Sunrise Kisses

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Sunrise Kisses Page 13

by Krista Lakes

  “Yes, please,” I answered, a little too breathless. He grinned as if he could read the dirty thoughts in my mind. I wanted to kiss him again so badly it was driving me crazy.

  Bastian grinned and walked past me to the door, skimming his hand along my shoulders as he passed. The deepest parts of me tightened at his wonderful touch, my skin aflame from his fingers. If he did this to me all day, I would go insane for sure.

  Charlotte waited until he passed her to leave before giving me two big thumbs up. I laughed as she then followed him out. As much as she joked, I was glad she liked the two of us together. I knew I didn't need it, but I was glad to have her approval.

  Chapter 17

  “Hi, Daddy,” I said, picking up the phone and grinning from ear to ear as I set down my work. I glanced at my watch and saw it was much later than I thought. I had worked all afternoon and into the evening without realizing it.

  “Hi, kiddo,” he replied, sounding relaxed and happy. “How's work coming?”

  “Slow but steady,” I told him. “I'll get it all done in time. How are you?”

  “As good as can be expected. The food here is terrible,” he complained. I could hear the TV on in the background. “They won't let me have any salt.”

  I smiled, thinking of him pouting while watching Jeopardy in bed. “At least I'll get the appraisal done on time,” I promised. “That should make you feel better.”

  “Don't work too hard,” he cautioned. “You should have some fun while your out there. You need a little distraction.”

  I thought of how Bastian kept finding excuses throughout the day to walk through whichever room I happened to be working in, even if Charlotte or Leo happened to be with him. It made it very difficult to concentrate, knowing he was there, watching me with his blue-gray eyes. I had at least managed to sneak in one short kiss before Charlotte nearly walked in on us.

  “What about you, Dad? What was the test for today?” I asked, changing the subject. I didn't want to talk to my father about Bastian or the way he kissed.

  “Dr. Verner assures me that he's getting good data,” Dad explained. “It looks like I'm going to need a pacemaker, but I'll let him explain it to you when you get here.”

  “A pacemaker?” I felt a jolt of panic again. Pacemakers meant that something was wrong. I shook my head. I already knew something was wrong, but it was still difficult to let the reality set in.

  “Yes, and don't worry, Ava.” Dad turned down the TV in the background. “He says once it's in, I'll be right as rain. It's a very simple procedure. I even get to go home the next day. No more scares. I'll be back to usual.”

  “I wish I could be there for you, Dad,” I pouted. I wanted to run out the door and hop on the first plane home. “I feel so guilty. You're sick and I'm here, and...”

  “No,” Dad interrupted me. “No, Ava. Do not feel guilty about this.”

  I played with a strand of hair, twirling it between my fingers. “Can I feel a little guilty about it? I mean, it's your heart.”

  “Ava,” Dad warned, his voice going deep. That tone used to scare me when I was a child and it hadn't lost much to the years.

  “Please?” I begged. “It feels like such a big deal.”

  “Fine, you may feel a little guilty.” He sighed, giving into me. “You can make it up to me at Christmas and make me an extra batch of those cookies I like.”

  “Done,” I promised, my heart feeling a little bit lighter. It wasn't a real solution to my guilt, but at least Dad sounded like himself again. “I'm glad you're feeling better, Dad. I don't know what I'd do without you.”

  “You'd do just fine,” he assured me. “You're strong. Like me. Besides, you aren't getting rid of me that easily. Dr. Verner says with this new pacemaker, you'll be struggling to keep up with me.”

  I smiled, knowing that my dad was going to prove Dr. Verner right even if it killed him.

  “Everything's going to be just fine, okay?” Dad's voice was soft. I heard a voice in the background that I assumed was a nurse. “Hey, honey- the nurse is here to check my vitals. Can I call you in the morning?”

  “Yeah, I'll be waiting for it,” I answered. “I”m glad you're doing good, Dad.”

  “Better than good,” he promised. “I love you, Ava. More than words.”

