Best Erotic Romance 2014

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Best Erotic Romance 2014 Page 13

by Kristina Wright

  “Bonnie…” His voice sounded an octave lower than usual.

  Thinking about it afterward, Bonnie never knew what possessed her to do as she did next. Perhaps it was the sexual frustration brought about by two weeks in plaster casts or perhaps it was the proximity of a good-looking man in a small space after half a bottle of wine. She tilted her face upward, raised herself on her toes and stretched forward until her lips just brushed against his. Her casts were too unwieldy for her to put her arms around his neck; they hung limp at her side.

  For a split second, she thought that was it. He didn’t respond and she wondered if she’d misheard what he’d said about missing her. Her heart was racing and she took a deep breath, but the intoxicating smell of him made things worse rather than better. She knew she should step back and apologize but she was too unsure of her legs to move.

  Then, as if waking from a trance, Jason did respond. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her body tight against his, and his mouth took possession of hers. There was nothing tentative about this kiss. His lips encircled hers and before she realized what was happening his tongue had pushed its way into her mouth. Desire surged up through her belly and she pushed her tongue against his in return. As her legs turned to water, she pressed her hips against his; she could feel the growing bulge in his pants pressing against her stomach.

  Bonnie would have been fooling herself if she’d pretended she hadn’t imagined kissing Jason in a variety of office situations. But she’d never for one minute thought her fantasies would come to pass. Let alone in her own apartment.

  But, abruptly, he pushed her away and took a step back.

  “What?” said Bonnie. Her voice didn’t sound like her own.

  “This is wrong,” said Jason. “I feel like I’m taking advantage of your situation.”

  It felt like a kick in the guts to Bonnie. For some reason he’d changed his mind.

  “Jason, I’m not some damsel in distress,” she said. “Remember who started it?”

  “I know…” he said. “But what about when you come back to work?”

  “We’ll have to cross that bridge when we come to it.”

  Brave words, but she was feeling anything but sure of herself. This could be the biggest mistake ever. But she really needed to feel Jason’s hands on her skin and his mouth…dammit, she needed to feel his mouth on her pussy.

  He stared at her, wide eyed, breathing heavily through slack lips.

  “You can’t leave now,” she said. She felt so vulnerable, making her need for him so obvious. He was her coworker and not only that, he was also her biggest rival in the office. What the hell was she playing at?

  “God, Bonnie…” It was more of a moan than coherent words.

  He stepped forward and swept her up in his arms.


  “Through there.”

  She waved one of her casts in the direction of her room.

  There was no stopping them now; it was as if the floodgates had opened. Jason pushed open the bedroom door with his foot and deposited her on the bed. She lay and watched as he pulled his shirt out of his pants, unknotted his tie and started frantically undoing his shirt buttons. When he got to the fastening of his pants, she let out a whimper, and then he was in front of her in all his naked glory, with one of the finest cocks she’d ever seen standing proudly to attention. Her mouth was dry but her pussy was immediately wet. She kicked her shoes off but other than that, she was at Jason’s mercy when it came to getting naked too.

  He didn’t make her wait. As quickly as he’d undressed himself, he pulled off the sweatpants and T-shirt she’d been wearing for the sake of ease and comfort. All she had on was a pair of blush silk panties; she hadn’t been able to face the indignity of asking Melba to do her bra up.

  “My beautiful Bonnie,” Jason whispered, and he leant down to catch one of her dusky nipples between his teeth.

  Bonnie moaned; it was like a current passing through her, all the more intense for having lain dormant for so long. She hadn’t been able to touch herself, and now she was desperate to touch Jason. But the two casts effectively immobilized her arms. She lay back with the plasters reaching above her head on the pillow, making her feel like a sacrificial offering for Jason to do with what he wanted. His fuck toy. It made her feel hornier than ever.

