The Acolyte: Magicians of the Beyond

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The Acolyte: Magicians of the Beyond Page 16

by Victoria Murata

  Danica was taken with the people. Short and dark, with strong upper bodies, they all were brown-haired and brown-eyed. Their faces were broad and friendly, and they waved to the foreigners as they passed. Marc seemed to lose his way in the winding streets. There didn’t seem to be any pattern to the layout of the city, but after a few left and right turns and a couple dead-ends, he came to the small home he had been looking for. They all dismounted, and Marc knocked on the low door of the house. A round woman answered and when she saw Marc and the horses her face lit up.

  “Marc! We have been expecting you,” she said in the common tongue. “Put the horses in the back and come inside.”

  Marc leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Florina, it’s good to see you.”

  They led their mounts to the back of the house where there was a trough of water. After the horses drank thirstily, Marc put the draft horses into an empty pen and Keera tied their three mounts to hitching posts and loosened their cinches.

  “Come inside. Florina will have drinks for us, and then we’ll find a pub for lunch,” he said.

  When they went inside the house, Danica was surprised at the hominess. The kitchen was functional and bright with light shining through two windows framed with cheerful curtains. The aroma of freshly baked bread made her stomach grumble. A large table covered with a yellow and pink plaid cloth dominated the room. A middle-aged man got up from the table and walked up to Marc and they shook hands.

  “I thought you might show up today,” he said, smiling warmly.

  “Loral, I brought you two fine horses. I think you’ll be pleased.”

  Loral gave Keera a hug.

  “This is Danica, the new acolyte,” Keera introduced her.

  “Welcome, Danica,” Loral said, and Florina hugged Keera and Danica warmly.

  “Let’s go take a look at those horses,” and Loral led Marc out the back door.

  Florina put a pot of tea on the table and three fine china cups followed by a basket filled with warm slices of dark bread and rolls, and a crock of butter next to it.

  Florina smiled shyly. “You are welcome here, Danica. We’ve known Keera and Marc for a long time. Please, have some tea and bread.”

  “Thank you.” Danica didn’t need to be asked twice. She poured herself a cup of strong black tea and helped herself to a roll she slathered with butter.

  When the men came in from the yard, the women were conversing amiably. Loral and Marc pulled chairs up to the table and the five of them visited for a while. Marc and Keera gave Florina and Loral the latest news from the Hotel Community. Danica took it all in, appreciating the ease of the conversation.

  Soon they took their leave, collected their horses, and headed back to the main street where they eventually found the Arms Pub.

  “I usually eat at the Book and Candle, but since we met Tod, I’m curious about Janet,” Marc said.

  They tied the horses at the back and entered the pub. Danica was pleasantly surprised. It was crowded with lunch-time customers and friendly conversation. Aromas of cooking beef and hot coffee filled her nostrils. They found a vacant table covered in a clean tablecloth, and soon a short, dark young woman brought three bowls of stew and three pints of what looked like a dark ale to the table. Danica wondered if this was Janet, but when she heard laughter coming from a table in the corner and looked over, she spotted the girl who must be Tod’s sister. She was young and fair, taller than the dark young man whose lap she was sitting on. They were obviously enjoying each other’s company. She threw her head back and laughed at something he said. He reached up and fondled a breast. She pushed him and whispered something in his ear. Soon they disappeared through a door near the kitchen.

  “That must be Janet,” Marc said.

  “Where are they going?” Danica asked.

  “She probably has a room she rents back there. She most likely makes enough to pay for the room and take home a decent living. She’ll take a few different men—and maybe a couple of women—back to her room during the course of the day. Prostitution is an honest trade here, and the inn-keeper makes money from Janet’s rent and a little cut from each one who pays Janet for her services.”

  “It’s all above-board here in Troad and nothing unusual, really. Women know their husbands pay for lupas and they don’t care. The lupas provide a service, that’s all,” Keera added.

