The Shooting

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The Shooting Page 26

by Chris Taylor

  The familiar sight and smell of the room nearly overwhelmed her. After so long in a hospital, surrounded by disinfectant and sickness, it was beyond wonderful to be back in their room, the place where they’d made so many memories.

  Tom laid her gently on the bed and she dragged him down on top of her. Toeing off her shoes, she tugged up her knee-length, fitted dress to better slide her legs around him. With her foot, she rubbed up and down his leg, loving the feel of him through the denim of his jeans. Familiar, strong, secure—her husband, her rock.

  Tom stroked up her ribcage and then cupped both of her breasts. Staring down at her, he bent his head forward and laved them through her dress. The feel of his hot breath stole right through the linen and sent heat all the way to her core. She moved against him, needing so much more.

  Taking her silent cue, he rolled her gently onto her side. Tugging the zipper down on her dress, he slowly pushed it off her shoulders. Within moments, her bra had joined the dress which now lay in a pile on the floor. Clad only in her panties, Tom’s gaze rested on the fresh pink scars on her abdomen and his expression grew fierce.

  “I can’t believe how close I came to losing you,” he whispered, his voice hoarse. “I don’t know what I would have done without you. Please don’t scare me like that again. I don’t think I could survive another one.”

  Lily reached up and smoothed the frown lines off his face. “I’m here, my darling, alive and well and I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to be around for a long, long time to come. So come and love me and let’s not talk about what happened ever again.”

  With that, she pulled him down until their lips met once again and she kissed him with all the love and pent up passion inside her. They might have had a rocky start in the early part of their relationship, but sixteen years later, their love burned stronger than ever. He was her husband, her life partner, her very best friend. He was her everything.

  It was a long time later, breathless and exhausted, they collapsed back against the pillows. Tom had loved every inch of her with his mouth and his tongue and his body and she’d gladly returned each loving gesture. Now, utterly replete, she reached for his hand, threaded her fingers through his and sighed in contentment. “Happy anniversary,” she murmured and leaned over and kissed him softly on the mouth.

  Tom half-sat up and stared down at her, a frown marring his forehead. “Really? It’s our anniversary? I’m so sorry, honey. I forgot all about it.”

  “That’s okay. You’ve had a lot on your mind. I’ve had plenty of time lying around in a hospital bed to remember.”

  “The last time I thought about our anniversary was the day of the shooting. I remember talking to Andy and thinking about the gift I might buy. Then we got the phone call and everything went sideways.”

  Lily reached up and pulled him back down and he pulled her in close against his side. “I don’t need gifts to remind me of your love, Tom. Every moment we’re together reinforces how much you mean to me. Having you here with me, going through life with you by my side—it’s all I’ll ever want or need.”

  Tom’s eyes darkened with emotion and he kissed Lily hard on the lips. “You can’t imagine how lonely it’s been without you. Lying in this big old bed alone. It was awful.” His arms tightened around her almost painfully and she knew exactly how he felt. He pressed his lips against her hair and whispered, “I missed you so much.”

  Snuggling against him, she breathed in his familiar scent and thanked God they’d both been spared. Along with Cassie and their beautiful son, she had much to be grateful for. At the thought of their daughter, she sighed quietly.

  “What is it, babe?” Tom asked, sounding like he was on the verge of sleep.

  “I was just thinking about Cassie. Now that I’m home, we need to talk to her.”

  “She spent quite a lot of time talking with Josie while she was here. I think she benefited from that,” he mumbled.

  “I’m sure she did. Josie’s an excellent child psychologist and, being family, Cassie might have found it easier to talk to her, but we’re her parents, Tom. We need to talk to her.”

  He sighed heavily. “Yes. We do. Just, not right now. I’d like to have these few moments with my beautiful wife by my side and just kind of drift off for a while and pretend everything’s right with the world.”

  She smiled, knowing exactly what he meant. Pushing her concerns about Cassie aside for just a little while longer, she curled up against the curve of her husband’s back.

  * * *

  Tom heard the sound of the front door opening and closing and looked up from where he stood at the kitchen counter. Catching sight of Cassie’s backpack as she disappeared up the stairs, he wiped his hands on a tea towel and went into the living room to find Lily. She was seated in her favorite recliner, reading a magazine.

  “The kids are home from school. Do you think we should go and talk to them?”

  “I guess now’s as good a time as any.” Setting aside her magazine, she dragged herself out of the chair, her expression somber. He put his arm around her and gave her a brief, hard hug.

  “It will be fine. You’ll see. Cassie will expect us to talk to her about what happened, including the drugs and alcohol. In fact, it will probably be a relief for her too, to have this over with.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you’re right. And it’s important for Joe to listen to what we have to say. I’ve been worried about how he’s been holding up through all of this. We don’t want a repeat of this in another few years.”

  “That’s for sure. Let’s do it.”

