Holiday with an Assassin (Coalition Training Academy Book 3)

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Holiday with an Assassin (Coalition Training Academy Book 3) Page 1

by Stephani Hecht

  Table of Contents

  Holiday with an Assassin

  Copyright Acknowledgement

  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Jax’s Special Day

  About the Author

  Holiday with an Assassin

  Coalition Training Academy #3

  Stephani Hecht

  Copyright Acknowledgement

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright 2017 by Stephani Hecht

  All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.

  Published by

  C&J Publishing

  Cover Art by Kris Jacen

  Editing by Kris Jacen

  ebook format

  Second Edition Issued 2017

  This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the publisher.

  Trademarks Acknowledgment

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Grinch: Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. Geisel-Seuss Enterprises, Inc.

  Hallmark: Crown Media

  Spidey sense: Marvel Comics

  Food Network: Television Food Network, G.P. Cable Program Management Co., G.P.

  Chapter One

  “I really need to move over to my own bed soon,” Alvus murmured.

  Jax made a sound of protest as he snuggled deeper into his boyfriend’s side. The last thing he wanted to do was to give up the comfort he was enjoying, even though Jax knew Alvus had a valid point. While it may be only one day until the holiday break, they were still in school. More so, they were on the Academy grounds, which had a strict no getting frisky policy when it came to students.

  But it wasn’t as if he and Alvus were doing anything…well, not anything much at least. They were just cuddling. Okay, maybe they were sleeping together in Jax’s bunk. They were also doing said activity pretty much every night, but it was so Jax and Alvus didn’t suffer from the nightmares that had plagued them since they’d been attacked.

  Okay, their sleeping under the same covers might be more than just wanting to ward off some bad dreams. Jax had to admit he really enjoyed the sensation of being in Alvus’ arms, especially since they’d made it official and had become a couple, or, at least, official between themselves. They were afraid of how the adults would react if they knew the truth.

  That would be even more ammunition that could be used against them if they were ever caught together under the sheets. There was no way the instructors would believe it was all innocent, even though all Jax and Alvus had done was share a few kisses and hugs. Most would even call their relationship tame.

  “I don’t want you to go. Then it means morning is here, and I don’t want to start the day,” Jax grumbled.

  He buried his nose in the crook of Alvus’ neck, savoring the earthy scent he found there. It remined Jax a lot of when he used to go hiking in the woods. It had been the one activity he and his mother enjoyed together. That was until she disowned him and took off to who knew where.

  But Jax didn’t want to think of his parents. The topic still hurt way more than he wanted to admit. Plus, the holidays were approaching, and it was already going to suck as it was. The last thing he needed was to dwell on what a mess his life had become, all at the age of fifteen. Oops, make that sixteen. He’d just celebrated his birthday a few weeks prior.

  “You should be excited. You’re going home with Ava and her dads. You’ll get out of the Academy and be able to feel normal for a while,” Alvus said.

  “Yeah, like I can feel normal with this damn bounty on my head.” Jax snorted.

  “I know it sucks, but you can’t let that thought hover over you all the time.”

  “My own father put it out on me. Maybe I am being a bit of a drama queen, but I think that deserves a bit of an emo attitude.”

  “Yeah, but you don’t need to worry about it during the break. It’s not like any Assassin is going to try to get you while you’re with Ava. I don’t think anybody would dare go up against her dads.”

  Alvus did have a point. Trevor, one of her fathers, was a soldier for the Coalition, a damn good one too, if all the rumors were true. As for the other, well, Shane happened to be the deadliest Assassin known. Not just in Flint or the State, but everywhere. His name made full-grown warriors shiver with fear.

  “Wait,” Alvus said slowly as he turned his head in Jax’s direction. “You’re not afraid of spending two weeks with Shane, are you?”

  “What if I am? You have to admit he’s pretty scary.”

  “Sure, there’s no doubt about that, but with you he’s different. He’s all but adopted you. In fact, he goes out of his way to make sure you’re taken care of. You should feel nothing but safe around him.”

  “I know,” Jax hedged.

  He wondered if he should tell the whole truth. Doctor North had encouraged him to get his feeling out during their sessions. He’d even told Jax he needed to let his friends know more about what was going on in his head, yet part of Jax still felt weak whenever he admitted to being daunted by something. But Alvus wasn’t just another student in Jax’s class. They’d gone through a lot together. Plus, they were now in a relationship, so Jax realized he owed it to the other guy.

  “What if I end up disappointing him?” Jax asked.

  “Who? Shane?”

  Jax looked away, afraid of what he’d see in Alvus’ expression. Would there be disgust? Anger? Pity? Annoyance? While Jax had been on the receiving end of all of that before, to get it from Alvus would feel like a kick to the gut.

  “That could never happen,” Alvus said.

