Feline Good

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Feline Good Page 17

by Lana Kole

  He obliged, his lips sliding against hers gently at first before the intensity grew, mimicking their desperation and the fear that battled inside of them. Desperate to hold on to this, as it was now, she clutched at him, trying to pull him closer. Spreading her legs wide so he could fit between them, she sat at the perfect height for him to grind against as his arms circled her and pulled her close, her ass balancing on the edge of the countertop.

  August was already rock-hard as he ground into her, his hands dropping down to cup her ass and knead her flesh through the material of her jeans. His hands slipped up to tease the skin underneath her shirt, sending waves of goosebumps across her body, hardening her nipples and making her breath catch.

  When he made a move to lift her shirt, she raised her arms and tugged it off with his help, breaking the kiss for a moment. They crashed back together as Maya unsnapped her bra, too caught up in the passion, in taking advantage of the time she had with him, to slow down.

  “Not here, take me to the office,” she gasped between kisses.

  Frowning, he stared down at her and lifted a brow. “Why?”

  Rolling her eyes, she grabbed on to his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Health code violations.”

  He let out a short laugh before nodding and picking her up, his hands comfortably gripping her ass as he walked them from the kitchen to the office by the back door. Maya kissed at his neck and collarbone, sucking and tasting his skin as he sat her on the desktop. With a sweep of his arm, he cleared the surface, sending the few, very organized papers fluttering around the room. In the moment, she didn’t even care that he’d just messed up her filing system.

  Loosening her hold on him, she continued leaving her marks on his neck before lifting his shirt, tracing the hills and valleys of his abs as she did so. Maya wasn’t afraid to admit it—she was lucky as fuck. Her men were hot as hell, and they were all hers. He rid himself of his shirt by gripping it behind his head and pulling it over, in that simple, sexy movement women just couldn’t emulate.

  Sensation zinged through her as her pierced nipples brushed across his chest. He leaned down to kiss her once, before a single palm placed between her breasts pushed her back. The desk was clean after August’s attempts, just a few spare papers rustling as she laid back. Her meticulous filing system kept her desk nice and tidy, most of the time. Turns out it was good for more than just keeping her sanity.

  Although that was questionable, as August leaned down to tease and lick at her nipples. That in itself drove her wild, and she told him so with a low moan. Inspired by her sounds, he took the ring piercing her nipple between his teeth and tugged just the slightest, enough for her to whimper at the intensity of the sensation.

  It dawned on her the amount of trust she held for August that she didn’t freeze up in that moment. Instead, she reveled in the sexy triumph of his auburn gaze as his tongue flicked out to tease the pink peaks. He was watching for her reaction, making sure not to tug too hard, and she loved him all the more for—


  Maya, much to her own surprise, kept the shock off her face at the realization. Taking the emotion, she balled it up and stuffed it to the back of her mind like a paper ball for her to pick up and smooth out later. For now, she let the butterflies flutter and her breath catch at the look in August’s eyes, almost as if he knew the thought had run through her head.

  August released her nipple with a smirk, the soft pop sexy in its own right. His mouth moved across her flesh, his palm flattening her back to the desk as he trailed kisses down her stomach. When he reached her stomach, she giggled and jerked when he teased a sensitive spot on her left side. Arching a brow at her, he silently asked for clarification.

  “It tickles,” she stated with a shrug.

  His eye roll was equal parts cute and sexy as he continued his leisurely teasing. Her pussy clenched when he slipped a finger from each hand into the side of her jeans, teasing the skin that he met. Sliding them around to the front, he unsnapped the button and slowly, like a show of its own, he unzipped the zipper, the snick of each metal tooth audible over their quiet breaths.

  Maya practically kicked the jeans off, frustrated with his slow and easy game. He chuckled at her impatience, but she just reached for him, planning to kiss him stupid and seduce him faster.

