See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

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See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1) Page 12

by Jordan Ford

  I close my eyes, my insides dancing as he brushes his lips across my skin. My buzzing irritation goes still, settling to a quiet hum that ripples through my body. Right this second, I couldn’t care less about trouble.

  His lips cover mine and I breathe him in, melting against his solid touch and realizing that my obsessive wonderings as I paced my room were all bullshit.

  I just wanted to make out with Trey, plain and simple.

  I want to be transported to another place where Ivan the Terrible, Dean Hancock, Mr. Candella, and the devil don’t exist. Curling my fingers into Trey’s shirt, I suck his tongue into my mouth. It wraps around mine, bringing both comfort and distraction, the perfect remedies to everything I don’t want to face.

  He moans softly and presses me into the wall, his hand cupping my butt. I wrap my leg over his hip, my body taking full control as I drown in his tongue, his taste, the pressure of his lips.

  I want to rip his shirt off, to run my hands over the hard muscle I’ve seen in the locker room. A passionate need rumbles inside me, begging to break free. Gripping the back of his neck, I rub myself against him and he hoists me off my feet, pressing me back against the wall as I wrap my legs around his waist.

  His kisses are hotter than hell. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I’ve been turned on by guys but this thing with Trey is primal. I can’t even explain what I’m feeling right now, but Trey’s words whistle through my head as he holds me against him.

  I believe in fate, you know? You were brought into my life for a reason. I found out about you tonight because I was meant to.

  What does that mean?

  Did he find out because he’s somehow meant to protect me from Ivan, or is there something more to it? Does this fiery attraction between us mean more than I think it does?

  Why can’t I resist him, even though it’s dangerous? If we get busted right now, I’ll be in deep shit, but I just can’t stop myself.

  All I can do is kiss him. My body won’t let me do anything else.

  Until the door flies open and I’m flung headfirst into a steaming pile of busted.


  A Steaming Pile of Busted


  I rip my lips off Chris and drop her to her feet. Spinning around, I block her with my body as Kade and Riley slam the door shut behind them.

  Thank God it’s them and not someone else.

  They both swallow in unison and then share this awkward look—flaming red cheeks, eyes about to pop out of their sockets. Riley’s eyebrows rise, but then his eyes narrow into slits as he tries to work out what he’s just seen.

  Kade carefully lowers his hockey gear to the floor and mutters, “Whatever floats your boat, I guess.”

  I wince and droop my head.

  What the hell am I supposed to do here? They think they’ve caught me making out with Chris.

  Not Chris the girl, but Chris the wimpy guy next door.

  She’ll want me to go with that story, to take the fall and beg them not to say anything.

  What she doesn’t know is that I trust these guys more than anyone. We look out for each other, which means they’d take my secrets to the grave.

  And because of that reason, there’s only one thing I can say to them.

  “I know this looks like one thing, but it’s not what it seems.”

  I step towards them, not daring to look back at Chris.

  “Truth is…” I flick my thumb over my shoulder. “She’s a girl.”

  Chris helps me out by giving us a high-pitched gasp. “He’s…uh, he’s lying! He just doesn’t want to admit he’s sexually confused right now!”

  I huff and throw a glare over my shoulder. “I’m not lying.”

  Her eyes bulge with warning and she grits out, “Yes, you are.”

  Turning to face her, I try to calm her with a reassuring smile. “It’s okay. If you can trust me, you can trust them.”

  Her face distorts as if she’s trying to gain control of her fear. It’s so obvious and I feel bad for just dumping her in this, but she’s got to know it’s okay.

  I’d trust Kade and Riley with my life…and she can too.

  “They’re not going to tell anyone and now you can relax around us. Be yourself.” I shrug.

  She scoffs. “You make it sound so easy! Do you have any idea how serious this is?”

  “No, because you won’t tell me anything!”

