Lucas (Texas Boudreau Brotherhood Book 5)

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Lucas (Texas Boudreau Brotherhood Book 5) Page 22

by Kathy Ivan

  She wrapped her arm across her waist, trying to figure out what game Benevides was playing. He couldn’t possibly think she’d be interested in anything but him leaving her alone. Yet his eyes, his entire expression, shone with…hope?

  “I’m afraid our first meeting left an indelible impression, one not easily dismissed. You brought my brother to use as collateral to recoup his gambling debts. Your demand for repayment wiped out my savings. I barely had enough money to cover my rent. It’s kind of hard to look past that.”

  She watched warily when his hand reached inside his jacket pocket, and he pulled out a check and handed it to her. When she noted the amount, her mouth dropped open, shock riveting through her. The amount was ten times what she’d given him to obliterate Dante’s debt.

  “I can’t take this.”

  “Jillian, I assure you, there are no strings attached. I admit I haven’t always been a good man. Since I met you, even under those inauspicious circumstances, I’ve changed. You’ve changed me.”

  “Mr. Benevides—”

  “Emmanuel, please.”

  “I’m sorry, Emmanuel. I applaud you wanting to change, become a better person, but I had nothing to do with your transformation.”

  Especially since I don’t believe for a minute you’ve changed your ways. Your heart is still a lump of coal in your chest, and you’re really creeping me out.

  “I understand your hesitance to accept my words at face value. I’d like the chance to change your mind, querida.”

  “Are you asking me to date you?”

  “Yes. I believe we will be perfect together.”

  “I told you, I’m already involved with somebody else.”

  “I can make you forget this person.”

  “I don’t want to forget him. I love him with every beat of my heart. I always have and I always will. My feelings aren’t capricious or foolish. I chose him long ago, and have stayed loyal and true.”

  Her front door reverberated under a pounding fist. Benevides’ scowl showed he wasn’t happy with the interruption either. When she started toward the door, he grabbed her forearm, his grip tight enough it hurt.

  “Do not answer.”

  “Jill!” Lucas’ voice swept over her like a wave of tranquility. He was here, an old-fashioned white knight, riding to the princess’ rescue.

  Benevides frowned at the sound of Lucas’ voice. “This man’s voice sounds familiar. Who is he?”

  “Lucas Boudreau, the man I love.”

  “Boudreau! I am becoming exceedingly tired of all your Boudreaus foiling my attempts to woo you.”

  “Jill, if you don’t answer me, I’m breaking down the door.”

  “Your friend is going to attract unwanted attraction. Perhaps you should open the door.” He released her arm and she darted across the space, her hands fumbling with the locks, they trembled so badly.

  “Lucas!” She flung herself into his arms, feeling them wrap around her like bands of steel. In his embrace she felt welcomed. Cherished.

  “Please come in, Mr. Boudreau.”

  Jill felt Lucas tense beneath her hands at the sound of Benevides’ voice.

  “What are you doing here, Benevides?”

  “Why don’t you come inside, and we’ll chat. I must admit, you certainly fooled me. You played your part exceptionally well. I’m not normally so careless when meeting new people. Let’s chalk it up to being distracted, my thoughts on the lovely Ms. Monroe.”

  “Leave Jill out of this.”

  “How can I? Here I am, trying to court the lovely lady, only to find out she’s besotted with a double-crossing liar. Don’t tell me, you only visited my club because it’s part of a job. Which Boudreau are you again? I know you’re not the sheriff, I’m all too familiar with him. Are you the FBI agent? Maybe the private investigator?”

  “Close,” Lucas answered. “Investigative reporter.”

  “Looking for an interview? You could have simply asked.”

  “I’m sure you’d love seeing your face splashed across the internet, playing the benevolent do-gooder, helping out the helpless and downtrodden masses by providing entertainment.”

  Benevides’ smile sent a chill down Jill’s spine. She couldn’t fathom why he toyed with Lucas like a cat who’d spotted a big, juicy mouse, but icy fear struck her square in the chest. He was up to something sinister, but what?

  “People come to my clubs to have a good time.”

