Fool's Gold

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Fool's Gold Page 13

by PJ Skinner

  Marta had to face her disappointed family and disapproving neighbours when she discovered that she was going to have a baby. She got pregnant the first time she slept with him, which was on the night he asked her to marry him. How incredibly corny! How could she have fallen for that old chestnut and on St Valentine’s Day, too? Despite all the warnings from her mother about having sex before marriage, she had fallen for the oldest trick in the book, and she had a son to remind her. He was the spitting image of his father, poor lad. It wasn’t his fault she couldn’t look at him. Even worse was the knowledge that Carlos had never intended to marry her. How could she compete with that hussy and her right to live in the States? Life was not fair. Marta had ceased to trust from that day forth, rightly assuming that a lot of her friends and family knew that her boyfriend was playing away but had failed to warn her.

  She got ready for work, taking a lot of time with her makeup as she did every day. She blew her hair dry and fixed it into place with a toxic amount of hairspray. Satisfied that she looked her best, she took the bus into work, bursting to tell someone what she knew. She let herself into Mike Morton’s apartment and slipped into the kitchen. She was rewarded with the sight of Tati, the maid, bent double over the washing board, punishing Sam’s jeans. Tati came from the coast and brought the sunshine with her. Her lithe body danced over the task with all the enjoyment of a job well done. She looked up when she heard the tick-tack of Marta’s high heels on the tiled kitchen floor, announcing their owner’s hurried arrival.

  ‘Good morning, Señora Marta,’ she said. ‘How are you today?’

  ‘Very well, thank you, Tati,’ she said, ‘and you?’

  ‘I’m okay. A little concerned about last night. I don’t know why Señor Mike made me go home when everyone else was there. I’m afraid that I’ve done something wrong so I’ve come early to clean the clothes with all my might so he can see me working hard.’

  ‘I’m sure you haven’t done anything wrong, Tati. Mike would have told me.’

  ‘I thought that he’d noticed that I’d taken home the remains of a chicken that they had for lunch this week. It was mostly bones but I took it without asking. I didn’t sleep last night worrying about it. I should’ve asked him but I thought no one would notice.’

  ‘I’m absolutely sure that it’s not that. You don’t need to worry. If you make me a cup of coffee I’ll tell you all about it. Okay?’

  Tati wrung out the jeans and hung them over a drying rack. She wiped her hands on her apron and padded into the kitchen in her flip-flops. She made them both a cup of strong coffee with lots of sugar. Marta struggled to keep her composure, while Tati spooned the sugar into the cups and stirred it extra slowly.

  ‘Thank you,’ said Marta, straining at the seams with impatience. ‘That’s good coffee.’

  ‘So, what’s up with Mr. Mike and Mr. Alfredo?’ said Tati.

  ‘This is top secret. You mustn’t tell anyone that you know.’

  ‘I won’t. I promise.’

  ‘Last night after you left, Alfredo told us about the lost treasure of the Incas. Apparently, it belonged to Atahualpa and was going to be used to pay his ransom, but he was murdered first and it disappeared. It turns out that Sam took a picture of a cipher that Alfredo thinks might have something to do with the treasure. I didn’t understand that part. I think she said it was in the jungle.’

  Tati shifted in her chair.


  ‘Yes, Alfredo’s a treasure hunter, and he has lots of books about treasure, so he must be awfully clever. He seems sure that Sam has found something to do with it, and Mike wants to go and look for the treasure himself. Well, not himself, but he wants Sam and Alfredo to go, I think. Isn’t that amazing?’

  She paused, breathless. She sat back and waited for Tati to beg her for more details. She was disappointed. Tati appeared oddly unimpressed by this tall tale.

  ‘Ah, but the treasure story is a myth. I read about it in the newspaper. There’s no treasure any more. It was all stolen by the Spanish, or someone, I’m not sure who. I can’t remember. Anyway, I don’t believe it still exists. Are you sure you don’t know why Mr. Mike sent me away?’

  ‘I don’t know. Perhaps because we were speaking English. Aren’t you interested in the treasure?’

  ‘No, it’s none of my business. I’m worried about losing my job. I have to finish the laundry.’