  Danica marveled at this as she enjoyed the delicious stew. The ale was robust and went down easily. It wasn’t too long before Janet and the young man were back. He joined his friends at his table and Janet went into the kitchen, emerging a little later with a pint of ale. She spotted the three strangers and walked over to them.

  “Welcome to the Arms. How’s the stew?”

  “Delicious,” Keera spoke for all of them.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before.” She had rosy cheeks and friendly eyes. Her light hair hung in curls around her face.

  “We’re from the Hotel Community, here on business. We came across your little brother fishing in the river on our way here,” Marc said.

  Janet smiled broadly. “You talked to Tod? Was he catching any fish?”

  “Yes, he had a few in his bucket.”

  “I’ll be sorry to miss dinner since I’m working late tonight. My mum fries up fish so they’re tender and flakey and delicious.” She looked at Marc’s handsome face and muscular physique and put her hand on his broad shoulder. “Are you interested in going to the back? Since it’s your first time here, I’ll give you a discount,” she said, batting her eyes at him.

  He looked pointedly at the gathers in her loose-fitting blouse and looked away. “Not this time, Janet.”

  She smiled alluringly. “Ladies? I can show you a good time.”

  Keera and Danica declined, and Janet sauntered over to another table.

  “You were tempted, Marc,” Keera said teasingly.

  He sighed. “I’m only human. She does have a way about her.”

  The girls exchanged looks and Keera said, “Let’s finish our lunch and go before you get yourself into trouble.”

  On their way back through town, Marc pointed out the crossroads.

  “To the right is Bellake and to the left, Darkwood. Cliffwald is behind us another twenty some miles.”

  Danica said, “I can’t wait to visit them. Today has been so great, and you’re right, Marc. The Troadites seem friendly and genuine.” Then she had a thought. “Janet and Tod aren’t Troadites.”

  “No, by their build and coloring I would guess they’re most likely transplants from Bellake. Most people stick to their communities. For some reason Janet’s family moved away. They seem to be doing all right, though.”

  He smiled remembering Janet’s invitation. Maybe he would visit her next time he came to Troad. Women were always flattered by his attentions, and he was able to get what he wanted from them. Except for Danica. She’s different. He watched her surreptitiously. She’s turned into a fine horsewoman. She and Star have an uncanny way of communicating. He would bide his time. He knew an opportunity would arise eventually, and until then he could be patient.

  They returned in the late afternoon, and after taking care of Star, Danica went to her room for a shower. When she emerged from the bathroom toweling her hair dry, she walked to the floor to ceiling windows and looked out. The sun was lowering in the western sky. She checked the time. She had an hour before dinner. Just enough time for a nap. And she crawled into bed and instantly fell asleep.


  That evening after dinner, Danica attended a meeting in one of the conference rooms off the library. All the Coverts were there along with Phil, Emma and Yonova, the High Strium of the Five Realms. Everyone sat at a large oval table in the well-lit room.

  “Since it appears our mission needs to proceed sooner than we expected, I have asked all of you here so that we can finalize our plans,” Phil began. “Danica has been having lucid dreams and waking visions that we cannot ignore. Count Gurdyn and his
Magician Dumone have begun a new wave of executions, and we fear for the life of the High Priestess—whoever she may be. We cannot risk her being found out; it would mean the devastation of Lymonia. Its future depends on us and the success of our mission. And if Gurdyn and Dumone succeed, the portal may be open to them, and that cannot happen,” Phil said.

  “How will our missionaries find the High Priestess?” Yonova asked.

  “Danica, Jimmu and Emma will discreetly make inquiries to determine who they can trust. Danica can use her Magic to get into people’s minds. We have created covers for them so they can move about freely without bringing notice to themselves. Still, they will have to be careful. Count Gurdyn has spies everywhere.”

  “Will these trustworthy people lead them to the High Priestess?”

  “We aren’t sure. But Danica knows where the map to the hidden temple is. Once she finds the temple, the Prophecy Stone should show her who the High Priestess is.”

