Feline Good

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Feline Good Page 12

by Lana Kole

  It was no secret they all wanted Maya. For the past several years they’d had nothing to do but pine after her, with no way to act on it. Instead, they had followed her around, battling an obsession that most likely would never yield any true results and only hurt them more in the end. Now that they’d finally regained their human form again, August could hardly contain his emotions. Honestly, he was quite surprised to find he hadn’t cornered her and confessed his feelings, begging for scraps of attention like leftover crumbs.

  Speaking of… the water pipe groaned as the hot water shut off, and both Asher and August's heads whipped toward the stairs as if they could see through the floor separating them. Working twice as fast, they finished cleaning the bar, the kitchen, packaging the leftovers, and leaving them outside just like Maya did every night.

  The two brothers high-fived, swinging their palms back and down low until they shook hands with matching smirks.

  Refusing to waste any more time, August tilted his chin up and made his way across the bar floor to double check the front door, before rushing upstairs. Asher was hot on his heels, after returning from checking the back as well.

  When they reached the door at the top, they noticed the peace and quiet, cursing at their damned luck.

  “Well, shit,” August grumbled as they opened the door.

  Maya and Amir’s clothes littered the floor by the kitchen, and August gritted his teeth at the sexy little scrap of lacy panties peeking out from her leggings.

  Beating back the disappointment, August quietly stalked down the hall, already recognizing the slow, even breaths of a sleeping Maya.

  Sure enough, when he opened the door, he was greeted with an equally precious and annoying sight. Precious, because Maya was sleeping peacefully. Annoying, because Amir’s smug face grinned at him from underneath her.

  So as not to wake the sleeping beauty, August spoke through their bond.

  “You fucker. Just couldn’t wait for us, huh?”

  His grin widened. “Nope. I had a beautiful, sexually frustrated woman in front of me. Did you expect me to wait?” His tone suggested he wouldn’t have waited regardless, and August rolled his eyes.

  “You could’ve gone a little easier on her.” August reached forward to brush her blonde hair out of the way, revealing the bite mark Amir had unashamedly left on her skin. Arching an expectant brow at him, August pulled away, wishing he could caress her skin more.

  “Trust me, she didn’t want easy right then.”

  August startled when a hand clapped him on the back, and he tilted his head toward Asher, who said, “Ease up man. Amir took care of her. She enjoyed it. We’ll get our turns soon. Don’t fret.”

  Grumbling, August stripped his shirt over his head, ignoring Amir when he sputtered. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “Getting ready for bed. You’re doing a piss poor job of keeping her warm.” Shedding his clothes down to his boxers, he climbed in on the other side of Maya, tracing the chill bumps that had pebbled her skin from the nip in the air.

  “Oh, fuck off. She’s fine.” But Amir made space for him by sliding to the edge of the bed, with minimal grumbling.

  They had abnormally warm body temperatures, so Amir was probably right, but August wanted any excuse to get close to Maya. A desperate need rose for her skin to warm against his own. A yearning to feel her heartbeat in concert with his, her breath caress his skin, all visceral proof that she was alive. Safe. His—theirs. It was an ache that he needed to soothe. He didn’t think he would ever be able to remove the ink of her name where it was already branded his mind, heart, and soul.

  It was an all-consuming love, just begging to be reciprocated.

  As August cuddled up to her, his hand shook as he brushed his fingertips over her shoulder, down her back, before he covered her with the sheet.

  Asher lay down behind him, and with his family surrounding him, and the love of his life tucked into his side—August slept.

  Chapter Eight

  Waking up was an experience. Maya was warm, happy, and comfortable as fuck. A noticeable soreness pulsed between her thighs, but she’d be damned if the thought of what she and Amir had done didn’t bring a shit eating grin to her lips. Humming into her pillow, she remembered the way he’d bitten her, laying his claim into her very skin. Controlling her. Owning her.

