Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series Page 9

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  She had gone to school and earned a PhD. It had been a long time since her own thoughts made her feel so dumb.

  Chapter 13

  Deep after midnight on the second day Francine felt K slip back into bed beside her fresh from a shower. She knew as soon a he laid beside her, his body wash always smelled like the ocean. Still languid from sleep she sighed as he pulled her close against his body, nothing between them except the thin flesh colored nightie and matching silk panties she’d found in a drawer. Immediately she felt small and safe again, as she cuddled in before she fell back into a deeper sleep.

  * * *

  The next morning K ran his hands over Francine’s body, he’d missed it so much. It was warm and silky, but her skin was dry. “You didn’t use the body butter I bought you while I was away.” He said seeing her heavy lidded eyes peering up at him in the slowly lightened room. He opened the bedside drawer and pulled out the rose scented body butter screwing open the cap and kneeling over her, between her legs. Grabbing one leg he slowly lotioned from her slender foot and ankle upward, moving on to her panty line. He noticed how shapely and strong her legs were as she stared up at him and wondered what she did for exercise before she was taken, and if she missed it. He then went to the other leg giving it the same treatment stroking slowly from her panty line down as she stared up at him. Her eyes were still hazy from sleep, and she had a strange expression on her face.

  “Did you sleep okay while I was gone?” His voice is deep and thick.

  “Yes sir.” She responded. His hands were on her bare bottom now under the panties. He came up over her belly now, stripping off the thin silk and after heating up more of the rose scented body butter with his hands began to spread it lightly on her belly, then her breast, her nipples, then her shoulders, her long slender arms and back. It felt so good, relaxing, she eased into the feeling, making her next question sound abrasive.

  “Am I the first slave you’ve collared Master?” his hands stilled.

  “What makes you ask that Francine?” his hands continued their deliberate, careful work.

  “I was just wondering.” She had turned her head, looking away from him.

  “You’re the first one.” he ceded massaging the tension from her muscles now.

  She looked back at him. “I just wanted to say, thank you sir.” He paused, but still lifted her nightgown off her completely, going back to massaging her now exposed, full tender breast kneading them, staring into her eyes as he began to gently and then more insistently squeeze her nipples.

  “You shouldn’t thank me Francine. I’ve never wanted something so badly.”

  She had no idea how to get through to him for what he’d done for her. Then her sharp little mind turned again. “I like what you’re doing now sir, I can tell it pleases you, and it’s making me wet.” That got his attention.

  His eyes widened, then his pupils dilated and his impetuous hands slipped a pillow under her, “Hang on to the base board Francine.” He said gruffly impatiently pulling her panties off the rest of the way before he reached between her legs finding her hot center wet - very wet.

  What had come over her? She wondered, to say such a thing?

  K saw her blush, her uncertainty. “You are wet.” He said turning her over positioning her hands the way he wanted them on the baseboard. “But you don’t have to be embarrassed.” He pulled her hair back gently from her face his words close to her ear and raspy with hunger “I’m glad you’re here.” He put his finger back between her legs stroking her like petals on a flower. She gasped, “A submissive finds pleasure in keeping her Master happy. When I’m with you I’m more focused, relaxed, I ignore distractions.” The achey heat in her belly was becoming unbearable. “This will be good for both of us, you’ll see.” Did he mean the coming sex, or their time together, she was quickly losing interest in the particulars as she began to gain interest in his thickening erection pressed against her bottom. His kiss over her shoulder was like a sauna, hot, wet, making moisture bead up between her legs, her flesh ache. She gasped and twisted, impatient for him. “You’re a truly excellent fuck Francine.” Her words made her push up against him. “I look forward to teaching you all about pleasing me.”

  She was so eager beneath him, pressing back, keeping her hands on the headboard like she’d been told. He could tell that she liked to follow his directions, even though sometimes after she walked away he saw worry mar her brow. It was all new for her, but for him it felt like she pulled something unexpected inside of him, a passion and excitement he couldn't refuse and not able to wait any longer. The path to her was always clear like a glassy, azure Caribbean ocean. She was just as soft and orgasming with her never left him concerned or worried about anything. On the contrary, it made him feel as relaxed as lying on that beach's soft, cradling sands.

  He tore open a condom before he sheathed himself with a long stroke. He worked himself inside of her moist heat entering her from behind while biting on her neck. The bite heated her groin even more and she groaned in response, throwing her head back, her pussy clutching his cock as she rocked back against him, pushing and arching her back as he worked her from behind for several moments before he put one hand beneath her to find her clit.

  She twisted, making it easy for him, he pressed against her slick ridge, hungry after two days without him, and placed his other hand on her breast, continuing to work her pink nipple. It wasn’t long before her release was upon her and she was pulsing around his cock as he pushed faster inside her, pounding, finding his own ardent release after their time apart.