  Jason switched his attention to her other breast, nipping it sharply and twisting it between his fingers and thumb. Bonnie’s hips bucked with the flash of pain, a move that seemed to remind Jason there were other areas still to be explored. He knelt up between her legs, gazing down at her. Then, very slowly, he pushed her silky panties down over her hips. As they pulled away from between her legs, Bonnie felt a trail of warm juices dragging down her thigh, wetting her leg. Jason tossed the panties to one side and with a swift flick of his wrists splayed her legs wide.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured, reaching out with one hand to touch the part of Bonnie that had felt most neglected.

  As she felt his palm cup the front of her pussy, Bonnie groaned.

  “You’ve been needing this, haven’t you, Bonnie?” said Jason.

  His fingers glided easily down the cleft between her labia and pushed deep inside her with a fast, hard thrust. Bonnie yelped at the sensation that flared up through her body and then pushed her hips up to meet him.

  “Yes, I’ve been needing this,” she said through gritted teeth. “Now, Jason, I need you inside me now.”


  “In the drawer,” she said.

  It was one of her favorite things, rolling a condom down her lover’s cock, but this time she had to leave it up to Jason. He ripped the package open and it literally made her mouth water to see him carefully roll it on.

  He didn’t waste any more time. With one hand he guided his cock to the mouth of her pussy and then, sitting back on his heels, he pulled her hips up until he had her impaled. He started thrusting, gripping her hips hard, his fingers digging into her flesh, and Bonnie’s shoulders were pulled down the bed with each plunge as her hips were raised higher.

  His cock was long and the position enabled him to push it deep inside her. Bonnie felt as if she would be split in two, but it was a feeling she’d been needing for so long. He lowered her hips and leaned forward, pushing harder and faster, and Bonnie raised her legs around his waist. She didn’t think he could go any farther into her but he did and each thrust forced a grunt from the back of her throat. His mouth found first one nipple, then the other, and he pushed one hand down between them to find her clit.

  The moment his finger swept around her most sensitive spot was liftoff for Bonnie. The orgasm that unfurled within her grew and grew, sweeping every sensation in its path, taking away her sense of place, of time and even of self. Her back arched beneath him, and her hips opened wider than ever. Her muscles clenched as if they wanted to hold his cock there forever and as they pulsed around him, she felt him stiffen in response. With a roar he came, grasping her tightly to him as he emptied himself, remaining pulsating inside her as his orgasm subsided.

  They were both drenched in sweat when he flopped down on her chest and she could feel his softening cock slipping out of her.

  “Jesus, Bonnie, how good’s it going to be when you can use your hands as well?” he said breathily in her ear.

  She laughed.

  “When I get my hands back, do you think I’ll need you?”

  “Say you will, baby,” he said.

  “It might cost you dinner… And you’ll have to stop pointing out my shortcomings to Walter.”

  “I promise, Bonnie, from now on, Walter’s only gonna hear good things about you.”

  “Just as long as you don’t tell him too much…”

  “To ensure which, you’ll have to keep me happy.”

  “Well, Mr. Haynes, we seem to have each other over a barrel.”

  “Couldn’t think of a better place to have you.”

  And as he kissed her, Bonnie had the pleasing
ly graphic image in her mind of Jason Haynes taking her over a barrel. And wondered where she could get one…


  Anja Vikarma

  Jane began to climb the hill. As she crunched through last season’s fallen leaves, each footstep said, Yes, yes, yes. She felt the yes move up her legs, buoying her gait, filling her with a happiness she didn’t know she could feel. It was a light feeling, a hopeful feeling, a new feeling.

  The land beneath her feet was hers. An unexpected windfall from a distant uncle, now deceased. The land beneath her feet had provided the escape she would need from a life she had stumbled into at too young an age. Jane had received the news, told the bad husband to kiss her ass, packed her belongings and moved from the Big Apple to the acreage upstate.

  She now possessed a farmhouse full of an impressive variety of junk, a meadow that deer passed through each morning and evening, and a hillside of woods. On the map, she could see a wide stream, Tuscarora Creek, passing through the land on the other side of the hill, and that was her destination for the afternoon.