  I smiled. It was something we had said for as long as I could remember. My mother used to say, “I love you more than words can say,” but as a child, I couldn't repeat the phrase properly. It had morphed into, “I love you more than words,” and stuck. I knew Dad was feeling better if he used that expression.

  “I love you too, Daddy,” I replied. “More than words.”

  I hung up the phone with my heart feeling heavy and light at the same time. So many emotions were rushing around my head that I didn't know what to feel. At least until my stomach rumbled. Then I decided I felt hungry.

  I head down to the kitchen, hoping to see Bastian or Charlotte on my way, but the house was deserted. The kitchen was dark and empty. I knew Bastian was busy with work today and an idea came to me. He probably hadn't stopped working long enough to realize it was dinner time.

  I pulled out a platter from one of the many shelves and began piling it high with cheeses, crackers, cut fruit, leftovers from Lucia, and whatever else I found in the fridge that looked good. Once I had enough to feed four people, I snagged a bottle of wine and four glasses from the pantry and headed upstairs.

  It took some balance, and I decided that I had a future in waitressing if I ever needed one, but I managed to get all of it upstairs and in front of the doors to Bastian's study. I set the tray down on the hall table long enough to knock on the big doors before picking it up.

  I heard the turn of a lock and the door opened to reveal Bastian. He smiled as soon as he saw me and then grinned as he saw the food.

  “I brought provisions,” I announced.

  He held open the doors to let me in to his sanctuary. “Come on in.”

  I carefully maneuvered past him, trying to keep my attention on the very full tray of food and not on how close he was. I nearly dropped the platter and the glasses were slipping by the time I set them down on the table by the couch.

  “Where are Charlotte and Leo?” I asked, looking around. Bastian was the only one in his room, though every light was on.

  “They left,” he explained, sounding tired. He ran a hand through his hair, mussing it's already tussled locks further. “The app's a mess, so they took the helicopter to the mainland to meet with Gabe and the programmers directly.”

  “I'm sorry, Bastian,” I said quietly. My heart thrilled a little at his name. And that we were now alone in the mansion. In his room. “I guess I didn't need to bring up so much food, then.”

  He looked at the food and then at me. The gleam in his eyes left no doubt that he wanted me more than the food. “More for me, then.”

  My heart fluttered and I felt my face heat. I could still taste his kiss on my lips from this morning. All day, he was all I had thought about. He was all my body had craved. I ached for his touch again. I wanted more than just a kiss. I looked over at the bathroom door and remembered the way the water had run down his chest, the muscles and the soft skin. I wanted so much more than a kiss.

  “Thank you for bringing this all up,” Bastian said, drawing me back from my memories of his naked body. He was wearing long dress pants and a light blue, button up dress shirt. I thought he looked better with just the towel, but I wasn't going to complain.

  “You are very welcome,” I replied, picking up the bottle of wine and reaching for the corkscrew. I, of course, put it in at an angle and was left struggling to try and remove it without sending wine everywhere. The cork was stuck and I was using all my strength and getting nowhere.

  “Here, let me.” Bastian reached for the bottle, taking both it and my hands in his. I trembled slightly, exhilarating at his touch. His hands were strong and warm, and sending electric currents of want straight through my spine.

nbsp; In a smooth motion, he uncorked the wine as if it were the easiest thing in the world. “We should let it breathe for a few minutes,” he said, setting it off to the side.

  “Breathe,” I repeated, more to remind myself to do so than to agree with him. He was so close to me now that I could smell his cologne. It was light and clean, yet incredibly masculine. It drew me in closer to him, making me want to rub myself all over him like a cat in heat. I couldn't think of anything but how much I wanted Bastian to do more than just stand here and breathe.

  I looked up at him. Every fiber of my being wanted me to throw myself at him, to kiss every inch of his skin I could get my lips on. From the way he was looking at me, he felt the same. The sexual tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife. I couldn't stop thinking of our kiss. My hands on his chest. His taste. His fingers tangled in my hair...

  The wind ruffled the curtains as it came in off the ocean, and as if on cue, our willpower to stay apart broke at the same time. Whatever was holding us back and keeping us acting like civil, rational adults was blown away on that wind.

