Sex Magick

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Sex Magick Page 22

by Tom Raimbault

  He called out her name in a whisper, “Julie… Julie…” The soft voice could carry outside Jim's bedroom window, across the town of Mapleview, along Route 4 and to the very doorstep of Julie's house. “Julie… Julie…” As if they shared some psychic connection brought on by intense, sexual feelings; Julie could hear every word whispered by Jim. “Julie… I want you… Please come back to me… Please give me another chance…”

  Jim laid his forearm under his face and then softly kissed it. But it wasn't Jim's arm that was receiving the kisses. Across the miles it was Julie's very lips that received love.

  * * *

  The following morning, Jim left the cable yard with his van freshly stocked with equipment of the trade. Today's route was another collection of installs, and a few disconnects for some unfortunate customers who couldn't afford the bill. But halfway to his first install, the office dispatcher yelled over the radio. “Jim! Where are you?”

  The dispatcher sounded irate, almost as-if she could reach her hands through the radio and strangle Jim. He was quick to reply, “Yeah, go ahead base.”

  “Jim, you get back over to that job you did, yesterday; 420 Crescent Lane in Sillmac…”

  It was Julie's address! Did Jim's wish come true?

  “The customer says you broke a light bulb in the attack, and wants you to clean it up. And I don't appreciate being yelled at over the phone by a customer!”

  Oh no! Jim messed up another install! Nervously, he replied over the radio, “10-4, base! I'll get right over there!”

  A second later, one of the older installers laughed over the radio. “Way to go, Jim!”

  And so it was back to reality for poor Jim. He made sweet love to his precious Julie the previous night, only to learn of how she hated him. Why did it always turn out this way? Why couldn't Jim do anything right?

  Twenty minutes later, the Mapleview Cable van pulled into Julie's driveway. Disgusted with himself, Jim quickly walked up to the customer's door; prepared to receive every bit of scolding, insults and any other punishment that he truly deserved. He was such a stupid guy who couldn't do anything right. No wonder Jim was lonely. No wonder people hated him so.

  But then Julie warmly greeted him at the door with a friendly smile, and wearing nothing but a white bathrobe.

  Confused and still disgusted in himself, Jim immediately apologized to Julie. “I'm so sorry. I didn't know I broke the light bulb.”

  But then Julie apologized as well! “Oh, honey; I'm sorry. Did your office yell at you? I hope they weren't too hard on you. I didn't know what else to say.” With her fingertips, she lightly brushed the side of Jim's tousled, brown hair back into place.”

  Jim asked, “Do you have a broom and dust pan?”

  “Sure, do you want to go up in the attic and see?”

  Moments later, Jim ascended the pull-down ladder and carefully entered the attic. Looking around, he could see that every light bulb shined from its fixture. Walking the plywood floors, there was no evidence of shattered glass. From what Jim could see, nothing was broken.

  Ah, but there was one very, delicate thing that had been broken; Julie's heart. Aware of her husband's affair with his young and beautiful secretary, Julie felt abandoned, old and unappreciated. But then along came Jim with his sweet baby-face, wind-tousled brown hair and youthful, toned body that rippled behind the cotton polo with Mapleview Cable logo. His voice was so young, and his mannerisms so innocent. How Julie longed for those days when she had such a guy. She was reaching him, she just knew it. It would only take time.

  Further confused, Jim turned back towards the entrance of the attic and was startled to see Julie carefully approaching. Her white robe was fully untied; revealing the thick, untamed bush that lay between her luscious, silky thighs. Julie's round tummy only enhanced the sexiness as her enormous, left breast was fully exposed. So full and bursting with desire to be fondled, Julie's breast was adorned with a beautiful, wide areola and pink nipple.

  Jim couldn't wait to fully open Julie's robe and explore both her treasures. But then senses returned as he nearly backed away.

  Now very near, Julie had just the remedy to put the young man at ease. “Oh, Honey; don't be nervous. Everything is going to be okay.” As Julie was learning, such a young and innocent guy needs to be carefully “groomed” before winning his heart. Speak kindly and use sweet names such as “Baby” or “Honey”. It brings him back to the days of being in Mother's arms. How he yearns for a tender voice to reassure him that all is well. And be sure to look deeply and lovingly in his eyes while gently touching him.