  They started up the stairs, Lily in the lead. Tom let her make the climb at her own pace, mindful that she was still recovering from her injuries. The door to Cassie’s room was closed. Tom knocked on it and then opened it.

  “Hey, Cass, can we come in?” he said.

  She looked up at her parents from her place on the bed. A flash of fear, followed by resignation, clouded her eyes.

  Tom cleared his throat. “We’d like to talk to you, honey. Do you mind if we ask Joe to come in? We think he might need to hear this, too.”

  Cassie shrugged and Tom nodded toward Lily, who quietly left the room. A moment later, Joe joined them looking cautious and a little bit scared. Lily closed the door and took up a spot next to Tom. He reached for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She shot him a grateful look.

  “Cass, I think you know why we’re here,” he started and was relieved when she gave him a hesitant nod.

  “I spoke to Aunty Chanel and Aunty Josie. We know about the alcohol and we know about the speed. I’m not going to lie and tell you we weren’t shocked out of our minds when we were told you’d overdosed. It terrified us both. If Aunty Chanel hadn’t stopped by to check on you when she did, who knows what might have happened.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad. Aunty Chanel already explained all the scary stuff. It was stupid. I shouldn’t have touched the stuff—not the alcohol and definitely not the drugs. There… There was a drug raid at school yesterday. A bunch of kids were arrested. The boy who supplied me with the ecstasy was one of them.”

  Tom nodded with satisfaction. “Good. It’s the least that should happen to him.”

  Releasing Tom’s hand, Lily stepped forward and perched on her daughter’s bed. “Aunty Josie told us you mentioned you were still having nightmares.”

  Cassie’s nod was little more than a jerky movement of her head. She turned her face away to stare at the wall.

  “I wish you’d told us you were struggling, honey,” Lily whispered. “Your dad and I are cut up inside knowing how much you were hurting and we didn’t know.”

  Cassie’s shoulders shook with silent sobs. Tom clenched his fists, feeling beyond helpless to deal with his daughter’s pain. Anger at the man who had caused it coursed through him and he savagely pushed it away. James Gibbons was rotting in jail, where he belonged. There was nothing more Tom could do. Right now, he had to focus on his little girl and help her as best he could.

  He sat down beside his wife and reached for Cassie. She turned and threw herself in his arms.

  “Daddy! Please help me! I don’t know what to do. I can’t stop thinking about what happened, even after all this time.”

  “Shh, honey.” He held her head against his chest and stroked her long blond hair. She cried quietly against his shirt. He looked over Cassie’s head and caught Lily’s eye.

  Tears ran silently down her cheeks. Joe stood quiet and passive in the corner and Tom wished his son would show more emotion. It wasn’t right that he be so stoic. Tom swallowed a sigh and made a mental note to make another therapist appointment for Joe, too.

  He cleared his voice again. “We’re going to get through this.” His gaze encompassed the two of them. “I promise. Your mom and I will do everything we can to make this right. It doesn’t matter how long it takes or how much it costs, we’re not going to quit until you tell us you’re better.” He pulled slightly away from Cassie, forcing her to look at him. “Okay?”

  She held his gaze, her expression grave. “Okay.”

  Lily squeezed Cassie’s arm and beckoned Joe closer. He pushed away from the wall and came toward them. Lily opened her arms to him and he threw himself against her. Tom caught the flash of tears in his son’s eyes and was quietly relieved.

  “We’re here for you, both of you,” she said, her eyes as fierce as her expression. “Anytime, anywhere. I’m going to cut back on my classes, so I can spend more nights at home. It won’t matter if I take a little longer to get my Masters. Its importance in my life pales to insignificance when I compare it to ensuring the welfare of my family.

  “ Like Dad said, we’re not giving up until we’ve beaten this. We refuse to let that evil man win. We’re Munros and we fight to the death. He’s not going to dictate to any of us the way we live our lives. If you need to talk, about anything at all, we’re here.”

  Tom nodded. “You might not believe this, but your mom and I were young once, too. We might not have gone through what Cassie has, but we had issues to deal with, just the same. It’s easier to talk about a problem than ignore it. I’m sure you’ve heard Grandma say it more than once: A problem shared is—”

  “A problem halved,” Cassie finished with the tiniest ghost of a smile.

  “You betcha,” Tom said and gave her a wink.

  His arms went around the three of them and he held them close. They were his family, his everything. He’d do all he could to keep them safe.

  As if sensing the wealth of fierce emotions that filled him up inside, Lily looked up and caught his eye. He leaned over their children until he could align his lips with hers and kissed her.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “I love us. I love everything we’ve created.”

  She smiled softly, her eyes filled with love. “You are my world, Tom Munro. My forever. We’re going to get through this. Together, there’s nothing we can’t do.”


  I do hope you have enjoyed reading Tom and Lily’s story. Please feel free to leave a review for The Shooting. Every review is very much appreciated and I thank you for taking the time to leave one.

