Sex Magick

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Sex Magick Page 9

by Tom Raimbault

  But it was best that he throw caution to the wind and solve this sudden plague of impotence. He walked down the aisle with a bottle of Korean panax ginseng and then stopped dead in his tracks at something far, more interesting.

  Stocked at one of the endcaps were glass vials of panax red ginseng extract. At first glance, the vials would remind someone of an eerie potion mixed up by a witch. Slightly more costly than capsules, they were obviously of greater quality. The boxes and vials contained Chinese lettering with English translations below. “Adaptogen that possesses the qualities of yang.” Yang was a good thing for Jim. From what Jim knew; yang is the force in nature that defines hardness, maleness, aggression and all things opposite to being passive. Maybe Jim needed more yang in his life.

  The information listed all the benefits. “Has a positive effect on central nervous system, brain, circulation, stimulation and arousal, curing depression, diabetes, boosting immunity, libido, and much more.”

  The directions were simple. “Consume one to two vials per day.” Then it said the most peculiar thing that would make one imagine a Chinese Kung-Fu instructor who spoke with broken English, “The cooler the better taste!”

  For the time being, Jim could store his vials of red panax ginseng extract in the back of the Mapleview Cable bucket truck. He put the original bottle of pills away and then grabbed six vials of the extract from the endcap shelf. This would provide a fair three days of testing.

  Upon returning to the truck, Jim opened one vial and downed the extract. Containing nine-year old ginseng, honey and royal jelly; it didn't taste terribly bad. Although maybe “the cooler the better taste”?

  * * *

  Monday night, Kimberly made tacos for her family. As she cut up the tomatoes, shredded the cheddar cheese, and warmed up refried beans in the microwave while the seasoned ground meat cooked on the stove; Jim sneaked outside to down another bottle of red panax ginseng extract. As he learned, there was certainly truth behind “the cooler the better taste”. In fact, it was like having a little before dinner cocktail. The second dose, however, was immediately felt as Jim walked back into the house. Maybe it was because he consumed this just at twilight while thinking of Ms. Lutrova. While stepping into the house, Jim saw the peculiar flash of serpentine colors in the upper portion of his left eye. He felt apprehensive for a moment, then silly and giggly while sitting down before the table.

  “Taco Tuesday!” Jim announced in his sportscaster voice.

  “It's Monday, Jim.” Kimberly set the pan of meat on the table and opened a box of taco shells.

  “But I thought we have tacos on Tuesday.”

  “We're having meatloaf tomorrow.”

  “Meatloaf tomorrow? Shouldn't we be having that tonight?—Meatloaf Monday and Taco Tuesday.”

  Kimberly had no comment and was in no mood for Jim's silliness.

  Midway through dinner, Jim announced that it was time to follow the yearly winter sleep schedule. Being that the winter months caused cable outages late at night, it was best that he go to sleep shortly after dinner in case of being interrupted at one o'clock in the morning. This way, he wouldn't be losing sleep during the winter months.

  But there was another reason for retiring early. Jim needed to try the efficacy of Ms. Lutrova's sex potion. Would it work? Maybe he could do some sex magick while laying in the dark before falling asleep.

  And the potion definitely worked! If the reader is a male and ever tried ginseng, then surely you know of its sexual effects. Under the blankets and in the dark, Jim marveled at the incredible stiffness with a mushroom head that felt as-if nearly to explode. And it felt so good! It felt so good that Jim forgot his original intention of performing sex magick. It could wait another night. For now, Jim focused on all that sensational pleasure. At some point, he pulled down the blankets to adore his erect penis. Pulling it down to watch the springiness return to 90 degree stiffness, Jim celebrated with more stroking while whispering, “I love masturbating!”

  Then all that energy saved up for Ms. Lutrova was finally released as Jim took deep breaths in and out as his heart rate finally slowed down.

  But Ms. Lutrova wasn't done with Jim. That Monday night just before the Thanksgiving holiday, the moon was a waxing crescent; ideal for casting spells and magick not only for development or emerging knowledge, but for drawing and attracting people or situations. As Jim slept soundly in the early evening hours, he was unaware of the visitor who would appear later that night. No, it wasn't his wife, Kimberly. Sleeping soundly, Jim was oblivious to her presence as she slipped under the sheets and blankets to drift off for the night.

