Forbidden Bastard

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Forbidden Bastard Page 9

by Felicia Lynn

  “In case you were wondering, outer space is incredible. You should really try to visit there sometime,” I inform him with my eyes closed, completely relaxed.

  I feel movement at the end of the bed and open my eyes just enough to find Lucas undressing hastily. Seeing him shirtless for the first time since we were kids, I feel my heart skip a beat. His chest is a work of art, and I am eager to get my hands on it. But when he drops his pants, and I get my first glimpse at his iron-hard shaft, I’m completely breathless. Oh my, this is really happening.

  He slowly climbs his way up my body once again. Only this time, his mouth and oh-so-very talented tongue work me back up into a squirming frenzy of need under him. Feeling the braced weight of his body over me is oddly comforting. Once we’re face to face, he kisses me slowly and thoughtfully, watching me closely.

  I’m nervous, but there’s no question I want what’s coming next. I can only hope my eyes portray the same message.

  “Elianna, please tell me there’s cause for a gorgeous virgin princess to be on birth control if baby-making isn’t in your near plans. I don’t think I can deal with the thought of anything between us, but especially this first time. I need to feel every single part of you.”

  I feel a heat rise that starts at my cheeks and spreads to my chest. I swallow nervously, trying to find my voice. “Yes, to birth control,” I whisper, unable to say anything more.

  “Elianna, are you okay, sunshine? It’s not too late to change your mind,” he soothingly reminds me.

  Biting my bottom lip in an attempt keep my quivering jaw still, I nod.

  Lucas lowers his head. Forehead to forehead, his eyes penetrate every surface of my soul. There’s heart-rendering tenderness at the moment.

  “Elianna, right now, nothing else in the world matters except the two of us. Okay?”

  “Okay. I’m ready, Lucas,” I tell him with a broken whisper.

  Transferring his weigh to one forearm, he reaches down with his other hand to guide his twitching shaft to my entrance. He holds the tip in place, watching it there, captivated. He doesn’t move to push in, though. Dragging his eyes up my body, he meets my eyes.

  “Elianna, you’re so gorgeous, sunshine. Inside and out. You have no idea how much this means to me, principessa. I’m going to sweep away all those storms in your eyes before too long. Just stay close and give me a chance,” he says, his voice calm and gaze steady.

  Slowly pushing himself in, he releases a tormented groan. My chest is heaving with rapid breaths from the overwhelming fullness. I grip his shoulders, my fingers digging in unconsciously. When I feel him at my barrier, I flinch, squeezing my eyes shut, and Lucas freezes.

  “Principessa, I need your eyes,” he gently requests.

  Opening my eyes, I know there’s traces of waterworks. I silently pray it won’t cause him to stop. I don’t think I could handle that, if so.

  He smiles sympathetically, not for a second releasing the connection of our eyes. “It kills me that something that brings me so much pleasure causes you even the slightest pain, principessa, but I promise I’ll make it feel better as soon as I can. Do you trust me, sunshine?” he asks.

  Without a second thought, I respond as welled tear slips from my eye. “Implicitly, bestia.”

  Our eyes stay open and foreheads connected, but Lucas somehow manages to kiss me at the same time as well. Sparks blindingly flash in my eyes, causing me to blink excessively to brush the wetness away, but it only stings for a moment or two and is quickly a bearable ache. Lucas lays soft kisses all over my face while holding himself perfectly still.

  When I loosen the grip I have on his shoulders and instead lace my fingers together behind his neck, he takes the cue and begins moving. It doesn’t take long for the feeling to become pleasurable, causing whimpers and moans of pleasure to slip from my lips.

  “Nothing has ever felt this fucking incredible, principessa. I’ll never have my fill of you. Do you understand that? I’m completely addicted to you in every way now,” Lucas growls. A fire glows in his eyes as our bodies move in exquisite harmony together.

  “I’m not going to be able to resist you long, tesoro,” he tells me through his labored breaths. Seeing the effect I have on him does something to me, causing a burning sweetness that spreads from deep inside.