  ‘But Tati...’

  Tati stood up and marched off to the sink. She was worried about her job, but Marta couldn’t understand why she didn’t seem interested in the treasure and had dismissed it out of hand as a myth. Usually, Tati was the first one to gossip about superstitions, rumours and miracles. Today, she showed no interest at all. Marta was frustrated by this apparent change of heart, but she had never understood Tati and assumed that she was in a mood or had her period.

  Marta remained frustrated, still carrying her secret, which felt as yet unshared due to the reluctance of Tati to participate in speculation. She sulked at her desk all morning and sighed loudly when Mike and Sam left to go to lunch with Gloria. She filed her nails and re-did her makeup. She was considering telephoning her sister to tell her instead when the phone on her desk rang, making her jump. It was Wilson looking for Mike, but when she told him that Mike was at lunch, he was reluctant to hang up. She allowed him to chat her up for about fifteen minutes, while she considered her options. Wilson was part of the company. Surely it would be okay to tell him the story of the cipher? She hesitated.

  ‘So, what’s new with you, princess?’ asked Wilson.

  ‘I’ve a secret, but I can’t tell you what it is.’

  ‘A secret? If it’s secret, maybe you shouldn’t tell me,’ he replied.

  ‘I don’t know if it’s secret from you. Do you cross your heart and swear on the Virgin that you won’t tell anyone ever?’

  ‘Cross my heart and hope to die,’ said Wilson with as much sincerity as he could muster.

  But Marta lost her nerve. ‘Oh, nothing,’ she said. ‘I’ve got to go now. Bye, then.’


  Sam was beside herself with excitement about the treasure. After all, they would never have found the steps without her. She was determined to go on the trip to search for it and cornered Mike.

  ‘Have you got a minute?’ she said.

  ‘What’s up?’ said Mike.

  ‘Nothing. I’m so excited about the possibility of finding the treasure.’

  ‘Isn’t it great, Sam? I’ve always dreamed of being a wealthy man and having my own yacht. My mother, God rest her soul, was a bit of a social climber, and she constantly forced me into social circles where I couldn’t compete in terms of money or education. Class was something that couldn’t be purchased, but I was determined to better myself anyway and set about reading every book I could find. I travelled far and wide getting experience in other cultures and countries.’

  ‘How did you get into investing?’

  ‘Rich people like to invest in riskier schemes as a side-line to all those boring bonds and properties. It’s like an expensive casino for them. The rewards can be huge--and hugely unlikely--but they like to take a punt sometimes. I’m perfectly placed to put them in touch with my contacts worldwide, many of whom are specialized in finding unlikely projects for investment. The lost treasure of Atahualpa is an entrepreneur’s dream. It has everything: adventure, history, violence, mystery. I’ve had no trouble convincing Edward to put up the money to pay all the salaries and office bills in Calderon, funding the trips to the jungle and so forth.’

  ‘That’s great,’ said Sam. ‘I’m feeling pretty excited myself.’ She paused, uncertain.

  ‘What is it?’

  ‘Am I going?’ she said.

  ‘For God’s sake Sam, of course you are. I’m hoping that between you and Wilson, you can keep Alfredo on the straight and narrow until you get to Riccuarte. After that it will be your responsibility.’

  Sam stopped holding her breath. ‘Yes, he is str
uggling to cope with the revelation about the treasure being hidden in Esmeraldas. He could become a liability on this trip if he can’t stay sober. I’ve been working hard on my Spanish in case I need to communicate without Wilson. I admit I’m not pleased that he’s coming along to Riccuarte, but I do understand.’

  ‘I know you don’t like Wilson, but it’s for the best. Be careful not to provoke him again.’

  Sam swallowed her reply. There was no point trying to convince him that she hadn’t done anything to attract Wilson’s attention. Mike couldn’t comprehend Wilson’s behaviour because he was used to women throwing themselves at him due to his public profile. He had simply assumed that Sam had done the same for some reason.

  ‘I’ll do my best,’ she said. ‘Despite the drinking, I’ve taken to Alfredo. He makes Gloria happy, and he’s such a charming man it’s impossible to resist him. I can’t say that I’m convinced Wilson is the picture of sobriety himself. I hope I can keep an eye on both of them at once.’