  But with the waxing crescent moon fully set and a considerable distance below the horizon, Jim's night of sleep grew shallow as he had already completed some hours of the deepest REM. It was during this time that he became aware of a dark apparition that suddenly appeared before his bedroom window. With the room on the second level of the house, the shadowy figure obviously had the ability to float and hover as-if suspended by nothing more than the soft, November breeze.

  There was a click that definitely resembled the window unlocking, soon to be carefully opened. Sleep paralysis prevented Jim from awakening. As for Kimberly, she was deep in the first night's REM and unaware of anything taking place.

  The apparition briefly morphed into a small flying creature such as a bat. Whatever the entity was, it certainly had all the qualities of being a vampire. Oh, but it was far worse than that! Once in the bedroom with the window carefully closed, the dark shadow approached Jim's side of the bed. It was female and dressed in blackened robes, an evil sorceress with demonic qualities. She made her identity known by finally presenting her face close to Jim's. It was Ms. Lutrova, here to answer Jim's call. If Jim wanted sex magick, he was definitely going to get it! Whether or not he enjoyed it was a different matter. But he would soon learn the power of two bodies toying with a build-up of sexual energy.

  She pulled back Jim's covers and then straddled him. Apparently her sex potion in the glass vials worked as expected. Jim was nice and hard while sound asleep, just the way she needed to work all that great sex magick.

  Ms. Lutrova undid her black, sorceress robe to pull it down midway and expose her bare shoulders, arms and breasts. She was an old lady, but still possessed somewhat smooth skin. Her breasts were rather large, but had been unflatteringly altered by gravity through the years. Still, they were breasts and enough to arouse a man at their exposure.

  Ms. Lutrova gave Jim a soft kiss to his lips and then pulled away so that her face was inches close. What was her mouth like? An old lady might have teeth that are badly stained or even rotten along with bad breath brought on by gum disease. Most of the lips' collagen becomes depleted through the decades so that an old lady possesses wiry, dry lips that occasionally become wet through excessive licking. Still, the kiss from Ms. Lutrova was enough to ignite a small flame of desire.

  Through Jim's sleep paralysis, she held the man's arms against the pillows and then kissed his forehead. Such a teasing game; her warm, naked body soon covered Jim's. Her breasts touched his while her strands of black and gray hair grazed along his face and shoulders. And the only sensual thing provided was a delicate kiss to his forehead?

  But there was more. Miniature kisses were slowly placed on Jim's forehead, down his temple, his cheek, the region above his upper lip and finally a sweet one to land on his lips. But not too much! She held Jim down while slowly and teasingly giving one, gentle kiss after another to his lips. With every kiss, Jim tried so desperately to draw more of the sexual sorceress in. She only beamed with a psychotic smile. There was no rush.

  Feeling Jim had received plenty to his lips, Ms. Lutrova moved down his chin and to the neck. Now where was one of those erogenous zones? Do men have any of these? Of course they do; Ms. Lutrova knew this. It only required a bit of exploration, some soft and teasing kisses to the sensitive region on the side of his neck. When goose bumps present themselves and nipples become aro
used, rest assured an erogenous zone has been found. She next glided her warm, silky tongue along this area while exhaling hot air. For being an old lady with possibly a stinky, yucky mouth; Jim suddenly wanted that tongue!

  Sweet nothings are best whispered in a man's ear in this moment. But Ms. Lutrova knew not to say anything, specifically. Any words might alter the moment. And it's not the words that mean most to a man. It's the sound of her lips and tongue that slightly move as hot hair is exhaled through her teeth. Only a simple exhale with a barely-heard whisper of, “Ah…” should be spoken. Ms. Lutrova knew all the right things to chant and all the right spells to place Jim under.

  This was the sexual sorceress' world, her moment and her game with her own rules. Feeling Jim's hardened and aroused nipples, there was no rule to say that she couldn't suddenly attack one of them. It wasn't necessary to slowly kiss down Jim's neck, his chest and to a nipple. She simply moved her face over and kissed one of them, soon to aggressively bite and then pull away with a hard suck. Don't think for one second that a man doesn't enjoy this. He actually craves it and wishes for more of it. For just as a woman loves to have her nipples sucked, lightly pinched and nibbled; a man does the same.