  Shaking his head, he pushed her back down to the desk before sending her a wicked smirk, placing his mouth right above her covered pussy and blowing a stream of hot air across the flesh of her thighs. Her heart pounded, eyes wide as his lips grazed and traced the line of her black panties, stopping once he reached the waistband. An actual purr rippled across her skin as he used his teeth to catch the fabric and slip them down her thighs. Once he caught sight of her wet pussy, Maya could see all the teasing was over from the dark look in his eyes.

  His knees slammed against the wood floor, and she winced as he knelt down, tearing her panties off in one smooth motion with his hands to get to what he really wanted. He kissed the insides of her thighs, and her sympathy quickly turned to something darker and more sensual. As his lips drifted closer to where she wanted them most, his hands reached under her thighs to tug her forward on the desk, until his hot breath skimmed across her lips as she draped her legs over his shoulders.

  August licked one long swipe up her center, the sensation enough for her back to arch off the desk. When he instantly stopped, she lifted her head up to ask why, but his hoarse words stopped her.

  “You’re so addictive, Maya.”

  If she hadn’t already been wet, she surely would have melted into a puddle at that moment. Before she could respond, he nuzzled back into her core and lapped at her like a man starved.

  Parting her slick folds, he laved her with his tongue, centering on her clit and teasing until she thought she would lose all control, her hips rocking of their own accord. It wasn’t long until she approached the edge, when he suddenly pulled away. Maya groaned in protest, opening her eyes to glare at him, only to find a cocky smile beaming back at her. His amber eyes twinkled with mischief as he planted his palm between her breasts, the slightest pressure keeping her back flat to the surface beneath her.

  So that’s how he’s playing.

  Playing with her is too much fun.

  August smirked to himself when he saw the frustration in her gaze before he placed a kiss on the very inside of her thigh, his nose barely grazing her labia. Just for the hell of it, he nipped at her flesh, pulling a cute yelp from her.

  He knew she’d had enough when her hand twisted in his hair and pulled him back to her core. With a dark chuckle, he obeyed, more than happy he was able to affect her so. Her breathy sigh pulled up a deep contentment within himself, so he decided to stop teasing her.

  His cock was rock-hard anyway, leaking precum and begging him to find release. It seemed to throb in time to Maya’s moans and gasping breaths, both music to his ears.

  But Maya was his fucking girl, whether she knew it or not, and she came first, literally. Yeah, August might have been a virgin up until recently, but he’d taken notes. He wasn’t into denying himself, so it wasn’t like he left the room every time she’d decided to work out a little frustration. He’d learned what she liked.

  It wasn’t only just having watched though—although that was part of it now. He studied her reactions to what he did. Like when he sealed his lips around her clit and flicked his tongue back and forth, he knew she loved it because her thighs would shake and her legs would tighten around his shoulders. Her breath would hitch, as if she were trying to pull the sensation closer—will herself over the peak. But it was when she pulled in a deep breath, her chest rising with the slow inhale, and one hand clenching the edge of the desk, the other tightening in his hair, that he knew she was almost there.

  Gliding his attention down, he tongued her core, her sweet cream decadent on his tongue. He replaced his tongue with his finger, her walls contracting around the digit, while he focused his attention back on her clit.

  Her other hand released its grip on his hair, slamming down onto the desk to give her leverage to move her hips against his face. He would have grinned if he wasn’t busy doing other things.

  “August—fuck, I—”

  With a cry, she came as he curled his finger against her front wall, her voice echoing around the office. As her hips undulated against him, he worked her through it, waiting until she tapped his shoulder to signal she was too sensitive.

  Sitting back, he couldn’t keep the smug grin off his face as he studied the flush on her chest, the glazed look in her beautiful eyes, and the way her breasts rose and fell with every ragged breath.

  “Gods, you’re beautiful.” He couldn’t help but say it.

  The blush moved to her cheeks, and she looked away for a split second before pulling him up to her, meeting him halfway as she sat up. Her hands dropped to his waistband, and his cock jerked in his pants as if yelling ‘my turn.’

  Smiling up at him, her golden eyes gleamed in the low light of her office, and he didn’t resist the urge to kiss her. She opened to him immediately, not caring that the taste of herself still coated his tongue.