  A flush swept over her body, and Maya shuffled. Maybe she was a little too warm. She cracked one eyelid, finding Amir still sleeping with his head turned away from her.


  Maya suddenly did not recognize the feelings brewing inside her own body, and a low panic began to bubble up. Never having just... jumped into bed with someone before, she was at a loss. Studying the shadows highlighting Amir’s sharp cheekbones, Maya sighed. It had been an eye-opening experience to have her control taken, bound, and put on hold while someone else saw to her needs… and actually met them.

  The prospect was as refreshing as it was concerning. Maya had always, always taken care of herself. Having someone else hold her control, take it from her, while at the same time giving her the relief of not being in control? It had been a heady concoction, lighting her veins on fire, but in the same breath sending a trill of fear through her. Her heart raced as she stared at Amir’s sleeping form.

  Grumbling, Maya tried to toss the sheet off, but she was surprised to find her tug stopped short, trapped underneath a body. And not a fluffy cat one, because the weight didn’t disappear with a tiny, irritated mew and a patter of small paws. Maya tilted on her side to look over her shoulder, only to find August wide-awake and staring at her with a half-smile gracing his lips.

  “Good morning.” He kept his voice soft, quiet in the early light peeking through the window above their heads, casting a soft golden glow over them.

  Maya rolled over until she could face him, tugging the sheet back up to cover her nakedness. Sleep lines creased one side of his face, showing how hard he’d slept. A beam of sunlight cut across his face, highlighting his eyes, the amber color glowing like freshly poured honey. He leaned back, sliding a hand through his unruly chestnut waves.

  “Good morning.” A blush colored her cheeks. Was this a kitty cuddle pile?

  August’s lips tilted up in a half grin. “Don’t cover up on my account. I quite enjoyed the morning view.”

  Rolling her eyes, Maya tugged the sheet tighter against her chest, before settling down against the pillow, sliding her arm underneath for head support. When she met August’s gaze again, a sudden rush of vulnerability sliced through her. Something about the morning light casting down on them, the peace of the silence in the room so intimate, broken up only by the even breaths of Amir and... Asher, who lay on the other side of August.

  Everything seemed… enhanced. Real. Far, far too real.




  Suddenly, the beautiful morning didn’t seem so beautiful anymore, not as Maya’s panic settled in. Those words flew through her mind, bouncing against the inside of her brain like debris in a chaotic storm. Her heart pounded, and she was two seconds away from sitting up and fleeing the room—running away from the men she felt too strongly for.

  “I can practically see the gears turning in your head, hayaati.” August tugged her close, his arms sliding around her waist and eliminating the foot of space between them.

  Maya brought her palms up between them, flattening them against the planes of his chest, readying herself to push him away at any second. Her hands shook, and her breath sounded harsh in the quiet of the room. His voice was too smooth, too intimate in the morning light. His hopeful amber eyes rustled up a whole other slew of emotions, ones she refused to acknowledge at this time.

  No. Maya needed to leave, she—

  August abruptly interrupted her thoughts, silencing her internal rambling when he dipped his head down to kiss her. His lips brushed across hers with the barest touch at first, pausing, giving her a chance to move a
way. When she didn’t, he sealed them to hers, and she opened instinctively, parting her own to deepen the kiss. Her hands flexed, shifting from a position to push him away—the traitors pulled him closer. A soft gasp left her as the sheet slipped, her breasts pressing against his warm skin as he clutched her to him.

  Mind quieted, Maya’s panic faded away and stayed distant, almost forgotten even when August pulled back.

  They didn’t speak for a long moment, their uneven breaths settling between them.

  “Don’t panic. This isn’t the disco,” were the words spoken, his voice soft with a smile curling his lips.

  His full, kissable lips. Very talented, those.

  After all, he’d just silenced her chaotic worries with a simple kiss.

  “I’m not panicking,” Maya announced, ignoring the smile that twitched her lips at his reference.

