Sex Magick

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Sex Magick Page 11

by Tom Raimbault

  Something cryptic and alarming was happening in her husband's life. This is what Kimberly concluded upon making the bed on the morning of Thanksgiving. It was suspicious enough to be awoken to the sound of Jim stepping outside at two o'clock in the morning. Startled and sharply awoken at the sound, Kimberly tiptoed over to the side bedroom window which provided a clear view of the driveway. From what she could see, Jim retrieved the solo and duet program handout from his car.

  Kimberly had no need to question this. The strange act of stepping out to his car at this time of the night only verified a recent suspicion of Kimberly's that her husband had an attraction towards “that woman”. He behaved so strangely while in her presence. It was too ironic that Jim reached for the handout while “that woman's” daughter played. Apparently, he wished to know her name.

  Kimberly sighed to help cope with the sudden anxiety and outrage. How was she going to handle this? So Jim was intrigued with “that woman”. Kimberly should have only been disgusted, but not concerned. Men will always look; and there was no way to prevent Jim from doing this—as long as he remembered who he was married to.

  But this was the attitude Kimberly adopted before making the bed that Thanksgiving morning. She was startled to discover a strange item beneath Jim's pillow. It looked to be some sort of quartz crystal, an item that Kimberly immediately associated with magick and mystical things. Kimberly always knew “that woman” was a witch! She was probably instructing Jim in the use of sex magick and using his energy for her own gain. Suddenly, Kimberly was irate.

  Kimberly wasn't going to inform her husband of the discovery at that moment. She needed more evidence and more discoveries that pointed to the terrible suspicion. She simply left the crystal under his pillow, made the bed and went about the morning.

  And just as Kimberly expected, Jim apparently retrieved the mystical object from under his pillow at some point after the morning shower. He probably brought it with him on his sudden field service call, a small outage reported on the other side of town. In all her doubts, suspicions and hidden outrage; Kimberly blew her suspicions way out of proportion and believed that Jim was lying and actually visiting “that woman”.

  And this is why Jim left the house on Thanksgiving morning. For you see, although clumsy, Jim was already a step ahead of Kimberly. She could not be aware of online searches that included the last name of Lutrova in Mapleview. (The handout did not list the orchestra teacher with her first name, only Ms. Lutrova.) The computer in the den was to be used for Jim's work, but Kimberly often used it when the kids monopolized the laptops. There was no reason to prevent her from doing this. And being the case, she could have had full access to Jim's web browsing history.

  Jim was even more careful than this. As he saw it, a wife was perfectly capable of accessing the modem or router for purposes of displaying other computer use in the home. Surely, it was possible for Jim to simply delete his cookies and web browsing history. But Kimberly could have easily sat with the laptop in the family room, and remotely watched what Jim was doing on his PC. As far as conducting web searches with his phone, a wife was also fully capable of snooping while her husband soundly slept or showered.

  The same could be said of work. If obsessed with a certain someone, searches should not be performed at the office. Coworkers can access the routers and have other ways of remotely viewing computer use at work.

  Jim had perfect solution. Being the lineman technician of Mapleview Cable, Jim had the ability to directly access a main utility box that fed Internet to hundreds of homes in one neighborhood. Just one chassis with a couple dozen circuit cards had the ability to send and receive 40,000 channels of data in one split second! Considering the vastness of one of these boxes, Jim's identity was a needle in the haystack as he connected an Ethernet cable to one of the communication ports. The other end was run to a modem in the utility truck that ultimately fed his laptop. A search performed of a mysterious woman with the last name of Lutrova could have been made by any number of people throughout several subdivisions of Mapleview. No possibility of Kimberly viewing his web history, and no possibility of people at the office remotely viewing his computer use; Jim was safe to browse as he wished, and freely search any names or information desired.

