Shadow Spy

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Shadow Spy Page 8

by Tiffany Shand

“Old Amargen, the language used by our ancestors – only he and I would understand it.”

  “I did too.”

  He frowned. “How?”

  “No idea. Why does he want you back?” She dropped her bag on the floor and sat on the edge of the bed.

  Drake dropped his bag on the floor, leant back against the chest of drawers. “I don’t know. I couldn’t touch his mind – it felt fragmented somehow.”

  “Maybe because he’s bat shit crazy from the looks of it.”

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “You know immortals can lose their minds over time, especially if they don’t have mates. You said demons need mates to anchor them.”

  “Yes, but it’s rare for demons to find their true mates too,” Drake said. “I need to stay and find out why he called me home. He put on a show back there for everyone, I know there’s more to it than that.”

  “Meanwhile we need to figure out what Goodridge’s next move is.” She pulled her pack onto the bed. “Will Daron let me stay here long?”

  “I’ll make sure of it.” Drake ran a hand through his hair. “There’s so few of my clan left here. I thought…” He sighed. “The clans must be turning against each other. I need to see what else is going on.”

  “Okay, I’ll find others, see what we can turn up.” Charlie turned to go but Drake wrapped his arms around her.

  “I can’t have everyone thinking I’m a lousy lover for this to be over so fast.”

  She laced her arms around his neck. “I wouldn’t know thanks to your ‘we must wait’ motto.”

  “I saw the way my brother looked at you.”

  “Like he wanted to ring my neck.” She laughed.

  “No, like he wanted you in his bed.”

  Charlie snorted. “I’d cut body parts of him before I’d ever let him touch me. You’re the only demon I want.”

  He captured her mouth in a hungry kiss.

  Charlie felt herself melt against him. “You don’t belong with the Akaran,” the voice had said.

  Yeah right! Nothing felt better than being in her demon’s arms. They were both breathing hard when they pulled apart.

  “How did I know your language?” Charlie asked.

  Drake shrugged. “Our connection must be stronger.”

  “Like a bond.” She grinned. “You better seal the deal soon, Vlad. I might get tired and move on to hunkier demons.”

  Drake let out a low growl. “I won’t share you with anyone so forget that.”

  Charlie laughed. “You’re cute when you’re jealous. Go find out what your brother is up to.”

  Charlie headed out to the city among the hustle and bustle of street vendors trying to flog everything from livestock to magical goods as she searched for the others. The city seemed very old world like Setara which was filled with colour and a lot of tech. This place felt more rugged with rough stone walls and buildings, unlike the elegant architecture of Setara. She wondered if she’d be able to find out more of her own heritage while staying here.

  Had Kaz and Nigel gotten lost?

  She scanned the crowd of demons all dressed in a mix of tunics and hose whilst others wore more modern clothing like jeans and t-shirts. Strangely she didn’t feel so out of place here. She missed her gear but knew she couldn’t risk using it. She missed Drake more, leaving him alone made her uneasy even if he could take care of himself. But he’d wanted to talk to Daron alone and she didn’t want to be around his creepy brother any more than she had to.

  “Nice to fit in, isn’t it?” asked a familiar voice.

  Charlie spun around to see Helga sitting at a table inside a purple tent with a crystal ball on a round table in front of her. Unbelievable! “What the hell are you doing here?” Charlie hissed as she stormed inside. “Are you trying to blow my cover?”

  The crone cackled. “I’m free to come and go as I please, girl. I enjoy telling fortunes at times. It makes life interesting,” she said, rubbing the crystal. “Demons are a superstitious bunch.”

  Charlie pulled the tent flap closed, hoping no one had seen them together. “Look, I’m working here and I thought you didn’t interfere with magical affairs?”

  “Oh, I don’t, but I am interested to see what happens given the war brewing between the demon clans. It amuses me.” She gave a toothy grin.

  “Sometimes I think you’re mental.” Charlie rolled her eyes.

  Helga laughed harder. “Perhaps I am.”

