Sweet Giselle

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Sweet Giselle Page 20

by Karen P. Williams

  I squeezed out of the bedroom and started walking toward the stairs.


  When the guard called my name, I took off running. I was able to go down only four stairs when he grabbed me, lifted me in the air, and carried me back to the bedroom. He refused to put me down, despite me beating him on his back. I screamed, but no one came to my rescue. He finally put me down and headed to the door. I was a fucking prisoner again. I begged the security guard to let me go, but he wouldn’t answer my pleas. They fell on deaf ears.

  Déjà vu was the best way to describe my situation. I had definitely been there before. No one was allowed inside the bedroom, and security brought all my meals. I was totally isolated and cut off from the world. Only now I honestly felt that Percy was right when he told me I was a lot safer with Bryce than I was with Giovanni.

  Giovanni came and went like we were still happily married. I was shocked beyond measure when he forced me that Wednesday to get dressed for the doctor’s visit.

  “Did you think I was done with you? You are my wife, and I want a child, and you have no choice in the matter, so shut the fuck up.”

  The ride was silent. My husband placed his hand over mine in the car. I ignored it and ached to snatch it away from him. But I was scared of what he would do to me. I was already bruised from the previous ass kicking, and I had lost a tooth.

  Once there, we didn’t have to wait long, and I knew that was because my husband had money. I mean, I had bruises on my face and one of my front teeth had been knocked out. Giovanni looked psychotic, with this crazy-looking smile planted on his face. But they overlooked all of that and saw only money. A fifty thousand dollar donation.

  I filled out a questionnaire. They collected some urine and blood samples from me, did an ultrasound of my uterus, and told me they would pass my results to the doctor. Giovanni never left my side and even went into the room with the nurse and me as I gave my samples. Everything was expedited for us because we had money. Well, my husband did. They told me that my blood results would take about two days, though.

  Once they were done, I was sent back out to my husband. In the twenty minutes we waited, I was so not interested. The last thing I wanted was to get pregnant by Giovanni. Someone like him should not be able to bring babies into the world. As sick as he was, who was to say he would not harm his own? He was, after all, a pedophile. I wished I could figure out a way to get myself out of this predicament. But at the moment I was lost. I needed to get away to call Bryce.

  We were sent into the specialist’s office to hear my husband’s results and to get the results from my urine test.

  “Hi. I’m Dr. Haro,” the specialist said, shaking my hand before sitting down.

  “Hello,” I whispered.

  “Good to see you again, Giovanni.”

  Giovanni nodded.

  “So. How’s life?” the doctor asked.

  “Life is great, and I’ll tell you, it would be even greater if my wife could get pregnant this month.”

  Dr. Haro grabbed a manila folder and opened it. “Let’s see what we got here.” He scanned the contents inside the folder and said, “Mr. Pride, I’ll read your results first. Unfortunately, your results came back and show that you have Klinefelter’s syndrome.”

  Before the doctor could finish, a nurse walked into the room and sat another file on the doctor’s desk. Once she walked back out, he continued, “This is a genetic disorder that causes you to produce low amounts of sperm.”


  “That’s what your tests say, sir.”

  “Can it be treated?”

  “In its early stages, when you are an adolescent, yes. Unfortunately, your parents should have had this treated with HCG. Over time Klinefelter’s syndrome causes all active testicular structures to atrophy. Once testicular failure has occurred, improving fertility, I’m afraid, is impossible.”

  I gasped. God knew what he was doing when he made Giovanni sterile. There was no way anyone like him should be blessed with the ability to procreate. It made me feel a little better about my situation knowing that no matter how many times he raped me—because now sex with Giovanni would never be consensual—I could not get pregnant by him.

  “Does that mean I can’t have kids?” Giovanni asked.

  “Yes, that’s—”

  My husband snatched me by my arm and stormed out of the office. I had to hurry to keep up with his pace.

  “Mrs. Pride. Mrs. Pride! We’re not done,” called a nurse.