  Thanksgiving morning was cold and windy in Mapleview with flurries and drifts of snow that blew across the roads. Because of the holiday, the roads and highways were virtually empty. Alone at the edge of town, off some isolated road, Jim sat in the safety of his warm Mapleview Cable truck and typed the phrase in the search engine, “Lutrova Mapleview”.

  It only resulted in the most frustrating result.

  “Your search - lutrova mapleview - did not match any documents.


  Make sure all words are spelled correctly.

  Try different keywords.

  Try more general keywords.

  Try fewer keywords."

  Suddenly Jim's outdated palm-pilot styled phone buzzed. He reached for it, but discovered the screen was going through a reboot sequence. For whatever reason, the phone was momentarily powered down. Maybe the carrier pushed a software update.

  Jim entered another search phrase. “Lutrova Mapleview Road”

  “Your search - lutrova mapleview road - did not match any documents.


  Make sure all words are spelled correctly.

  Try different keywords.

  Try more general keywords.

  Try fewer keywords."

  “What the heck? She's got to be somewhere. I guess this woman really wants me to stalk her.”

  A highly powerful tool that any professional stalker uses is ZabaSearch. Once described as “Google on steroids”, ZabaSearch scours multiple databases of public information for any individual provided. Results are often mixed in with other individuals who have similar names of the one in interest. If a stalker wishes for a complete report; credit history, marriage records, criminal background, email addresses, etc; there is a charge. But free listings include current and past residences and possibly telephone numbers—even sometimes the birth date and current age.

  But even Google on steroids provided no results for Jim. ZabaSearch had no one in their records listed with the last name of Lutrova in Mapleview.

  The phone in Jim's pocket buzzed again. “What's going on, here?” He pulled it out to see who or what it was.

  It was a text message, nothing more than spam. “The Witch Connection: Need money? Love? Success? Answer to burning question? All spells proven to work! First spell is free!” There was an SMS code to allow texting needs to the Witch Connection.

  Although certainly tempting considering Ms. Lutrova's game of Rumplestiltskin, Jim wasn't ready to try it. It was, after all, spam.

  Desperate, Jim entered the search phrase, “Arecibo Lutrova”

  The only result was something completely unrelated,


  … by luciella Lutrova THE BOHEMIAN GHOST PRIZE SLICE OF TRANQUILITY … The Arecibo radio telescope located in Puerto Rico, was originally intended …"

  When clicked, the web page froze; equally frustrating as getting no results at all.

  “Well that didn't help.” Obviously it was a stupid search engine phrase. Who names their child after a radio telescope in Puerto Rico?

  What Jim needed was an oracle like a Ouija board. Perhaps there was a website that offered an interactive Ouija board online that could provide him some answers. After a few seconds of searching, Jim found one:

  It was so easy to use; simply type your question in the box and then hover the mouse cursor over the plachette. Within several seconds the answer is given.

  Jim entered, “Lutrova Mapleview”.

  The Ouija board glided through a series of letters to spell out, “Maybe later.”

  “Oh come on! Is this the game they play?” Jim then entered, “Ms. L

  The Ouija answered, “Someone never seen. Someone never met.”

  “Well of course I've seen her! Let's try again!” This time Jim typed in an actual sentence in the form of a question. “Who is Ms. Lutrova of Mapleview?”


  Himself? Was this an indicator that Jim was experiencing a fantasy that had spiraled out of control? Did he use imagination to breathe life into Ms. Lutrova so that he experienced her in fantasy and dreams? Maybe there was truth in the previous answer, “Someone never seen. Someone never met.” Perhaps the Ms. Lutrova that Jim saw was really just an illusion of some woman who taught orchestra at the high school—nothing more.

  But Jim wouldn't give up! Everything felt so real to him. There was no way that he could have fabricated an entire relationship like this in his mind. Jim was getting desperate. Ms. Lutrova expected him to find his name. Perhaps if he succeeded then she would reward Jim with finally meeting her.

  Jim looked at the recent text message.

  “The Witch Connection: Need money? Love? Success? Answer to burning question? All spells proven to work! First spell is free!”

