Beary Tales

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Beary Tales Page 16

by Jennifer Malone Wright

  Gingerly, Katya stretched out, placing her head on the pillow so gently that Chris raised an eyebrow and tilted his head in question. Seeing his curious expression, Katya smiled and felt her face flush a little bit. “I don’t want to mess it up,” she explained.

  With a laugh, he shook his head. “It’s meant to be messed. That’s what happens to pillows. So relax and get comfortable. Now, I hope you don’t mind, but I’m taking these pajamas off. I feel like I lost a fight with a rainbow.” He glanced down at the colorful pajamas Butchy had selected for all of them.

  Katya glanced down at her own set, “I like mine, I’ve never had anything like them before.” She brought her eyes up and they suddenly went wide as they settled on Chris. He had removed his shirt and pants, and was currently tossing them onto the chair beside the bed. Every movement caused his muscles to ripple and flex. Katya felt her breath catch in her throat as she stared, unable to look away.

  “What?” Chris tilted his head and grinned, “Why do you stare at me like that?”

  “Your skin … your body … it looks so hard, but so soft at the same time.”

  Chris threw back his head and let out a hearty laugh, “I adore the way you say exactly what you think, dear Katya.”

  Although Katya couldn’t for the life of her figure out what was so funny about that, she smiled and laughed with him. That is, until he slipped underneath the blankets and patted the pillows beside him. “Come closer. What good is this big beautiful bed, if there isn’t two people cuddling in it?”

  Katya had never cuddled before, but she wasn’t about to turn down an invitation to do so with Chris. She longed to feel the contours of his muscles and his skin against hers. So, with one fluid movement, she was laying against him with her head resting in the crook of his arm.

  “There now, this is much better,” Chris told her.

  “I think so, too.” She turned on her side so that she could see him better and following suit, he did the same.

  “I like your eyes,” Katya declared. “They are a mystery. Like your body, they are two things at once, bright and dark.”

  “Well, your eyes are like emeralds.” With his free hand, he let the tip of his thumb graze over her cheek. “Katya?”


  “I would like to kiss you, would that be all right?”

  Katya did not have a clue what kissing was like. But, she did know what it was, and she very much wanted to try it with him. “Yes. I would like that.”

  With gentle fingers, Chris lifted Katya’s chin so that they were staring into each other’s eyes and then slowly, he leaned in, drawing closer and closer, until their lips finally met.

  Katya had never felt so many sensations in her whole lifetime, something fluttered in her stomach, her skin tingled from head to toe, and warmth rose within her. She loved the feel of his lips on hers.

  And then, she took in a deep breath and exhaling with a sigh. “I really like kissing.”

  “There’s more to it.” Chris flashed her a grin.

  “How could there be more, that was incredible!”

  In answer, Chris leaned in and kissed her again. This time, his lips parted hers and Katya nearly pulled away when his tongue brushed against hers. Sensing her hesitation, he gently cradled her head in his hand to keep her from shying away.

  It didn’t take long for Katya to realize that this … more he spoke of, was amazing. She let her tongue caress his as well, and then she felt her body heat rise even more. She pushed her body closer to his and slid her arm around his waist, wanting as little space between them as possible.

  Their kisses grew deeper, longer, and more passionate by the minute. Katya moved against his body and threw her leg over him. Pulling away, she took in a breath and then whispered, “Can you show me all of it.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “All of it,” Katya explained. “I want to mate with you.”

  Chris laughed and looked into Katya’s perpetually curious green eyes. “Katya, in the human world, we call this making love, or sex. But,” he pulled her a bit closer, “as much as I would love to make love with you, I want to save that for another night.”

  Suddenly shy, Katya tried to pull away. “You don’t want me?”

  “No, no, no! That is not what I meant at all. I fully intend on having you, my amazing Katya. I am certain that we are made for each other, for I have never felt such a strong bond with another soul in my entire life. But, I have more to teach you before we make love.”

  “What more is there, besides the kissing?” Katya wondered.

