had always wanted to visit Australia, but never had the means.

  They left shortly after the celebration. The flight was fifteen hours nonstop.

  They checked into separate suites upon landing. They got a good night’s sleep. Brian had a date the next morning.

  At dawn, Brian and Julie arrived at Broken Hill in New South Wales. Once there, they were given a tour of the Outback. They saw kangaroos, emus, and dingoes.

  From there, they traveled to a nearby national park famous for its aboriginal wall paintings. At the park, a picnic was set up.

  The more Brian talked to Julie, the more lost he got in her gaze. Perhaps it was the environment, but when he kissed her, he got a feeling like none before.

  Julie saw the opportunity to put the next phase of her plan into motion. She planted a seed of doubt in Brian about Alison. Was she really as w
holesome as she lets on? As a bartender, she had to hang around with some men who openly flirted with her. Could he really trust her?

  Late that evening, they returned to the hotel. That seed had been planted and began sprouting leaves. He would test out that theory on his date with Alison tomorrow.

  Brian had yet to see Alison in a bikini. She never hung out by the pool. He figured he’d take her somewhere where a bikini was required.

  They went on a tour of the Great Barrier Reef. Alison didn’t look like Naveena in her bikini, but it was nothing to be ashamed of. Brian liked it.

  They went snorkeling. Alison saw all the beautiful coral in the blue ocean. The only beautiful thing Brian saw was Alison.

  After an hour of snorkeling, they had lunch onboard the boat. Brian tried to confirm if what Julie had told him was true. He asked her if any patrons flirted with her.

  “Sure. They flirt with me all the time. Sometimes I flirt back, but I never date anyone from the Swing Club.”

  He kept asking her questions, trying to pry a bit more information about it. While he was able to get some satisfaction from her responses, he still couldn’t completely erase the doubt from his mind.

  They returned to the hotel. While Julie’s plan did not work as she had plan, it was still successful.

  The next day was his date with Caitlin. They left early for Sydney.

  They toured the famous Opera House. Brian asked Caitlin to sing him a song on stage in the main Concert Hall. The acoustics there made her sound like Carrie Underwood. This moment was one Caitlin would always remember.

  From there, they traveled to the Harbour Bridge. They were given the opportunity to climb to the top of the bridge. Brian was scared to deaths of heights, but agreed to do it if Caitlin really wanted to. Of course, she did.

  Brian felt safer knowing he would be attached to a harness. Still, as they approached the top, fear started setting in.

  Once they reached the top, they saw an awe-inspiring view of Sydney. Brian and Caitlin shared a passionate kiss on top of the bridge.

  After dinner, Brian was convinced that Caitlin was the one. Regardless of what would happen on the last date, nothing would change his mind. Caitlin was everything he was looking for in a woman.

  That night at the hotel, Brian faced the decision of eliminating one more lady. While he knew which one he would not eliminate, he was unsure of whom he would. Brian dropped to his knees and broke down in tears. He had never felt this strongly about any one woman, let alone three.

  The time came for the ceremony. He gave the first of the two roses to Caitlin. After a long delay, his final rose went to…



  He told Alison that, although his feelings for her were strong, he was hurt too many times in his life. With her profession, the chance of being hurt again was too much to overlook. They shared a final hug and kiss, and she left.

  The final two were set. One of these two would be his choice for his wife. Now, he had to prepare for his overnight dates with each of them.

  The first of his overnight dates would be with Julie. They left early in the morning for Jenolan Caves in the Blue Mountains. There were a total of eleven caves. They didn’t have the time to visit all.

  First, they went to the Orient Cave. They saw all three chambers of the cave: Bat End, Persian Chamber and Egyptian Chamber. The guide said it was possibly the most beautiful cave in the world. They saw little to dispel that rumor.

  After touring the cave, they ate lunch at Chisolm’s Restaurant. While eating, Julie put the final part of her plan into action.

  “Caitlin’s job requires her to stay in Nashville. Are you willing to move to a new location, where you don’t know anyone, knowing she can’t move to North Dakota? Besides, she’s only here to promote her singing career.”

  That gave him something to think about. She told him that she was more than willing to move to Bismarck.

  “Think of this, as well. She has a daughter, who needs constant attention, attention she will be depriving you of. On the other hand, I can devote my full attention to making you happy.”

  After lunch, they went to explore another cave, Nettle Cave. This one did not require a guide. The nerd in Brian wanted to the Klingon version of commentary, but common sense won out.

  The commentary described the stalagmites, stalactites, and stromatolites in the cave. Julie wasn’t paying any attention.

  In the darkness of the cave, she kissed Brian. It soon progressed to making out. Brian got scared and pulled back. This was a new experience for him.

  As they left the cave, they saw the Devil’s Coach House, an archway in the mountainside.