  Bracing himself on one arm again, he reaches between us to where our bodies are connected and masterfully strokes the swollen nub as if playing a priceless instrument.

  My body reacts to the raw act of possession, causing a tremor inside. Before I can another breath, I feel the passion rising like it’s the hottest fire to exist, and then another second later, it explodes. I’m lost in the clouds of passion and smoke that fogs my brain.


  - Whirlwind -


  Elianna. I don’t think it’s a secret to anyone anymore that I’m in deep. For each favorable trait she has, whether it be when she’s being witty with her little comebacks, adorable when she’s sleepy, or sexy as fuck when she’s taunting me with her body, my gorgeous blue-eyed girl will flip the switch if she feels cornered or controlled. A lesson I learned the hard way when she was trying to find her phone earlier today to catch up with her friend in California.

  I honestly thought she’d be reasonable and understand why I chose to leave her cell phone back in Boston in my office. I mean hell . . . a dangerous man attacked her and warned her of a plan to kill her. If anyone was tracking her, which I’m almost positive they are, I’d much prefer to bring them to the doorstep of the club over her feisty little ass. I thought it was a genius plan, and in the end, she didn’t disagree.

  My supposed mistake was in not informing her of what I’d done and how ‘we,' as in her included, were going to deal with it. With her at the center of this fucked-up plot to get her out of the picture, it wasn’t enough that I’d promised the Ruffinelli family was handling it. She wanted to play vigilante and be involved and informed of all the details too. Admittedly, I probably shouldn’t have laughed when she suggested that, but part of me really thought she was joking.

  She’s the fucking mafia princess. She knows how business in the family works, but for whatever reason, she thought this would be different. Being kept in the dark and told information on a need-to-know basis instead of freely offering as she expects has sent her over the edge of crazy. She knows her personal safety is the primary reason for it, but she couldn’t care less about safety. She’s convinced she can fight her way out of trouble if necessary. If Matteo were here, I’d have already kicked his ass a few times for teaching her to fight well enough that she’s as much of a danger to herself as any enemy.

  Being secluded on this fifty-acre plot has its perks, other than mostly uninterrupted access to the fierce princess herself, but we’ve had to get creative in finding other things to do that don’t include planting my cock deep inside her. Especially once she was pissed off at me. I really considered trying to fuck her into submission, but instead, I decided to take her down to the basement gym for an intense workout and sparring session to help her work through some of her pent-up frustrations.

  The plan backfired, though. I knew she’d had some training, but never in a million years did I think she could give me a run for my money. She’s quick and tough as shit. Her problem is that she can’t separate the circumstances from the task at hand. She lets her emotions get in the way, and she loses focus. Skill is great, but without focus, it doesn’t count.

  Mistakes because your opponent makes a comment you don’t like, allowing the anger to drive you instead of keeping your head clear, can cost you your life. I saw it clear as day when Eli got a little overconfident after a few good moves and then let her guard down in the ring. Something my little brother wouldn’t have understood the same way I do because most of his fights were in tournaments where safety rules have value and a referee oversees the match.

  Fighting for your life in the underworld is vastly different. Matteo would have been okay
in any scenario because his talent was natural and instinctual, but not Eli. She was trained ringside. She has a limited understanding of what it means to fight for her life, and if I’m being honest, I never want her to gain any more experience than she already has. She’s a loose cannon when she feels trapped or cornered. Although I’m not one to shy away from risks, her safety isn’t one I’m taking.

  I’ve always been more comfortable in chaos, and this week has been no different with the whirlwinds seeming to come from all sides. It gets uncomfortable quick, though, when someone you care about is caught up in it with you and at risk. I’d decided earlier to take Elianna to one of my favorite restaurants in town, thinking she could benefit from a change in scenery too.

  We’re off the radar here for the most part, so I’m not overly concerned with the possibility of issues, but I know better than to underestimate or forget the dangers lurking. If anyone makes a move, I’m prepared along with my four men on property. They’ve done a great job of staying in the distance and giving us space even though they’re staying in the cottages across the field.

