A Love Like Ours

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A Love Like Ours Page 4

by Baker, Tory

  “Oh god, Lincoln,” she gasps. I dive back in, hating like hell I’m going to leave her once again needy and aching. But, that little girl down the hall, she doesn’t need to walk in on us.

  “We have to stop. I hate like hell that I’m putting the brakes on us again, but I promise to make this up to you,” I grunt.

  “Okay, but can we have another night together though, soon?” Presley questions.

  “That we can and will do, come lock me out before I say the hell with it and not leave,” I take her hand in mine, walking towards the door.

  I give her one last passionate kiss before making my way out. Only stopping to make sure I hear the deadbolt lock.



  True to Lincoln’s word, he called me every night before I fell asleep and texted me every morning before work, even if it was at four o’clock in the morning.

  It’s now Saturday afternoon and except for the one other night he came over when Clairabella was over, it’s basically been phone calls and learning as much as we can about each other. Like right now, he’s getting ready to head into work and I’m about to head to my parent’s.

  Lincoln is so much more than I ever expected. Hell, he even asked how Callie and Clairabella were non-stop during the week, not to mention we even Face Timed him while he was at work last night when Bella Bug stayed with me.

  “Text me when you get home, and if I have some down time, I’ll call you,” Lincoln says on the other end of the phone.

  “I guess I can do that,” I say in a teasing tone.

  “Keep that up, gorgeous, and I’ll be over when I get off of work to show you just how much I’m ready to tease you,” his voice is deep and raspy.

  “Lincoln,” I moan out, when he talks like he is now it does nothing but make me want him even more.

  “I know, God, do I know, Presley.” Lincoln responds.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow though, right?”

  “Yeah, and Presley?” he questions.

  “Yes,” my own voice is husky with need.

  “I’m coming for you,” he hangs up and I’m left trying to figure out what he means. I’ve been around Lincoln twice now, and each time I’m left on the verge of coming just from his kisses and the assault he has on my senses.

  “Ugh, that man, he’s going to drive me bananas,” I say to my empty kitchen, of course it doesn’t answer back to me. I grab my purse, keys, heading towards Mom and Dad’s house.

  It takes me less than ten minutes to get to my old neighborhood. Pulling into the neighborhood Lyla, Callie, and I grew up in brings a smile to my face.

  The tree swing my father put up in the front yard is still up, something I know he’ll occasionally push my mother on if the weather is right.

  “Mom, Dad?” I question, as I walk through the unlocked front door. I’ve learned my lesson about not announcing my presence before walking in. There is nothing worse than almost walking in on your parents doing things that will need you to bleach your eyes out.

  “In here, Pres,” I hear dad say from the kitchen. Today they’re having everyone over for an early dinner.

  “Hey,” I say as I walk in. Dad is sitting at the bar in the kitchen fiddling on his tablet, reading glasses perched on his nose, scowling away.

  “Hey, Sweet Pea,” mom says from the stove, I go towards her, giving her a hug, and a kiss on her cheek.

  “Need any help?” I ask.

  “Nope, but if you could steal your dad’s iPad away that would be great. He’s been grumbling for the past twenty minutes,” Mom is awesome, she’s probably where I get my love of teaching from. She’s soft, calm, and nurturing without being too overbearing. Not to mention, I look just like her. Dad always said he was screwed the day the doctor placed me in my mother’s arms. He knew I’d be as gorgeous as Mom, the joke was on Dad though. No boys have ever paid me much attention, until Lincoln.

  “You got it.” I make my way toward Dad and blurt out the one thing that will get his attention, “Dad, I’m dating someone.”

  “What did you say to me?” The iPad drops to the counter and he’s standing up from his bar stool. Mom and I both look at him, his arms are crossed over his chest, if he wasn’t my dad, he’d look scary. Truth be told, he’s a big softy.

  “I’m dating Lincoln Anderson, he owns Maverick’s. Wait till you meet him, Mom.” I look at both of them, Mom looks happy for me. Dad on the other hand, he looks like he’s ready for battle.