  ‘I wish I was coming,’ he continued oblivious, ‘but I can’t risk it. Doctor’s orders. But if it wasn’t for that, nothing could keep me away. In fact, it would be the adventure of my life. I can’t wait to hear all about it.’

  Doctor’s orders? Mike was too lazy to come on the trip with them. He only wanted the booty. ‘Don’t worry. We’ll be back before you miss us.’

  Despite all her instincts telling her that Wilson could be dangerous, she didn’t want Mike to change his mind and leave her at home. She needed the job, and she was desperate to go on the treasure hunt.


  Sam’s badly disguised reluctance to go on the trip with Wilson made Mike think. She didn’t behave like most women he had come across. He had been astounded when she came to him with the revelation about the assault. Before this he had been unconcerned by that aspect of Wilson’s character. They had met in a seedy brothel, but that didn’t mean much since Mike had also been there. He’d rationalized it to himself because he needed them both on the trip and he still thought that was the right decision. She’d fought Wilson off the last time, hadn’t she? Who could know what sort of teasing went on? He was sure that no one jumped a woman without any provocation; he certainly didn’t. The treasure came first as far as he was concerned. Sam would have to get a grip.

  He took advantage of being alone in the office to call Edward.


  ‘Oh, hi Ophelia. It’s Mike Morton. Can I speak to Edward, please?’

  ‘I think he’s busy, Mike.’

  ‘He won’t be too busy to hear this.’

  ‘He’s busy, Mike.’

  ‘I don’t care how fucking busy he is. Tell him I need to speak to him right now. It’s important.’

  ‘There’s no need to be rude. I’ll see if he can free himself.’

  There was a pause. Some muffled, cross-sounding voices were audible in the background. Mike could hear footsteps coming towards the telephone. He was relieved to hear that they were not made by high heels.

  ‘Mike? What’s so urgent?’

  ‘We’ve done it, mate. We’ve hit the fucking jackpot!’

  ‘What jackpot? How can you possibly know? Don’t we have to do lots of sampling and measuring? I thought that was why you hired Sam. She’s pretty expensive for a junior. I hope she is worth it.’

  Mike was confused for a moment, then he remembered. He had put a decent salary in the budget for Sam, which Edward had refused to pay at first. What he hadn’t told Sam was that Edward had changed his mind. Mike knew how much Sam wanted the job, and he needed the money more than she did. She was happy, and he was happy. Why rock the boat?

  ‘Turns out she’s a fucking genius. She’s only gone and discovered a staircase that could lead to the lost treasure of the Incas.’

  ‘What the fuck is the lost treasure of the Incas? Aren’t we supposed to be opening a gold mine?’ muttered Edward, who couldn’t keep up with Mike’s changing plans.

  ‘Grab a chair, mate, and pour yourself a large one while I spin you a tale of Incas, murder, suicide and treasure.’


  The revelation about the serpent cipher on the Inca steps had been almost too much for Alfredo Vargas. He disappeared into his study for several days and emerged looking haggard with lack of sleep. Gloria took it upon herself to try to keep him fed, but her offerings were left to get cold or eaten by Alfredo’s dog. He had lost all concept of time and regularly rang Mike in the early hours of the morning to discuss a new revelation with him.

  ‘Mike, are you awake?’

  ‘Jesus, Alfredo, do you know what time it is?’

  ‘The serpent cipher was used by the last Inca on one of his seals. It was a royal cipher, Mike.’

  ‘That’s great. You already told us that. Now can I go back to sleep?’

  ‘But, it’s a royal seal!’

  ‘Yes, and it still will be in the morning. ‘Night, Alfredo.’


  Sam decided that the only way to deal with Wilson was to confront him herself. She was desperate to improve their relationship before they went back to the jungle.

  ‘Wilson, I need to talk to you.’

  He looked at her with distain and sighed.

  ‘What is it? Can’t you see that I’m busy?’

  Sam was shocked. She had not been expecting his surly attitude. ‘You had no right to assault me in the jungle,’ she said.