  She continued her climb with the sun at her back. The temperature increased and sweat began to dribble down her spine as she picked her way around tree roots and rocks. She crested the hill and began to descend, listening to blue jays yak about her presence and smelling a damp earthiness that was new to her. Nothing in the city smelled so rich and full of potential. It enlivened her, as if her body had known all its life it belonged here. She smiled.

  Jai Ganesha, she thought. A quick honor to the elephant-headed deity that she had met in her yoga class. “He is the remover of obstacles,” the leader of the kirtan chanting class had told them before leading the group through many minutes of Jai Ganesha and Om Gum Ganapateya Namaha.

  Jane had latched on to the idea of a supernatural power removing obstacles and had spent the better part of the past year humming, “Jai Ganesha. Om Gum Ganapateya Namaha,” under her breath. When the bad husband was in his best bad-husband mode, the words rolled through her head, blocking out his hurtful words. She had taken great comfort, knowing a way out was opening before her. When the package from the lawyer had arrived, she immediately sat down and sent a check to the Elephant Sanctuary, writing Jai Ganesha on the note line of the check. It was her way of saying, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

  She heard the stream before she saw it. Smelled the wet, shale rock—a flinty smell that tickled her nostrils. The forest came to an abrupt end at a ledge about four feet above Tuscarora Creek. Damp, moss-covered rocks enticed her to step down and get closer. Sunlight bounced off the water, winking at her playfully, inviting her in. She climbed down, pulled off her sneaker, and dipped her foot in the sparkling stream.

  “Oh!” she exclaimed.

  In spite of the heat of the early summer sun, the water still carried the cold of spring. Jane looked across the stream and saw a large ledge of flat rock hovering over the cool water. Heat shimmered off its dark surface, inviting her to come sit a spell. She pulled off her other shoe and picked her way across the stream, enjoying the cool caress on her calves.

  She settled crossed-legged—easy pose, her yoga teacher called it—on the warm rock, closed her eyes, and pictured Ganesh in her mind. Quietly, she chanted “Jai Ganesha,” and the stream happily sang along. With her face to the sun, Jane felt the last remnants of the bad husband sink from her. The rock felt strong and steady enough to hold those memories. She could let them go.

  “Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om,” she began to chant. Peace, peace, peace. Her voice warmed as the words permeated her heart. She sang louder, rocking gently. The creek warbled along with her, a wonderful harmony she had never experienced in class. “Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.”

  “Will that attract fish?”

  The man’s voice startled her from her mediation. Her legs popped out of easy pose, her hand flew to her heart and she almost fell into the creek. The Tuscarora laughed, and it sounded like a brew of mirth and sunlight.

  The man stood to her left, holding a fishing pole and grinning down at her. Jane scrambled to her feet, straightened her shirt and smoothed back her hair. “Pardon me?”

  He cocked his thumb back over his shoulder and said, “I was downstream, wondering why I couldn’t get a bite today, when I heard this sound, singing—like the water nymphs were teasing my fish away.”

  “Hardly. Mostly teasing away bad memories,” she said.

  Under his ball cap, Jane could see kind brown eyes flecked with gold. A smile lurked around the corners of his wonderfully full lips. Jane thought, Although kissing those lips could chase memories away too. The unbidden thought shocked her. She had been sure she wouldn’t want anything to do with a man for a least a decade.

  He pushed his cap back, swiped the back of his hand across his forehead and pulled the brim back down. “Well, you sounded like a water nymph to me. It was lovely. That said…” he smiled broadly, “you’re trespassing on my land. Care to introduce yourself?”

  Jane looked down at the rock beneath her feet, as if expecting to see PROPERTY OF… written there. She looked back up at his bewitching smile. “Jane Harmony. I live just over the hill.”

  “For real? The singing nymph’s name is Harmony?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Please don’t call me a nymph.”

  “Okay. Sorry. I just really enjoyed the sound of your voice.”

  Jane wondered if she should tell him that “Harmony” was a name she’d given herself. Her maiden name was a Polish nightmare of consonants, and her married name tasted like ash in her mouth. With her opportunity to start afresh, she gifted herself a name that exemplified what she thought her life should become.

  He extended his hand. “Beauregard Bradford, but as you might guess, people call me Beau.”