  “Mike, knock it off. She’s twenty-three, a teacher, and has her own place. She’s going to meet someone. You want her to be happy like us, right?” My mom walks to his side. He visibly takes a breath, trying to relax.

  “Lulu, you see her. She’s the spitting image of you. I’m allowed to be worried, that being said, you bring him over here to meet us, and soon, or your uncles and I will be at Maverick’s on the double.” Mom has her arm wrapped around his waist.

  “If you could give a girl a second to talk, you’d know that I’m inviting him over for dinner this week. I was going to ask if you wanted to do that here or at a restaurant?”

  “Here is fine, right, Mike?” Mom is basically stating a fact.

  “That’ll work, come here, Princess,” he disengages from Mom, and hugs me, almost as if he’s scared of me leaving him. Yeah, my dad, he’s a big ole teddy bear.

  “Love you, Dad,” I whisper to him.

  “Love you, Presley Marie,” he replies. We disengage and help mom set the food out, so it’s ready when everyone gets here.



  I left work not wanting to be away from Presley for another damn minute. This week has been a cluster fuck trying to balance both of our work schedules and see each other. Presley though, fuck, she’s been the most understanding and levelheaded even when I’m not.

  That’s why I’m standing at her front door, phone to my ear calling her at three o’clock in the damn morning. I should head home, but yeah, I can’t, not tonight.

  “Hello,” she answers groggily. Making me feel even more like a heel.

  “Hey Presley, come answer your door for me” wanting to see her now, soft and warm from being in her bed.

  “Okay,” she hangs up, not even a minute later the door is being unlocked. She’s standing there in an oversized shirt, her hair tousled from sleep, but the soft smile on her face, that’s what knocks me to my knees. I want to fall asleep with her every night and wake up with her every single morning.

  “Gorgeous, you’re so damn pretty, Presley,” I say as I crowd into her small foyer. Her arms settle around my neck and I kick the door shut, locking it, and then she’s up and in my arms. Her body wrapped around mine like we were always meant to be this way, entwined in each other.

  “I’m so happy you’re here,” she whispers before I take her mouth. Something I’ve learned about Presley, she’s shy at first, but once she opens up. Damn, does she open up for me, and when she lets go. It’s like a fire is ignited deep in her soul.

  “Me too, Presley, me fucking too,” I pick her up, carrying her to the master bedroom. Needing her like I’ve never needed anyone else in my life.

  “I wasn’t expecting you tonight,” she murmurs, I look into her eyes and see the need in them, much like I know I have in my own

  “Me either, but I couldn’t stay away,” I have no intentions of taking her right now, but that doesn’t mean it won’t be happening and soon. Right now, though, I just need her body next to mine and a few hours of sleep with her. Fuck, that’s what I need.

  “My parents want to meet you. Can we have dinner at their place this week?” She asks.

  “Yeah, gorgeous. You set up a date and a time, I’ll be there,” I strip out of my clothes until I’m left in my boxer briefs. The way Presley’s tongue comes out to lick her lips as she takes in my body, it makes me want to take her right now. As much as it pains me, I won’t though. I want her to know she means everything to me.

  “Thank you, I’m warning
you, Dad may be kind of a jerk, I’ve never brought a guy to dinner before,” she ducks her head as she tells me this. My knee hits the bed, the palm of my hand finds her cheek, “Presley, you don’t know what that means to me. I’m not worried about your dad. I know you love your parents, I see it in everything you do. I’ll be there, every step of the way. But, gorgeous, if we ever have kids half as pretty as you, I’m buying more guns.” I slide into bed next to her, my hand going under the nap of her neck, pulling her in close to me.

  “Wow,” she breathes out. This is one of the things I love about her, she has no idea just how amazing she truly is.

  “Goodnight, Presley,” I tell her as I kiss the top of her head.

  She shocks the shit out of me though, she kisses my chest, right where my heart is before she says, “Goodnight, Lincoln.”

