Between the Sheets

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Between the Sheets Page 9

by Miranda Forbes

  I’d just finished chopping carrots and cucumber into batons and decanting hummus into bowls for Lisa and I to snack on when the doorbell rang. I buzzed the entry phone and waited for my friend to make her way up to my floor. She greeted me with a hug, before thrusting a jar of something into my hands.

  ‘Jen, you’ve got to try these. They’re amazing. Like a party in a glass!’

  I studied the label. ‘Wild hibiscus flowers? Lisa, is this some more of your new age nonsense?’ I was always teasing Lisa about the fact she was a hippy who’d been born in the wrong time, with her love of tarot cards and crystals and alternative healing. She even looked the part, with floaty, tie-dye dresses and long, tousled hair. Physically, we were almost complete opposites – Lisa tiny and blonde, me voluptuous and dark – and I envied the way she didn’t need to bother with a bra in this sultry heat, however many times she told me she wished she had curves like mine. But despite these seeming differences, we were as close as two friends could be, and even as I tried to work out the point of the jar of flower buds in syrup, I knew Lisa had chosen them because she knew I would love them as much as she did.

  ‘I take it you’ve got sparkling wine in the refrigerator?’ Lisa said. It was a redundant question: as soon as she’d let me know she was free to come over tonight I’d put a bottle in there to chill. I went to fetch it, along with a couple of long-stemmed glasses, then watched as Lisa spooned a flower bud and a small amount of the sticky purple syrup into each glass. Her little pink tongue snaked out and licked a stray drop of syrup off her finger. I had the feeling she was in the mood for mischief.

  When I topped up the glasses with wine, the buds began to unfurl, swirling in the fizzy liquid and opening into stunning blooms. The effect was as pretty as it was frivolous, and I knew now what Lisa had meant when she had called the flowers a party in a glass.

  We took our drinks out on to the balcony, pausing only for me to dock my iPod, select an appropriate playlist and turn up the speakers loud enough that we could hear the music without annoying anyone in the surrounding apartments.

  Lisa had kicked off her sandals and was dancing around barefoot, sipping from her glass every now and then. It really didn’t take much in the way of alcohol to make her loosen up, and soon she was singing along to one of her favourite songs, her voice clear and tuneful on the evening air. Tonight wasn’t one of those nights when we sat down and put the world to rights: tonight was about letting our hair down after a hard week at work, pure and simple.

  I had wandered into the kitchen to get the bottle so I could top up our glasses when I heard Lisa call out, ‘Hi there!’ Quickly, I rejoined her, wondering who she could be talking to. Perhaps it was someone down in the garden. I knew old Mr Wilson on the third floor sometimes came outside at this time of night to scatter his leftovers for the urban foxes that prowled the area.

  Instead, when I looked out, I saw Scott standing on his own balcony. He was dressed in a black sleeveless vest and a pair of baggy shorts – an outfit which showcased beautifully the muscles he’d obtained in the course of his work – and he had the appearance of someone who’d just been woken from sleep.

  ‘I’m sorry, the music isn’t too loud, is it?’ I asked. ‘I can always turn it down if it’s bothering you.’

  ‘No, it’s fine,’ Scott replied. ‘I’m glad your friend here woke me with her singing otherwise I would have been spark out all evening.’

  ‘Well, I thought you were away,’ I admitted. ‘That’s why we came out here to have our little party.’

  ‘Have you got plans?’ Lisa chipped in. ‘Or would you like to come and join us?’

  Before I could ask her what she thought she was doing, Scott said, ‘Thanks, I’d love to.’

  I was turning to go and let him in at the door when he said, ‘Oh, it’s okay, Jen, stay where you are. I’ll take the shortcut.’

  To my surprise – and Lisa’s open-mouthed admiration – Scott clambered on to the railing of his balcony, then took a long, confident stride to reach mine. Within moments, he was standing beside the two of us, grinning wickedly.

  ‘I can’t believe you just did that,’ I said, laughing despite myself.

  ‘Hey, it’s a party. Anything goes, right?’ Scott replied.

