Room for More

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Room for More Page 6

by Beth Ehemann

  “Are you staying here with us today?”

  “I wish I could, but I have to go home.”

  Lucy’s shoulders slumped and her tiny bottom lip jutted out as her glance fell to the floor, nearly killing me. “I’m so sorry, kiddo, but I have practice today.”

  Piper skipped into the kitchen and jumped right into the conversation. “Can we come and watch you play hockey sometime?”

  I spun on my stool to face her. “Yes! You want to come and watch sometime? I would love that!”

  “Yeah!” They both jumped up and down, pumping their little arms in the air.

  “Maybe one weekend when your mom doesn’t work, you all can come and see a game. Maybe spend the weekend at my house?” I rushed through that last part while avoiding eye contact with Kacie.

  “Really?” Piper asked excitedly, her eyes almost bugging out of her head.

  “Can we, Mom?” Lucy followed up.

  “Uh…” Kacie looked from Piper to Lucy to me. “Maybe. We’ll see, okay?” The girls pouted as Kacie quickly changed the subject. “How do you guys want your eggs today? Scrambled or over easy?”

  “Scrambled,” they called out before running to play in the family room.

  I sat quietly, trying to read Kacie’s body language. She was facing away from me, her head down as she whisked the eggs quickly—a little quicker than I was comfortable with, frankly. Women always do things faster when they’re mad.

  Walk. Cook. Type. Talk.

  Watching her arm whip around mixing those eggs had my heart racing.

  Was what I said that bad?


  She jumped at the sound of her name and spun to face me, tears in her eyes.

  “Holy shit, are you mad? I’m sorry.” I hopped off my stool and rushed around the island.

  She shook her head. “No, no. I’m not mad, but me bringing them to your place just makes all of this… very real.”

  “You have two very smart little girls, Jensen. They see us hugging. They’ve seen me kiss you. They’re not stupid; they know what’s going on.”

  She sighed. “I know and I’m okay with that. I’m just worried about them getting too attached.” Her head was facing down, but she peeked up at me with her huge green eyes. “Me too.”

  “Kacie, get attached. Please, get attached. I sure as hell know I am. You’re what I want. You and the girls. This is it for me.” I brushed a fresh tear from her cheek. “I know we’re taking our time, especially where the girls are concerned, but you’re my more, remember?”

  “You’re my more too.” A tiny smile formed on her pink, kissable lips. “And I don’t even have to ask them. They’re crazy about you. They talk about you constantly.”

  I looked over at the two cute little blonde heads dancing to Taylor Swift in the family room and smiled.

  “Good, because I’m not being cautious. I’ve thrown myself into this wholeheartedly and I’m pretty damn attached to all three of you.”

  She grinned and her little freckle-covered nose crinkled just the way I liked.

  “Plus, I had to say something to make them happy again, especially Lucy. Did you see the look on her face when I told her I was leaving?”

  She bit her lip to keep from laughing at me and shook her head.

  “Holy shit!” I threw my hands up in the air. “If she ever looks at me like that again, I’m going to give her whatever the hell she asks for. Pony. Pink convertible. A pony driving a pink convertible. I don’t know how you fight those looks. They’re kryptonite.”

  A small giggle escaped her as she rolled her eyes. “You get used to the looks. Sometimes you have to say no.”

  Gently poking her in the chest, I grinned at her as big as I could. “You have to say no. I’m perfectly happy being the pushover. What my Twinkies want, my Twinkies get.”

  “Oh God,” she whooped.

  “But I do have a compromise for now, if you’re interested. My mom invited us to spend a weekend at their farm before the girls get too involved with school and stuff.”


  “Yep. This coming weekend, actually. They have plenty of extra space in the house, and we can take Lucy and Piper fishing and horseback riding. There’s even a pier on their private lake if you want to take it for a whirl.” I wiggled my eyebrows up and down at her.

  Her hand smacked me on the chest playfully. “I’ll look at my schedule and let you know later.”