  Fuck yeah, this girl right here, she’s mine.



  “Oh god, Lincoln,” my body bows back, and I grasp the pillows beneath my head. I woke up this morning with Lincoln’s body covering my back as if I would leave him while he was asleep, only to be awoken softly when he flipped me onto my back.

  Lincoln somehow maneuvered my shirt off of my body in my sleep, it was big and oversized to begin with. He grumbled something about when we’re in bed he wants me naked. I laughed it off, too tired to decipher his caveman talk. But now, I understand the appeal as his mouth works my body and he isn’t even at the place I need him most. No, he’s feasting on my nipples, one at a time, at a rate that’s so torturously slow. My hips are thrusting up, but Lincoln is ignoring me.

  “I want you coming just from me sucking on your nipples, Presley. Then I’ll make you mine,” he finally admits.

  “You’re killing me, Linc. I need you so bad,” I groan. I wish my body would just give over to the orgasm he’s building up inside me.

  He continues on, licking, nipping, and biting my nipple. It’s only when I feel his hand moving my panties to the side, do I settle down some.

  “This is all for me, Presley. This pussy is mine, isn’t it?” he questions. This is the side of him I only get to see when it’s just the two of us. He doesn’t show his dominating side everywhere, only when it’s just the two of us.

  “It’s all yours,” I breathe out. He moves so he can take my panties off, in a flash he’s back between my legs, and if he didn’t have his boxers on, he could be inside me.

  His fingers are back at my center, his thumb playing with my clit, his finger slowly dipping inside me.

  My body is shuddering, Lincoln’s mouth is on my breast, his fingers are deep inside of me, it’s enough to tip me over the edge, and I come like never before. “God damn, Presley. Look at you coming apart for me, baby” he demands.

  I look down at his thumb on my clit, his finger still lazily thrusting in and out of me. I should be sated after orgasming, but I’m not. I want Lincoln inside of me, no, I need him inside of me.

  My hands find the edge of his boxers, I want my hand surrounding his girth, but most of all, I want to see him bare, much like I am to him.

  Lincoln gets my message, helping me strip him out of his black boxers. My gaze is locked on his cock.

  I lick my lips, I want nothing more than to have his length in my mouth, to taste him, and boy is Lincoln more than a mouthful. Something tells me, I wouldn’t be able to wrap my hand around him or take him deep either.

  “Condom?” he questions.

  “Not needed, it’s the wrong time of the month,” I moan. Lincoln’s cock is in his hand, slowly jacking himself off.

  “You sure?” his cock is already at the entrance to my pussy.

  “Yes,” I moan, and then I bring my hips up to his and he slams inside of me in one hard thrust.

  “Shit,” I scream, my body getting accustomed to his size.

  “Presley,” he groans. Then I’m air born, Lincoln lays down on his back, I’m on top of him. It feels better this way, I’m allowed to move at my own pace until I get used to his length. Then I’m sure he’ll be back to dominating my body.

  “Move those hips, baby,” he demands. My hands find his chest, I lift my body up and slowly lower it down. Both of us finding a tempo and working together.

  My head tips back on a moan, I feel his knees come up, leaning my body back I use my knees to guide him in and out.

  “Damn, you’re so fucking gorgeous.” His body pulls up and we’re wrapped in each other’s arms as we work together, both of us wanting to reach that moment together.

  “I’m going to come,” I croon.

  “Yeah, you are. Come for me, Presley.” My body is his to demand and I do just what he wants.

  I feel him come inside of me, a sense of belonging to Lincoln sitting deep inside my soul.

  “That was beautiful,” I tell Lincoln. Our eyes meeting each other, the grin I love on him showing proudly.



  Coming inside of Presley, it was indescribable. Sure, she said it’s not the right time of the month, but part of me hopes like hell it is.

  Fuck, if it doesn’t take, I’ll do my damndest to try again. That thought stops me in my tracks. If I did that, I’d be no better than Stacey. I voice my concern right away, I don’t want anything between us, ever.