  ‘Assault you? You were all over me like a rash, and then you chickened out. Typical gringa bitch.’

  ‘That’s a lie,’ she said. ‘As if I would fancy you. Anyway, Gloria knows all about you. What would Mike think if she told him about your past?’

  Wilson looked her straight in the eye.

  ‘She wouldn’t dare. Not if she knows what’s good for her. Anyway, what about her past? What would Mike say if he knew all about her?’

  This was not going the way she planned at all. She lied.

  ‘Gloria told me that she knows why you keep getting fired. She’s going to tell Mike.’

  ‘If she knows about me, then she knows about my friends. They wouldn’t mind a piece of rich bitch for a change.’

  He turned away, leaving her standing in the middle of the room, white-faced with shock.


  Edward had been infected with gold fever and he was beside himself with excitement. He rang Mike nearly every day for updates.

  ‘How much is that treasure worth, Mike? Millions? Billions?’

  ‘I’ve no idea yet. Enough to retire on I hope.’

  ‘Do we have to share it with the government? What are the taxes? Can we smuggle it out?’

  ‘I think we should cross that bridge when we get there, Edward.’

  ‘Okay, but you need to let me know as soon as you get an idea of the value.’

  ‘Naturally mate, you’ll be the first to know. By the way, I need another transfer. The salaries are due next week and I have to pay the quarterly rent, too.’

  ‘No problem, mate. Ten thousand all right?’

  ‘Ten thousand would be perfect. Speak soon then, mate?’



  Despite his apparent immunity to Sam’s threatened exposure of him by Gloria, Wilson panicked. The job with Mike was nirvana for him; lots of pay and plenty of easy prey. He was pretty sure that Mike wouldn’t mind the womanising, being a man of the world, but he doubted that stealing from his employer would go down well. He had to get rid of Gloria before she spilled the beans and he had a pretty shrewd idea how to do it without suspicion.

  ‘Señor Falconi, it’s Wilson Ortega. Long time no hear.’

  ‘Wilson? It certainly has been a long time. Is this a social call?’

  ‘Yes and no. I was hoping you could help me with a problem.’

  ‘Would you like that problem to disappear?’

  ‘Yes, but it must look like an accident.’

  ‘An accident? I think I can arrange that. Does the problem have a name?�


  There was a lot of work to do in the following days. Sam and Gloria made another visit to buy large-scale maps of the river and some aerial photographs of the area where they stopped to photograph the snake. Without Wilson it was hard to pinpoint the exact bend on the river where they stopped. Sam studied the aerial photographs with a magnifying glass but they were very small scale and she couldn’t spot anything of interest through the trees.

  ‘I can’t find the exact spot where we saw the steps but Don Moises will know where they are,’ said Sam.

  ‘Take the maps with you. They aren’t any use to us here. We can always buy some more,’ said Mike.

  ‘Do you want to review the list of supplies with me?’

  ‘You made it with Alfredo, didn’t you? I doubt I can add much. Go and buy them with Gloria.’

  ‘Can I have some money?’

  ‘Ah, you will need to go via the bank. The transfer from Edward has arrived. I’ll give you a cheque.’

  ‘Um, talking of money, have you remembered to deposit the cash in my account?’

  ‘Of course.’

  But his face told Sam another story. She was faced with a dilemma. Now that she was part of the gang, she didn’t want to make a fuss. She wanted to be included more than anything. The money would have to come from somewhere else.


  The only thing to do in Calderon apart from work was to party, and there was an occasion of some sort every night for people in the right set. Gloria knew about most of them and she selected a big one in a hacienda outside Calderon as being suitable for Sam to meet people who were likely to speak English. Mike was not pleased that he would miss out, as he had a previous engagement, a dinner with the British Consul, and it was with bad grace that he waved them off. They were both excited to be getting out of town for the night and sang along to the music on their way through the dark country roads. When they got to the party, the large garden was decked out with fairy lights and a good selection of drink had been placed around the house. Everyone who was anyone was there and Sam found lots of people who could chat in English making it much more fun and less effort. They had a fine evening, dancing, drinking and hanging out in the garden.


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