  That evening, they went back to Chisolm’s for dinner. Waiting for them were Brian’s father, brother, and sister-in-law. On first sight, they were impressed. They got to know each other better over dinner.

  It just so happened that Chisolm’s was located in Caves House, where they were spending the evening.

  In the privacy of their room, Julie picked up where she left off in Nettle Cave. She soon went to change into something more comfortable for the night

  When she came back, she was wearing a lacy black negligée. Brian was speechless.

  It wasn’t as private as Julie would have liked it. She kindly asked the cameraman to leave. He refused. Then, she turned up the heat by lowering the straps on her negligée.

  It looked like a repeat of his thirtieth birthday. As such, the cameraman left the room.

  Julie wanted America to think they did something naughty when actually, they did nothing but cuddle.

  When Brian woke the next morning, Julie was standing on the balcony, watching the sun rise. He put on a robe and joined her.

  “What a gorgeous sunrise. Can’t you picture us doing this every morning?” She kissed him.

  They got dressed to check out. Julie had a feeling of “mission accomplished”.

  Brian met with his family later that day to get their opinions of her. The men had nothing but positive comments about her.

  His sister-in-law, on the other hand, felt suspicious about her. There was something about her she just didn’t like.

  Brian spent the rest of the day reflecting on what Julie had said about Caitlin. His feelings were so strong for her. What if Julie was right? Could he move to Nashville? Would she find time for him? Was she just trying to further her singing career?

  He would get those answers the next day on their overnight date.

  He met Caitlin for a day in the Atherton Tablelands. Their first stop was Millaa Millaa Falls. After walking through the rainforest, they came across this attraction. They enjoyed a kiss underneath the falls.

  From there, they went to Paronella Park. They saw platypuses and tree kangaroos. They also saw a Spanish castle in the middle of the rainforest. They took the tour of it.

  They had lunch at Out of the Whey Teahouse at Mungalli Creek Dairy. Caitlin said it was the best cheesecake she had ever had.

  It was here that Brian needed to get the doubts cleared up. He asked her about her career. Would she be willing to move to North Dakota?

  “I’m sorry. If I want to be a country music superstar, I need to stay in Nashville. Do you have a problem moving to Nashville?”

  “No. It’s just that everyone I know is in or near Bismarck. Are you just using this show to further your career, get your music heard by people outside Nashville?”

  “Whatever gave you that idea? Of course not. I’m here for you and you only.”

  Then, Brian asked her about Quinn and if she would be able to give him the necessary attention with her around.

  “I won’t lie to you. Quinn does need constant attention, but that doesn’t mean I would ignore you. Why the interrogation all of a sudden?”

  Brian explained to her that Julie had mentioned those to him.

  “That bitch. She seems to be
starting so much trouble here. Every time some rumor gets started, Julie is at the heart of it.”

  Brian took this rant as jealousy. This was his first instance where he was unsure if Caitlin was the one.

  He also saw that she may have a point. Julie was the only person who delivered any kind of news to him about women of the house.

  He was so confused. He decided to put off deciding if she was right or not until after the date.

  After lunch, they went to Lake Barrine, a lake formed from a volcanic crater. They both stripped down to their underwear and took a swim in the lake. As if Caitlin couldn’t get more attractive, the water did just that.

  Once they dried off, they returned to their hotel in nearby Cairns. They changed for dinner.

  They met Brian’s family at Ochre Restaurant. There was also a surprise for Caitlin: Quinn. She ran to her mother.

  Brian tried kangaroo meat for the first time. His family got to know all about Caitlin and grew to love Quinn. Caitlin fit in like one of the family.

  After dinner, Brian and Caitlin went to their room at the Shangri-La. Caitlin was not nearly as much of a slut as Julie was. She made no effort to force Brian into something he didn’t want to. She just wanted to lay next to him and fall asleep in his arms.

  The next morning, Caitlin woke to find Brian on the balcony. Brian had the night of his life. Caitlin got dressed and met him there. He told her that he wanted to relive this moment over and over again. She kissed him.

  Later that day, Brian met with his family to get their reactions to Caitlin. His sister-in-law loved her, as did his brother. His father, however, liked her but not as much as Julie. All in all, not a bad word was said about Caitlin.

  Still, he had to consider her answers to his questions about her career and family. His heart told him to ignore everything and choose Caitlin. His head told him to think everything through and choose Julie. How in the world could he choose one without hurting both the other and himself? He couldn’t.

  He was unable to sleep that night. He weighed every option on both women. Was Julie right about Caitlin caring more about her career and child than him? Was Caitlin right about Julie being manipulative? About four in the morning, he felt like his decision was final

  The next morning, he went to choose an engagement ring at Bill Hicks Jewellery. After looking for an hour, he found the perfect ring.


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