  Returning to his lips for more teasing kisses, Ms. Lutrova wouldn't allow Jim to make intimate contact with any part of her body. Of course the same rule didn't apply to her. It was all her pleasure; really all her own!

  How badly Jim wished to finally penetrate her, sting like a honey bee and spew his venom. And rest assured, Ms. Lutrova wished for the same. But as a soap bubble softly blows and drifts through the wind, it immediately bursts when touched by a human hand or landing on an object. The same could be said of this moment. Jim could not touch the sorceress; much less sting her for she would die. She floated through the wind across dream world to Jim's window, and was fueled by her own sexual desires. The essence to take from this moment was the build-up of sexual tension, craziness and torture. This is the energy that can fuel magick.

  So did Jim enjoy sex magick?

  Would you?

  Chapter 17

  On the third day following Jim's introduction to Ms. Lutrova's magickal sex potion; the moon had grown from waxing crescent to first quarter, and was in transition to a waxing gibbous. By the time Jim entered the office of Mapleview Cable on Wednesday morning, he had downed 5 vials of panax red ginseng extract since Monday morning. He was definitely feeling the effects and much, more confident with the functionality of his penis.

  Jim softly knocked on the doorframe of his boss' office. “Ryan?”

  “Yeah Jimmy! What's up?”

  “Just to let you know, I've got a doctor's visit at one o'clock this afternoon. It shouldn't be long.”

  “Take as long as you like, Jimmy! I hope it's nothing serious.”

  “No, just a check-up.”

  * * *

  Now Jim knew very well that the visit was more than just a regular check-up. Kimberly was concerned with his behavior in recent times and swore that his face and breathing revealed someone with possible elevated blood pressure. It was Kimberly who scheduled the doctor's appointment for Jim. And just to appease his wife, Jim followed through with it.

  Jim sat in the waiting room at five minutes to one o'clock. Suddenly his name was announced by Nurse Corrine, an attractive thirty-something with natural flowing brown hair and brown eyes.

  “We'll have you stop here to get you weighed in.” mentioned Nurse Corrine.

  Jim didn't bother to remove his black, shiny Ivan Trovskov boots while stepping on the scale. Any possible weight from the boots really didn't matter.

  “281 pounds!” commented Nurse Corrine. With your height, that's certainly in the range of obesity.

  But that's not what Jim heard. Instead, he heard Nurse Corrine compliment his physique. “Such a nice, big boy and in fine shape; surely you eat plenty of your wife's sausage and potatoes. You look so healthy!”

  Nurse Corrine next directed Jim into the patient room and then ordered, “Have a seat.” Without a second for his heart to resume a state of rest, she immediately strapped the blood pressure cuff on Jim's arm and began to pump. Unfortunately, Nurse Corrine was so good looking that her appearance caused Jim's heart to pump harder while activating all that chemistry of attraction.

  “162/91… 74 beats per minute… Do you have hypertension?”

  “I take blood pressure medicine, so yes, I'm being treated.”

  Just as Nurse Corrine wrote the information on the clipboard, Doctor Millheimer knocked and entered the room.

  “Hello?” announced Doctor Millheimer.

  “Hi, Dock!” replied Jim.

  Doctor Millheimer appeared very concerned with Jim's appearance. “Oh, my! Look at you! Have you gained weight?”

  “Um… maybe a few pounds.”

  Nurse Corrine gave the clipboard to the doctor.

  Upon viewing the notes, Doctor Millheimer exclaimed, “281 pounds??? Blood pressure of 162/91??? Jim, come-on! What are you doing to yourself? Stand up for a moment.”

  Jim did as asked.

  “I mean you really want to look like this? Go ahead and look in the mirror. You're obese, Jim!”

  But that's not what Jim heard. Rather, the doctor further complimented his physique. “Ah, Ivan Trovskov: the pride of the motherland; and looking in such fine shape for winter!”

  Ivan Trovskov agreed with the doctor's imagined compliments, “Well, I've got to put on my fluff for the winter.”