  This woman is so perfect.

  Of course he’d known she was—even as a cat and unable to touch her, he’d recognized her perfection. But now that the chemistry between them morphed into this explosive, demanding desire, it served as even more proof that they were meant to be together. All of them.

  But he wanted this time with her to himself.

  Maya’s body still hummed from the orgasm August had given her, but she wanted more, wanted all of him. She wanted every breath, every laugh, every day with him, and while the revelation shocked her, she wasn’t exactly surprised. The chemistry, the ease with which they connected, the innate feeling of belonging, it all made sense as if the fog had finally cleared and she was able to see everything with new eyes.

  For now, she reveled in the emotions coursing through her body. Like separate threads becoming one, they interlocked to create a whole. One picture, in harmony, just like the four of them.

  With all these thoughts flying through her head, she kissed August like it was the last time she might see him. Hell, with the amulet out of their hands, it very well could be, and her heart stuttered at the thought.

  Her motions were hurried as she freed his erection, his hard cock bobbing as they worked together to rid August of his pants. Maya took in the sight of him, his cheeks outlined with a short beard, his long hair tangled and messy from her hands, his chest flushed with arousal and his body bare for her to appreciate. Maya was a damned lucky woman. With her thighs framing his hips, she tugged him forward, taking his thick cock in her hand and guiding him to her core. He slid through her folds easily, soaked as she was from her first orgasm, and she gasped when he pulled her hand away so he could watch as he entered her.

  When just the tip of his thick length slid in, her mouth dropped open, her head tilting up as she lay on her back, the papers rustling with her movement. Slowly, he kept moving, pushing inside one wondrous inch at a time.

  A voice distracted him before he could pull out, and both their heads turned to find his brothers in the doorway.

  “What, we take a nap for two seconds and you go from fighting to fucking?”

  “Bite me!” August and Maya both called out the words at Asher’s sarcastic tone. They shared a teasing look when they realized they’d spoken at the same time.

  “Too much damned television,” Maya mumbled, but the words were lost as August, obviously not shy, pulled out, and in one smooth motion, drove back in.

  “Slow your roll, bro, we have other plans,” Asher called to him.

  August paused and looked back over his shoulder. “You guys just woke up, so what the fuck? Don’t you need to go fuck off or something?”

  They all stared at each other, seeming to have a conversation without even using words. Wait…

  Narrowing her eyes, she almost dared them to answer her with her tone. “Hey! You guys can’t talk telepathically, can you?”

  All three heads turned to her, but Asher asked, “What, you didn’t know?”

  “How the hell would I know? You never told me! That’s no fair.” Maya glared at them, ignoring the fact she was still impaled on August’s cock.

  Amir stalked across the room and gripped her chin in one hand, leaning down to take her mouth. Opening to him instantly, she gasped into the kiss as August thrust into her again.

  Pulling away, Amir smirked at the glazed look on her face. “Well, I guess we’ll just have to make it up to you. Do you think you can handle all of us?”

  Maya grinned. “Do you even have to ask?”

  Chapter Twelve

  Wrapping her legs tight around August’s waist, she gripped his shoulders as he pulled her up and walked past the guys. His fierce grip on her ass kept her speared on his dick, and she did nothing to hide the groan that built in her throat.

  “Nice ass, August,” Amir called out with amusement in his tone. Maya eyed him over August’s shoulder as they took the stairs, and August laughed, his chest brushing against hers.

  “I know. Got a nice girl who appreciates it too.” To mirror his words, he curled his fingers around her ass, clawing into her cheeks and kneading them after he shouldered the door open.

  “Yeah, yeah, we’ll see who she appreciates when we’re through with her.” Amir’s cocky tone held a challenge in his voice, and Maya narrowed her eyes at him.

  “August, do you remember where that scarf is?” Amir asked as they tracked through the living room and down the hallway.

  “Which scarf?” August replied as he laid her out on the bed, a teasing twinkle in his molten gaze as he thrust into her once again.