  “And lose every dime they have. I guess that’s secondary to having fun, right?”

  “Luke, Luke, Luke. I’m a simple businessman providing a service.”

  The sound coming from Lucas didn’t sound remotely human. It was more of a predatory growl. Her eyes widened, and she stared at him. What she saw had her taking a step back, but his arm tightened around her waist, pulling her against his side, anchoring her in place.

  “The service you provide, Benevides, is despair, anguish, and heartache. Siphoning away every penny from people until all their options are gone. Right now, though, I don’t care. All I want is for you to leave Jill alone. She doesn’t need somebody like you in her life.”

  “Somebody like me? Mr. Boudreau, what she doesn’t need is a person like you, pretending to be someone they’re not. You entered my establishment, pretending to be somebody you weren’t. Lied to make my manager believe your intentions aligned with mine. While all along you intended to set me up for alleged criminal activity—which you cannot prove.”

  “Lucas, please,” Jill whispered, “let’s get out of here.”

  He looked down into her eyes, and she read the concern in his gaze. “Okay, baby, I’m taking you home.”

  Jill let out the breath she’d been holding, because everything would be alright. Until it wasn’t.

  “I’m afraid I can’t allow that, Jillian. Mr. Boudreau and I have unfinished business.”

  Jill spun around at Benevides’ voice, ready to blast him once and for all, and get him out of her apartment. Only her mouth clamped shut at the sight of the gun. She zeroed in on his hand, steady, unwavering, the muzzle pointed at Lucas, who stood still as a statue at her side.

  “Put down the gun and let her leave, Benevides, and you and I can handle our business like men.”

  “Seriously, Lucas? I’m not leaving you here with this man holding you at gunpoint. By the way, that was a very sexist remark. Don’t do it again.”

  Lucas brought her hand to his lips, placing a brief kiss along her knuckles. “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Please stop. This maudlin display turns my stomach. Jillian, step away from Mr. Boudreau.”

  “No.” Jill couldn’t have moved anyway; her feet seemed superglued to the floor. She wasn’t about to give Benevides a clear shot at an unarmed man, especially the man she loved. Not happening.

  “Jill, do what he asks. It’ll be okay, I promise.”

  “I can’t—”

  Lucas put a finger to her lips. “Yes, you can. You can do anything. You’re strong and brave. The bravest woman I’ve ever known.”

  “Exactly, Mr. Boudreau. Did you know Jillian stood up to me the first time we met? Looked me in the eye, her defiance a distinct change from the reaction I get from most people. She went toe to toe with me, defending her brother.” Benevides glanced at Jill. “He doesn’t deserve you defending him, by the way. Did you know he’s already been back to my place? All those promises he made you, empty and worthless, just like him.”

  Jill’s heart broke at his words. She’d believed Dante when he swore he hadn’t been back. The promise he’d been attending Gamblers Anonymous. Had that been a lie, too? When her eyes met Lucas’, the truth was evident. Benevides wasn’t lying.

  “Jill is an amazing woman, but she’s not yours. Do you really want to drag her down in the slime with you, Benevides? She deserves better.”

  “I can give her the world, Mr. Boudreau. Anything she wants, I merely have to snap my fingers and she’ll have it. Everything I have is hers.”

“Everything paid for with blood money, right? Why don’t you tell Jill where you get all your income? Oh, wait, she already knows. Illegal gains from dishonest gambling, leaving carnage and chaos and wrecked lives in your wake. Jill, has Benevides ever told you how the money he rakes in gets funneled to the cartels in Mexico? What’s your specialty, Benevides? Human sex trafficking? Drug smuggling? Or do you deal in stealing little kids for dirty old men?”

  Watching Lucas’ face as he shot accusations at Benevides, Jill knew he was sending her a message, trying to make her understand, his eyes flashing. He gave a subtle jerk to the right, though his disdainful gaze never left Benevides, not for a second.

  “Mr. Benevides, is it true?”

  Benevides took a step toward her, his hand outstretched, and she retreated, not wanting him any closer.