  She shook his hand, her palm tingling under his touch. “Sorry about trespassing. It’s just, well, you’ve got the sunshine on your side of the creek.”


  “Is it okay if I sit awhile longer?”

  “Come sit everyday if you’d like. Sing too. What were you singing, by the way?”

  She scuffed her toe on the rock, feeling slightly silly. “Uh, it’s called kirtan. It’s Hindu chanting.”

  “Uh-oh.” A look of concern crossed his face.


  “Hindu, huh? A heathen among us.”

  “Heathen!” Her mouth dropped open.

  “You’re in the boonies, baby. Folks are gonna wonder about John Kleszczynska’s kin being Hindu.” He laughed, and Jane grew slightly irritated.

  “I didn’t say I was Hindu, I said I was chanting kirtan.”

  He reached out and briefly touched her shoulder. “Hey! No problem by me. Just giving you fair warning about life in the boonies. You sound like a city girl, and that will be strike one against you. Chanting Hindu-like will be strike two.”

  She put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes. “And what will be strike three, do you suppose?”

  He worked the brim of his cap up and down a few times, thinking. “Taking up with that nice Bradford boy, perhaps?”

  She dropped her arms, flummoxed by the rush of heat that leaped up from a deep place, set her heart thumping and caused what was sure to be a bright, pink blush to bloom across her cheeks. She turned her face toward Tuscarora Creek, as if the creek would supply her with an appropriately glib reply.

  He laughed. Jane, despite her flustered state, noted the way his laugh seemed to blend harmoniously with the chuckling of the creek. “Hey, I’m kidding,” he said. “We just met and I’m a good, Christian country boy.”

  She looked back at his delightful grin, broad shoulders and trim hips. Her nipples began to harden with approval, so she quickly crossed her arms across her chest. She rolled her eyes again and said, “Oh, I bet.”

  He touched his hand to the edge of his hat and said, “Look, it was great to meet you, Miss Harmony. Sit as long as you’d like. I’m fishing again Thursday, so do me a favor
and use your nymph-like voice to sing the fish down to that bend, there.” He gestured downstream. And with that he turned, hopped up the bank and disappeared into the tangle of willows and scrub.

  Jane stared into the greenery awhile, replaying the whole encounter in her mind a few times over, marveling that a part of her, the part of her that she’d been sure the bad husband had starved to death, was alive and well and eagerly anticipating Thursday.

  Wednesday flew by as Jane hauled three more loads of Uncle John’s junk to the county transfer station. She fell in bed exhausted. But the flicker in her belly, the source of her blush, was wide awake and perpetually sending her images of Beau Bradford: his smile, his laugh, the shape of him. The flicker enticed her hand to caress the skin of her abdomen, her hip, her thigh. Her wandering hand traveled up and down and…

  “Stop it,” she whispered to herself, and shoved her hand under the pillow.

  Jane fell asleep making a list of why it would be a bad idea to take up with her neighbor so soon after cutting the bad husband out of her life. As she drifted off, she thought she could hear the flicker in her belly and the burbling of Tuscarora Creek whispering, conspiring. She dreamed of crossing the creek on the back of a purple elephant, but woke before she found out where it was taking her.

  Thursday morning she attempted to make sense of her uncle’s gardening journal, thumbed through old seed catalogs, and walked about the fenced-in, weed-infested plot of land behind the house. Jane had never grown so much as a strawberry and had no idea where to begin. But ever since discovering the lusciousness of fresh strawberries at the farm stand three miles from her house, strawberries had been her motivation to learn to garden.

  Jane knew the dirt needed to be turned if any seeds were to make it into the soil. She worked through the lunch hour, leaning on the spade, lifting and turning the dark earth. The bad husband had told her she would hate living alone. But each earthworm and toad she discovered, each bouncing robin warbling at her progress, made it clear to her that she was anything but alone. She was sharing her new home with hundreds, if not thousands of other living creatures. A contented smile danced on her face, and contemplating her new companions helped her ignore the spade-induced ache in her thighs and back.


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