  “How can you be so sure? My dad—”

  Alvus put a finger over Jax’s lips, cutting him off.

  “You can’t compare Shane to your father. In fact, you can’t compare your dad to any of the adults here. He’s an asshole who never deserved to have such a great son. I see the way Shane treats you. He’s proud of you and really seems to care. I don’t think there is anything that could ever change that,” Alvus said in a soft voice.

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “I am.” Alvus gave Jax’s cheek a kiss before getting up. “Now, I’m going to hit the showers then we can have an early breakfast with your friends.”

  “They’re your friends too.”

  “They put up with me because I’m with you. Otherwise they’d never give me the time of day.”

  Jax would have argued, but Alvus was already walking away. It wasn’t as if Jax could call out to him, either. They were surrounded by sleeping students. Ava was in the bunk over Jax’s bed. It was already a miracle he and Alvus hadn’t already been busted. Jax wasn’t about to break their good luck streak.

  Although he did have to admit there was some tension between Alvus and one of the members, Erin. Ava said it was because Erin had a crush on Jax and was jealous. While that thought was kind of thrilling, Jax didn�
��t know if he bought it. Not only was Erin hot, but he was two years older. He’d even had his first shift.

  But Alvus is hot too. He likes you, and you see no issue with it. A tiny voice nagged in his head. Jax just shrugged it off then got out of bed. It wasn’t going to help any for him to dwell on stuff like that. He already had enough on his plate. Once the holiday break was over and he didn’t have to stress over staying with Ava, then he could worry about all the other messes in his life.

  Jax had showered the night before, so he just changed into his uniform then got ready. By the time he’d finished brushing his teeth, Alvus was almost done. Jax took the few extra moments to gets some studying in.

  “Put the books away,” Alvus chided as he came back in. “We don’t have any tests today, and when we come back, we’re starting a whole new marking period. You may not even have to learn all the material you’re reading.”

  “It never hurts to get a little extra knowledge in.” Jax shut the book then set it to the side. “Plus, I’m still playing catch-up on some subjects, since my dad never let me know about everything.”

  “You caught up and passed us weeks ago.” Alvus rolled his eyes but shot off a soft grin to show he really wasn’t annoyed.

  “Let’s go before we wake the others.”

  Not that it would hurt the rest of the class if they had to get up a bit early. Jax had been doing it since the beginning of the year, when he figured it would be the only way he’d get breakfast before the first class. The others just slept in then bitched about being hungry until their first break. Jax didn’t understand why they always put a few more minutes of shut-eye over their stomachs. Food was always his top priority, especially with all the training they put in. It really worked up an appetite.

  After they filled their trays then walked into the dining hall, Jax grew confused by how bare the place was. Well, it was always a bit sparse at that time, but that morning it was almost a frigging ghost town. Even his usual group of friends were absent.

  “Where are the others?” Alvus asked, echoing Jax’s emotions.

  “I don’t know. They never mentioned going anywhere.”

  “They’ve been taken for their vision quest,” a nearby soldier called.

  Jax exchanged confused looks with Alvus. At least Jax could take some comfort in the fact his boyfriend didn’t have a clue as to what the soldier was talking about either. Usually Jax was the only clueless one. It was nice to have some company for once.

  “It’s something all third and fourth-year students have to go through,” the soldier explained. “They go out into the wilderness and get all hippie so they can connect with the animal half.”

  “So, much like the Natives did, they mediate and starve themselves until they grow delirious and go on a mind trip?” Jax blurted before he could censor himself.

  He worried for a moment he might have overstepped himself. It wouldn’t have been the first time his damn mouth got him into trouble. Luckily, the soldier just gave an indulgent laugh.

  “Well, they don’t starve them, but there is a lot of meditation. They don’t force feed them hallucinogenic drugs either,” the male said.

  “Gage, you know we’re not supposed to let the first or second year students know about that,” Shane barked as he walked in.

  Most shifters would shit their pants if the Assassin had even glanced at them, let alone dressed them down. Not Gage. He just shot off a cocky grin and slouched down in his seat.

  “I figured I would give Jax here a little extra help. He’s had enough lumps come his way. I don’t think it’ll hurt to cut him a break here or there,” Gage replied.

  “Jax may be small and he may have some shit he has to deal with, but he’s one of our best. The last thing he needs is bonus points. The rest of the students are struggling to keep up as it is,” Shane shot back.

  Jax felt a little burst of pride at Shane’s words. While the Assassin might like Jax, he wouldn’t have said all that had he not meant it. Shane was, if nothing else, brutally honest to the point where Mitchell, the Coalition leader, always griped that the Leopard needed a filter.

  “Hey, don’t worry. We won’t tell anybody else,” Alvus said so fast his words almost tumbled together.

