Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series

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Natural Submission: Book 1 of the Submission Series Page 11

by Caldwell, Cordelia

  He went back to using the switch, as he continued to stimulate her. Oh please. The continued blows caused her bottom to move and press against the plug inside her activating all of her nerves and turning her on in ways she’d never felt before, desire flowed like waves throughout her whole body.

  But soon he was back to his “lesson”, the switch back in his hand, knowing now what he wanted to her do she continued to beg piteously as she squirmed with the battling discomfort of the pain and the frustrating ache of her own desire, only able to move so much against her restraints, hoping that her show would please him enough that he would give her body release soon, please soon.

  Not long after he put the instrument of her unease down and ran a hand over her aching flesh, “How about the switch? How is that making you feel?”

  “Like I don’t want any more of it.” She heard an amused noise behind her and wondered if her answer would get her in even more trouble. “Sir.” She added, an after thought.

  “That’s fair, do you need more in order to remember to address me properly?”

  “No, please Master no!”

  “Oh, I’m Master now, am I?”

  She whimpered. “OK little one, I’m glad we’re communicating now. You sound very focused on me now, at least as focused as I am on you. She felt the smooth head of his very hard erection as he mounted her from behind. Usually she loved this position, but they both knew what it would do to her burning bottom and legs.

  That being said she spread and arched as much as her bonds would allow welcoming his push inside her, even with the plug, even with her sensitized flesh. He began a driving rhythm that she loved, finally pushing on her clit, molding the hard little nub like clay, the blaze on her skin from the punishment doing nothing to diminish the build from the orgasm, only seeming to make her more aware of all the different nerves all along the outside of her skin as well. Her orgasm came on her like a tsunami, crashing over her shaking and destroying everything in it’s path. She cried out her desire over and over as it shook over her, breaking her apart. Without the restraints she felt she’d fly off the bed, but they were there and he was there to keep her secure and safe and warm and on earth.

  As she felt herself ease back down on the bed linens. He unhooked her legs and slide her over. He kept her hips elevated lazily playing with her breast. she wanted to sleep, but could only look at him. Oh no, she had a feeling she knew what that look meant. He straddled her, continuing to play wit her breast. The mat that he used when working out was uncomfortable against her tender bottom and now she realized why it was there and not a pillow like he occasionally used to elevate her hips. A pillow would of been so much more comfortable against her tender backside. Before she could think any more his mouth was a hot wet suction at her nipples, teasing them with his velvet tongue. Soon she began to moan in frustration and before she knew it her hips were moving in supplication again.

  Moving down her body he took her sore rump in his huge palms and oh no - oh yes he said with his eyes. He placed her legs on his shoulders. Her sore thighs and calves on his shoulders and began to administer the most incredible oral sex imaginable as she struggled once again with her pain and pleasure. Twisting and turning beneath his knowledgeable and skillful mouth she was completely enslaved to him, to the moment and to her own captivated body. His tongue swirled softly, then firmly over her clit changing speeds, pressures and intensities.

  Eventually when her legs started to shake with desire - for the third time - he wrapped her legs around his lower body and slowly, leisurely entered her grateful pussy, even unhooking her arms. She wrapped herself around him, ignoring any pain, ignoring the inserted plug, ignoring anything but is plunging into her, his pleasure, their pleasure. Not able to hold back and her sweet unhinged response K plunged into her wet recesses. She was hot and wet and wild as he plundered her over and over, faster and faster until she made keening noises. Francine held on to him, he was like a battering ram hitting her body and she welcomed every stroke until finally her orgasm was upon her again, breaking her apart, pushing her over the edge where all she had was him to hold onto, and hold on she did, gripping him so tight K thought she’d squeeze the life out of him and suck his cock dry - and they’d both die from the pleasure.