  His slight smile shifted to a wide grin, before he chuckled quietly. “I could see the panic in your eyes, Maya.” He pulled her even closer, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. She let him, his warmth far too irresistible. Eyebrows dipping low, he studied her intently. “There’s no reason to. Surely you’ve thought about it.” He gave her a knowing look.

  Maya sucked in a sharp breath, the thought playing in her mind for a moment. “But there’s… three of you.”

  With a grin, he said, “I’m glad you learned to count.”

  Maya relaxed, and she shoved his shoulder playfully. “You know what I mean. It’s all so weird. You’re all brothers. Wouldn’t sharing me… I mean, would you not get jealous?”

  “No, Maya. I mean, yes, we all want to be your favorite. Just like when we were cats, but—”

  “That’s easy for you to say.” Asher’s droll tone sounded from over August’s shoulder. “You were the favorite cat.”

  August grinned at her. “Well, I was the cuddliest. Still am.” His arms tightened around her as if to prove his point, and she smiled, leaning forward to bury her head in his chest.

  “You were also the fattest,” Asher countered, laughing at his own words, and a soft growl reverberated from the chest she cuddled against.

  Their banter made her smile. They really were brothers with the way they teased each other. A finger slid under her chin to tilt her head up, and she found the two brothers staring down at her. Sucking in a sharp breath, emotion overtook her as she studied their faces.

  God, they’re so handsome.

  Faced with their beauty and the feelings they evoked, she couldn’t form words. August’s chin-length hair, paired with his warm eyes, were at odds with Asher’s perfect cut, morning shadow, and his glacial orbs. But what really took her breath away was their next words.

  “We want you, Maya. We have for a long time. We understand if you need time to think about it—but we’ve had years. Our minds are made up,” August stated, and Asher nodded his agreement.

  Maya could only stare, as they both met her gaze with serious expressions. Could she really do something like this? With three men?

  The prospect alone was enough for a spark to light in her belly. It seemed dirty, but when Maya looked closer at her emotions—not a hint of wrong was discovered. The opposite, actually. It warmed her in more ways than one, and Maya rubbed her thighs together discreetly.

  Not discreetly enough, apparently, because August groaned and pulled her closer. “Please, Maya. Say yes.”

  Their legs brushed together, and the hard length of his erection branded her hip where she could feel it through the sheet.

  How would this even work? Would they have a date night for each one? Would she be allowed to touch one and not the other? Would—

  “Throw them a bone, Maya. You’re already a third of the way there. Stop thinking so hard.” Amir’s hand smacked her ass to punctuate his words, the heat searing into her as she jumped in response, throwing herself against August. She turned to toss a scowl in Amir’s direction, but he was already out of the bed and heading for the shower. “I’m going to shower and make breakfast. Hurry up with it, would you?”

  With that sure announcement, he shut the bathroom door. Eyes wide, Maya turned back to find the other two battling the grins on their lips.

  “What he said.” Asher chuckled before disappearing from sight, lying down on the other side of August.

  Amir was right, she was thinking too much. It was simple.

  Did she want this? Yes.

  Was it in her control to take it? Yes.

  With one more searching look into August’s eyes, Maya made a decision.

  And acted on it, leaning up and crashing her lips into August’s. He groaned and pulled her close, his grip almost bending her in half as he curled around her. Gasping into the kiss, she plastered herself against him, a moan escaping as her breasts pressed into his chest. August rolled, and Asher billowed the sheet while Maya did the only thing she could to balance herself—straddled him.

  The sheet failed to follow her, fluttering to a rest at the foot of the bed. Chill bumps rolled across her exposed flesh, all of it, as she was left bare to the hungry gazes of the men before her. She froze for just a moment as a flash of embarrassment rose over her. Then she studied the hunger, the pure lust and want in their gazes, and she relaxed. Here, bared before them, Maya realized there was nothing to be embarrassed of. Like August said, they had wanted her for a long time, and she reveled in that sense of power—feeling like a goddess.