  Chris trailed his fingers down between her breasts and fingered the waistline of her pajamas. “I can show you … but it will only make you want the sex that much more.” He slid his hand down a bit further.

  Electric tingles worked their way over every inch of Katya’s skin. Involuntarily, her hips thrust toward him and she moaned against his lips, which had come crushing down onto hers. “Oh, yes. So much more,” she managed to whisper.

  And then, the two were lost in each other and lost in the glittering golden ribbon that swirled around them and bathed the two in a magical glow.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Everyone woke to the smell of bacon frying and fresh coffee. Chris puttered around in the kitchen cooking breakfast while Butchy carefully dressed the crew for their first ‘being human’ lesson.

  Leilanni sported acid washed skinny jeans with a hot pink three quarter length sleeve that hung from one shoulder. A soft white tank peeked from the shirt and for accessories, she wore a sliver bear pendant on a long silver chain and white and hot pink high top tennis shoes.

  Nita’s appearance was less 80s and more businesslike. Her tailored grey pantsuit hugged all the right places and the coordinating pink chiffon cami tightened the whole piece. Although Butchy generally tried to refrain from putting heels on Nita, he’d made an exception this time with a pale pink sling-back wedge. With the pink pearls adorning her neck and ears, she was the perfect picture of poise and class.

  Katya was the only one who seemed to have trouble with his choice in attire. She looked down at the magenta ruffled, incredibly short skirt and cowboy boot ensemble and brought her glaring eyes back to his face. “Really?”

  Butchy shrugged. “What? It’s cute!”

  “If I bend over my entire backside is going to hang out,” she replied.

  “Then don’t bend over.”

  Placing an elegant hand on her hip, she continued shooting daggers with her eyes. “Why do you always dress me like this? I may not be human, but I know when I look at them,” she pointed at Leilanni and Nita, “they always look pulled together and nice. You always have me dressed like someone’s closet threw up and landed on me.”

  “Well, I see. I’m sorry you feel so abused. It just so happens that when I dress you, I always do so with my own taste in mind because I thought you were more like me. A free spirit so to speak. Who didn’t want to be kept in a fashion box by people who didn’t know anymore about style than they did purple chimpanzees!”

  Chris, wearing the usual black tee and blue jeans, burst out laughing. “Butchy, I’m sorry man, but I’ve spent most of my life living in the human world. Normal people don’t dress like you dress these girls. This is the kind of stuff you see on TV. You might need a little help in this area yourself.”

  Harumphf. “Fine then. Since you’ve become such an expert over night, Katya, what would you like to wear? Just name it and I’ll create it for you.” Butchy retorted.

  Katya rubbed her chin. “I don’t know. I haven’t thought about it.”

  Impatiently tapping his fingers against his arm, he waited quietly.

  Katya thought a bit longer and finally smiled. “Remember those black jeans with the high boots you had Leilanni in a few days ago?”

  “Of course,” Butchy answered.

  “I’d like those, but not black. Dark blue jeans and boots with a red top like the yellow one you had me in the day after we go
t to the cabin. I love red.”

  “Blue and red. How cleverly boring of you,” he replied. Butchy flicked his wand and made it so. He raked his eyes over her, snorted, and tilted his nose into the air. “Redheads should never wear red. You look ridiculous.”

  “Hey now,” Chris scolded. Looping an arm around her waist, he pulled Katya tighter. “I think you look breathtaking,” he whispered in her ear.

  Katya giggled and leaned into his chest with a contented sigh.

  “Okay, okay. Enough of that nonsense. Let’s eat and be on our way. Rapunzel’s Hair Emporium awaits,” Butchy ordered.

  “What’s that?” Nita asked.

  “That, my lovely, is your first lesson in being human.” Butchy grinned.


  Chris parked the SUV in front of the business and raked his eyes over the building. A large neon sign that said Rapunzel’s Hair Emporium covered the top of the building from one end to the other. Painted signs hung in the windows with sayings that varied from ‘We only use real hair’ to ‘Don’t let your weave go whack,’ and ‘We weave magic into your do.’

  “Are you sure we’re in the right place?” Chris asked Butchy.