  * * *

  Dinner that evening consisted of a lamb chop prepared medium rare with a red wine sauce and garlic mashed potatoes with broccoli. There was also a rustic loaf of dark bread. All very Outback like, but better. Her usual flippant tongue would have wasted no time launching into the “Outback like”, comment along with another guess at what “K might stand for, but at this point she wasn't sure her sore bottom could take too much more. See even she could learn - sometimes. She had struggled weakly, but he would not be deterred from what he called taking proper care of "his new submissive’s perfect skin". He’d rubbed her sore bottom with ointment and wrapped her in the sheet and heavy duvet. It felt like it took a long time until she’d stopped shaking from her orgasm and could breath like a normal person again.

  She was sitting at the table naked, well to be fair they both were. Having their lovely dinner, with a fine red wine. There was irony here, a certain humor to the fact that she was enjoying one of the best dinners of her life, while at the same time she felt like something in her was crumbling.

  She looked at his stoic face across the table. K never did anything without a flair for the dramatic. Everything he did was always well thought out, so she assumed there was a point to this too, but she would not ask. She was learning, K got around to things in his own time, when he was ready. Between bites she suppressed the need to tap her foot, drum her nails on the table. She continued to eat, as patiently as she could, at least the food was quite delicious.

  “So, this evening we are going to cover a few more rules Francine. There will not be many more, so pay attention.”

  “Yes sir.” She said looking up at him, wary of whatever he was going to say next. She’d caught on now that manners were really important to him. Got that- don’t need to go over it again. K’s never told her he has a past in the military, but whatever past he’s had, discipline and rules must of played an important role.

  She had a high degree of education herself. She wouldn't have gotten as far as she had without understanding a little about discipline. So she’d play along, if she needed to.

  “So that leads us to the two rules we will discuss tonight before you leave the table Angel. The clothing I’ve generously provided you is a privilege. Many times in the past when I’ve entertained submissives I’ve told them to stay stripped down naked or maybe something very, very sheer and accessible.” She caught herself before she could roll her eyes, simply looking down at her plate. The word “submissive” grating. “When we go to bed from now on you’ll be nude. When I'm away (she looks up anxiously), you may wear one of the nightgowns I will provide you to sleep in.” Seeing her reaction he added. “I’ll always tell you before I leave, but when I'm here, there's never any clothing to bed.”

  He continued a mischievous light in his eyes. “I think we both know what happens now when you break the rules.” He put down his fork and leaned back. He saw her gathering her fork and knife.

  “Leave it. I’ll clear down for us. Come here and turn around for your master.” She did, like she was in a trance. Things around her still had an unreal feeling. The circumstances, being here with him. She’d never been with anyone like him before - ever. She eased carefully out of the chair and off the pillow he had placed there for her. He turned her around looking at her flesh, already the marks were fading to a light pink. He ran his hand lightly over her heated flesh, she arched in anticipation of pain, but then let out a little gasp of surprise. "Yes Francine, you’re healing really well. I really didn't switch you that hard for all the wiggling and moaning you did; you put on quite the little show for me."

  He had chosen his instrument carefully, more for sound and a quick surface sting than anything else. The herbs and medicines
in the ointment was taking care of any very minor damage that might have occurred. He ran his knuckles up and down her naked body, her blood came to the surface, her skin beginning to flush, but his voice was still relaxed, soothing. “It was sooo fucking sexy Francine watching you turn pink, after being so stubborn. You have a lot of spirit...” he said, admiration thick in his voice.

  "Yes sir..." she said meekly, already enjoying the feel if his petting, wanting to arch against him like a cat. Her body was so traitorous, he was like a virtuoso and she his instrument.

  “You should be able to enjoy a nice hot shower now without too much discomfort. I left the ointment jar sitting on the edge of the sink if you want to reapply it. And then either come in here for a movie, or bedtime. It’s late, I’ll let you decide.” There was a thoughtful pause.

  “I’m tired sir, I think I’d like to go to b- sleep.” She corrected catching herself. K smiled, hearing her stutter. “Yes, sleep sounds good. Go ahead, enjoy your shower Angel. Good Night.”