  “Why do you need a scarf?” Maya breathed, only a hint of unease filtering through in her voice. August leaned down to take her lips, effectively distracting her. When he leaned away, one of the others had already moved in, covering her eyes with fabric so she saw nothing.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” Maya voiced a protest, curiosity battling the titillation within her. Remembering the way Amir had dominated her last time, she could only imagine what else he had in store for her.

  “Be patient, Maya. You’ll see, and you’ll love it.” Amir’s voice flowed over her senses like silk, a red wash of desire following in its wake.

  Carefully, August retreated, sliding out of her and moving away. His warmth disappeared, and Asher continued searching through her closet, the sound of hangers sliding along the rod bouncing around the room. “You know, the red one she wore that day with the black dress—”

  “Oh, that one! Yeah, it’s right—here!” August answered simply.

  “What, did you guys watch me dress that day?” That would explain why they remembered it so well.

  A light touched feathered across her shoulder, down her arm, drifting over her skin in the barest tease, and in response, goosebumps erupted across the expanse of her skin.

  “Well, we had to get something out of being a cat, you know?” Asher’s voice was a lot closer than Maya expected, his breath brushing against her ear, sending more shivers across the rest of her exposed body. Is he the one touching me? Where did Amir go?

  “And why not watch you change every day? Not all of us found as much amusement in TV as August did.”

  “If I didn’t know you so well, that would sound creepy.”

  “It’s good that you find us far from creepy, because you’re about to be all ours.”

  Amir chimed in, nearer than before. “To do with as we please.” Someone’s hand grabbed her ankle, pulling her body closer to the edge of the bed. Before she could even speak, someone pushed her leg up, another grabbing her wrist and placing it just below her knee with her arm framing her leg. Fabric twisted around her thigh, securing her wrist just above her knee. She tried wiggling her wrist back and forth, and found it really wasn’t that uncomfortable when she gripped her shin. When they did the same to he
r other leg, she was bound, her legs bent until she was spread wide open for them. Chills erupted over her skin at such a vulnerable and exposed position. She only retained a tiny bit of control—how wide she could spread her legs. With her wrists tied to her thighs, Maya couldn’t straighten them at all.

  Paired with the blindfold over her eyes, she couldn’t tell who was who, where they were, or what would happen next.

  The total lack of control was… heady. A flush infused her body, excitement and arousal burning through her. Amir had been right, she did love it, and they hadn’t even touched her yet.

  “She looks perfect.” She recognized Amir’s voice and beamed at the praise.

  The two agreeing hums that followed were so similar she couldn’t tell who was who. Nor could she tell whose tongue suddenly danced over her nipple, playing with her jewelry. The tips hardened almost painfully, chills seeming to spread out from the points and skimming across her flesh. Hands, so many hands, roved her skin, the heat from their palms that much more intense with her senses limited.

  One explored between her legs, pulling a moan from her throat as the fingers massaged her clit, circling the bud in a frustrating tease. Another played with her other breast, cupping and tugging at the piercing until she gasped. A hand tightened in her hair, gripping the strands and pulling her head to the side for one of them to take her mouth. From the softness of the lips and the facial hair that scraped her cheeks, she knew it was Asher, and she smiled. His name fell from her lips when he pulled away, and without warning, all the hands and tongues caressing her flesh lifted away.

  “Wait—what did I do?” Maya cried out, missing the contact instantly.

  “She can’t know who’s who, so no kissing.”

  Amir. Bossy little fucker.

  Maya wasn’t sure how she felt about being the topic of conversation as if she wasn’t in the room. But when their hands touched her skin again, she decided she didn’t care.

  Moans, gasps, and pleas fell from her lips as they worked her to the peak, only to back away and remove their touch when she came too close. She could scream, she was so frustrated. Tied as she was, she couldn’t gain any leverage to thrust or grind her hips into their fingers, hands, or mouths. One of them was between her legs, licking and sucking at her clit until she moaned and trembled, the others kissing and leaving marks across her breasts, chest, and neck. But whenever she felt the first beginning quivers of an orgasm, they left her hanging. Over. And over. And over again.


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