  If the young man still appears unsure, then place your lips to his. Once Jim could feel Julie's soft, warm lips; he could no longer control himself. Broken up with Becky for seven months, it had been so long since he kissed a girl… or woman, as Julie certainly was. In fact, Jim had never received kisses like these before. So hot and dripping with an invitation for so much more, Becky was never capable of this!

  Jim's hand reached for the sides of Julie's naked hips and then caressed his way up to her breasts.

  And then the doorbell rang! It caused Julie to immediately pull away. “I wonder who that is.” She walked over to the small, octagon, attic window that overlooked her driveway. “I think one of your buddies is here.”

  With still a swollen triangle in his pants, Jim's anxiety suddenly spiked. “Oh no! Are you sure?” He looked out the window, and sure enough, the foreman's van was parked on the street. Certainly older and wiser, the foreman overheard the morning's conversation on the radio and rushed over to Julie's house in a mission to save Jim from doing anything stupid.

  Both Julie and Jim greeted him at the door.

  The foreman immediately cocked his thumb over his shoulder and towards the driveway while harshly ordering, “Get in the truck!”

  With his head low and to the ground, Jim did as ordered and listened carefully to the brief conversation between his foreman and Julie.

  “So the attic's all cleaned up?”

  “Yes, everything is fine now.”

  And before walking away, the foreman made the unusual remark, “Yeah, we don't allow our installers to do that sort of thing.”

  Moments later he signaled Jim to roll down his window while approaching.

  “Jimmy; what are you doing in there, huh? What are you doing?”

  “I was just…”

  Jim was interrupted, “Just getting yourself in trouble! Meet me back at the office. Let's figure out how we're going to handle this.”

  * * *

  Poor Jim would have to endure two hours of already-viewed training videos on sexual harassment and aggressive housewives. The videos were made, specifically, for young men like Jim; who might have been the target of lonely housewives. The videos explained that women sometimes do things that are later regretted. It even provided a real-life case of an installer who fulfilled a housewife's dreams, only to be picked up by police some hours later for rape. Guilt had overtaken the woman. Claiming she was raped helped it all go away.

  Chapter 35

  Jim pulled out of the flashback and sat back in his chair. Then he looked over to Ekaterina who only smiled in anticipation of what he would say, next. “I forgot about that.” Jim chuckled and took another sip of vodka. “That could have been my lucky day—my first time.”

  “Right!” answered Ekaterina. “But I'm more interested in the way you caused this to happen. You made a subconscious connection with her. You made her call the cable company and demand that you come over.”

  Jim smiled and nodded. “I guess I did. I never looked at it that way before.” He was seriously buzzed, nearly drunk. With inhibitions down, the vodka sparked his arrogance to the point of being proud of his ability.

  But within a split second, Ekaterina's smiling face turned fierce. “And you did it again some years later. You used this gift to get something you weren't supposed to.”

  Jim laughed, “What?”

  “I'm not laughing! This
is serious! You reached out and hurt someone. You caused someone to become gravely ill and nearly pulled all the life out of her. Is that something to laugh about?”

  “Ekaterina, I have no idea of what you're talking about.”

  Ekaterina moved her body closer to the table and pointed to her head. “Think, Jim! Think! It was a dark time in your life. Things weren't going your way. You were younger, and had gotten selfish. You fell into some bad habits, remember?”

  Jim's facial expression relaxed and eyes sparked with a sudden memory. He knew, exactly, what Ekaterina spoke of.

  * * *

  It was a New Year's Eve party in 1994, a significant moment because it was the night that Jim met his future wife, Kimberly. By early spring; both were very, much in love. And yes, Jim's magickal moment of finally losing his virginity had come!

  Now a happy and content man with consistent romance, Jim would soon find more reason for happiness. In May, Kimberly announced that she was pregnant. Although a little sooner than expected, Jim simply proposed to Kimberly so that by January of 1995, he and his now wife enjoyed their new daughter, April.