  “Good Night.” and then “Sir.”

  Chapter 17

  Armin drove behind K on a darkened road. It was 2:55 am and as usual K was nothing if not thorough. In the past he’d tried following him, but K always managed to elude him. He always went home between the hours of 2-5 am and always took a different route. He’d tried tracking him, but K always scanned his truck a few miles down the road for anti bugging technology. He had found and removed Armin's first bug crushing it with his truck on the way home, before disappearing into the hazy night.

  It's like someone had trained him not to be followed. Armin had given up on taking these concerns to The Boss. "We're not exactly in the family man business Armin.” he'd said. And then it was like a light had come on, "You stupid fuck! Is that why you've been looking so exhausted in the morning? Focusing on K instead of our merchandise?" And oh yeah, then he'd slapped Armin to the floor with his meaty palm. "No! Don't get up! Stay down there!” He’d grabbed him by his collar and hit him again with a closed fist back to the floor bloodying his mouth just for good measure, then had pointed. "Let K have his privacy. He's here like clockwork delivering his reports every two weeks and keeping me updated. Unlike you who's become more and more sporadic! Leave him alone!” He'd turned his back on him. "No, don’t get up! Crawl outta here, like the dog you are, I have work to do." He’d said before returning to the work on his desk.

  Armin was not going back to The Boss again until he at least had that slut with him and could take K’s computer back with him proving that K was dirty. Every time that dirty slit they’d sold him was mentioned, K would change the subject or leave the room. He had a feeling losing her would cause K to become unsettled enough to make a mistake. Men like him didn't take to the loss of their "property" easily.

  That's when he'd concocted this plan. K's black truck was just ahead slicing through the night. Out of nowhere, a beat up old powder blue Toyota Tercel came out of nowhere, curving around Armin on the left on it’s donut like tires and coming alongside K’s sleek vehicle smashing into its left front fender, forcing him to pull over to the right side of the road.


  The middle aged hippy Armin had hired staggered out. "Aw man look at that! I'm sorry! Wow!" A “highin'” conversation ensued as K reluctantly climbed down from his damaged Ford to confront the unbalanced string bean blond headed man with the dreads and clouded ice blue eyes. Armin pulled his sleek, dark, royal violet jaguar over quietly and approached from behind. He exited his car on the passenger side closing the door with a quiet snick. He almost couldn’t contain the excitement spreading from his belly. He quelled it down as he approached on his expensive padded feet to K's massive tires sneakily planting another bug.

  The hippy/actor was going on - getting into the roll, buying Armin enough time to get back in his car. K eventually gave up trying to reason with him, snippets of the conversation floated to him on the night air: Drunk fool... You hit me!... No insurance. Eventually K stalked back to his truck a few moments later, seriously agitated, his fist clutched and teeth grinding and really eager to be off; that must be one hot piece of ass he had waiting for him. Finally, back in the truck he shifted gears and pulled off.

  Armin pulled out the receiver and smiled.

  * * *

  He’d returned again as promised, right before the start of the third day, and Francine couldn't believe it, he’d actually brought her back the pizza. She bit into another bite, prosciutto and pineapple with a thin crust, her absolute favorite. She was polishing off her third slice and was wishing she had a second stomach so she could have more. She felt gratitude and a spark of happiness well up within her, right before the usual guilt kicked in. Why did he keep doing these things to her, making her feel this way?

  The days had begun to pass at a leisurely pace, her research, his work, the exercise, the movies, a card game; the food, wine

  The scientist in her even spent some time mentally trying to pick apart what was in the pleasant smelling ointment he’d used on her after her scratches from outside, and the stinging, tantalizing switch. Moving past her conflicted thoughts about that she’d sniffed delicately, than inhaled deeply trying to mentally shift through the ingredients. It hit the back of her tongue before expanding in her lungs filling her with peace de-stressing her. It had felt so soothing to her tender bottom just like it had when he’d used it on her ankles and calves after her nicks from the bush outside. She’d had a lot of time to think about many things when he was gone, and she wasn't in an orgasm induced fog.

