Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series Page 7

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  “So what happened?” he asked. She sighed, “A couple of days later he called me and told me he was getting back with his old girlfriend, that he couldn't see me anymore, just like that.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I didn't want it to hurt, okay? But it did, after that I decided I just needed a break.” she said weakly, her red flag waving. “A really loooong break.” She added. Boy do I ever suck at choosing men, she thought.

  "OK, Francine” he said seeing the sadness on her face. He excited the kitchen and returned with her boots. She pulled them on, a little embarrassed at what he’d told her, but kind of relieved too at how he’d listened and hadn’t judged.

  They both finished their sandwiches in silence and afterwards Francine moved their plates to the sink

  He had watched her through the window earlier as she bent and moved in her boots, looking for, well, whatever she it was looking for. Seeing her pert bottom in the shorts made him swell, seeing her bent over the dishwasher placing her dish made his cock strain at attention. She would definitely not have to suck his dick to get him ready. She moved past him to sit in front of the TV, flouncing down on the couch before she turned on one of the movies he’d brought with him.

  Bastards, he thought. From kissing her he could tell Francine had natural heat and as a submissive she’d have an enormous need to please. Being shy she probably had a hard time giving voice to her needs. She had worked so hard to please one and he had rejected her, then laughed at her. The other story had been shitty too, the promise of a new relationship, pleasure at last and he too had rejected her. His poor little doe, he suspected there was something shut down about Francine and now he understood why.

  Not that he was one to judge. K had been with many women, but he too like to keep himself apart. He really shouldn’t rush things with her, but he didn’t fool himself if he he saw a clear path to bedding her he’d of done it already. They would achieve physical intimacy, he was sure of it, his certainty as clear as glassy water in a pool. Of course this was all new to her. She’d probably never had real D/s sex before so it wouldn’t kill him to exert some control.

  There time here at this cabin was finite. Every day the danger grew greater and greater and despite what he’d said to her eventually he would release her. He’d have a plan for that - eventually.

  In the meantime, it wouldn’t hurt either of them to have a healthy distraction. He retraced his steps mentally to where their conversation had left off. Her past might have gotten her stuck, but really they were not hard problems for the right man to solve. It surprised him all the time hearing women tell their tales of woe. There were so many clueless and inept men in the world it was laughable. He turned back to his computer bringing it out of sleep mode. He punched in the code to unlock the internet and surfed over to Google to find a shop with the items she’d requested, then sailed over to Mapquest to find the best way to get there.

  Chapter 10

  Francine was the winter fairy, Queen Mab. Where K saw only a frozen tundra she saw a place teeming with life. She’d found a few abandoned little pots (along with pinching more of his Tupperware) and began to root more of her specimens for “future study”. K supplied her with a ruler from his pack and she began measuring and helping herself to some of his graph and chart paper and pencils begin charting some of her results.

  It was the cutest thing he’d ever seen.

  Her eyes would widen over this, or she’d mutter and shake her head over that. She’d look at how the sun was hitting the other and smile over how the water was supplying that over there. Everything she began to take note over, it was all a source of fascination to her, just as she was an ever increasing source of fascination to him.

  When she shyly brought him in some wild onions and herbs for his cooking he accepted them humbly without saying anything, not wanting to hurt her feelings (no offence to his sweet sub, but he was not eating that - Herbalism, what the hell was that anyway? People could make a discipline out of anything these days, he thought with a mental sniff) and promised himself he’d bring her back some seeds the next time he was away (he certainly wasn’t ready to trust her herbalism) .

  One might think that a worry about possible poisoning might get him distracted from the constant arousal her presence invoked, unfortunately this was not the case. Everything she did now seemed to illicit a response from his rowdy cock. She was pretty amazing his Francine, slowly filling the cabin with a delicate herbal smell. When she wasn’t able to snare anymore Tupperware she began stowing “samples” (as she called them) in water glasses or whatever other little containers she could find; casting him artful looks from her busy mind. As the smell from the plants rose through the cabin he realized he’d probably never be able to walk through the produce section again without a raging hard on, she was that distracting.

  They had been together now almost a week and a half and K knew that the time was coming that he was dreading more and more, their first time apart. He’d have to go and check in with the dreaded Organization. He continued to do their books for them and he’d also need to get supplies for the two of them. Not to mention trash pick up simply did not come out this far. The reasons that made this such an ideal and isolated location for his purposes also made it quite inconvenient. He’d never stayed here this long before..

  He watched Francine sitting next to him on the couch in front of the old style TV. They were watching another selection from his short stack of Redbox DVDs he’d picked up to keep them entertained. He’d get some more while he was out. He watched the light from the old tube set reflect off her smooth skin, the pictures reflected in her pretty hazel eyes in the dark. Francine would probably not take well to the idea of being left alone here even for a couple of days, but there was no other choice. He noticed how she still seemed to be skittish after her recent experience and he definitely understood but it couldn't be helped. She seemed to on one hand to resent his presence and yet at the same time wanted to know where he was at all times.