  ‘Let me get you a drink,’ I offered, trying not to let him see how flustered his nearness was making me. ‘I think I’ve got a beer in the fridge somewhere – otherwise, you’ll have to join Lisa and me on the girl drinks.’

  ‘Girl drinks are fine by me,’ he said. I went into the kitchen, Lisa trotting after me, her bare feet slapping on the kitchen tiles.

  ‘What are you doing, inviting him over here?’ I asked, as Lisa quickly whipped up another hibiscus cocktail for Scott.

  ‘Jen, he’s gorgeous!’ she exclaimed, keeping her voice low so Scott wouldn’t hear her. ‘And the way he looks at you, I think he’s seriously into you. You’re crazy not to go after him.’

  I sighed. ‘You know there’s an ex-wife involved, and a little boy. It’s too complicated.’

  ‘Well, don’t worry about the complications tonight. Have some fun for once. You deserve it. Just keep serving those cocktails and we’ll see what happens. Did I tell you hibiscus is supposed to be an aphrodisiac?’

  I had no idea whether Lisa was serious on that last point, but she was right about the fact that I deserved some fun for a change. I went out to give Scott his drink. He studied the flower in the glass for a long moment, then took a sip.

  ‘Very nice,’ he said, looking at me with an expression I couldn’t fathom. Maybe he was into me, just like Lisa had said.

  ‘Come on,’ Lisa said, as the music changed to something with a salsa beat. ‘Let’s dance.’

  She shimmied round the room, lost in her own world, giving us the occasional glimpse of her little white panties as her short skirt twirled around her. If she realised she was flashing Scott and me, I don’t think she actually cared. I sensed she was trying to provoke the two of us; a feeling which was confirmed as she began to brush up against first Scott, then me, as she danced. I watched as she cheekily rubbed her bum against Scott’s groin. When she pulled away, flushed and laughing, the thin shorts he wore could do nothing to disguise the fact that he was getting hard. I glanced at the visible outline of his cock, thick and long, and felt a gnawing pang of lust.

  Suddenly, Lisa grabbed my arm. ‘Come on, Jen, dance with me.’ I shook my head, but she was insistent. I put down my drink and we began to move together, Lisa grinding her body against mine in a shamelessly sexual fashion while Scott looked on. The mood in the room was changing, becoming charged with an erotic tension that I was finding almost impossible to ignore. Lisa had often talked about a room having energy, but I had never been aware of what she meant until now. Now I couldn’t help but feel it radiating out; strongly masculine from Scott, soft and feminine from Lisa. When Lisa reached out and encouraged Scott to join us, I knew this was the moment which would change everything: he could stand back, watch as we put on our little girlie show and keep everything light-hearted and flirtatious, or he could step into the game and crank everything up to a whole new level. When he took Lisa’s hand in his, accepting her invitation, I realised I had been holding my breath.

  Now I found myself sandwiched between them. Lisa’s pert tits rubbed against my chest, their nipples noticeably hard, while Scott’s hands were around my waist, pulling my backside on to his crotch. Even through all the layers of clothing I wore – thong, leggings and thin jersey dress over the top – I could feel his cock, hot and hard. Everything I had on was suddenly too tight, too constricting; bra chafing my nipples, seams pressing into my pussy, making me aware of how wet I was, how itchy for pleasure.

  Scott’s hands moved up to cup my breasts. ‘We should take this into the bedroom,’ he murmured in my ear.

  ‘What about Lisa?’ I asked.

  ‘I was including Lisa,’ he replied. Again, I knew this was the moment where one of us could – maybe even should – cut and run. I had never shared my bed with more than one person before, and had never expected to, but now here was my sexy neighbour proposing exactly that.

  I only hesitated for the briefest moment before saying, ‘OK, follow me.’

  As Scott had suspected, Lisa needed absolutely no prompting to join us. My bedroom was the smallest room in the apartment, with barely enough space for anything more than my king-sized bed and the little nightstand where I kept my essentials. Fortunately, I hadn’t left my vibrator in plain sight, as I often did, but the mood my two companions were in, I reckoned they wouldn’t have batted an eyelid. They would probably even have decided to make it part of our threesome.