  “Wow.” I was surprised. “That was easy. You agreeing to that pier part too?”

  The most adorable smirk grew on her face as she walked up to me and pinched my ass. “We’ll see about that one. Bring a big tube of hydrocortisone just in case.”

  My ass was itchy and I was so exhausted on the ride home from Kacie’s that I thought I might fall asleep at the wheel. I cranked up Nine Inch Nails and rolled the windows down to keep myself awake as I drove. Poor Diesel was trying to sleep on the seat next to me, but I was playing drums on the steering wheel and singing too loud.

  I stopped at home, dropped Diesel off, and grabbed my bag before heading to The House for practice.

  “Morning, princess.” Viper grinned at me as I walked into the locker room.

  “What’s up, buddy?” I walked over and shook his hand.

  “Nothing,” he chirped. “Wonderful day, isn’t it?”

  I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. “What’s with you? Why are you in such a good mood?”

  “Who isn’t in a good mood when you wake up with a hot mouth wrapped around your dick?”

  “Guess you and Kat are back together?”

  “Kat?” He sounded confused. “Oh! She’s visiting her sister in California.”

  “Then who was—” I caught his evil grin out of the corner of my eye and shook my head. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

  He laughed loudly as we finished lacing up our skates.

  “Viper, my boy, I don’t even know what to say to you.”

  “You jealous?”

  “Jealous? Of you?”

  “Of all the ass I get.”

  “No,” I said without hesitation. “I’m not.”

  “Come on, Brody. Not even a little? You’ve been with Kacie for a few months now and while I agree that she’s smoking fucking hot, you’re fucking the same pussy every night. Doesn’t that get old?”

  I thought back to the look on her face the night before when I was buried deep inside of her on the pier. “Not even a little.”

  “You’re so pussy whipped.”

  “I am.” I grinned at him unapologetically. “And I’m loving every minute of it. You’ll understand one day.”

  “Fuck that! I’m staying single forever.”

  I threw my practice jersey over my head and stared at him incredulously. “You’re not single now, idiot.”

  “Technically, no. But I fuck whoever the hell I want and she never leaves me.”

  “And what if she did? Would it even bother you?”

  Viper frowned and looked at the ground, lost in thought. Had I tamed the beast with that question? Was he actually going to be thoughtful about something for once in his life? He tossed his helmet on top of his big melon and smiled at me. “Nah. I’d have more room in my closet, and I wouldn’t have to rush home and wash my sheets before she gets back and discovers I fucked a tiny brunette senseless in our bed last night. And then again this morning.” He winked and turned to head out of the locker room.

  Okay, maybe he wasn’t so thoughtful.

  “Today, please,” Maureen huffed.

  My hands were shaking as I tried to push a needle into a drunken idiot’s arm as smoothly as possible, but it was worse than trying to wrestle pants onto a toddler. I could feel Maureen’s hot breath on my neck as she hovered over me, waiting for me to screw up.

  “Ow! That hurts, bitch!” Drunk Guy yelled, showering beer-tainted spit droplets all over my face.

  Suddenly, I didn’t care very much whether it hurt him or not. It’s not like he wo
uld remember it tomorrow anyway.

  I went toward him with the needle again and he yanked his arm back as far as the handcuffs would allow. “Stay the fuck away from me.”

  “Calm down,” the police officer standing next to him said as he pushed his shoulders back down.

  “Maureen, I need you for a minute,” Darla called from the hallway.

  Maureen glared at me. “Hurry up. We have a full house tonight.”

  Once she hurried out of the room, I narrowed my eyes at Drunk Guy. “Listen, dude. I want to give you this IV about as bad as you want to get it, but it’s my job to make your sorry, drunk ass feel better. Sit back, relax, shut your mouth, and I’ll get this done as quick and as painless as possible. Got it?”

  The officer pulled his fist up to his mouth and coughed, trying to cover up his laugh.

  “You’re hot,” Drunk Guy slurred at me with a lopsided grin.