  “Jillian, querida, don’t listen to this idiota. He spews hate-filled nonsense. Yes, I own clubs where gambling occurs. You know this, because of your brother.”

  “Where does the money go? Is what Lucas said true?” She couldn’t keep her voice from quavering, because thinking about others in danger because of the man standing in front of her turned her stomach. Nausea rose to the back of her throat, and she struggled to keep from throwing up. Benevides truly was a monster if he did any of those things.

  “Go ahead, Benevides, tell her the truth. You’re gonna kill me anyway, might as well get it all out in the open.”

  Jill couldn’t believe how Lucas taunted the other man. The man still holding the gun pointed straight at Lucas’ chest. Did he have a death wish?

  “I, personally, have no dealings with what happens with the money once it’s out of my hands, my darling. It’s true, I run the American clubs, but I’m not the only boss. The clubs are all co-owned with my brother.”

  “Go ahead, tell her who your brother is, Mister Big Man.”

  “Lucas, shut up.”

  “Mr. Boudreau, you are a hair’s breadth away from disaster. Please stop talking.” Benevides took another step toward her, and this time Jill stood her ground. “My brother is Javier Escondido.”

  Jill felt the air whoosh out her lungs. As naïve as she was about a lot of things, even she’d heard of Javier Escondido. Drug kingpin, head of the Escondido drug cartel south of the border, he was a legend among law enforcement for being as slippery as an eel.

  “Javier Escondido is your brother?”

  “Half-brother, actually. I promise, you’ll have no contact with him.”

  “Of course I won’t, since I’m not going to be dealing with you again. I want my life back, without drug cartels, gambling, or stalkers. I want my bakery to open. I want my brother to get professional help.” She didn’t add that she wanted Lucas safely away from the monster standing before her, but she wished it with all her heart.

  “Jillian, you don’t mean that. You are meant to belong to me. Not this—”

  “Jill, hit the floor!”

  Instinct kicked in, and she did exactly what Lucas yelled, landing so hard it knocked the wind out of her. She watched in stunned disbelief when Lucas dove across the space separating him from Benevides, reaching for the gun. Wrapping his hands around Benevides’ wrist, the two men wrestled for control.

  Everything seemed like a slow-motion black-and-white old-time movie, as each man battled for control, chest against chest. Struggling to gain the upper hand, Lucas pushed at Benevides, and she watched his foot skid across the hardwood.

  At the sound of a gunshot, she pushed herself upright, eyes glued to the two grappling men. The gun tumbled to the floor, both men frozen in place. A grimace of pain flashed across Benevides’ face as he slumped to the floor, his back landing against the leg of the table.

  Lucas took a step backward and looked at his blood-soaked hands, shock written on his face, before he turned toward her. Without hesitating, she flung herself into his arms, her hands touching him everywhere.

  “Are you hurt? Did he shoot you?”

  Lucas shook his head. “I’m fine. Benevides is the one who took a bullet.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder. “I almost lost you. I don’t know what I’d have done if…”

  “You’re never going to lose me, sweetheart. Never.” He glanced at Benevides, blood leaking through the hand he’d clamped to his shoulder, his body slumped in defeat. Reaching into his pocket, Lucas pulled out his phone and hit a button.

  “Hopefully, the whole thing recorded, and he’s gonna get tossed into jail. Let me call 911, get the police here.”

  “It’s over?”

  “Yeah, baby, it’s over.”


  Lucas’ hands trembled, and his whole body shook while he held Jill in his arms. The ambulance pulled away from the apartment building, Benevides restrained in the back, headed toward the hospital. Jeb followed it, intent on making sure Benevides stayed put once he got there. Lucas glanced over at Dusty, who gave him a single nod, and continued interviewing Jill’s neighbors, as they recounted everything they’d seen and heard in horrifying detail.

  “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  “I can’t stop picturing you and Benevides fighting over his gun. It was like watching a movie in slow motion. But I couldn’t move. I froze in place. When I heard the shot…” She burrowed her head against his shoulder, and he pulled her closer.