  What he’d said about the dirty cop was the truth. He couldn't take the chance that The Organization would get suspicious and pick her up again and his position would be compromised. Not to mention what would happen to her would be unthinkable. Besides, he liked having her around, making a gamble he slid closer to her, and pulled her closer to him. She wiggled a bit, in resistance, but was caught up in the film.. He slid his palm over the shorts and her bottom squeezing it a bit in warning, she quieted and he pulled her a bit in front of him as he brought his fingertips under her hairline pressing into her flesh. Slowly she settled against him, sighing at the pleasure from the message.

  After another few more minutes she sagged against him, ignoring his palm on her ass, caught up in the plot of the film her head in the crook of his neck. Tomorrow, he’d tell her tomorrow in bed. He’d find a way to distract her. It was just a couple of days, and he couldn't wait any longer.

  * * *

  Francine laid in bed, before she knew what he was about K took her wrists and bound them to the top of the bed using lined cuffs. She felt panic rise up, but heard him say shhh above her. She whimpered. “What’s your safe word Francine?” He asked.

  At the mention of her safe word he felt her whole body pause beneath him, he could almost see the apostrophe over her head. “I don’t want to do this, Sir.”

  “You want me to slow down?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She said.

  “The cuffs scare you?” His deft hands were down her body, looking for her erogenous zones.”

  “Why?” he asked, she looked up at him. It was hard to see his face in the dark.

  She swallowed, “It makes me think of what happened to me.” She said.

  “You were helpless?” An expression of dismay crossed her face.

  “Those men, they didn’t care if they hurt you Francine. I care very much, I’d never hurt you like they did.” His hands skimmed over her breast, softly, lightly until she began to bow up to reach him. She was anxious, worried abou
t the way he was making her feel. He saw the expression across her face and quickly moved on to his next question. “Had you ever thought about what bondage would feel like, before your experience?”

  Yes, she thought, all the time. But how could she say that to the powerful, controlling man? He was lightly tracing her legs now, her flesh was heated where he’d palmed her breast, ran his hand over her arms, he went to work on her legs now massaging them. “I’m going to do your legs now.”

  “No!” She said.

  “Why not Francine?” He asked. She had moved her face to her inner arm, there was a frisson of fear in her movements, but also one of curiosity and excitement. She had still not used her safe word. “Do you really feel like I’ll hurt you?”

  “No.” She answered. She really didn’t feel like he would, and his hands, they were so deft, so sure. For days he’d fed her, massaged her, talked to her and he’d never done anything to hurt her. Could that change? All of a sudden? She couldn’t remember when she’d ever been that wrong about a person.

  “You need to trust me Francine, I can make you feel really good if you trust me.” He had secured one leg to the post at the bottom of the bed. It felt like another cuff. If you want me to release you all you have to do is use your safe word.

  It rose to the front of her mind. “Red?” She asked hesitantly.

  She could hear his smile in the dark. “Yes Francine, red.” He secured her other leg to the other post. She whimpered hearing a click. Had she made a terrible mistake? “Mmmmm”, that was the noise he made after he sipped one of the better wines he’d brought up to the cabin. “You look pretty in my bondage. Sexy...” He said, before coming in and kissing her. The kiss was soft at first as he liked delicately, then nipped at her lips waiting for her to rise and respond, then he dove in stroking her soft little tongue, taking command of the kiss. Before she knew it his hand was between her legs stroking her passion like coals on a fire through her panties.

  She looked up into his stern face. He really had to be the most handsome man she had ever seen with his hair cut short like a Marine’s, his dark mahogany eyes serious and trained on her. His build was lean and muscular overlaid with tanned skin, his arms ending in strong large hands. They stroked her up and down, his tall length extended past hers making her feel really small and safe - in spite of the bonds. His shirt was off and his chest was bare revealing his powerful physique. She was able to catch glimpses of it from the moonlight peeking through the windows and the frayed curtains.

  His lean but heavily muscled chest lead to a flat belly that disappeared into sleek black pajama bottoms, his feet were bare with what she knew were clean nails from the few times she’d seen him barefoot. From the time she was sold and then he’d run her down - twice, she’d felt such defeat, but other than that this experience had been nothing like they said it would be and for that she was enormously grateful. but was she ready to go farther with him?

  He’d said that she had a safe word. Wouldn’t the best thing to do would be to use it right now? His hand reached under her silk nightgown and palmed her bare breast, she groaned at the sensation.

  He made her so wet, so hungry, she was drowning in her own desire awash with lust, more sexually hungry than she had been in her entire life. And for a young woman that had committed most of her life to science and a bio lab that was saying something.

  The callous man in the suit had said she’d be so sexually famished she’d fuck anything, this was not from any drug, this was all him. She could tell since he’d eaten the same thing she had. Of course, she felt his cock like a hot poker against her inner thigh and knew his breathing had sped up, he seemed pretty damn horned up too about her.

  The knowledge empowered her and revved her up even more. Never has she felt so powerful and so helpless at the same time as she twisted a bit in her bonds, testing them more than struggling against them. They held firm, but were not cutting off her circulation. Didn’t make her want to weep in misery like when - she felt his lips on hers again and was brought back to the bedroom, to the present, to the feel of his hard body.