  I rolled my eyes and bent over him to try the IV again. Second time was a charm, thank God. I got him all set up and walked out to the front desk where Darla was sitting.

  “How did that go?” Darla nodded her head toward the room I just came from.

  “Awful. I got hit on.”

  “Is he cute?”

  The corners of my mouth curled down and I frowned at her. “He’s plastered.”

  “That doesn’t scare me.” She winked. “The drunker, the feistier.”

  “Well, if you like obnoxious, overweight, drunk guys with mullets, he’s your man.”

  The rest of the night moved at lightning speed, and for that I was thankful. As soon as midnight rolled around, I was out of there for the whole weekend. Brody was coming to get us bright and early and we were heading up to his parents’ farm. I made the Parenting 101 mistake of telling Lucy and Piper days ago, and they’d been asking every five minutes since then if it was time to leave. I couldn’t wait to wake them in the morning and finally say yes!

  Midnight rolled around and I was gathering up my things from my cubby when Darla plopped down on the chair next to me dramatically.

  “Tired?” I asked.

  “Exhausted,” she said through a yawn.

  “What time are you out of here?”

  “Six o’clock.”

  “Just in time for breakfast. You’re almost there.” I smiled sympathetically at her. “What are you doing this weekend?”

  “Nothing. This will be my first weekend off in months. I’m going to order Chinese and lie in my underwear all weekend, watching trashy reality show reruns.” She clapped.

  “Did someone say underwear?” Zach slid up to the counter and flashed a cocky grin at us. Chitchat time came to an abrupt end as I grabbed my lunch bag and slipped my hoodie over my head.

  “What are you still doing here, handsome?” Darla cooed at him in such a way that it made my stomach roll.

  “Not still. I just got here.”

  “Where’s your uniform?”

  “I’m not working, just here catching up on some paperwork.”

  “Good night, Darla. I’ll see you next week,” I said quickly and turned toward the door.

  “Have fun this weekend, Kacie. Give those girls a kiss for me.”

  Knowing that Zach was standing right there listening to Darla mention the girls made me cringe. It was the colossal white herd of elephants in the room between us, and I was trying desperately not to be trampled by them. I just wanted to put in my hours and be on my merry way so life could be the way it was before.

  “Wait up!” Zach called out as the ER doors slid open and a rush of cool night air hit me in the face.

  “What do you want?” I asked, walking faster without making eye contact.

  He jogged to catch up to me. “What are you guys doing this weekend? Can I see them?”



  “That’s right. No.”

  “Just like that?”

  “Pretty much.” I reached into my purse and grabbed my keys and my pepper spray. The parking lot was well lit and in a safe area, so it wasn’t random weirdos I was concerned about; it was the asshole next to me.

  “Can I ever see them?”


  “Kacie, stop.” He tugged gently on my elbow and I stopped and spun to face him.

  “I warned you once before not to touch me. This is the last time I’m going to say it. Do. Not. Touch. Me. Got it?” I said as sternly as I could.

  “Got it, got it. Please, talk to me.”

  “No. I have to go.”

  He didn’t attempt to touch me again. He just stopped and watched me climb into my Jeep. I locked the door, started the engine, and pulled out as quickly as I could, praying that my heart rate would return to normal by the time I got home.

  “Mom! Mom! It’s today, right?”

  My eyes bolted open and attempted to focus on Lucy’s tiny face, but she was too close to me. I closed my eyes again as I felt them crossing involuntarily. “Yes, baby. It’s today.”

  “Yay!” she cheered loudly as she ran out of my room.

  I rolled over and let my eyes drift shut, secretly wishing I had three more hours of sleep. When I got home from work the night before, I was so exhausted I went right to sleep instead of packing ahead of time—something completely out of character for me. Clearly Brody’s laid-back, go-with-the-flow demeanor was seeping into me. I kinda liked it.

  “What time are we going?” Piper crashed through my bedroom door.

  “Brody is picking us up at nine o’clock.” I yawned.

  “He’s here!” she shrieked and slammed my door shut again.