  Charlie crossed her arms. “I know you were around when Cate was in transition and she and Jason first got together. You better not be here because I’m in transition now too.”

  Helga’s lips thinned. “You’re not in transition, I’m only here to watch what happens. When you’ve been alive for fifty thousand years you need to find amusements when you can.”

  Charlie’s mouth fell open. “What? Of course I’m in transition. My powers are stronger, my senses are heightened. Denais go into transition in their mid to late twenties.” She had to be in transition, it was the only thing that explained why her demon side and strange new abilities had started emerging. Having demon blood wouldn’t stop the transition. Cate was half Ashrali and Charlie’s stepmother Jade was a shifter, they had both transitioned.

  “You’re not just a witch, you’re more than that.”

  “Right, I’m half whatever the hell my mother was.” She sighed. “Why am I even talking to you? You never helped me to find Drake.”

  “You found him, didn’t you?” Helga made another stool appear. “Just as I foretold.”

  Charlie snorted. “Like you’d ever give me a straight answer. Plus, you said I’m shielded from your visions.”

  “I can still tell you of events to come. Aren’t you curious to learn more of those shadow figures?”

  Charlie’s eyes narrowed. “What do you know about them?”

  Helga rubbed her crystal ball. “A little of this, a little of that.”

  Again with the riddles! Charlie slumped onto the stool. “They said Drake and I aren’t meant to be together.” She had no idea why, of all people, she was telling Helga this. She didn’t even trust her, yet here she was babbling. Charlie rested her chin on her hand. “So all-knowing one, tell me my fortune. Tell me what else the future has in store.”

  Helga’s eyes flashed white. “Your path is divided, which way you choose will determine the rest of your life. Look to those who walk among the shadows, beware the traitor. Only you can save him.”

  The form of the girl flashed in Helga’s place with her long dark curly blowing behind her and her white robe shimmering like moonlight.

  “You,” Charlie gasped, getting to her feet. “What are you doing here? What have you done to Helga?”

  “Only you can save him,” the girl repeated and pointed off into the distance where the golden walls of the citadel rose up. “Beware the traitor, look to the shadows but do not let them lead you astray.”

  “What traitor? Who I supposed to save?” Charlie made a grab for the girl, but instead found herself with her fingers around Helga’s throat.

  The crone’s eyes widened in shock as she gasped for breath. “Shit! I’m so sorry.” Charlie backed away, feeling a sharp pang of guilt. “There was a girl – I’ve seen her before. Goddess, what does this all mean?”

  Helga laughed. “That wasn’t me, I felt another presence. It used my power.” She rubbed her throat. “Blessed spirits, that’s not possible. I have shields in place to protect any outside force from using my gift.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” Charlie demanded. “I keep seeing that girl and creepy spirit people keep following me. Is this Goodridge’s new way of trying to steal the Srimtar?”

  Helga’s hand shook as she conjured a cup and gulped down its contents. “I can’t answer that. My sight is so clouded but I sensed they’re connected to you.”

  “I need to figure out what this all means and I will.” She paused. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No. I’m going to
enjoy watching this all play out.”

  Both Helga and her tent vanished in a burst of light.

  Chapter 11

  Drake kept his senses alert as he headed into his brother’s chamber that night. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the feast but he kept his attention on Daron. There had to be a reason why Daron had called him back after almost eight thousand years of silence and Drake couldn’t figure out why.

  Daron sat with a blonde woman on his lap. “Drake, come in. Want to share Dantalia’s delights with me?”

  Drake put on his business face, the one that showed no emotion. He didn’t give a damn about the whore, nor could she interest him. The only woman who stirred any emotion in him was Charlie. “Leave us,” he ordered.

  The blue-eyed demon pouted. “Come, Drake, I remember when we—”

  “Out!” His eyes turned black as his inner demon emerged. He had no patience for this. “Now.” He grabbed her wrist and shoved her across the room. Dantalia yelped, grabbed the hem of her flimsy robe and fled.

  Daron scowled. “What did you do that for? I remember when we both enjoyed her pleasures.”