  “See that you don’t,” Shane replied, gruffly. “By that, I mean Ava and Phillip too. I don’t care if she’s my daughter or that he’s your brother, Alvus.”

  “Yes, sir,” Jax said, Alvus echoing him.

  “Now, go eat. From what Logan told me last night, he’s planning on giving you one hell of a training session this afternoon.”

  “How bad do you think it will be?” Jax swallowed hard.

  “He said his gifts to you will be bruises and sore muscles.” Shane cocked one of his brows.

  Jax and Alvus sat down then began to eat. All Jax could think about was what Logan had in store for them. As it was, he already sported several bruises, and just about every muscle in his body ached. He didn’t see how it could get worse. A cold ball of dread formed in his stomach, and suddenly his appetite was gone.

  “I wonder what it’s like,” Alvus whispered, his face going a bit pale.

  “Huh? You mean the training session we’re going to have to go through?” Jax replied.

  “No, the vision quest.”

  “How can you even worry about that now? I’m more concerned about what Logan is going to do to us. That’s just hours away. The stupid vision quest won’t happen for years.” Jax gave a dismissive wave of his hand.

  “I still can’t get over it. I wonder what it’s like? Do you think it’s dangerous?”

  “How so?” Jax frowned. “I didn’t think camping out and getting in touch with one’s self is edgy at all. In fact, humans have been doing it since the beginning of time. The Bible even said that—”

  “No,” Alvus cut in. “Please don’t tell me something from human history. I have a hard enough time keeping our crap straight. I don’t need to add them to the confusion.”

  “It wouldn’t be so difficult if you studied at all.”

  “I can’t get into studying like you do. Plus, that’s why I have you. To tutor me.” Alvus grinned.

  “It would make my job a lot easier if you ever bothered to read ahead.”

  “Am I really that much of a pain?” A small crease appeared between Alvus’ eyes.

  “No, I just love to give you a hard time.”

  Actually, it would be much easier if Alvus did take the advice, but Jax would never say that aloud. He didn’t want to hurt Alvus’ feelings. He already felt like a bit of a burden.

  “Are you sure? I’m not exactly keeping my end of our deal,” Alvus pressed.

  “What are you talking about? I can’t keep up with you this morning.”

  “I’m supposed to help you with the training part of the Academy and in return you help with the academic part. Remember?”

  “Of course, I do. I wasn’t the one hit in the head, so my brain is working perfectly. That still doesn’t tell me what you’re talking about,” Jax said.

  “Come on, you don’t need to lie to save my feelings. We both know you don’t need any help with your battle skills. You proved that the night of the attack. You were the one who fought off that Assassin. Meanwhile, I was knocked out and bleeding all over the place.”

  Jax winced and suddenly wished he hadn’t made the hit over the head remark. He’d only been teasing but had stuck his foot in his mouth instead. He had no idea that was the exact thing bothering Alvus, that he’d been the strong one yet had failed that night. Jax didn’t see Alvus as a failure at all.

  “He snuck up on you. Plus, he had a ton of skills. It takes a lot of training to become an Assassin. You forget, I already knew he was there before he came at me. That gave me more time to react.”

  Jax glanced around to see if anybody was looking. When he saw it was safe, he reached out then gently caressed the back of Alvus’ hand. Alvus didn’t pull away. Instead he gave a small sigh, and he seemed to calm
down a bit.

  “If you say so,” Alvus replied.

  “I do. And we both know I’m always right, so just let it be.”

  “You say the funniest things.” Alvus laughed. “That’s one of the things I like so much about you.”

  Jax smiled. He still felt a bit of dread, both about the training session and having to stay at Ava’s, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as before. Then again, that was one of the things he liked about Alvus. He always knew how to make Jax’s life so much better.

  Chapter Two

  The rest of the day went by like a blur. They wrapped up some final topics during the first part of the schedule then Logan led them through a grueling training session. He even made them run ten miles at the end of everything almost as if he was some type of Grinch who hated Christmas and was taking it out on his hapless students.

  By the time Jax grabbed his shower then changed, the other students were beginning to leave. Jax still had a few moments. Shane had a meeting with Mitchell and would be running late, so he still had time to pack his bag, something he’d been putting off.

  It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with Ava. She’d been his best friend for years. If he wanted to be truthful, she’d been his only friend until recently. He adored he and would do anything for her.

  He couldn’t help but worry that he was imposing, though. Sure, Shane and Trevor may tell him he was one of the family, but that didn’t mean they would want an extra body in their house over the holiday. Jax remembered how stressed out his parents always were during that time. If they weren’t telling him to go to his room, they were yelling at him to shut up and to stay out of their way.

  He knew Shane and Trevor cared about him. They’d gone out of their way to make sure of that. Still, it was a huge leap to believe they’d want to have to deal with yet another annoyance. But Ava had been insistent, so, in the end, Jax agreed.


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