  “Well, what have I got to lose?” With the outdated smart phone's keypad, Jim typed in his simple question, “Who is Ms. Lutrova of Mapleview?” It was sent to the provided SMS code.

  Jim waited in silence for several minutes while watching the snow drift across the highway. He imagined the ghostly apparition of Ms. Lutrova slowly walking towards the Mapleview Cable utility truck. Dressed so simple yet beautifully, her appearance would have been best suited for a springtime garden of late May where she might carefully approach and beckon a lost lover.

  “Come to me… We are meant to be together… We belong together.”

  The calling beckoned from across the snow-drifted, isolated highway and carried across the cold, November gusts of wind. Perhaps by now her face peeked through the driver side window.

  Just then a series of text messages came through.

  (msg 1/4) Thank you for accepting your initial, free spell from the Witch Connection. Your request was categorized as… QUESTION IN NEED OF PSYCHIC READING…

  (msg 2/4) and was delivered to a witch who specializes in this. Here is your comment/answer: “Warning! Ms. Lutrova is a 631 year old witch who practices

  (msg 3/4) dark, evil magick. She resides in the afterlife in an alternate dimension, but can project herself into our world. She needs to regenerate herself and plans on

  (msg 4/4) stealing your energy to do this. Do not trust Ms. Lutrova! Stay away!“

  It was the most ridiculous thing Jim had ever heard. It was a good thing that his first reading was for free.

  Chapter 21

  To say that Kimberly was a lonely woman would be wrong. She had a husband and two children. She had a couple of good friends and some neighbors who she visited throughout the week. But no one on her side of the family would attend Kimberly's Thanksgiving dinner. Father had passed away, and Mother moved out of state to live with Kimberly's brother, Frank. Along with being physically distanced from her side of the family, Kimberly was no longer on speaking terms with them. She hadn't heard from Mother, her brother or her sister-in-law in a few years. Thanksgiving dinner this year would, again, be made for Jim, her children and Jim's side of the family.

  After Kimberly's father passed away, Mother was financially comfortable for the rest of her life. This is the way her husband had planned it. He worked his entire life and built up investments so that when he died, his beloved wife could have a comfortable life. The money would be used for living expenses, and then to fund a possible stay at a quality retirement home when requiring assisted living. And only when Mother joined Father in Heaven, a place that has no need for money, the remaining savings and investments would be split between children and grandchildren. These things were spelled out in the will.

  As sad as it is to realize, money brings out the ugliest of evil in people. As for Kimberly, she was similar to Amber in that she valued those intangible things in life. She understood that Mother's money was for Mother—period! Her brother, Frank, however, sought of ways to collect his share of the will before Mother died.

  What worked in Frank's favor was the fact that he lived out of state in Georgia. For you see, a mother develops a love-hate relationship towards her nearest child. Living in Mapleview and very much a part of Kimberly and Jim's life, she saw every bit of bad in her daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren. But Frank, his wife and children lived far away. In their absence, she missed them so terribly in those extended periods between holidays. They were so, much, more civilized than Kimberly and her husband.

  Perhaps this is why Mother hadn't a second thought towards helping her son in a time of need. He called on a Sunday afternoon. “Mom, we are in such dire straits right now. I wasn't going to say anything, but I had to take a cut in pay at work. Our bills are stacking up and we've been living on credit cards. They're threatening to take the car away, and we're already a couple months behind on the mortgage. Could you spare a little to help out?” These were lies, of course. Frank hadn't received a cut in pay. And although the materialistic lifestyle led to maxed out credit cards and heavy bills for Frank and his wife, it was only necessary to cut back on spending to catch up. Frank simply engineered a foolproof way to get his share of the will, now.

  When it came to the inheritance, we're not talking millions of dollars. Through savings and modest investments, Mother could live comfortably for the rest of her life if following a budget. She voiced this to her son. “Frank, I'm on a budget. I need that money to live on. It might seem like a lot of money to you, but it's supposed to carry me through the rest of my life.”