  “I’ve told you enough! If I’m busted, I’m dead. What more is there to say?” Her voice pitches. “And I don’t care how buddy-buddy you are. How can I possibly trust you when you’re telling everyone just like that?” She snaps her fingers.

  I lean forward, my voice rising of its own free will. “They saw us kissing! What was I supposed to do?”

  “Tell them you’re gay!” she practically screams.

  I cringe and close my eyes, wondering how far her voice has traveled down the hallway. Pulling in a calming breath, I look at the infuriating, sexy little thing in front of me and grit out, “Could you say that any louder, please?”

  She tips her head back and screeches.

  Kade snickers behind me. I spin around to glare at him but that only makes him laugh harder. “Can you guys just pause for like five minutes while I go make some popcorn?”

  My death glare only spurs him on.

  “Seriously, dude, I feel like I’m watching a movie right now.” He points at Chris. “There’s a chick living in the room next door! That’s awesome.”

  I spin and face him when he tries to approach, raising my hand in warning. “Back off, Casanova.”

  Kade is not taking advantage of this situation with his usual charm. All he has to do is wink and the girls come flocking.

  “I just need a little proof.” He raises his hands in the air.

  “What proof?” Chris snaps.

  Kade lifts his chin at her. “Go on, get naked. Let me see.”

  “As if!” Chris puts her hands on her hips, looking indignant and more girly than I’ve ever seen her.

  I smack Kade on the arm and scowl at him. “Dude!”

  He snickers. “Well, how did you figure it out?”

  Scratching the back of my neck, I give him a little smirk when I mumble, “I saw her in the shower.”

  Kade’s laughter is booming and slightly obnoxious, amplified by Chris coming over and planting her fist in my arm. I barely feel it—we’re gonna need to work on that.

  “You are such an ass!” She punches me again.

  I rub my arm, unable to hide my grin.

  Kade nudges me with his elbow and whispers, “Does she have a nice rack?”

  Chris’s eyes bulge, those brown orbs warning me to keep my mouth shut.

  But seriously, there’s only one answer I can give right now. A full smile spreads across my face. “Sensational.”

  “Nice.” Kade crosses his arms and looks straight at Chris’s chest.

  I smack him with the back of my hand. “Dude.” The dark warning in my gaze is clear.

  Kade raises his hands and takes a step back, his smile breaking into a snicker.

  “Okay, wait, wait, wait.” Riley finally finds his voice. He narrows his eyes at Chris, analyzing her face like he’s studying a sculpture. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. But now that I know, it’s so obvious.”

  “Right.” I nod. “I guess our brains just didn’t register because it’s so unlikely that a chick would be hiding out with a bunch of guys, trying to be one of us.”

  “Trying.” Kade gives her a pitiful smile.

  She glares at him again, her nostrils flaring. She doesn’t have time to do anything about it because Riley steps right into her space and starts wagging his finger at her. He does that when he’s processing. “So, you’re a she, but we’re all supposed to believe you’re a he, because someone’s trying to kill you?”

  Chris’s expression deflates, the color draining from her skin.

  I reach forward and squeeze her shoulder, m
urmuring to Ry, “Witness protection.”

  Kade’s expression buckles with concern while Riley gives me a surprised look and then starts nodding.

  There’s nothing like a good mystery to that guy.

  Chris flicks my hand off her shoulder with a heavy sigh. Holding her head in her hands, she flops onto the end of Riley’s bed and lets out a reluctant groan before mumbling, “I can’t tell you anything. I’ve been put here by government agents, okay? I’m hiding here because it’s safe…apparently.” She scoffs, lightly pressing her nose and no doubt thinking of Ivan.

  I move around her legs and take a seat beside her. Gently resting my hand on her lower back, I give it a rub. “We’re not going to say anything. I promise. No one will figure it out.”

  “You did.”

  “Only by accident.” My cheeks heat as I picture her standing under that hot spray, water running over her luscious curves. “I never would have known otherwise.”

  “Oh, come on. I’m so obviously different and pathetic and weird. People aren’t stupid. They’ll figure it out eventually.” She points at Riley. “He just said it’s so obvious.”