  He’d also brought back a mani pedi kit complete with an array of nail polishes. Upon seeing them she’d done her best not to squeal like a little girl. His gifts were becoming more and more enticing, drawing her out of her shell like a turtle reaching for the sun. Every return was starting to feel like Christmas morning. She remembered to the first time she saw the clothes laid out he’d brought her. Skimpy. She hadn't really wanted to accept or use them either, but after weeks without a mani pedi, she’d only be punishing herself. It was so worth the look on his face anyway when she presented herself after making use of the pretty shades of blue and silver. Hey, when you had a Dom that kept you in flip flops most of the time you wanted to keep it as interesting as possible right?

  He’d bought the pizza slightly underdone, and once back he’d cooked it the rest of the way in the cabin’s ancient oven so it would be perfect for her. It would never have occurred to Francine that pizza could travel in such a way. Who’s taught him these things? The cheese was smooth in it’s consistency, the prosciutto spicy and soft, the pineapples firm and sweet.

  While she savored every bite, he positioned himself across from her at their small table. His look was curious and growing hotter by the minute. Finally she had to know, did he really have to look at her while she ate it? Yes, he had said, her pleasure was his to enjoy, all of her pleasure. She guessed that made sense, even she knew the pizza was orgasm on a plate, she probably was putting on quite the show (she didn't even want to even think about the little sounds she was making).

  She had wanted to tell insert Italian name that begins with a K here to leave her and her pizza in private, but then she realized, hey, there were no Italian names that began with K! She’d have to Google it to be sure, but she was pretty sure that was the case.

  She could ask K to Google it, but was not sure how that request would go over either. Hey Kaaaaay, I know you’ve asked me from the first day you brought me here not to be mouthy, but can you look up this little known fact about names for me? Oh no reason, just so that I can harass you some more about your name in my spare time. Thanks Sir!!

  Oh yeah, she was sure he’d looove that. Right before they found out how tired his spanking arm was, as if he needed any more excuses for that. Francine returned to her plate trying not to shift too much at the thought.

  He waited until she was done and had swallowed her last sip of juicy Chardonnay. As he picked up her plate to take to the sink he
said, “Take off your clothes Francine”. Oh, here we go, that didn't take long, she thought. He’d barely been back two hours, this had to be a new record...

  While he was at the sink she stripped of her peach tank, pink and white striped bra underneath and white shorts along with the peach pastel panties she was wearing underneath to match and when he returned she was sitting on her chair in the nude looking up at him with her soft brown eyes.

  He motioned for her to stand and took her in his arms warm against his body kissing her hard and deep until she melted against him, his lips turning soft, brushing over hers. Then he set her back a bit taking her breast in both hands, “You have the best tits Francine,” he said as he worked them squeezing the pink nipples until they bunched up. “They’re one of the reasons I can’t keep my hands off you.” He looked at the pretty face that had come to mean so much to him. “I like these pretty pink lips too,” he rubbed his thumb over them, dipped it inside, she sucked. “You keep them so soft.” The fancy medicated chapstick you give me, she thought, again, not wanting to say it, her heart speeding up inside her rib cage.

  He took off his thick black sweat shirt and put it on the floor, “Kneel on that and open your mouth.” Francine kneeled before him hands behind her back and took his cock in her mouth using her tongue like he had taught her, immediately his breath changed. His eyes lit with pleasure, but he was in control of himself. Francine loved his response, it motivated her and she began to focus, working him like the imaginary melting treat he had suggested she use as a muse. His voice was just a little breathy when he said, “Your hands are not bound, so I’m going to teach you how to use them today. Use one as an extension of your mouth, up and down; use the other to cup and squeeze my balls, squeeze until I tell you to stop.” He continued to give her step by step instructions and she quickly got the hang of it, working him was really fun.


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