  “I understand that, Mom. Here's what I was thinking; and I'll definitely pay you back, don't worry. Isn't your house paid off?”

  “Certainly! Your Father made the last mortgage payment over 20 years ago.”

  “Good! What you can do is take out a home equity loan. Give me that money, and I'll be able to pay off the bill collectors, keep my car and not lose the house. And like I said, I'll definitely pay you back.”

  Mother wasn't exactly easy with the suggestion. Who would be? Hesitantly, she asked, “Well how much do you need?”

  Frank sighed, “$100,000 would really help out.”

  Mother nearly fell out of her chair while exclaiming, “$100,000? You've got to be kidding me! Frank, how could you have gotten yourself into so much debt?”

  “I know; I know, Mom! It just hit us all at once.” Frank's voice began to tremor as he sniffled and produced a voice with a note of heavier estrogen. “I just don't know what else to do. I'm afraid of losing everything. Some nights I can't even sleep. If you could do this for me, it would mean a lot. And please don't tell Kimberly. I'm already ashamed for asking you this.”

  As far as Mother was concerned, none of Frank's life was any of Kimberly's business. She and Jim were far from perfect. Mother reminded her son of this. And then she continued to address Frank's prospect of borrowing money. “You know what your Father would have told you, right?”

  “I know, Mom. He wouldn't have done this.”

  There was a long pause, and then Mother spoke. “I'm going to need some time to think about this.”

  Only 24 hours were needed to consider her son's needs. All people experience their darkest moments in life. Shouldn't it be that a Mother helps her son in such a moment? A reassuring phone call provided Frank some much needed light and a promise that help was on the way. Help arrived in the form of certified mail with a $100,000 check from Mom.

  Frank knew Mother well. Intending only to make a couple halfhearted payments towards Mom's loan, he knew she wouldn't pursue once the installments suddenly ceased. That $100,000 was his early share of the will, taken against the house that was to be split between him and Kimberly. $100,000 worth of proceeds from the final sale of the house would simply go back to the bank once Mother died. And of course; any remaining amount after $1
00,000 of the sale was returned to the bank would then be split between him and Kimberly. Lucky for Frank, he received $100,000 some years before it was time to liquidate and collect inheritances. Think of it as his clever way of receiving much more money than Kimberly.

  Ah, but he was even more of a careless, self-centered prick. Shortly after Frank received $100,000 of his early share, he wacked the slot machine even further and struck the jackpot! This came on the day that his concerned sister called to discuss Mother.

  “Frank, have you noticed anything unusual about Mom when you talk to her?”


  “Nothing at all?”

  “No… Why?”

  Kimberly described some concerning behavior recently noticed of Mother. “Frank, I visited Mom last week and immediately noticed the overpowering smell of gas in the house. I went over to the stove and could see that the pilot was running without any flames. I was like, 'Mom, didn't you smell this?' She was completely oblivious. And she acted like it was no big deal, saying that she must have bumped into the stove around lunchtime. It was four o'clock in the afternoon. Who knows how long that pilot was running?”

  Frank said as little as possible. Only commented with a simple, “Hmm…”

  “And it's worse than that, Frank. Yesterday she told me she couldn't sleep the night before because the furnace man was working in the basement and banging away at the registers. I said, 'Furnace man? You let someone in your house at night and then went to bed?' She told me that he's been down there for a few weeks, sleeps in the closet during the day and works on the furnace at night. I'm really worried about her, Frank. I'm afraid she might be in the early stages of Alzheimer's or dementia. Should we start looking into getting her in a home? I mean that gas could have killed her, you know?”

  Of course Frank sounded concerned about Mother while urging Kimberly to make regular checks. “Right; this is definitely something to think about. See if you can get an appraisal done on her house and look into some retirement homes. I want to come out there, soon, and visit Mom. Then you and I can talk some more.”


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