  As the message on the burner phone comes through, I know it can only be from Luis, my best soldier and the only one of us with the outside connection to the family for communications.

  LUIS: Company will be arriving for dinner tonight. The Pope suggests Sevens Steak House. Try the T-bones. Celebrations are in order.

  It’s a coded message, but I understand it right away. The Pope is code for my father, and although there is a steak house named Sevens near Boston, that’s not where we’re going. Seven is the time, and we’re meeting at Bones Steak House. Celebrations means new information. I just hope it’s good.

  I slip the phone back into the drawer and head off to find Eli and let her know the new plan. She went up over an hour ago to get dressed. I could tell she needed space so I decided it might be a good idea if I used the bathroom in the guest suite. It’s where all my stuff is anyway since I never expected we’d be sleeping in the same bed.

  When I brought her upstairs the first night here, there was no question she was staying anyplace other than my room. It’s the biggest room in the house and has the best view, but selfishly, I wanted her in my bed even if I wasn’t in it with her.

  The last time I saw her, she wasn’t nearly as pissed at as she was earlier, but I didn’t want to press my luck. There’s a delicate balance needed to keep Elianna safe right now. Without her cooperation, it would be far more complicated. I’m no choirboy, so I’m not above breaking a few laws for her safety, but having to kidnap her against her will to keep an eye on her would take protecting her to a different level. Not to mention, the chances of her willingly speaking to me after the threat passes would be slim.

  I want Elianna to be happy, though, and not just because it makes protecting her easier. I want her to be happy because she fucking deserves it, but that still doesn’t mean she’ll get the play-by-play information she wants. With my dad coming, I’m sure it won’t be hard for her to figure out he’s coming with news. She’ll expect to be in the meeting and privy to the information, but she’ll be disappointed. Unfortunately, the less she knows, the better, for everyone involved.

  I climb the stairs and follow the hallway to the set of double doors at the end. One of the doors is cracked, but I’m not sure if that’s a free pass to enter. Not sure I need a pass anyway since it’s my room. Plus, I think our relationship has progressed past the knocking part. I slowly open the door, letting myself in, and then pause when I don’t see her right away. I was going to call her name out since I suspected she was probably in the bathroom still getting ready or maybe in the closet dressing, but before I do, she waltzes out of the short hall leading from those areas.

  Not that I didn’t expect her to look great, but under the circumstances, I wasn’t quite expecting her to have a complete outfit ensemble that made it look like she’d just stepped out of a Nordstrom catalog. Since I know Luis was supposed to pack Elianna’s bag in a hurry, my girl either got lucky with the shit he threw in the bag, or I’m going to have to kick his ass for not following orders. I never imagined he’d be the type to coordinate trendy outfits under pressure, but I could be wrong. My cock immediately hardens seeing Eli in tight black leather pants, a sweater that’s mostly see-through and hangs off one side, showing her shoulder, and sexy heels that demand her to get fucked well.

  I groan at the sight, forcing myself not to go to her. If I touch her now, we won’t be going any further than the bed.

  “I hope you plan to keep those heels on later when I get you naked, sunshine,” I tell her, appraising her body thoroughly.

  “Hmmm . . . so then I guess you approve. Is it time to go?” she asks, walking toward me. I put my hands in my pockets and stand in place. A man’s willpower can only be so strong with Elianna in front of them dressed like fucking sin.

  “Yes, but before we leave, I wanted to give you a heads-up. I just received word that my father will be joining us tonight,” I inform her in a business-like manner. She steps in front of me, looking up to meet my eyes, and then reaches out to wrap her arms around my midsection.

  “Okay. That works. I think I like your dad, so I’m not opposed to getting to know him better,” she says casually, but I’m not stupid. I know there’s more to it for her than some family dinner.

  I stare curiously into her twinkling eyes and watch the transgression of her emotions play out on her face when she realizes I know she’s hiding something. I pull my hands from my pockets and wrap them around her shoulders, staring down at the little vixen. She thinks she looks innocent, but I know better.