  A low growl rumbled in his chest as he slid his hand into my hair and put the other to my hip. He pulled me into him, pressing his body against mine as our lips collided. His lips were on mine, stealing my breath and making my knees wobble and go weak.

  The kiss was hot and heavy, full of the first desperate rush of desire. There was need and want in this kiss that I couldn't fight against, didn't want to fight against. I could sense the same inner struggle for control waging in him as he kissed me senseless.

  Every ounce of desire poured from his mouth into mine. His face was rough with stubble from the day, but it felt deliciously male and masculine beneath my lips. I rocked my body into his, wanting more and a low groan rumbled in his chest and his hands tightened. It was more than just wanting. This was a desperate craving that I couldn't resist.

  My body reacted instantly. All the flirting and secret glances, the fluttering eyelashes and hidden smiles, they were all teasing me for this moment. Now that I had him, with no one to walk in or interrupt us, I wasn't willing to stop at just a kiss. Not when he kissed like this.

  His kiss put all sorts of naughty ideas, desires and wants, hurtling through my veins like a drug. I couldn't get enough and I wanted more. More than just this kiss. I pressed my chest against his, trying to soothe the ache growing at the tips of my breasts. I need more.

  Reaching for his shirt buttons, I slowly undid each one as he undid my soul with kisses. He kissed me slow and long, learning the corners and curves of my lips and mouth. His tongue caressed mine, tempting me to just rip off the shirt and have my way with him. Instead, I went slow, letting him tease and excite me with his expert kisses.

  With the buttons undone, I pushed the light fabric from his shoulders. He paused in his kissing to help shrug off the dress shirt, raising his arms for a moment to remove the white undershirt beneath.

  I had seen him shirtless this morning. I knew he was a big man, but to see him now, muscles rippling and waiting for my touch, I trembled. Scars twisted along his smooth skin as he moved, but I found them strangely beautiful. He was pure testosterone and sinew beneath them, and they added an element of darkness to him that I couldn't resist. I wanted to kiss every one of them and run my fingers along every inch of his skin.

  “You're beautiful,” I whispered, not even meaning to say anything aloud. I bit my lip and he blushed slightly. The pink on his cheeks looked out of place on his strong features, but wonderfully human and real. It made my heart speed up even more.

  He leaned forward, pulling me into yet another amazing kiss. I melted into him, pressing my palms into his muscled pecs and feeling pure strength. His fingers pulled at the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head. The cool breeze from the window hit my skin, making me shiver with the unexpected sensation.

  Ducking his head, he kissed the lace along the edge of my bra, sending heat straight down to my legs. My lips kissed his jaw, the corded muscles of his neck, his shoulders—any patch of perfect skin I could reach. I couldn't resist taking a bite of his muscled shoulder. I couldn't control myself.

  “Do it again,” he dared me, nipping at my own shoulder and making me shiver.

  Looking behind him at the couch, I pushed his shoulders gently to sit. He willingly obliged, looking me up and down before I straddled his lap. The bulge in his pants pressed upward against the ache of warmth between my legs, teasing me with what was next.

  “Oh, Ava...” he groaned, tilting his hips up for more. Desire rippled through me at the need in his voice. I couldn't think straight, let alone breathe when he sounded that raw with want.

  He pushed one white bra strap from my shoulder, leaning forward to nibble on the exposed flesh while pushing the other side off as well. I gasped as he reached his arms around me, undoing the bra claps with only a little bit of difficulty. Torture was the only word to describe the wait as he pulled the lacy bra away, his eyes going dark with desire as he saw my bare skin.

  He lowered his head, slowly placing one very excited nipple into his mouth. His teeth and tongue worked it into a hard ball of desire. While his mouth worked on one, he didn't neglect the other. He rolled the sensitive peak between his thumb and forefinger, pulling and teasing it until I couldn't tell which side felt better.

  My head fell back and I arched into him, driving my hips against the hard swelling of man beneath me. I had never come off of just this, but what he was doing was threatening to get me there.