  “Now that I know,” Riley interjects, trying to make her feel better.

  It doesn’t work. She looks miserable. I want to comfort her but I’m not sure what to say.

  “You know…” Kade takes a seat opposite her, perching his butt on the edge of his bed and tapping her knee with his knuckle. “Everything you’ve just said is true.”

  I kick his foot and give him a you’re not helping glare.

  He rolls his eyes. “Come on, man, you know it is. Ivan’s after her because she’s a pathetic, wimpy loser. Everyone thinks she’s weird, which makes people curious. Soon enough, someone might work it out.”

  “Please don’t,” Chris whimpers. “Don’t look into why I’m here. Don’t try to figure me out. I just need to be anonymous. I need to blend in.”

  Riley crouches down beside her. “We can help you do that.”

  She glances at his face, lightly brushing her finger over his cheek. “Why would you want to help me? You must think I’m such a dick after going psycho at you.”

  He smiles, pushing the blond hair off his forehead. “I don’t know what your problem was the other day, but you’re not a dick. You don’t even have one.” He winks and she lets out a watery laugh, hiding her face in her hands and letting out a muffled scream.

  I rub her back and look at Ry and Kade. They both nod and I give them a grateful smile.

  “These guys are right, Chris. We can help you. Right now, you’re acting like a wimpy guy. We need to man you up.”

  “Teach you how to act.” Kade slaps her knee.

  Riley lightly punches her arm. “Teach you how to defend yourself.”

  “Get rid of that wet-fish punch you’ve got going on.”

  She frowns at me and drives her fist into my side. I clench my abs and barely feel the hit. She lets out a disgusted huff and shakes her hand out.

  “Don’t worry about it.” I kiss the side of her head. “The best thing about you is that you’ve got fight.”

  Riley nods. “You wouldn’t be in this situation if you didn’t.”

  A slow smile tugs at Kade’s lips as he winks at Chris. “We can work with fight.”

  Holding her breath, Chris looks between the three of us and for the first time since she arrived at Eton, I think I see a spark of hope in her eyes.


  Boot Camp - Brotherhood Style


  The school is unnervingly quiet.

  Everyone left for Thanksgiving break yesterday afternoon, with a few stragglers heading out this morning. I gaze out the upper window, staring down at Ivan as he gets into a sleek black Mercedes. The back windows are tinted, hiding him as soon as the door slams shut.

  The car rolls away from the school and my chest deflates with relief. It’s only for a week, but it’ll be a sweet reprieve. The coil inside me has been wound so damn tight, my fists clenched in readiness as I round each corner.

  He hasn’t touched me since the dean caught us fighting, but I know my time will be coming soon. He’ll be plotting evil while away for Thanksgiving…but I’ll be ready for him when he comes back. The guys have promised to help me out and I know they will.

  Over the ten days leading up to this break they’ve slowly pulled me into their group. I still eat meals by myself, but they acknowledge me in class now and in the evenings, they’ve made a habit of sneaking into my room. I don’t mind so much. The more we hang out, the more I like them. Kade’s funny, Riley’s intense but so intelligent, and Trey’s… My lips curl into a smile.

  I love the way he explained the rules to me when we watched the hockey game on the weekend, the way he subtly catches my eye when I walk into a room. He’s so quietly protective, so strong yet sweet. His smile makes my stomach quiver…in that delicious, addictive way. It makes me want to hang out with him as much as I can.

  We did our homework together both Wednesday and Thursday nights. He wants to study business and marketing.

  “I just want to set myself up so that I don’t have to rely on anyone. I want to be self-sufficient. I don’t…want to need any of my dad’s money.”


  His jaw worked to the side and he shrugged. “It’ll just be better for everyone that way.”

  The sad look on his face stopped me from asking any more questions. Instead I smiled and made us get on with it. I thought it was great what he wanted to do. Trey would make an excellent businessman. He’s driven and determined…and honest.