  “Of course we are! Nobody does hair like Pricilla and her gang and today, the girls are going to learn all about hair. It’s all part of being a female human,” Butchy retorted.

  Katya and Nita exchanged uncertain looks.

  “Well, come on. Let’s get moving!” Butchy ordered.

  Eyeing the building next door, Chris elbowed Paul. “How about a game of pool? I’m sure we can find something to do to stay out of their hair.”

  Leilanni raised her eyes to the sign and read aloud, “Bartello’s Irish Pub. What is Irish, Chris?”

  Smirking, he answered, “Ireland is a country in Europe. People who live in that country are Irish.”

  “Oh, so Bartello is an Irish name then?” Katya asked.

  Chris laughed and shook his head. “I’m pretty sure it’s Italian, but you never know in this part of town.”

  Leilanni harshly blew out a huff of air. “Humans make no sense at all.”

  “Come on, girls. We mustn’t keep our teacher waiting,” Butchy replied.

  Leilanni and Katya took one last longing look at their partners, before turning to follow Butchy.

  “Don’t worry,” Chris assured them. “We’ll be right next door if you need us. We’ll come check on you in awhile.”

  A loud bell rang as Butchy pushed the glass door open. A raven-haired, dark-skinned beauty with a phone pressed to her ear looked up from the front desk and flashed them a smile. Using her free hand, which sported bright red three-inch long nails, she pointed to the phone first and then the open seating area.

  Butchy nodded and hustled the girls toward the row of empty chairs.

  The burgundy walls of the establishment were decorated with hand painted abstract murals in vibrant colors featuring women of all nationalities in various poses and hairstyles.

  Across the room, a thick curtain of multi-colored beads covered a large open doorway into another part of the building.

  The girls wrinkled their noses in disgust after being assailed with the pungent aroma of perm solution, hair dye, and acetone.

  Leilanni’s eyes began to water. “What is that awful stench?” she whispered.

  Butchy had just started to answer when the beaded curtain swung forward and revealed a buxom dark-skinned woman with hair weaved in tiny little braids that reached below her waist. “Butchy, my pet,” she exclaimed in a thick Jamaican accent. “Where you been? It’s been such a long time.”

  Butchy jumped to his feet. “Pricilla, my ebony goddess. I’ve counted the days since I last laid eyes on your ravishing form.”

  Pricilla waved off his compliment with a laugh. “Oh go on wit’ yourself now. You always know jus’ what to say to da ladies.”

  Butchy leaned forward and dropped a kiss on each of her cheeks. Taking her hand, he stepped dramatically to the side and said, “Girls, this is the goddess of all that is beautiful in fashion. Don’t let her tell you any different.”

  The girls smiled and nodded in greeting.

  “Nice to meet you, ladies. Now, what can we do for you today?” Pricilla asked.

  “Believe it or not, these poor dears are in need of a few lessons. If you and your girls could teach them how to fix their hair in appropriate styles, we’d appreciate it. Of course we will pay for the services,” Butchy replied.

  Filled with curiosity, Pricilla’s eyes moved over the three girls. “Deese girls look pulled together. What you mean, they need lessons? Lessons for what?”

  “Lessons on different ways to do their hair. They look great now after I’ve spruced them up, but you should have seen them when I found them. I don’t have time to do hair for all three every day,” he answered.

  Pursing her lips, she nodded. “Okay den. Let’s get to it, shall we?”

  The girls followed the braided woman through the beaded curtain into the styling room beyond. All along both walls sat mirrored workstations with black vinyl stylist’s chairs. Five young women varying in height and size worked busily with customers, while two more lounged on a maroon couch near the door.

  “Shaniqua, Regina, get on over here. We’re fixin’ to teach deese girls how to do some hair,” Pricilla said as she motioned to the lounging women.

  Shaniqua stood and snapped her fingers, saying, “I hear that.”

  Regina, the quieter of the two, said, “Yes, Ma’am, Miss Pricilla.”

  The three girls had just taken their seats when an ear splitting screech echoed from the lobby, directly followed by, “Oh, hell no! You are not going up in there like that. This is a classy establishment. We have customers in here!”