  After living in an apartment for the first four years of marriage, it might have been Kimberly's second pregnancy that prompted their search for a single family home. By the spring of 2000, the family had settled down in a nice ranch in the tree-lined subdivision of Maple Sap.

  There wasn't anything unusual, at all, of Jim's lifestyle; blossoming family life, new home, raises and promotions at work. He was definitely living the dream! But despite how normal Jim may have appeared on the outside, there was something dark and foreboding stirring within. It might have been a combination of a couple things. For one, Kimberly was certainly taxed with the responsibilities of housewife and mother, not to mention the fact that one of her children had recently been born. When it came to romance, Jim certainly heard his share of, “Not tonight; I'm tired… My head is just throbbing… Can we take a rain check…?”

  Jim was understanding and expected Kimberly to be cold in the department of romance. He was patient and realized that those nights of passion would eventually return. But don't take this to mean that Jim didn't paw at the ground and exhale steam from his nostrils while waiting.

  Fortunately for Jim, there was a new appliance in the house called a computer. And being that he worked for Mapleview Cable, Internet service was 100% free. As Jim soon discovered, he had access to millions of images of naked women; many of them offered for free! For so many years he would look upon women in curiosity and wondered what was underneath their clothes. Now he could satisfy every bit of curiosity while switching from one fetish to the next. Red heads, brunettes and blondes; fat women, old women and pregnant women; Hispanic, African American or Asian: they were all at his fingertips to be used at his disposal.

  “Not tonight, Jim; I've had a rough day.”

  That was okay. Perhaps in the predawn hours, Jim could carefully roll over in bed and slightly pull back Kimberly's covers. For a minute or two he might be able to carefully fondle his wife's breasts while she slept; followed by a trip to the computer for some great sex with stationary images. They fed his imagination so well. As Jim was discovering, the mind is the greatest sex organ of all and possesses the ability to pull one into a separate reality. Those moments alone with the images were so real; even better than the dirty, secret toy in his bedroom closet from years ago.

  While driving the neighborhood streets of Mapleview in the summer months, Jim would look upon women from his cable van as-if they were nothing more than little pieces of candy that walked around. Dressed so promiscuous in their tight shorts with freshly-shaven legs; it was difficult for Jim not to imagine bouncing one of those women off his lap. Aware of his obsession, Jim only reassured himself that Kimberly would come around soon. Then he could forget about those crazy days of drooling over women.

  The end of August had come for that year which meant that Jim and Kimberly's daughter, April, had started kindergarten. Being that Jim's job allowed him some flexibility, it was easy to join Kimberly in walking April to school on her first day. And what a spectacular day it was! There were women all over the school ground, young moms of the Maple Sap subdivision that Jim recognized from driving the neighborhood in his cable van. He could see them up close, now! And how delicious-looking each and every one of them was!

  “Jim, aren't you going to say goodbye to your daughter?”

  Of course! How silly of Daddy! One might have thought that his mind was somewhere else. Jim quickly knelt down and gave little April a hug and kiss. “Have a good day, Honey.”

  * * *

  April attended full-day kindergarten which gave Kimberly plenty of quality time with her 5-month-old son, Collin. But there was a slight inconvenience for Kimberly when it came to picking up April from school. Little Collin would be in the middle of his much-needed afternoon nap. Kimberly actually used this time for a small nap, herself. Was there any way that Jim could pick up April from school?

  Sure enough, Jim often had downtime in the mid-afternoon hours. This made it convenient for him to park the cable van in the school lot and then wait for April.

  There was a rule for parents who picked up kindergartners. It was necessary for the parent to physically wait near the designated exit door for the child. No student could run out to the drive or parking lot to meet his or her parent. And it was on Jim's first day of picking up April that he stood near this door, drooling over the pieces of candy that chattered amongst one another.