  My husband stopped, and so did I. But if only I could have turned back time, kept going, and ignored her.

  The nurse that had taken my samples rushed up to us. “Where are you going, Mrs. Pride? Doctor Haro didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  “We need to get you on your prenatal vitamins.”

  “Excuse me?” I said, incredulous.

  “Your pregnancy test came back positive.”

  Chapter 21

  Okay. How am I going to get myself out of this one? I thought. My husband was just informed that he could not have kids. He was under the impression that I had only been with him sexually, and here this nurse was slinging prenatal pills in front of us.

  My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding super hard and hadn’t stopped since the moment the nurse told us that I was pregnant. And my husband, he was shockingly silent. But that silence didn’t last long.

  As we walked in the parking lot toward his Range, I struggled with some type of story to keep him from beating my ass or, worse, taking my life and even Bryce’s.

  He calmly asked, “Who are you fucking, and when did you start this affair?”

  I didn’t want to give Bryce up. The way I figured, whether I said it was consensual or rape, he would kill Bryce. I couldn’t let that happen.

  So I quickly yelled, “No one! I never told you, because I was ashamed, but I was raped the first night I was kidnapped by one of those men that attacked you and took me that night at Morton’s.” I even squeezed out some tears and added, “He didn’t wear a condom.”

  He seemed convinced. Which relieved me. But I knew that it was only for the moment. If he decided to snoop in my purse and go through my phone, he would see all the phone calls I had made to Bryce and a few texts I had carelessly not deleted. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

  But when he asked, “So how many months along are you?”

  I felt stuck. Truthfully, I didn’t know the right number to say, because my brain went blank.

  And before I could think, Giovanni said, “Let’s find out.” He dialed a number into his phone and said, “Yes, this is Mr. Pride. My wife and I were never told how far along in the pregnancy she is. Can someone please tell me? Quickly please.”

  Then the number of months came to me. I prayed she said I was three and a half months. Then my lie would not be exposed.

  He waited a few seconds before saying, “Yeah, I’m here.” I watched a look of rage come over my husband’s face at whatever the nurse told him.

  Out of nowhere a fist came down and punched me in my face. “You lying bitch! You’re only two weeks pregnant. You are fucking someone else. All those days you went out alone, were leaving to see him. When I find out who it is, I’m going to kill him!”

  I screamed. “No! I was raped. I was ashamed to tell you!”

  He growled loudly in his throat. “Stop lying!”

  He delivered more blows to my face. I stumbled backward, my vision clouded. But he continued to come toward me, with fury on his face. Punch after punch was delivered. Then a few slaps. Then he reverted back to punching. And after one more hit I was completely knocked out.

  “Giselle, if you think that was something, wait until you see what I have in store for you, heartless bitch. That wasn’t anything compared to what you are going to get.”

  I opened my eyes, and as soon as I did, my husband’s fist came crashing down on my forehead. Before I could move, he grabbed me by my hair and
dragged me from the car. He dumped me on the ground. I cringed inside due to the pain and looked up. We were home, in front of our mansion. He kneeled over me and dropped more blows with his fists, punching me as if I were not a woman. As if I weren’t pregnant. I tried to get away from him by crawling and protecting my stomach. He then started kicking me in my back. At one point, after a few kicks, I lost my balance and thought smart by breaking my fall by landing on my side. It didn’t stop him from attacking me. He didn’t seem to care about my screams.

  Our maids, Nisa and Pillar, ran outside, horrified, but they couldn’t stop him—nor could any of his other staff—as he beat the fuck out of me.

  Next, when it appeared he had used up all his energy, because he was breathing hard, he dragged me by my hair across the front lawn. The pain of him pulling my hair with all his might was excruciating. I closed my eyes, unable to get his hands out of my tresses.

  He paused in front of me, cocked his foot back, and growled as he stomped me in my face. I screamed from the pain. He grabbed my hair again and dragged me to the front steps. The back of my head collided with each step, making the pain I was feeling more excruciating.