  “I know of two people I can rely on,” Danica said. “One is a blacksmith, and one a young girl. I’m not sure yet how they can help me, but Master Stefan’s cards showed me that they are ones I can depend on.”

  “Lymonia is an island that, until Gurdyn showed up, had been protected and often governed by the families of the High Priestesses for generations. Its history is one of peace and simple fishing folk and sheep herders who have always put great faith in their religion. They are--have always been--a matriarchal society,” Neith said.

  “Dumone has discovered that there is a portal on the island. He doesn’t know its location, but he is constantly searching for it. Because of the prophecy, he knows the daughter of the last High Priestess will come through the portal. He is using Count Gurdyn and his court to create enough chaos to camouflage his search to find the portal without bringing notice to himself. He must not find it!” Phil said.

  “Is it well hidden?” Liam asked.

  “Yes, it is, and it’s in constant motion so it’s never in the same place. That’s good and bad.”

  “How will we find it after our mission is over and we want to return here?” Danica asked.

  “Your glass talisman will help you,” Phil said. “The portal is a living thing, Danica. You should be able to sense it with your mind.”

  “How can Dumone be defeated? I understand his Magic is powerful,” Jimmu asked.

  “He is powerful, and he has great conceit. He often turns himself into a firebird and he searches for the portal from the sky. But he is also vulnerable when he is a firebird. This is the best time to overpower him,” Phil said.

  “So, he is able to be killed.” Liam said.

  “He can be destroyed, not killed,” Phil said.

  “What do you mean?” Wilder asked.

  “He’s an Other, not human, and you need to remember that. He’s an evil entity that is immortal out of time, but you can certainly destroy him in time. He should never find us here in the Beyond because our world is out of time, and he would be invincible. He must never find the portal. Do you understand?”

  “So, my former home, Lymonia, exists in time, but here in The Beyond we’re out of time?” Danica asked.

  “That’s right. It’s been a little over seventeen years since your birth, Danica. Your mother, Astrid, foretold your coming eighteen years ago, and it’s been a popular legend all this time. She knew about your gifts before you were born. Parents tell the legend of your coming to their children. Count Gurdyn knows the story, and I think he’s a little uneasy. And watchful.”

  Danica was quiet for a few moments. “It’s so hard to understand. Here in the Beyond we experience the passing of time. The sun comes up every morning and sets every evening. I can count off hours, days, weeks—and months. We celebrated my birthday.”

  “It’s an ordering of life that most people who live here are attached to and it doesn’t do any harm, so we use it. I’ve created the weather in the Beyond so it rains for a couple hours every night. The sun shines most days except for some cloudy and stormy days that are thrown in for interest. But it can be easily changed.”

  Danica looked confused so Phil continued. “What if I wanted daylight to last much longer than a 24-hour period currently allows? What if I could stretch it out for a couple days, and then have a short night, and then three or four more days of daylight?”

  “That would be confusing. It’s too random. No one could get used to that.”

  “That’s right. Humans need order and structure. That’s why we keep it predictable here. But what would happen if this random world were all you knew? You would tolerate it because it’s what you are used to. You could not depend on anyone or anything. The words ‘depend on’ aren’t even in your language. It’s an unknown concept. There are no rules. No laws. Because there’s no structure, there are no connections. No relationships between one being and another. That’s the kind of place Dumone comes from. Since it’s random, there’s no order. It’s chaos, and the creatures who exist there thrive on chaos. They are energized by it.”

  “They are the Others.”

  “Yes, and they are everywhere.”

  “What about Lymonia?” Liam asked.