  Before anyone could respond, a six foot two, heavily muscled man covered in only a red plaid blanket burst through the bead curtains dragging the tiny black woman from the front desk behind him. She held onto the blanket for dear life screaming, “Did you hear me? I said oh, hell no! You are not coming up in here with your half-naked, hairless, sasquatch looking self. I don’t care how damn cute you are!”

  Nita jumped to her feet. “Mato? How did you ... why are you...”

  Mato raced across the room, tiny woman in tow, and pulled Nita into his bare arms. “My beautiful, Nita. I could not let you go. I have searched the world over looking for you. How I came to this place I do not know. Only that I knew I had to follow your scent and the bond that ties us together.”

  Tears filled her eyes as she buried her face in his chest. “I thought I’d lost you forever.”

  “Never, my love,” he soothed.

  “Okay that’s about enough of this. It’s sweet and everything, but I can’t be having naked men traipsing around my business. Ya’ll are going to have to move this reunion somewhere else,” Pricilla ordered.

  “Of course,” Butchy replied. “Umm, Mato, is it? If you’d kindly step into the back room with me I’ll get you something more appropriate to wear.”

  Unwilling to let Nita go, Mato shook his head.

  She placed a hand on his chest and smiled. “It’s okay. It will only be for a moment.”

  Eyes darting between Nita and Butchy, he finally nodded and took a step toward the fairy, only to be pulled backwards.

  “Cassandra, let the man go,” Pricilla laughed.

  The tiny woman from the front desk released her hold on the blanket and tossed her chin in the air. “Mmmhmm. You just wait. Try that shit again. I’ll cut a bitch.”

  Butchy returned with a fully dressed Mato and discovered that Chris and Paul had already joined the party. The men were uncomfortably wedged in small vinyl covered chairs with magazines in their laps. Both hunched forward to leave room for the antiquated dryers behind their heads.

  Butchy brought Mato to the row of chairs and introduced him to the others. The men shook hands and then glancing longingly at Nita, Mato managed to shove his large frame between the two silver armrests.
/>   Regina walked circles around Leilanni’s chair. Every so often, she’d stop and grunt, shake her head, and continue moving again. After several rounds about the chair she finally pursed her lips and nodded. “I know exactly what you need. You got that warrior princess look going on, but you need something a little softer for the fellas. Something that says ‘come hither.’ You know what I mean?”

  Leilanni shook her head. “No. I don’t know what you mean. What is come hither?”

  “Oh, come on, girl. A little sumthin sumthin that says here I am. Come get me.”

  Leilanni’s eyes grew wide. Looking in the mirror at Paul who was seated directly behind her, she grimaced. Unfortunately, Paul was lost in his magazine and never raised his eyes.

  Regina stepped in front of her holding what appeared to be the mane of an albino horse. “How about this? This will doll you up.”

  Staring at the mass of hair, and still wide-eyed, Leilanni violently shook her head. “I don’t think so. Long hair isn’t really my thing.”

  Regina laughed and spun the chair around. “Let’s just see, okay? If you don’t like it, we’ll find something else.”

  After several minutes of poking, prodding, picking, teasing, and several other things Leilanni didn’t know the definition of, Regina said, “Okay, girl. Just hold your breath.”

  Leilanni’s eyes immediately burned with a thousand fires as the breath was sucked from her lungs. Blinking profusely, she wobbled to her feet gasping for air.

  “Sit back down. I’m not done!” Regina ordered.

  Spinning on her right leg, Leilanni ripped the can of toxic fumes from the woman’s hand and threw it across the room. “Are you trying to kill me? What are you thinking?”

  Completely incensed, Regina stepped back and threw her arms out. “You wanna go there? You wanna piece do ya? Come on with it then, bitch.”

  Leilanni lunged toward the woman, but felt her body jerk as Paul’s strong hands pulled her back. “Let me go,” she said through her teeth.

  Paul pulled her hard against his chest, dipping his head to her ear. “This is not the time or place for this, my love.”


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