  He did not take me upstairs to our wing, but instead took me to the wing that held the studio. There were a few female models standing by, shocked. He shoved them all out of the way, knocking one of them to the floor. “All you whores, go home. I only need one female working today.” I looked at Nette’s and Sean’s surprised faces, as well as Rodney’s, as they rushed out of the office because of the commotion. There was also a new security guard, who I didn’t recognize, but he neither said nor did anything.

  Giovanni walked past them, saying, “I need Poison, the Mandingo Brothers, Tank, and Adonis. Send the other whores home, and then get the fuck out of here. Don’t come back until I tell you to. Filming will be temporarily shut down until I say different.”

  Rodney, the new guard, and Sean rushed away. But when Nette didn’t move, Giovanni yelled, “Do it, bitch! Before I fire you!”

  “Okay.” She passed a pitiful look my way.

  I kept my eyes closed in shame but could hear her scurrying off.

  He continued to pull me into one of the rooms. Once inside he threw me on the bed.

  Fearfully, I watched him turn on the film equipment. I prayed he wasn’t going to do what I thought he was going to do.

  “You wanted to be a whore, bitch. Now you’re going to make me some money doing just that.” He came toward me and tried to strip me of my clothes.

  “Giovanni, please,” I pleaded. “I’m your wife. You can’t force me to do this.”

  “Don’t say shit to me!” he raged. He slapped me again, so hard I flew back on the bed. He pulled every article of my clothes off. “You lied to me, you bitch. You have been running away to see and fuck someone, after all I have done for you. All the love I have shown you. If you had been raped, you would be farther long. Did you think you could lie to me and get away with it?”

  At this point I could come up with the best lie in the world, but Giovanni, he would see right through it. “Please don’t do this.” He raised his hand toward my face. I jumped and said, “Just kill me.”

  “Kill you? Bitch, don’t insult my intelligence. You’re not getting off that easy.”

  He stepped out of the room. I stood and rushed up to the door. When I tried to turn the knob, I discovered that the door was locked from the outside.

  “Get your ass in here!” I heard.

  I hurried back to the bed, sobbing out of fear of what he was going to do to me. When he came back into the room, I was shocked out of my mind. He had brought Lexi. I gasped as she came into the room. I thought he had said she wasn’t coming back.

  She stood and gawked at me in an arrogant manner, as if to say, “I told you I was fucking him!”

  I looked away. There was no need for her attitude; I believed her the first time she told me. I just didn’t care about his end, but I’d always care about hers, because she betrayed me. There would never been a need to retaliate, because the best revenge was wiping her out of my life. Which I did. Couldn’t say I didn’t miss or need my best friend, but I had to question whether, if she did what she did, she was ever my best friend. It was possible, but only she could truly answer that. And she couldn’t answer that now. I also wanted to know if she played a part in Giovanni assaulting her niece. Then I concluded that she had to have participated. How else would he even have known that Trinity existed if it wasn’t for Lexi?

  Giovanni stood with his feet shoulder-width apart and his arms crossed. “I tried to be a loyal husband to you. I treated you like you were a queen. You were my queen. And you betrayed me. Giselle, I loved and desired only you. Lexi, or Poison as she calls herself—and she truly is poison, though Vile would be a better name for her—never meant shit to me. She was just a way for me to take my mind off of what was happening to you. I’m a man. We men use pussy as a remedy for the flu.

  “Giselle, you have to understand, the worst thing for a man—even worse than knowing another man is sleeping with their woman—is not knowing. It is a torture beyond words. You being gone with those men who took you, that kept me up at night, stopped me from eating, functioning. Then here comes Poison, a grown woman still looking for love in all the wrong places. Lexi was just a pussy with no face. My grief, and only that, caused me to fuck her. No lust, attraction, or passion. Who could care for something so trashy?”

  I looked at Lexi’s face as he talked about her like she was nothing. It was blank.

  “Our affair ... it was different. But you have the nerve to come back into my house, knowing you shared your body with another man... .”

