Sunrise Kisses

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Sunrise Kisses Page 21

by Krista Lakes

  “Hi, Chad.” My stomach was in knots, but for the first time, I wasn't going to back down. I didn't need Chad. I didn't need him or what he thought of me. I had myself. And now I had Bastian. I took a bold step forward. “Crawling back with my father's business between my legs, huh? I am so glad I dumped your ass when I did, you two-timing cheater. I actually pity you.”

  Bastian released Chad's jacket, smoothing it out and giving him a snide smile. Much of the crowd was staring and listening to every word. Bastian didn't need to hit Chad. I had just hit Chad in the worst possible way. His pride.

  Bastian wrapped his arm around me, clearly signifying that I was with him. That I was good enough for him. I was good enough for a billionaire. It made me hold my head up high. And everyone now knew it.

  Chad stupidly opened his mouth, thinking he would say something clever, but Bastian saw it coming. He lunged, just moving his massive shoulders forward and not even moving his feet, but enough to give the threat of attack. Chad yelped and cowered against the banister while the crowd laughed.

  “Shall we, Ava, my love?” Bastian asked loudly, holding out his arm for me to take. “I'd like to introduce you to Jack Saunders and his wife. I saw them in the drawing room and I know they'd love to meet you.”

  “That sounds wonderful, dear,” I cooed, knowing that Chad would be crying at this missed opportunity. Not only was I dating a billionaire, but he was introducing me to his billionaire friends. How was that for not good enough?

  My skirts swooshed against the marble tiles as Bastian led me out of the room. I walked like a princess, finally letting myself feel like one. Bastian treated me like a princess because I deserved to be treated like one.

  “The lunge wasn't too much, was it?” Bastian asked as we rounded the corner into what I thought was the drawing room.

  “Not at all,” I told him, kissing his cheek. He must have shaved right before the party as he still smelled of his aftershave cream. “I thought it was perfect.”

  Bastian smoothed the stray strand of hair away from my face. His eyes were soft and full of love just for me. Everyone else in the room melted away. “You're perfect,” he whispered. “I'm so glad your here.”

  “Me too.” I beamed up at him. He smiled back and kissed me, soft and sweet, but full of promise. For a moment I wondered if one of the upstairs rooms were empty...

  “Bastian!” A masculine voice called out and Bastian released me from his kiss. “Great party.”

  Bastian looked over at the voice and smiled before turning back to me. “Now, I'd like you to come meet Jack and Emma.”

  “For real?” I asked. I had been sure the offer had been just meant as one more parting blow to Chad. “I get to meet Jack and Emma Saunders?”

  “Yes,” Bastian answered. He shook his head like I was asking if we were having wine later. He had every intention of introducing me to his billionaire friends.

  “Just one more question,” I said, pulling on his sleeve. Bastian stopped and waited. “How late is this party supposed to go tonight?”

  He grinned, joy bubbling in his eyes. “Until after sunrise, my love.”


  It's dark outside. The stars twinkle and the gray promise of dawn has started. The sun will rise in exactly 9 minutes. I know this because I have had the hour and minute circled on my calendar for the past six months.

  “Your mother would be so proud of you,” Dad whispers. He's said it at least fifty times already today, and a thousand more yesterday, but I still smile. I wish she could have been here for this. There is an ache in my heart for her, but I know that she's here in spirit. She wouldn't have missed today for the world.

  “Five minute warning,” Charlotte announces, stepping into the small room where I've been getting ready. “Sunrise in seven, but we have to get you down there.”

  Butterflies alight in my stomach. I press my palms against the smooth satin of my dress, trying to tell the butterflies to settle once again.

  Dad clears his throat. He stands in front of me and takes my hands in his. Tears make his eyes glisten and I can tell that he's holding his emotion back. I hug him, pulling him close. He wraps his arms around me, holding his breath. I feel like a little girl for a moment, cradled and safe with my father.

  “Your mother asked me to give this to you on your wedding day,” Dad says, slowly releasing me. A tear trickles down his cheek and I know I'm about to start bawling at any moment. He reaches into his suit jacket pocket and pulls out an envelope. “She made me promise.”