  Suddenly, the exit door opened and Jim's heart nearly stopped. There, before him, was a fine woman who immediately locked eyes with Jim and smiled all the more. Time froze for the two as Jim battered his way through the excited children that rushed to their parents. Only the voice of April that rang out, “Daddy!” broke him from the trance. By then, Jim was as close to April's teacher as possible while his daughter embraced him.

  “Hi, Honey!” Jim rubbed the back of April's hair. Then he looked back at the woman who had nearly stopped his heart. “Hi, this is my daughter.”

  April's teacher smiled in return and then looked back down at April. “We'll see you tomorrow.” Then she looked back up at Jim, soon with a worried expression brought on by the possibility that maybe she was subliminally asking April's father to return the following afternoon.

  There's a serious rule that any parent should follow. In fact, along with “Thou shall not commit adultery”; there should be another commandment that says, “Thou definitely shall not have funny business with your child's kindergarten or grammar school teacher.” It makes perfect sense! Would you want your child's educational experience to be based on the status of some romantic relationship between you and the teacher? Any decent parent inherently knows this. But Jim didn't care about some silly, unheard-of rule of morality. Once he and April drove off in the cable van, Jim was sure to ask his daughter, “So what's your teacher's name?”

  April replied, “Ms. Haldman.”

  The prefix perked Jim's curiosity. “Miss? Is she married?”

  “I don't know.”

  “What's her first name?”

  “I don't know.”

  Mommy usually asked how April's day went, or what she learned in class. Daddy was more interested in the teacher's name and whether or not she was married.

  * * *

  “So did you find out your teacher's first name?”


  It was the following afternoon as Jim picked up April from school. And it proved to be another heart-stopping moment as Jim and Ms. Haldman locked eyes. Being closer to the exit door this time, Jim did have an opportunity to glance at Ms. Haldman's left, ring finger. Sure enough, there was no wedding or engagement ring.

  “No? You didn't find out?” Although disappointed, Jim did have to go easy on April. After all, he didn't specifically request that April ask of her teacher's first name. But maybe that wasn't such a bad idea. “Tell you what, Honey; tomorrow, why don't you ask your teache
r. Say, 'Ms. Haldman? What's your first name?' Could you do that for me?”

  April agreed, “Okay…”

  The following afternoon, April certainly came through for Daddy. She ran right out the exit door with Ms. Haldman nearby and excitedly shouted, “My teacher's first name is Jan!” It wasn't exactly the timing that Jim preferred. Couldn't April have waited until they drove off in the cable van? And hearing April inform her father of the teacher's first name certainly resulted in an astounded look from Ms. Haldman.

  But Ms. Haldman would learn even more from little April! The following day, just before lunch, April approached her teacher and asked, “Are you married?” Daddy hadn't asked little April to find this out. April was only being proactive, recalling Daddy's initial questions from a few days ago. Since he wanted to know Ms. Haldman's first name, maybe he wanted to know if she was married as well.

  Ms. Haldman briefly paused and then answered, “No; why do you ask?”

  “My Daddy wants to know!”

  Now you would think that the recent activities and revelations surrounding April's father would have made Ms. Haldman uneasy. And initially these things probably didn't sit well with her for obvious reasons. But people react in the most peculiar ways. Married for only two years, and then divorced because of her spouse's sudden drug addiction; Ms. Haldman had remained single for many years thereafter, experiencing a few promising relationships that only flopped for one reason or another. Now in her late 40s and nearly given up on love, there was a man suddenly showing interest and inquiring about her. Although still so beautiful and young, the air can be terribly thin in the department of love for a woman that age—especially in Mapleview. It was only natural that she lay in bed at night, burning in curiosity of what could possibly be between her and April's father.

  * * *

  By the second week of the new school year, Jim's short-lived escapade of having sex with stationary images of nude women had finally ended. If your husband is suddenly obsessed and seemingly addicted to nude images of women, don't worry. It dies as he will surely grow sick of the repeated bombardment of naked women. That can only go on for so long! And Jim certainly was tired of searching for the next gorgeous, nude model along with seeing women as nothing more than little pieces of candy that walked the streets. Jim was all better, now. That dark chapter in his life had finally ended.


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