  Click here to sign up for my newsletter if you would like to receive news on upcoming Munro Family stories, release dates, book launches and other snippets. I love to receive feedback from my readers. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] Let me know who your favorite Munro family member is.

  The Maker—Book Ten in the Munro Family Series is the next book in the Munro Family Series and is Chanel and Bryce’s story.

  Here’s a sneak peek:

  Chanel Munro has landed her dream job as a junior resident doctor at the prestigious Sydney Harbour Hospital. Only two years out from medical school, she can’t believe she’s been chosen by the highly respected Doctor Leo Baker to be part of his team. She’s stunned she’s made it through the gruelling selection process. It’s well known that he chooses only the best.

  But an esteemed position on Doctor Baker’s team doesn’t come without sacrifice. It soon becomes clear the doctor expects her to provide him with certain favors in return for her position on his team and he’s not talking about volunteering for the coffee run. His feelings couldn’t be clearer: put out or leave.

  Scared, angry and confused, Chanel is at a loss what to do. She refuses to give in to blackmail, but if she takes her complaint to the medical board and they don’t believe her, her career will be in ruins. The years of study and sacrifice will be for nothing. Vowing to steer clear of him until she can come up with a viable plan, she keeps a low profile and puts all of her energies into the job that she loves.

  It’s then that she realizes patients are dying in unseemly numbers under Doctor Baker’s care and she can’t help but wonder why. Despite his personal failings, he’s a doctor with decades of experience. It’s ludicrous to suggest he’s at fault. As the death toll continues to climb, Chanel bravely confronts the doctor. Dissatisfied with his explanation, she takes her concerns to the police.

  Detective Sergeant Bryce Sutcliffe of the City of Sydney Police Station takes Chanel’s statement. Despite the fact he’s drawn to her earthy beauty, he’s sceptical of her claims and can’t help but wonder if there isn’t more behind her complaint.

  When the elderly mother of a New South Wales senator dies under Doctor Baker’s care, the resulting media circus and pressure from above forces Bryce to pay attention. Could the girl with the compelling eyes have been telling the truth? Could the Sydney Harbour Hospital’s most highly respected doctor be a murderer?

  * * *

  The Maker will be released on 27 September, 2015 and is AVAILABLE NOW for pre-order from your favorite retailer.


  As usual, no book comes into being without a lot of help and support by my friends and family. A world of thanks must go to my friend and fellow author Angela Bissell, critique partner extraordinaire, and a girl who loves the Munro family as much as I do.

  To Pat Thomas, the best editor in the world. I love working with you. You turn my humble offerings into something truly amazing. I couldn’t do it without you.

  To Alisha of, thank you for yet another fantastic cover. To my sisters, Nicole Guihot and Catherine Coster, thank you for your excellent editorial comments and suggestions. I hope you like the final result.

  To Grace Anselmo, a quirk of fate has brought us together and I now can’t imagine writing a Munro Family story without your input. Thank you once again for all of your suggestions. They are highly valued.

  To Detective Superintendent Michael Kilfoyle, thank you once again for all of your technical expertise. Any mistakes are wholly my own.

  To Amy Atwell and her dedicated staff of miracle workers at Author EMS who are so much more than book formatters. Amy, once again, heartfelt thanks for working your magic.

  To the fantastic writer organizations such as Romance Writers of Australia, Romance Writers of America and Romance Writers of New Zealand for all the help, support and encouragement they offer new and aspiring writers, including me.

  To my readers, thank you for your support and love for the Munro family. Your encouragement and enjoyment make this journey all worthwhile.

  And lastly, to my friends and family, especially my husband and children. Thank you for putting up with late dinners and even later conversations as I’ve emerged day after day from the sometimes scary but always enthralling world I’ve created on my computer.


  Chris Taylor grew up on a farm in north-west New South Wales, Australia. She always had a thirst for stories and recalls writing her first book at the ripe old age of eight. Always a lover of romance and happily-ever-afters, a career in criminal law sparked her interest in intrigue and suspense. For Chris to be able to combine romance with suspense in her books is a dream come true.

  Chris is married to Linden and is the mother of five children. If not behind her computer, you can find he
r doing the school run, taxiing children to swimming lessons, football, ballet and cricket. In her spare time, Chris loves to read her favorite authors who include Richard North Patterson, Sandra Brown, Kathleen E Woodiwiss and Jude Devereaux.

  You can find out more about Chris and sign up for her newsletter at her website:

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  © 2015 by Chris Taylor

  (All Rights Reserved)

  LCT Productions Pty Ltd

  18364 Kamilaroi Highway, Narrabri NSW 2390

  ISBN. 978-1-925119-19-0 (Ebook)

  ISBN. 978-1-925119-20-6 (Paperback)

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only and may not be re-sold or given away to other people. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.

  The Shooting is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.


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