  Doctor Millheimer would put an end to these delusions so that Jim could finally see reality. “Well, let's just see about that.” He placed the stethoscope in his ears and ordered, “Take off your shirt so I can listen.”

  Still standing, Jim removed his suspenders and white Fruit-of-the-Loom undershirt so that Nurse Corrine could see his thick, beefy chest with love handles that drooped over the sides of his waist. Then he sat down.

  But before Doctor Millheimer placed the stethoscope on Jim's chest, he immediately asked, “Jim? What's that?”


  “That!” Doctor Millheimer motioned towards Jim's chest. “Do you see what I'm talking about, Nurse Corrine?”

  “I most certainly do.” confirmed the nurse.

  Doctor Millheimer wasted not a second in calling the unpleasant fact to Jim's attention. “Jim, you have man boobs!”

  Jim looked so surprised, nearly terrified. “Man boobs?”

  “Yes, Jim, man boobs! Do you have gynecamastia?”

  “Uh, I don't know what that is.”

  “It's a condition in which men grow larger than normal breasts so that they resemble a woman's pair of breasts. Do you have this? Are you aware if perhaps you have a hormonal imbalance?”

  “Uh… not that I know of.”

  “Do you eat a lot of dairy products? That can trigger gynecamastia.”

  “I don't eat an excessive amount of dairy, no.”

  Doctor Millheimer sighed. “Well, unfortunately we're going to have to examine your breasts to eliminate the possibility of this being hormonally related.” He looked over to Nurse Corrine. “You might as well put on a pair of latex gloves and give me a hand.”

  Standing over the patient, Doctor Millheimer took hold of both Jim's breasts and lifted them in the air. “Do you ever notice spontaneous lactation coming from your nipples?”


  Doctor Millheimer ordered the nurse, “Go ahead Nurse Corrine; lift and feel Jim's left breast.”

  Nurse Corrine did as directed.

  “Do you see what I mean? See how the patient's breast is flabby with an excessive amount of subcutaneous fat?”

  Nurse Corrine agreed with the doctor. “Why, yes; it's very soft like a woman's breast. It feels like my own breast.”

  It appeared as though Doctor Millheimer was providing the nurse training of gynecamastia exams. “Now, next we need to aggravate the gland behind the nipple to confirm no lactation. You position your finger and thumb to encompass the entire a
reola and follow the pinch and roll technique. Go ahead, pinch and roll… pinch and roll…”

  Both the doctor and nurse each had their fingers on Jim's nipples and painfully pinched to aggravate whatever gland was behind.

  “Pinch and roll… Pinch and roll…”

  The procedure was proving painful for Jim. “Ouch! Ah! How much longer?”

  “Be patient, Jim.” the doctor urged. “It's not comfortable, but it has to be done.”

  “Pinch and roll… Pinch and roll…”

  After about two minutes of titty-twisting-torture with no response from Tokyo, the doctor appeared satisfied. “Well, I can see no visible signs of lactation.” He used a tissue to dab around both nipples to absorb any possible liquid that could not be seen. “Nothing!”

  The doctor stood back and sighed in deliberation. “Well, I think it's safe to conclude that your man boobs are brought on by starch muscle. Do you know what starch muscle is, Jim?”


  The doctor explained the phenomenon of starch muscle. “See, maybe in high school you played football and maybe worked out shortly after graduating. Obviously you've been a big boy your whole life. But you're older, now. You probably sit on the sofa to watch Sunday afternoon football and believe that you actually are the athletes you see on TV. But that muscle you think is behind your shirt is not really muscle. It's actually fat that's accumulated from compulsively eating pizza, pretzels and cookies while watching the game. You stand up and admire yourself in the mirror at how you resemble your favorite football athletes. But it's only starch muscle, not the real thing.”

  Doctor Millheimer paused for a moment. “Well, as long as you're here, we might as well give you the rectal exam. Pants and boxers off, please.”

  Now it certainly isn't my intention to completely offend and assault the reader with unpleasant literary imagery. Let me just say that the next five minutes proved to be even more humiliating for Jim than his gynecamastia exam.

  If being naked and on all fours before Nurse Corrine wasn't degrading enough, Doctor Millheimer asked the most dreadful questions of them all. “Do you ever experience episodes of sexual dysfunction or impotence?”


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