  “You are so perfect,” Bastian murmured, his eyes dilating with want as he watched me writhe. I wasn't sure if he had meant to say the words aloud, but there they were. I looked at his blue-gray eyes and was surprised at the honesty and reverence in them. He thought I was perfect.

  No one had ever looked at me like that. No one had ever told me I was perfect. Hot, occasionally, or pretty. But never perfect. But when he looked at me, I knew he meant it. His simple words sent me reeling, and I buried my head in his shoulder, trying to keep myself steady. Perfect.

  “Ava?” Bastian stroked my hair, and I sat back up. Our eyes connected.

  “Yes,” I whispered. Yes. Anything he could ask of me, the answer was yes. I nodded and kissed him, undulating my hips to tell him that, yes, I wanted everything. I wanted him.

  He smiled against the kiss, understanding me without speaking another word. In a smooth motion, he twisted and flipped our positions so that I was now laying on the couch with him straddling me. I loved being under him. He kissed down my throat, pausing to nibble on my collarbone before gently nipping at one breast. He didn't stop there. Leaving a trail of kisses, he kept working south until coming to my pants.

  He tugged at my pants and I raised my hips up to let him take them off. He pulled them down and tossed them on the ground, licking his lips as he looked me over. For the first time in a long time, I felt sexy. Wanted. The way he looked at me drove me wild- like he was barely containing the beast inside of him from coming out and gobbling me up right there.

  Slowly, so slowly it was close to torture, he pulled the lace around my hips down and off. One finger traced the curve of my stomach from my belly button to my hip bone, circling it before going central again and stopping directly at the sensitive apex of my legs. I trembled, waiting for whatever was coming next. Just having his finger on me was driving me insane with desire, making me ache and heat.

  He used his finger as a guide and kissed me right where the ache was growing unbearable. I gasped, my hips arched upward into his mouth with the sudden explosion of pleasure. He chuckled, pushing my legs wider with his broad shoulders to give him better access to do it again.

  I fought him for a moment, my own self-consciousness and nerves finally making an appearance. He simply raised his head and shook it slowly, smiling evilly. He wasn't going to take no for an answer. Placing his palms on my inner thighs, he pushed gently. I resisted for a moment, but stopped as soon as he bent his head and went to wor

  He hummed into me, using his teeth and tongue to pull out pleasure I had never imagined to be possible. His fingers found their way to join his lips and tongue, teasing and beckoning me toward a golden edge of wonder. My knees started to shake and my breath was coming in fast, uncontrollable pants. I found myself bucking and arching against him faster than I ever had in my life.

  “Come for me, Ava,” he whispered, his breath only adding to my lust. My name on his lips was my undoing. I came apart, vibrating and shaking with overwhelming sensation. I tangled my fingers in his gold touched hair as my bones turned to jelly and I skittered over the edge into glorious oblivion. Never had anyone gotten me there so quickly or so thoroughly.

  Breathless and dizzy, I opened my eyes to find him watching me with a content smile on his face. No, not content. Pleased. Like a cat in the milk.

  He stood slowly, desire painting his face with broad strokes. I could see just how hard he was now, his erection struggling beneath his dress pants for escape. I loved that he was turned on by me, that he was excited by my pleasure.

  I sat up quickly, feeling lightheaded for a moment but absolutely fabulous, and struggled with his belt. He nimbly undid it, letting me tug on his pants. His boxers fell away with his pants and it was hard not to stare.

  Sheer desire threatened to overwhelm me at his perfect masculine form. I want to touch him, want to take him into me, and I want him all for myself.

  I stood and pressed my palms against his skin, kissing him with everything that I had. His erection was a living thing against my lower stomach, searching for something I was all too willing to give him. His tongue danced with mine, daring me to take more. I arched my back, pressing my hips into him, feeling his hard, hot length respond against my skin.

  I looked up to see his eyes darken with lust. My stomach fluttered, more with want than nerves.

  “Bastian, I need you...” I whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek. The day's worth of stubble was rough, but tantalizing under my fingers. His erection throbbed against my hip. I was surprised I was able to get the words out, considering how much brain power I was using not to just take him right then and there.


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