  “Stay present Francine, stay here with me.” She looked at him, her eyes glazed over with her passion and wondered how he knew. His hand finger slid inside the panties stroking her, her breath sped up even more and she rose from the bed her mind focused on nothing but her own passion desire blazed red inside of her like a bonfire and it felt like he had hardly touched her, he just knew where to touch her and she was able to relax even more from his confident manner.

  His voice was deep and soothing as he ran his hand down her trembling body, between her spread legs cupping the mound The Organization had shaved clean and bare for him. I like seeing you in my bonds while I stroke, pinch and work this pussy?” Her pupils dilated at the hot words as his nimble hands began exactly that. His hand churned against her as it was flooded with her wet heat. His fingers pressed inside her g-spot, two fingers on the outside working her clitoris. “Are you about to cum Francine?” She felt her body bowing in response, her trapped legs shaking, “Look at me so I know you know who’s giving you this pleasure.” She was still nervous about the whole experience, wanted to keep her eyes shut, but slowly opened her eyes focusing them on him. He could see the meager light reflected in them in the darkness.

  In response for her obedience he moved his fingers and pressed on her clit again, moving in slow deliberate motions, her hips undulated in response.

  “Francine,” he began, “when we’re together like this all of your pleasure belongs to me, it is always a gift from your master, and right now I’m asking you to look at me so that I can enjoy seeing you come.” She whimpered helplessly, moaning as she turned her eyes to his dark ones. It was like looking into the face of a roman general, the beautiful commanding dark eyes set in a classically handsome face under thickly sculpted brows. The look on his face was one of dark determination and she leaned her cheek against her restrained arm finally giving herself up to his manipulative fingers.

  “Good girl.” He wasted no time pushing his fingers back inside of her churning away until looking in his eyes her lower body pulsed and shook with her orgasm, finally giving her relief from the heat in her body. He saw her close her eyes, momentarily sated and smiled wolfishly to himself. No vanilla girl would come after being spoken to like that and and in bondage. The Organization was right about one thing she was a submissive, his submissive, and he was very lucky to have come across her. So far the only thing vanilla about her seemed to be her delightful scent with it’s underlining spice of arousal, rising up from her spent body; it made his dick hard and heavy like a brick. He almost felt bad for her, poor little Francine stuck all alone, trapped with the big bad Dom. Look at her, even now she thought it was all over.

  Still shaking from her orgasm he ran his hands lightly over her flesh again skillfully bringing her back around again. Impulsively he placed a pillow under her hips lifting her from the bed so that he could use his mouth effectively. The feel of his soft tongue as it lapped her up turned any existing confusion turning to twisting desire as he experimented with her luscious frame, waiting until her legs began to tremble before stroking a different way, before long she was pleading softly for relief, relief he was more than happy to provide.

  “Do you want to come again greedy girl?” He asked.

  She moaned delicately. She’d never experienced anything this sexually intense before. “Yes.” She responded softly.

  “Yes what?” He asked.

  “Yes, please?” She asked confused.

  She could hear the smile in his voice. “Oh Francine, I like the “please” you added. But do you remember how to address me?”

  Oh yeah, “Sir,” she said remembering. “I want to come again Sir.” And feeling his hand on her again she really did. It was like that first orgasm was a distant memory and she was all revved up again, ready for a second release.

  “The next time we play I’ll try gagging you, that way you won’t have to say
anything, just feel. She whimpered in response, to desperate to argue with his reasoning. It was something she could think about later. Right now she was focused on what would get her to her orgasm. He pulled gently and then more firmly at her sensitive nipples, already hard little peaks from her desire and she whimpered in response as she felt herself soaking the pillow beneath her hips.

  “Your pussy, it’s so wet, as you grind and work my fingers right now, I want you to think about how much pleasure your giving me.”

  She looked up at him. Pleasure she was giving him? Seeing you this way, drowning in your pleasure. I can’t remember when I’ve been so turned on. Without being able to wait any longer K took off the jeans sheathed himself in a condom and began to push between Francine’s parted legs. She felt the pressure of him at her wet door and eased her bound legs as far apart as she could get them, but still, her cozy little passage was so tight.

  “Oh my god Francine, you are so tight.” he said breathless. She was panting, gasping for air as he pushed partially inside her drenched pussy, playing with her breast, her nipples hard little peaks, K wishing he had his clamps, the stimulation from his fingers was making her moan. Every time she twisted he entered her a bit more.

  “How long exactly has it been Francine?” She felt like a vise around his hardened cock. Trying to ignore the question she didn’t answer. In response he tweaked her nipple a bit too hard and she moaned in pain, but shameful response as well. It definitely got his point across. She tried to jog her memory bringing to mind how long it had been since she’d had been with anyone, it had been a long time. She’d graduated from school, lost her father, left her job. She’d wanted a fresh start... then the current disaster leading to her time here, with him. “Over a yeah- It’s been over a year.” She couldn’t remember when she’d talked about her life so much. Couldn’t remember when the last time was someone wanted to hear. Hers was a solitary existence, he study of plants not exactly a team sport.


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