  “That was lifetimes ago. I’m not the boy who fled from this place.”

  “No, my guards tell me you’ve been enjoying the imp. Perhaps I’ll try her myself.”

  Drake snorted. “You wouldn’t be able to handle her, she’s a wily wench,” he said. “I didn’t come to discuss women, why did you summon me?”

  Daron gulped down a glass of wine, downing it one go. “I thought it time we made peace.”

  “Bollocks!” Drake pulled out a chair, sat. “Why now? You called me here because you want something. If it’s my power, forget it.”

  Daron sneered. “Have you not seen how few of our clan are left? The clans look to me for leadership and we’re being torn apart.”

  “Maybe if you brought them together, negotiated peace, they wouldn’t be.”

  He’d kept close watch over the clans for centuries, watched them fight and kill for power. Demons hadn’t always been warmongers. All that had changed after Oberoth had come with his vision of a better future, what good had it done them?

  None. Most had fallen into slavery. Demons had become lesser races, the lowest of the low. Inferior to all of Magickind. Thought to be evil, soulless, a plague among the immortals and even shunned by the lesser races who weren’t immortal.

  Drake hated it but he’d been forced to work and live in the shadows for so long. It’s not my place to question, he reminded himself. He’s the Akaran here.

  “You banished me for something I never did.” He didn’t keep the bitterness of his voice. Being here brought back pain he’d long thought buried.

  “I realise that. Papa wouldn’t want us to fight, I see that now.” Daron rose, put a hand on Drake’s shoulder. “I brought you home because I know together we can save our clan.”

  “How?” Drake wanted to believe it but he knew Daron. His brother had lusted for power even before their family’s death.

  “Different clans have been challenging me, I’ve had no choice but to fight.” Daron pulled off his shirt, revealing jagged scars and burns covering his chest and torso. “I can’t keep fighting them by myself.”

  “You’re the Akaran, you have to defend your throne and territory – Father always said that.”

  “That’s why I need you here.”

  Drake stood up, anger rising as his inner demon rose again. “If you want my power, forget it. I can’t rid myself of it even if I tried to.” He’d tried to once, in the depths of despair and it had almost killed him. Arya’s words and the need for revenge had kept him going.

  “No, but I want you to fight by my side. We can bring the clans together just as Papa did.”

  “I’ll help if I can but I’m not here to stay. I have my own life and responsibilities.”

  Daron laughed. “Running taverns? Yes, I heard about that.”

  His businesses were just a cover. His true responsibility had been to the Alliance and training Division agents. He was good at it, too. Despite the loneliness, he felt proud of everything he’d accomplished. Now he had Charlie to think of. No kinship to his brother would ever take him away from her. “I had nothing after I left here, I had to make my way in a strange country where demons are outcasts.”

  “Let’s not dwell on the past. The real threat are the mist walkers.”

  “Mist walkers?” Drake scoffed. “Impossible. They’re extinct – I killed them all myself.”

  Mist walkers had murdered his family so Drake had wiped out every last one of them – even Daron had killed many of them from what Drake had heard.

  “These are different from the one we’ve encountered in the past. They’re strong, fast. They move in shadow like Zexens. I’d think them Zexens too if those bastards weren’t enslaved to the Grand Witch Bitch.”

  “Grand Mistress,” Drake corrected. “Zexens aren’t bound to her as they once were. The current GM released them of their pledge.”

  “But they still remain loyal to her and that damned council!” Daron cursed. “All demons should be loyal to the Akaran – me. That’s the way it should be.”

  Drake bit back a smile. Daron was stuck in past to think that way. One leader couldn’t have all the power. That gave them too much opportunity to abuse their authority. “I’ll look into it.”

  “We should be in this together, brother.”

  “As I said, I have my own responsibilities.” Drake turned to leave.

  “Stay, have a drink. We have a lot to discuss.”

  Drake forced himself to stay and listen to Daron’s ramblings but he drank nothing. By midnight, he felt weary. His inner fury building over the things he’d learnt. Daron had lost half of their family’s lands.