  Power, because they froze when she did. August’s hands framed her hips where he steadied her above him, but he made no movement to further his advances until she gave him the signal. Asher was much the same way. He stared from his spot on the mattress, and Maya could see his pulse throbbing chaotically beneath the skin of his throat.

  It gave Maya a sense of empowerment, and it endeared them to her all the more. It was in that moment she knew this was the right decision.

  Staring down into August’s eyes, she saw nothing but patience, lust, and excitement. So much that she almost chuckled.

  His hips moved of their own accord, and she gasped as the hard length of him settled between her thighs. Maya flexed her hands where she steadied them against August’s stomach and slowly slid forward, feeling her way over the hills and valleys of his shaped torso, until he grew tired of her game. He moved a hand and slid it behind her neck, tugging her down so he could take her mouth. Moaning as her breasts hit his chest, she gasped when her piercings grazed his skin, sending shockwaves of sensation through her body. The kiss deepened, their tongues moving together as he held her head to him. Her hips rocked instinctively, and her pussy clenched at the thought of Asher watching not even two feet away.

  Suddenly, her world spun on its axis as August flipped them over. He ended their kiss in favor of trailing his lips down the side of her neck, and she tilted her head to give him better access. Leaning over her as he was, his erection brushed her hip, belly, and the outside of her thigh as he skimmed her flesh with his lips and tongue in a downward direction. When she turned her head, her gaze sought out Asher, who was moving closer. Like rote, the two brothers made room for each other.

  Asher leaned over her, and his cerulean eyes bore into hers, the emotion in them enough to freeze the breath in her throat. A realization shocked Maya to her core.

  If they did this… whatever this was, it would not be just to let off some steam, or get their rocks off. No. This represented a proclamation of their pent-up emotions—ones they’d stemmed the tides of for years.

  The thought comforted Maya and gave her the freedom to submit to anything and everything they wanted.

  Because she wanted this too.

  As if he could sense the thoughts in her head, Asher leaned in to take her mouth. It was a kiss not only of passion, but a silent declaration of thoughts and feelings too raw to voice. His morning shadow scratched her cheeks and tickled her lips, but she cared not. Hands framing her face, he held her still while their tongues mingled and twisted in unrepentant passion.

  Maya reached up,
sliding her hands over his shoulders to grip the wide expanse, and dug her nails in when he pulled away to trail south. He only left her to wonder about his destination for a split second before he took her taut nipple into his mouth. His tongue flicked the jewelry back and forth, matching August’s attention on her other breast, pulling a breathy moan from her throat as she arched her back for more.

  Asher, however, trailed his kisses farther down, until two hot hands gripped her thighs and pulled them wide, and she glanced over August’s head to see Asher’s dip between her legs. The sensation of his tongue swiping up her soaking wet slit just about undid her.

  As a moan tore from her throat, she was suddenly relieved she did not have neighbors to worry about.

  And thank god for that.

  Her pussy clenched around nothing as Asher focused his attentions on her clit. August switched to her other breast, while his deft fingers came up to tease and pinch the one bereft of his lips.

  These two might be the death of me.

  She’s going to be the death of me, Asher decided as Maya’s moan trailed through the air.

  His cock throbbed where it was trapped behind the waistband of the dumbass boxers. He’d much rather have slept naked, but he hadn’t wanted to freak Maya out. No, Asher wanted to do the complete opposite, he wanted her relaxed and blissed out.

  Her head thrashed against the pillows at the head of the bed as they tended to her, with August at her breasts, and he between her legs.

  Licking down her slit, he tongued her pussy, delving in to seek the reward of tasting her arousal. Methodically, he supped from her like the finest bowl of cream. Her moans and little cries urged him on, until he replaced his tongue with his fingers, thrusting in and out of her tight pussy while he focused on her clit.

  Sealing his lips around the tight little bud, he flicked his tongue back and forth, knowing she was close by her fluttering walls. His dick pulsed almost in sync with her, and he ground his hips into the bed for some, for any, friction.


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