  “What?” I called out and sat straight up in bed, realizing I was talking to an empty room. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and blinked several times, trying to focus on the time.

  9:12 a.m.


  I flew out of bed and into the kitchen where Brody was leaning against the island, blowing on the coffee cup in his hand.

  “Morning.” Brody cocked a small smile at me.

  I stood with my mouth open, my eyes darting back and forth between him and the table where my mom and Fred sat with their own steaming cups of coffee. “I overslept.”

  “I can see that.” He raised an eyebrow as his eyes traveled down to my feet and back up to my face. He walked over and planted a kiss on my forehead. “You’re still the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Quickly, I threw some clothes in a duffel bag for the girls and myself, kissed my mom good-bye, and we were out the door.

  “Where are you going?” Brody asked as I headed for my Jeep.

  “I need to grab Lucy’s and Piper’s booster seats. Hang on.”

  “No you don’t. I got it covered.” He grinned.

  “You what?”

  “I bought some.”

  “Booster seats?”

  “Yep. Consumer Reports said they were the safest and they are super comfortable. Viper tried them out.”

  “Wait.” I stopped in my tracks and narrowed my eyes at him. “First, you checked Consumer Reports? And second, Viper tried them out?”

  “Hell yes I checked Consumer Reports. I have no idea what I’m doing when it comes to car seats. And the pictures of Viper are probably on the internet somewhere. He tried to fit his big ass in one to make sure it was comfortable and some lady videoed the whole thing with her phone.” The girls covered their mouths and giggled from the side of Brody’s truck. “I actually had to buy three. Two for the girls plus the one Viper broke.” He rolled his eyes and walked over, opening the door for me.

  I climbed up into the truck and turned around. Sure enough, sitting in the backseat were two brand new booster seats and Diesel.

  Brody walked around and opened the door on his side and the girls hopped up, settling nicely into their new seats. Every single day that crazy man offered up some innocent text or gesture that made me fall in love with him all over again. Today’s dose came in the form of two booster seats.

  The drive from my house
to his parents’ was only about an hour. Brody and I held hands quietly and listened to the girls chatter the whole way. They were so excited to see his parents’ farm and swim in the lake. We’d lived on a lake their whole lives, yet they were still thrilled to swim in someone else’s lake. We turned down a dirt road and drove along several miles of farm fencing before making a sharp right down another dirt road.

  “That’s the cutest thing ever,” I said as we passed a sign that read Lazy Acres Farm hanging off of a post at the corner.

  Brody’s lips turned into a crooked smile. “It’s always been my dad’s dream to have a big farm to retire on. He’s wanted to name it that as long as I can remember.”

  When Brody told me his parents lived in a farmhouse I pictured a charming hundred-year-old farmhouse that was worn down and decrepit like you would see in the movies. This house was just the opposite. It was a fairly new Victorian farmhouse, painted a cheery light green, adorned with small details to make it look antique. White gingerbread trim accented the corners of the huge front porch and wicker furniture, with red and white gingham-checked cushions, invited you to sit and relax for a while.

  I stood on the porch and stared out at the sprawling, immaculately kept property. Every flower was in full bloom, every blade of grass just the perfect length. “This house is amazing!” I muttered incredulously.

  “I know. I love it here.”

  Lucy and Piper, happy to finally be out of the car, skipped around the front yard with Diesel excitedly chasing after them.

  “I thought I heard giggling out here,” JoAnn said pleasantly as she flowed through the front door, letting it slam gently behind her. She wiped her hands on her apron and walked toward us. “I’m so glad you guys could make it.” She reached out and pulled me into a big, warm hug. I gladly squeezed back, feeling instantly connected to her all over again, just as I had at the hospital.

  “Hey, Mom,” Brody said when she turned her attention toward him. She reached up and wrapped her arms around him as he lifted her off the ground in a big bear hug.

  He set her down and she turned and looked out at Lucy and Piper, who were still running around the yard playing. They’d outlasted Diesel, who was laying at the end of the porch, panting in the shade.


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