  I watched tears run down his face. I wondered what ever happened to his big speech about bathing and making love to me, should he ever find out that I was unfaithful. What ever happened to that? It was very interesting. My husband was the one who had slept with my best friend and numerous young girls. What could be worse than that? Men and their infidelity issues. It made me want to shake my head, but I was scared it would anger him. But Giovanni was a hypocrite at his best. I would have never even known that someone like Bryce existed if it wasn’t for Giovanni’s involvement in his sister being missing and turning up dead. If I had not discovered that he was this horrible person, I would have not fallen for another. Did he get that, or was he just plain delusional?

  He turned to Lexi. “Bitch, take off your clothes and get on the bed,” he ordered.

  Lexi jumped like she had been burnt and stripped down to nothing. Giovanni went to stand behind the camera.

  “Get on the bed!” he barked.

  She climbed on the bed and sat next to me.

  “Now, listen very carefully, Giselle, because if you don’t, I’m going to fuck up that pretty face I used to love so much even more. Lexi, your best friend, who now hates you—and you hate her—and is now your enemy, is going to lie on her back, and you are going to eat her pussy. And I’m going to film it ... bitch.”

  I sobbed silently and shook my head, pleading with him with my eyes not to make me do that. The thought of putting my mouth on her made me feel instant nausea, because I knew no matter how much I begged, he was going to make me do it.

  He rushed toward me and punched me in my face. I fell back on the bed. When he balled up his fist again and aimed it toward my stomach, I feared that if my baby was still alive, he would kill it.

  “Okay!” I closed my eyes briefly as Lexi lay back and parted her legs.

  I got on my knees and inched toward her. Salty saliva filled my mouth, and I resisted the urge to vomit as I lowered my face toward Lexi’s pussy.

  “Giselle, you better do it,” Giovanni ordered.

  I kept my eyes closed and used my tongue to lick Lexi. Giovanni gave me specific instructions on exactly how to do it. It reminded me of the day I first came to the mansion and how Rodney had talked to me. If I could go back in time and reverse things, I would have never come. I would have som
ehow found another way for my brother and me to weather the storm. But it was too late to even dwell on this and think about alternate solutions. I should have thought about those in the moment. I was way past that moment. Try years.

  The moment the flavor of Lexi’s vagina hit my tongue, I gagged. I swallowed it down quickly, trying not to vomit as one of my hands clutched my belly, and obeyed my husband. I tried to be slick and simply keep my head over her pussy to obstruct his view, but he wanted to torture me, so he kept me down there for a while, saying, “Lick her pearl like the man licked yours, you fucking whore! Suck it. Suck it!”

  My shoulders racked with sobs, but I did as he suggested, feeling like a piece of flesh was inside my mouth, and it was.

  “Lick all of that cream off of her, you fucking bitch! Do it, bitch! Like you got yours licked. Did you enjoy it, you fucking slut? Suck. Her. Pussy!”

  I tried. I did all that he wanted me to do and pretended this was a total out-of-body experience. I pretended I was somewhere with the people I loved, my brother, Bryce. I closed my eyes and pretended my brother and I were still at Roscoe’s, catching up. Feeling loved. I pretended I was in Bryce’s arms again. I thought back to when my mother and father were alive. Being in our home. How cozy and warm it always was. Hanging out in my bedroom, listening to music or watching BET with ... Thoughts of Lexi brought me back to my predicament, making me gag again. And thank God Giovanni yelled, “Cut!”

  Lexi rushed off the bed and scurried away from me.

  There was a knock on the door. Giovanni opened it. Two men walked in the room. Alarm struck my face. They were huge. They had to be six foot four, and the fact that they were identical told me that they were twins. I shuddered to think what they were going to do to me. He was going to kill this baby, if he hadn’t already done so.

  Lexi hid in a corner of the room.

  Both men took off their robes and joined me on the bed. Everything on them was huge. More tears slipped from my eyes as my husband started filming again. Both men looked at Giovanni as if they were a little lost.


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