  “Everything’s going to be fine. Benevides will live, and he’s going to face charges. Chance will make sure whoever handles the case throws the book at him. Attempted murder. Attempted kidnapping. Probably a whole laundry list of charges once they’ve gone through all the evidence I handed over, along with the recording on my phone. His clubs are being closed down as we speak. Rafe’s at Benevides’ club now, and he called Burnet County to get their cooperation in shutting everything down at both locations. The money will dry up once Benevides is behind bars. Chance is hoping he’ll roll over on Escondido in exchange for leniency.

  “Have you heard anything about Dante?” Jill’s voice broke on her brother’s name.

  “Benevides’ men knocked him out and tied him up behind the dumpster at the end of the complex. EMTs are checking on him now. I caught a glimpse of him, and other than a bloody gash on his forehead, he looked fine.”

  “What happens now that everything’s over?”

  “The reign of corruption and terror Benevides held over the less fortunate people of Shiloh Springs is finished, yes. You and me—we’re never going to be over.”

  Blue eyes widened at his words, and he smiled gently, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Benevides taunted her about taking out the man she loved, knew the only way he could’ve known how Jill felt was if she’d admitted as much. Still, he needed to hear the words for himself, and tell her how he felt, and hope it wasn’t too late.

  “Lucas, I—”

  “It’s my turn to talk. Sweetheart, I’ve been a fool. The biggest idiot to ever walk upright, because I couldn’t see everything I’ve ever wanted, ever needed, stood right in front of me. I’ve been everywhere, seen more than I ever expected, but something’s always been missing. A piece of my heart. My soul. No matter how hard I searched, I’ve always known why I couldn’t find contentment. Peace. Because the only time in my life I’ve ever truly known those was when I was with you.”

  His thumb smoothly slid over her cheek, feeling the dampness of her tears against his skin. Was it too late? She was crying, and it nearly broke him. He never wanted her to hurt ever again. Whatever it took, her happiness was his first and only priority—even if it meant his walking away from her.

  “Even if you never want to see me again, and I wouldn’t blame you, I have to tell you how I feel. What I’ve always known, even when I tried to run from it. I love you, Jill. With everything I am, every beat of my heart, I love you. If you don’t feel the same, I’ll walk away. I’ll stay away from Shiloh Springs, if that makes you happy. Whatever it takes, baby, because you are my everything. I can’t let you go on believing I don�
�t care. You’ve always been my best friend, the center of my universe, I’ll feel this way until I draw my last breath. Jill Monroe, I—”

  “Lucas, shut up.”


  Cupping his cheeks between both hands, her eyes filled with unshed tears, and she smiled. “How can I tell you I love you too, if you won’t stop talking?”

  “You love me?”

  “Of course I love you. I have from the day we met when we were kids. I never stopped loving you.”

  His lips crashed onto hers in a ferocious kiss, pouring everything he felt into this moment. When her lips moved against his, returning the kiss with equal fervor, a sense of belonging and acceptance swept through him, and he knew he’d finally come home.

  The kiss turned gentle as he worshiped at her lips, and he finally pulled back to stare into her beautiful blue eyes. They shone with happiness and love. Her cheeks were flushed pink, and he moved closer for another kiss, but paused at the sound of a throat clearing behind him.

  With a sigh, he stepped back, though he kept his arm wrapped around Jill, half-afraid if he let go, he’d wake up and find this had all been a dream. Turning his head, he spotted his father standing behind them, with his mother by his side.



  “Looks like everything worked out.” At his father’s indulgent smile, Lucas knew his dad already figured everything out, and approved.

  “Seriously, Douglas? Everything worked out? Can’t you see poor Jill’s been through an ordeal? She needs to be—” Ms. Patti abruptly broke off what she’d been saying when she noticed Lucas’ arm wrapped around Jill.

  “Jill needs us to leave them be, so Lucas can finish what he started.” Douglas steered Ms. Patti away, whispering to her as they walked away. She glanced over her shoulder, gave Lucas a smile, and wrapped her arm around Douglas’ waist, leaning into him. Bless his dad, he understood him better than anyone, except maybe Jill.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ms. Patti speechless before.”

  “You’ll probably never see it again, so enjoy it while it lasts.”


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