  A shudder runs down my spine as I think about Dad and wonder how honest his business transactions have been over the years. My guesses depress me.

  “Mr. Lorden!” Dean Hancock snaps me back to the present. “Stop messing around up here and get down to the kitchen. Your break doesn’t start until after Ms. Beasley excuses you.”

  “Yes, sir,” I mumble, heading away from him.

  His clompy shoes chase me down the hall. I scramble ahead, not wanting to get caught in conversation with him, but I don’t get off that easy. As soon as we pop out of the stairwell he pulls me up short.

  “Before I leave, I want to make it clear that you are to be on your best behavior. A few students always remain throughout this time. Mr. Adler and Coach Baxter are going to be in charge while I’m gone. You’re already on rocky ground. Do not make this a challenging time for either of them.”

  “Yes, sir.” I look to the floor.

  “It doesn’t sit easy with me that the only students remaining this time around are the three next to you. Don’t let them lead you astray.”

  “They’re good guys, sir.”

  He humphs and gives me a dry stare down.

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes and force myself to smile. “I’ll be good. I swear.”

  “You better be or kitchen duties will be the least of your worries.”

  And with that sweet sentiment, he walks out of the building like the superior ass he is.

  I watch him leave and then lope to the kitchen, dreading what awaits me.

  Swinging the doors wide, I walk in to find the place nearly spotless. Ms. Beasley comes bustling up to me, her ruddy cheeks bright from exertion.

  “You’re late.”

  “By like two minutes. What’s going on in here?”

  “You have some good friends.” She winks at me.

  I frown and step forward to glance around the corner. Trey is pulling a pair of rubber gloves off while Riley throws a dirty dishtowel in the hamper. Kade wipes his forehead with the back of his hand and notices me gaping at them.

  Pointing a long finger at me, he gives me a warning look. “Don’t expect this every morning. But we’ve only got a week to knock that wimpy loser out of you and we figure we need all the time we can get.”

  I tip my head and flip him off with both hands.

  Riley laughs.

  Ms. Beasley tuts and slaps my shou
lder. “Now be good, you little rascals, or there’ll be no special dinner tomorrow night.”

  I smile as she bustles away, reminding me of a flustered chef from one of those shows like Downton Abbey. Mom used to watch it.


  I wonder how she’ll be feeling this Thanksgiving.

  Am I ever going to see her again? Listen to her titter as she sips on her wine while watching TV? Or hear her heels tap on the tiles as she prepares to leave the house in her chic attire, acting like a glamorous celebrity? When I was a kid, I used to want to be her.

  A piercing arrow fires right through me.

  It’s hard to breathe.

  Kade slaps me on the back, snapping me out of my numbing moment. “Come on, you little weed. Let’s go put some muscles on those bones.”


  Yanking my arm, he pulls me out of the kitchen and I’m dragged out to the athletics field where we start with basic training.

  So much for a relaxing Thanksgiving.

  The guys work me like a dog.

  We start with a jog around the track, then stop after three laps to do sit-ups until my tummy aches, and push-ups until my arms are ready to snap.

  They’re gracious enough to give me a two-minute breather and then I’m running again, this time short sprints until I’m wheezing like a chain smoker.

  My knees buckle and I flop to the grass in the middle of the track. Falling onto my back, I fling my arms wide and squint up at the sun. My lungs are desperate for air but I can’t seem to breathe in enough. Heartbeats that feel like punches to the chest are rapid and indignant.

  What the hell are you doing to me? my body is screaming.

  Trey bends over me, blocking the sun. Sweat drips off his hair and lands on my cheek.

  “Gross.” I make a face and wipe it off.

  “Rest’s over.” He wiggles his eyebrows.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “What torture do you have planned for me now?”

  He laughs. “It’s time to get a little energy chow, then…”

  “Then?” My voice is low with suspicion.

  “Coach said we could set up the Gauntlet.”


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