  He stalked back to his room to find the bed empty. Panic filled him. The dread he felt of losing Charlie again made his heart ache. Get a grip, he told himself. Damned link.

  Or was it more than that now? He thought the link had started to become a bond like true life mates had.

  “Charlie?” he called. Maybe she’d stayed with the others at the local inn where he secured rooms for them.

  Drake waited, sending out his senses into the universe to search for her. A bond wasn’t something he could afford to worry about now. It would make them both too vulnerable.

  Charlie, where are you? His claws came out as fury burned hotter. Damn it, he hadn’t lost control like this since before he’d become the Akaran.

  Light blurred as Charlie shimmered in. “Hey.” She grinned when she saw him.

  Drake tugged her tight against his chest, breathing in her familiar scent of chocolate mixed with citrus.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?” She wrapped her arms around him and stared up, her deep brown eyes shimmering to blue.

  “Nothing.” Drake buried his face against her shoulder. Her nearness soothed him, all rage fading as he held her.

  “Clearly it’s not nothing. Your eyes were black again. So, what’s up?”

  Drake shook his head. Nothing seemed to matter when she was around. “I panicked when I couldn’t sense – I thought you disappeared again.” He stroked her hair. “Did you faze out again?”

  Charlie bit her lip. She did that when she held things back. “I don’t know. The whole thing felt weird.”

  His eyes narrowed. “What?”

  “You first,” Charlie challenged.

  He told her what had happened with Daron and she mentioned what had happened at the market.

  “Is the spirit a threat?” He rubbed his chin. Only a very powerful entity could have possessed an immortal as old and strong as Helga.

  Charlie shrugged. “I didn’t feel threatened but I have no idea who she wants me to save.” She settled on the bed beside him. “I think she’s warning me about the shadow people.” She’d admitted she’d seen them when she’d vanished before.

  Drake tensed. “Stay away from them.”

  “What are they?”

�We call them mist walkers since they come and go like mist. They’re hard to kill and can’t be trusted.” His jaw clenched. “They killed my family too. I thought I’d wiped them all out.”

  “Why come after me?”

  “Perhaps they know you’re mine. My people have feuded with them for as long as I can remember and all Demonkind despise them,” he said. “They’re a blight on our race. They’re – never mind. Just stay away from them.”

  “What are you gonna do about Daron?”

  Drake sighed. “I can’t help but feel this is my fault.”

  “He banished you and accused you of a crime you didn’t commit.” Charlie’s eyes flashed red. “He’s the one to blame for things here, not you. You shouldn’t have to dig him out of this mess.”

  My little fire brand. He smiled. “If I hadn’t walked away this wouldn’t be happening.”

  “He forced you to!” Charlie’s eyes flashed.

  Drake sighed. “I could’ve fought harder, fought for my place as Akaran. Instead I—”

  “Instead you became a stronger leader. The Alliance wouldn’t be around if it weren’t for you. Think of all the people you’ve helped.” She reached out and clutched his hand.

  “I can’t help but think of all the people who’ve been lost.” He shook his head.

  “Drake, don’t let him do this to you. You know you did the right thing.”

  He pulled her close. “I can’t leave, I have to be here.”

  She let out a breath. “I know, so do I. I feel like I can find answers here too.”

  Drake slumped back onto the bed, snaking an arm around her waist as he pulled her close. “What did I do to deserve you?”

  She laughed and rested her head against his chest. “You’ve nearly gotten blown up several times because of me. I’d say I’m bad luck.”

  “No, I’d go through all that again if I meant I have you.”

  Charlie snuggled closer to him. “I’m not tired. Come on, let’s go for a look around. I want to see the place you grew up in.”

  Chapter 12

  Charlie woke to find Drake gone, scowled. She liked waking up next him. Having a quick shower, she dressed in her usual jeans and t-shirt. She tried calling Kaz and Nigel but neither answered their phones. Strange. They had agreed keep in contact at least twice a day. She guessed Drake must be off with Daron or some of the other demons.


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