  My hands tremble and it's taking everything I have not to cry. Charlotte hands me a tissue.

  “It's okay,” she whispers. “There's a reason they make waterproof mascara.”

  The envelope is wrinkled and there's a small tear in the corner, but my name is on the front in my mother's hand. I trace the letters, imagining her writing it and smiling. I open it.

  Dearest Ava,

  I wish I could be there today to cry at your wedding. Instead, I will be watching you from above and loving you with all my heart. I love you so much and I'm so incredibly proud to have called you mine.

  Love you more than words


  I dab at my eyes and I don't dare look over at Dad because I know I'll lose it. There's something else in the envelope. I shake out a thin silver chain with several petite charms dangling from it. There's a replica of the Eiffel Tower, a paintbrush, a heart, and tiny angel.

  I smile and turn to Dad. His cheeks shine in the pale light as he helps attach the delicate bracelet to my wrist. It's perfect.

  “It's time,” Charlotte says quietly. She hands me another tissue and takes my used one. “It's a good thing I stocked up on these.”

  I chuckle. I was right to pick her as my maid of honor. She certainly has become my best friend in the past year. Though, Bastian and I did have a small squabble over which one of us got her, I had won the argument since he had Gabe and Leo.

  Charlotte and my best friend from high school walk out the door. Dad offers me his arm and I thread mine into his. He smiles and guides me out the door and out onto the sand.

  The sky is alight with pink clouds and golden promise of the coming dawn, but I don't see it. I don't see the ocean's beauty reflecting the colors of the sky or the people I love standing on the beach. There are three men waiting, but I just see Bastian.

  He's wearing a light gray suit that matches his eyes. His face splits into the biggest grin I have ever seen as I approach. I'm not nervous anymore. I'm not scared. I'm excited and incredibly happy. I don't care about the rest.

  “Who gives this woman to be with this man?” The minister asks.

  “I do,” Dad replies. His voice cracks slightly. I turn to say goodbye to him. He hugs me close and kisses my cheek before carefully placing my hand in Bastian's.

  “Take care of her,” Dad says quietly.

  “Always and forever,” Bastian assures him. Dad smiles at us both and then steps back to join the small crowd gathered on the beach.

  The world fades away as I look into Bastian's eyes. The words come easily. I've already made the promise to love him forever. I made that promise a long time ago without ever having to say the words out loud.

  The sun starts to rise. Yellow gold light spills across the ocean, starting our new life together with the dawn. Bastian's eyes sparkle with joy and his scars seem to fade into the light.

  “Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

  “I do.” Bastian's voice is calm and controlled, but his hands are shaking in mine.

  “Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?”

  “I do.” I don't falter. I don't have to think. I want Bastian to be mine forever. I want to be his forever.

  I promise my heart and soul to him as Bastian promises his to me. I hear someone sniffle. Charlotte is using the tissues she is supposed to be holding for me. There are more words and more promises, but the meaning is all the same.

p; I love him. He loves me.

  “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife!”

  A cheer goes up from the small crowd on the beach. A bright pink cloud slips in front of the sun and allows a single ray of perfect golden sun to shine on just the two of us. It's our own personal dawn as Bastian cups my chin in his hand and draws me to him. The kiss is sweet, but with just enough heat to promise more later.

  The sun is now up, making the world sparkle with color and promise. The ocean is bluer now, and the sand whiter. This is the dawn of a new day and the start of our new life together.

  Bastian squeezes my hand tighter in his and I can't stop smiling. My face already hurts from smiling so hard, but I know I won't be able to stop. I don't want to stop. I'm happier than I ever could have imagined.

  Bastian leans forward and kisses me again. This time it is just for the two of us, a sunrise kiss that promises a lifetime of joy. I kiss him back, knowing that we have a lifetime of sunrise kisses before us.

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today Bestseller Krista Lakes is a newly turned 30 year old who recently rediscovered her passion for writing. She is living happily ever after with her Prince Charming and her bouncing baby boy.

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