  Afterwards they lay together for a moment before he got up lazily and started breakfast for them. She came in behind him in her short silk robe and slippers, her collar duly blinking beneath her hairline. She went straight over to the coffee pot deciding to put some on. He stopped her going all Dom. She caught his look, Oh no... Her clit was still sensitive from his manipulating it, her body was still tender and her bright hair mused...

  She looked up at him expectantly. He didn't want any of her sass this morning, he was saying, he was tired of her coffee, of telling her to make it nice and strong, she’d already had two days to enjoy her weak coffee. What did he have in store for her next?

  That’s when he showed her his new toy, she looked at him taking it all in. “And see, these go in here. They're coffee pods Francine, you stick them in the brewer. It filters the water and everything. That way you can keep on enjoying that weak swill you like and I can finally have decent coffee.” She just shrugged quietly in response looking the selection of pods over. yeah, he thought, he'd be watching his little her-bal-ist.

  She smiled, trying not to roll her eyes over the irony of what the pods were called. Whatever. She selected one she thought he might like (labeled "extra bold") and popped it into the machine first, enjoying the strong aroma.

  He waited until they'd eaten, then gave her a piece of paper. “It’s my blood panel, I've seen yours so you might as well see mine."

  Oh yeah, ‘cause they’ve... had sex. He’d used a condom, but still...

  “Thank you.” she said reaching for the folded paper.

  He didn't have to show her this, he was making a point. And then all the pieces start to come together, and as she looked pointedly at the white paper, hope swelled from it.

  "You really are going to let me go?" She asked, and up until this point she realized it’s a question she’s still had buried, far away, in the back of her mind.

  His eyes rake her with a probing interest like she's not even dressed at all, like he's assessing her for parts & in a way he is. He shrugs casually before continuing,"After our first couple nights together I think it’s pretty clear I'd rather use you then kill you Francine." he said casually sipping his wine. "Of course letting you go means that one day you might have a decision to make."

  * * *

  Later that day without her having to ask she found he had placed her boots by the door with a few small ceramic and plastic pots & h
er own gardening spade and fork, brand new so she could continue her botany. He had also placed some seeds for seasonings on top of the care package as well wanting to see what she could do. It was winter after all, but she was his Queen Mab.

  She did not disappoint, Francine grew the seeds with flourish. K was in absolute awe, being pretty sure he remembered killing a Chia Pet in his youth.

  He turned on some music, “Hey Ho” from The Lumineers poured over them. He liked the way her hips moved to the music we she thought he wasn't watching. How many Hail Marys would he need to say to make up keeping her here? Good thing he wasn't Catholic. As he watched her, a tiny voice inside needled him about the fact that he should provide her with more to wear in the crisp air.

  The surge of lust he felt to his groin as she bent over presenting her gracefully rounded hips and ass filling out the jean shorts he'd bought her quickly quelled that impulse. He vowed to be a better person - in his next life. The more time she spent with her research, and in her own head the more her unhappiness seemed to erode like rust off a restored engine. She chugged happily along this way and that, bobbing to the music coming from the cabin, again when she didn't think he was watching; he often watched when she was outside.

  For a hunter K was a strange mix, he didn't trust the elements, the unkempt yard, not with her, but he could almost see her shifting to her center, finding her way back to happiness, contentment, forgetting for the moment her mistrust of him, her situation, what she saw as an obscure future, for all that he could deal with her being in the uncertain environment of the unkept snow covered yard.

  When Francine came in from outside, K’s laptop was on the kitchen table still playing music like through a bluetooth speaker, but he was nowhere to be seen. She took off the boots and slipped on one of her pairs of sturdy comfortable flip flops, shutting the back door behind her. She caught a peek at him around the corner in the hallway.

  Extra sneaky like, she slipped her feet from the flip flops and followed him at a distance down the hall, the music in the distance covering her silent steps. He was busy, he’d moved a heavy four foot safe on a dolly from his truck and set it up in the second bedroom in the back that had served until now as an office space. It was an austere space he never seemed to use. The door was cracked and she peered in behind him, he was so absorbed in his work he never even looked behind him to see her curious gaze from the hallway.

  The stark bedroom had the same dull wood plank walls and hardwood floors as the rest of the cabin.

  He was never here, preferring to work at the kitchen table, or on the sofa. She wasn’t fooled she knew he liked to keep an eye on her as well - although there had been no more escape attempts. In any case, this room seemed to serve no purpose but to house his secrets. She suspected this room’s locked closet also contained that damn toy bag that always seemed to go missing when he was away. She’d tried the knob the first time he was gone and it had not yielded. The desk contained nothing interesting besides some bland office supplies. After the first time he’d gone he’d brought her back a few items to keep her interest so she’d never bothered searching around again.

  He had not meant for her to see him, so she did her best to stay quiet. She realized with a start that he’d tried to time all this while she was outside and occupied. Up until now, there’s been nothing in the second bedroom at all but an oldish style desk, and a office chair while still comfy looking had probably seen better days. Now he’d added a safe. She strained to see further inside, but found it impossible from her awkward angle. Finishing with the safe K closed it with a snap and turned the dial. She could hear it clicking softly from the door.