  “Presley, look at me, baby. I want you to know just because it’s not the right time it could happen, and if it does, well I’d be the luckiest man on earth.” I’m still inside her, hard as a fucking rock, once again. Something I seem to be in a permanent state of when I’m around Presley.

  Tears are already swimming in her eyes, “Oh God, Lincoln. Could you be any more perfect?” she questions.

  I laugh at that, regrettably my cock starts to slide out of her. Not wanting that for one minute, I bring Presley back down on me. “I’m not perfect Presley, I’m yours though.”

  “And I’m yours,” she states. Unfortunately, my phone ringing inside my jeans from last night causes us to move. I pick her up, watching as my come slides down the length of her thigh.

  “Fuck, I love the look of that,” I grunt. Presley giggles, “I’m going to shower while you get the phone, then scrounge up some lunch.”

  I look at the clock, and see it’s only ten o’clock in the morning, “Presley, it’s still breakfast time.”

  The way her nose scrunches up, “Breakfast food is gross. You can eat it, but I’d rather a sandwich.” I watch as she walks naked into the bathroom, aching like hell to follow her in there, yet knowing I need to figure out who’s calling me and why. Everyone knows what my schedule is like and how I’m usually still asleep.

  I grab my jeans, unlock the phone and see who called, it’s Devon. Knowing he never calls me this early unless something is wrong I call him back, “Devon,” I breathe out.

  “Hey, Linc. I uh, I don’t know how to say this, so I’m just going to say it. I fucked up, big time.” I let him tell me everything I already know he’s going to say.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing too bad.”

  “Stacey, she’s fucking pregnant. There’s a chance the baby may not even be mine, but Lincoln, I don’t know how this was even possible. I wrapped my junk, I’m not a fucking idiot. I knew she wasn’t someone I wanted to be saddled to forever, especially after everything that happened around Christmas,” he breathes out.

  “Shit, man. I don’t even know what to say, but if the baby is yours, he’s ours too, you know that. Family is family, no matter how whacked the mother is,” I reply.

  “Yeah, I’m working on a paternity test now. She could drag this out though, I’m trying not to get my hopes up that she could be carrying my baby. You know? Plus, a baby is innocent in all this. I wouldn’t ever fault a child.”

  “I know you wouldn’t. You know Mom, Dad, and I, we’re here for you,” I tell him.

  “Yeah, I know. Mom said you met someone,” Devon states. I know his life is in shambles right now, so maybe talking about Presley will give him a slight reprieve.
r />   “She’s perfect, I’m hoping to get Presley and I out that way. If not for Spring Break, then definitely Summer. Mom is already chomping at the bit to meet her.” We shoot the shit for a few more minutes until Devon seems more relaxed, then we get off the phone.

  I have a woman I want to shower with before finding her some lunch, she cracks me up. Who doesn’t eat breakfast, well for breakfast?



  After Lincoln and I showered together, he made us breakfast. He had eggs and toast, I had a turkey and cheese sandwich. He laughed the whole time we ate our different types of food.

  “My mom is the exact same way! My dad laughs as much as you do about it. I’d wake up during the summer months, Mom and I would eat leftover pizza or leftovers from the night before for breakfast. Dad would just shake his head, then go to work.” I tell him one of the memories I have from my childhood.

  “Love that you have that memory, baby.” He hugs me, before pulling back, “I need to talk to you about something. My parents want us to come out to Nevada and soon, if it works out for both of our schedules. Usually they come out this way, but Devon needs them with Stacey pulling her crap.”

  “I heard you talking to him on the phone, I swear I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop. But the noise echoes around here. If you let me know when you need to go, I’ll see if we have a teacher holiday, and maybe we can do a long weekend? I’m not sure how that will work out with your schedule though.” I frown thinking how his work is heavy on the weekends where mine isn’t.

  “I was thinking Spring Break, unless you have Clairabella? We can leave Sunday evening and come back Wednesday,” he asks.

  “Let me check with Callie, it shouldn’t be a problem though.”


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