  “Are you going to behave tonight, princess?” I ask, releasing one arm to follow the path of the long black chain around her neck. I find a matte black key dangling from the chain resting between her tits. I study the key, seeing the words Let Go stamped on one side. I find her eyes again, reminding myself she still hasn’t answered.

  I quirk my brow, waiting, but it’s a standoff. “You can be good or bad tonight, sunshine. It won’t make any difference to me. Nothing can make me Let Go of you without a fight. Just in case you haven’t figured that out already.”

  With a defiant smile on her lips, she looks a little too cute for her own good. “Better make me want to be kept by you then, bestia.” She moves her hand and pats my chest in a placating manner.

  “Oh . . . princess, that sounds like a challenge. Do you need me to remind you how much you enjoy being kept? Maybe we should see how many times I can get you to scream my name tonight while begging me not to let go. If you want to play, I’m definitely up for a game, sunshine.” A soft gasp escapes her much less smug lips as they drop open with shock.

  “You wouldn’t dare,” she retorted, shooting a glare at me.

  “I’m not the type of man to back down from a challenge, princess. You should know that by now.”

  “Ugh . . . you’re such a damn beast. Keep your hands off me tonight, or it’ll be you screaming to let go when I crush your balls in my hand. Got it!” she tells me with fire in feisty eyes. Good thing I like playing with fire.

  She steps away and turns, stomping her sexy feet to exit the door. I reach and pull her hard against my body. Before she can react or protest, I make the move. With her ass pressing firmly to my aching cock, I brush her hair to the side and lean down to whisper in her ear. “Elianna, I haven’t told you yet that you look gorgeous. When you’re mad or being feisty with me, it only makes me burn hotter for you. When I get you back home and naked, I’m going to prove to you just how much I appreciate every single part of you, principessa. Make sure you eat well tonight. You’ll need the energy.”

  Her body melts into mine for a second at my words, but she quickly regains her composure and walks ahead of me. Calling for Gatsby to follow, she heads to take him out before we leave. She doesn’t once look back as I follow her step for step, but she’s very aware of my presence, so I still have the advantage.

  Game on, princess. />

  - Madness -


  I swear. When it gets to the point I’m questioning my own sanity, I know there’s a problem. I’ve spent the entire day wavering between not killing the charming and handsome man who’s been taunting me all day and preventing myself from falling for him. At what point will my body stop betraying me and accept what my brain and heart already know? Okay, I threw heart in there, but I’m not convinced my heart is on the same page quite yet.

  I don’t need him.

  I don’t need him.

  Still don’t fucking need him.

  Remember, I don’t need him.

  Look away! I don’t need him.


  I also don’t want him. Well, that’s a lie. I do want him, but I shouldn’t. I’d prefer not to challenge fate, and with everything else on my plate, I do not have time to play house with Lucas Ruffinelli. I made a vow to myself long ago that I’d never be arm candy without a voice for any made-man. I thought there was a chance Lucas could’ve been different, but if today was any indication, I was definitely wrong.

  He’s just like all the others. He’ll tell me what he wants me to know, and I’m expected to heed the unspoken rule not to ask any questions. Yeah, that’s not happening, especially when it’s my life on the damn line.

  Lucas has the upper hand because he’s the one with all the information. And since I’m trapped here in God knows where, I can’t exactly go digging on my own. I’m totally at his mercy, and every time I’ve tried to fight back using any type of ammo, it backfires.

  It’s settled. I’m going to have to kill him before I decide to have his babies or something.

  I bend down and give Gatsby all my attention as I click the leash to his collar, ignoring Lucas entirely. I swear the man must enjoy making me mad, though, because he doesn’t give up when I take Gatsby out for a quick walk before we leave. Lucas follows along too closely, waiting for me to give up. Not happening, but if he wants to hold his breath, that’ll be fine by me. Maybe his self-imposed suffocation could save me the effort of having to kill him myself.


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