  ‘So what happens now?’ I wanted to ask, as the three of us settled on the bed. Lisa didn’t even offer me the opportunity to phrase the question before she had reached for my dress, pulling it over my head. As she stripped off her own dress, I discarded my bra, leaving us both topless. Scott’s eyes flitted from Lisa’s little tits to my much bigger ones and back: not comparing, not judging, not making a choice but simply revelling in the sight of two beautiful pairs of breasts which had been bared for him.

  I hugged Lisa and, for the first time ever, we began to kiss. Not the quick pecks we gave each other by way of greeting or farewell, but a proper, full, open-mouthed kiss. At first, we were giggly and a little tentative, but it soon became apparent to all three of us that this was no fake lesbian exhibition designed to titillate, but a serious display of passion. My tongue explored the depths of Lisa’s mouth; her lips were pillowy and she tasted vaguely of the cocktails we’d been drinking.

  Lisa, for her part, was caressing my tits. I looked over at Scott and saw that he had removed his shorts and was stroking his cock as he watched us. I ached to have that thick column of flesh in my own grasp, to feed it into my pussy and ride it till I came, but I still wasn’t quite sure of the rules of this particular game. Who was setting the pace? Who was making the decisions? Which of us got to fuck Scott first? Selfishly, I hoped the answer to that last question, at least, was me.

  It seemed that was the answer Scott was hoping for, too. I felt his hands at the waistband of my leggings, tugging them and my thong down and off. When he began to guide me so that my arse was sticking out, my pussy open and available to him from behind, I realised exactly the direction this game was taking.

  ‘Take your panties off and lie back,’ I urged Lisa, and she did as I asked, her hair fanning out on the bedcovers around her. Spreading her legs, I bent my head and began to kiss the insides of her thighs. She was clearly as excited as I was, and the petals of her sex had unfolded into beauty, just like the hibiscus. Her scent was just as intoxicating as an exotic flower, as I took one of her fleshy lips into my mouth and sucked.

  I wasn’t entirely sure what I was doing, being so much more familiar with the contours of a cock when it came to giving pleasure, but Lisa guided me with whispered instructions. Soon, she was whimpering and pushing herself against my chin; for a novice, I seemed to be learning pretty quickly.

  Behind me, I felt Scott’s fingers dabbling in my pussy, finding my entrance and pushing their way up into me. They felt good, but not as good as his cock did when it took their place a couple of moments later. It was a while since I’d been penetrated by anything other than the plastic pal in my nightstand drawer, and I groaned in sheer delight at the sensation of having Scott’s sturdy shaft buried inside me.

  I was almost overwhelmed: beneath me, Lisa was clutching fistfuls of the sheets and humping her hips in a manner which suggested she was on the verge of orgasm. Meanwhile, Scott was thrusting into me with a steady rhythm, clinging on securely to my hips as he filled me to the hilt. Why, I wondered as I briefly came up for air, had I never considered before the fun that could be had by three like-minded people who simply wanted to give and receive pleasure? Why had no one told me that licking my best friend’s pussy while a hot, experienced man fucked me at the same time could feel so amazing?

  And then Lisa cried out, her body going still for a moment as her climax hit her. Almost sobbing with ecstasy, she rolled out from underneath me and lay to one side as Scott began to fuck me with more urgency. As his movements speeded up and he gasped and grunted with exertion, Lisa slipped a hand between my legs and started rubbing my clit. Now I had two people working in unison to make me come. No one can hold out against those odds for very long, and just as Scott pulled out of my cunt so he could shoot his come over my arse cheeks, I felt myself hit the peak. Collapsing together in a sweaty tangle of limbs, we hugged and laughed and thanked each other for what had been an incredible experience.

  I saw Lisa pouting, and realised she hadn’t yet had the opportunity to play with Scott’s cock. Still, there was a remedy for that. More cocktails, more kissing and teasing, and I was sure he would be ready for more very soon. And now I was certain that if Scott did come with any baggage he had left it behind the moment he stepped on to my balcony, I suspected my parties for two would become parties for three on a regular basis. I gave each of my lovers a soft kiss on the lips, told them I would be back in a moment and went to fetch the wine.

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