  Realizing he’d be turning soon, her heart beating wildly inside her ribcage Francine darted lightly back down the hall.

  * * *

  “So, what’s in the safe K?” Francine went back and forth all day about whether to say anything but curiosity began practically crawling through her skin, she couldn’t live with it one more moment.

  “Insurance.” Was his simple answer. It was toward the end of a lovely rib eye dinner with blue cheese and broccoli. Francine loved rib eye and this time K had really outdone himself, but she had admitted that fillets were her favorite. He had even served it with a delicious Cabernet, making her feel warm and easy inside.

  “What kind of insurance?” She asked feeling saucy. “Home, car...”

  “Life.” He interrupted. That cooled her down. “Life, Francine.” It stopped her in her tracks, her mind immediately went to her life? What had she done now? She still barely knew this man...

  “My life?” She asked hesitantly.

  “No Francine, mine.” He responded fixing her with a steady gaze. Then he leaned back in his chair. “While away I was propositioned in regard to you Francine.” He said as she continued to look at him with a worried expression. “A full refund of my purchase price, and this was after I said what a lousy lay you were.“

  Her face crumpled and her eyes filled with crushed tears at hearing this, she retreated into her own head and he doubted she even knew she was saying “no no no no no.”

  She had picked up her napkin holding it to her drowning in her own fear at the thought of being returned to her cruel captors. Immediately he regretted his callousness walking over to her and picking her up setting her in his lap, holding her close.

  “Francine, look at me,” he commanded softly, “it was all lies, never would I do such a thing. You are the most passionate, desirable woman I’ve ever had.” His eyes, his voice compelled her to believe him.

  “But you said...” she whimpered slowly coming out of it.

  “I said what I hoped would keep you safe Francine. Do you know how many Doms would give every last penny, would kill easily for just one night, just one night to posses someone like you?

  “Listen,” he said slowly, “what’s in that safe, it’s for you OK? If I don’t come back on the third day. You go to the safe, it will open and you follow the instructions to the letter. If you have ever given a damn about anything I’ve ever asked you to do you’ll do what I’m asking you to do now. To the letter Francine, do you understand?”

  She nodded. “Try again Francine.”

  Her eyes widened in understanding, “Yes Master, I understand.”

  “What are your instructions?”

  “On the third day to go to the safe and follow the instructions Sir.”

  “Yes, good.”

  “But shouldn't I wait for you?” Later she would wonder why she even asked.

  “No!” He responded emphatically, his dark eyes intense, “You should not. You should not under any circumstances wait for me.” He looked at her regret in his eyes, “You will leave and forget about me.” Her brow furrowed in response at hearing this. “No, don’t say anything else Francine, I mean it. You’ll leave this place, please, and you’ll forget about me little sub, promise me, you’ll forget...”

  Chapter 14

  A few weeks later...

  The boss was laid down the bloody hammer and then wiped the blood off of his fingers with the shirt of the man he'd just finished "questioning." Giving up he retreated to his office bathroom to wash his hands.

  The water turned crimson, than swirled down the sink. The Boss loved this bathroom like his office. Tastefully redone to his specifications. Accented in chrome and masculine dark mahogany. The beautiful upstairs hid all of the darker workings downstairs. If things continued to spiral the enhanced building would have to be dismantled and the building abandoned.

  Business was getting smaller, referrals were down, existing clients no longer increasing their harems, clients closing off. For the first time the boss felt the local authorities breathing down their necks. The worst thing was the lack of funds was forcing him to sell local holdings, especially in the ritzy Riverland County area. What was going on? The local authorities were breathing more and more down his neck, had even picked up that local cop he had turned a while back. They were just waiting to get enough
evidence to make their case stick. Good thing K had taken care of one of the girls connected with that fiasco. That idiot cop was going down big time. The Boss would love to get that waste of oxygen under his hammer for a good 5 minutes - save everyone a lot of time.

  The bottom line was he was going to have to change locations, start over, but who could he send to scout ahead? Then it occurred to him, he'd send K. People liked K, responded to him. He'd never met K face to face, obsessed with keeping his identity a secret from all but a few of his men. He had seen K that first night with the girl in the club from one of the suits above through a glass look out while palming an expensive brandy. If you saw The Boss’ face it was often the last face you saw, but he'd tell Deke to let him know.

  K was good with money and as far as he knew had no ties here. He'd be able to spot a good investment and even get them set up.

  The blood had ruined his tailor made shirt - SHIT. It was never the kind of thing he worried about before all this started.

  One final investment to expand but if this move didn't work they were finished.

  Chapter 15

  He was at it again. Did he have to do this almost every day? Francine had never seen such extended dedication to working out. For her exercise had existed primarily to keep her out of double digits. Never had she imagined anyone could exhibit this kind of discipline without someone else standing over them - well- cracking a whip. The thought made her give a delicate shudder considering she had seen a whip around recently. She’d tried to ignore it and go about her business.


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