  “Lymonia is in chaos—has been for seventeen years, but there is hope. Danica, you are the hope of the people, and you have been since Count Gurdyn wrested power from your family. Think about it. War, fighting, battles, executions—it’s all chaotic, and hard to sustain if you’re a mortal. For it to continue, there must be conflict without resolution, and Dumone is an expert at keeping everything conflicted. He spreads rumors and lies, pits brother against brother, encourages distrust. Crown City in Lymonia has become a place where no one trusts anyone. The neighbor you live next to might have you arrested on some trumped-up charge. Dumone encourages conflict and fuels it. He receives great energy from chaos, and it increases his power.”

  “And Count Gurdyn helps him,” Jimmu said.

  “Dumone must have puppets that he can manipulate. Count Gurdyn is perfect,” Phil said.

  “Yes,” Yonova, the High Strium, said. “Dumone feeds Gurdyn’s ego. He exalts him as the ruler of Lymonia. He tells him he will become more powerful than any king has ever been. Gurdyn believes this, and Dumone feeds his fear of someone more powerful taking his kingdom from him. This keeps Gurdyn motivated to act on any suspicions or accusations. He is a singularly unstable man, and that is a dangerous man.”

  “What exactly will Danica, Jimmu and Emma do to find the new High Priestess and reestablish the old order?” Wilder asked.

  “The High Priestess will never be safe as long as Dumone and Gurdyn exist. This mission is a three-part mission. First, Dumone must be destroyed. Second, Count Gurdyn and his family and his council must be eliminated. Third, the High Priestess must be found, and her position established.”

  Liam sat back in his chair. “A pretty tall order for two of our ‘youngest’ Coverts—and one of them isn’t even official yet!”

  “I agree,” Neith said. “Wilder, Liam and I should go with them. We have more experience, and our talents could be useful.”

  Danica nodded her head. She was becoming increasingly nervous about this mission.

  Phil addressed the other Coverts. “Master Stefan’s cards don’t lie. Danica, Jimmu and Emma are the ones who should go. Your talents would be useful, yes, but I think that a larger group will be more conspicuous. We’ve created covers for them so they won’t be noticed. Still, they will need to be careful with who they talk to. Gurdyn’s spies are rife in the city.

  “Jimmu is the best choice. Lymonia is an island. In fact, it’s more water than land. Jimmu’s powers are greatest in the water. And Emma is an interpreter and translogician. The Lymonian language is straightforward and used in Crown City where Gurdyn and Dumone are, but there are other dialects spoken in the outlying villages. Some of these are more complicated, and Emma will be able to translate. Plus, her skill with bow and arrow is unparalleled.”

  Everyone looked pensive. Then Phil looked at
Liam, Neith and Wilder. “You won’t be going with them, but you may be sent in later. We won’t have any way of contacting them once they are through the portal. We won’t know where they are, or what they’re up to. One or more of you may be sent to obtain information and bring it back to us.”

  Finally, Jimmu said, “Tell us about our covers. Who will we be while we’re in Lymonia?”

  “You and Danica are traveling merchants selling silk cloth from the east. Most people on the island of Lymonia wear wool since sheep are abundant. Silk is highly valued. It will buy you a ticket inside the castle since Gurdyn’s wife, the Countess, and her handmaids will no doubt be interested in seeing what you are pedaling. Jimmu, you and Danica are husband and wife. Beau will change Danica to look Eastern. Emma, you are their employee acting as translator.”

  “Are there many trading ships that sail to Lymonia?” Wilder asked.

  “Yes, enough so that they won’t stand out. There are always foreigners in Crown City.”

  “When will we leave?” asked Jimmu.

  “Next week. We’ll meet again tomorrow to firm up our plan.”

  Later in her room, Danica sat cross-legged in bed with Bartlett’s Quotations on her lap. She wasn’t tired. Her mind was actively putting the pieces of this mission together. She couldn’t pretend to herself that she wasn’t scared. She mulled over what Phil had said in describing the world Dumone had come from.

  You could not depend upon anyone or anything. The words ‘depend upon’ aren’t even in your language. It’s an unknown concept.

  She wondered at the similarities between Dumone’s world and the world where she grew up. She had never been able to depend upon anyone except herself.


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