Once Upon a Time in New York

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Once Upon a Time in New York Page 27

by Herbert Mitgang

  In addition, I spoke with these members of Judge Samuel Seabury’s staff: George Trosk, chief of staff; W. Bernard Richland, aide and former New York City corporation counsel; Seabury’s three nephews, Andrew Oliver, William B. Northrop, and John B. Northrop; and twenty Seabury “boys,” among them Irving Ben Cooper, Philip W. Haberman, Jr., and William G. Mulligan, all of whom played major roles in discovering Jimmy Walker’s secret accounts.

  This is a selected list of relevant publications:

  Allen, Oliver E. The Tiger: The Rise and Fall of Tammany Hall. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1993.

  Atkinson, Brooks. Broadway. Limelight Editions, 1985.

  Bernard Bellush. Franklin D. Roosevelt as Governor of New York. Columbia University Press, 1955.

  Bendiner, Robert. Just Around the Corner: A Highly Selective History of the Thirties. Harper & Row, 1967.

  Berger, Meyer. The Story of The New York Times. Simon and Schuster, 1951.

  Berlin, Isaiah. The Proper Study of Mankind: An Anthology of Essays. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1998.

  Burns, James MacGregor. Roosevelt: The Lion and the Fox. Harcourt, Brace, 1956.

  Caro, Robert. The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York. Knopf, 1974.

  Chambers, Walter. Samuel Seabury: A Challenge. The Century Company, 1932.

  Connable, Alfred, and Edward Silberfarb. Tigers of Tammany. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1967.

  Evans, Harold. The American Century. Alfred A. Knopf, 1998.

  Faragher, John Mack. The American Heritage Encyclopedia of American History. Henry Holt, 1998.

  Foner, Eric, and John A. Garraty. The Reader’s Companion to American History. Houghton Mifflin, 1991.

  Flynn, Edward J. You’re the Boss. The Viking Press, 1947.

  Fowler, Gene. Beau James: The Life and Times of Jimmy Walker. The Viking Press, 1949.

  Hamburger, Philip. Mayor Watching and Other Pleasures. Rinehart, 1958.

  Fuller, Hector. Abroad with Mayor Walker. Shields Publishing, 1928.

  Gribetz, Louis, and Joseph Kaye. Jimmy Walker: The Story of a Personality. Dial Press, 1932.

  Gunther, John. Roosevelt in Retrospect: A Profile in History. Harper & Brothers, 1950.

  Heckscher, August, with Phyllis Robinson. When La Guardia Was Mayor: New York’s Legendary Years. W. W. Norton, 1978.

  Jackson, Kenneth T., Editor. The Encyclopedia of New York City. Yale University Press, 1995.

  Josephson, Matthew, and Hannah Josephson. Al Smith: Hero of the Cities. Houghton Mifflin, 1969.

  Kennedy, William. Legs. Penguin Books, 1983.

  Kluger, Richard. The Paper: The Life and Death of the New York Herald Tribune. Alfred A. Knopf, 1986.

  Lankevich, George J. American Metropolis: A History of New York City. New York University Press, 1998.

  Leuchtenburg, Willaim E. The FDR Years: On Roosevelt and His Legacy. Columbia University Press, 1995.

  Manners, William. Patience and Fortitude: Fiorello La Guardia. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1976.

  Miner, Margaret, and Hugh Rawson. American Heritage Dictionary of American Quotations. Penguin, 1997.

  Mitgang, Herbert. The Man Who Rode the Tiger: The Life and Times of Judge Samuel Seabury. Fordham University Press, 1996.

  Northrop, William B., and John B. Northrop. The Insolence of Office: The Story of the Seabury Investigations. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1932.

  Phillips, Cabell. From the Crash to the Blitz, 1929–1939. Fordham University Press, 1999.

  Roosevelt, Eleanor. This I Remember. Harper & Brothers, 1949.

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. With a Special Introduction and Explanatory Notes by President Roosevelt. Five volumes, 1928–1936. Random House, 1938.

  Sann, Paul. The Lawless Decade. Crown, 1957.

  Schlesinger, Arthur M. Jr. The Age of Roosevelt. Vol. 2: The Coming of the New Deal. Houghton Mifflin, 1960.

  Siegfried, André. America Comes of Age. Harcourt, Brace, 1927.

  Tugwell, Rexford G. The Democratic Roosevelt. Doubleday, 1957.

  Walsh, George. Gentleman Jimmy Walker: Mayor of the Jazz Age. Praeger, 1974.

  Ward, Geoffrey C. A First-Class Temperament: The Emergence of Franklin Roosevelt. Harper & Row, 1989.

  Whalen, Grover A. Mr. New York: The Autobiography of Grover A. Whalen. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1955.

  Wilson, Edmund. A Literary Chronicle: 1920–1950. Anchor Books, 1956.


  A warm salute to the editors, librarians, and friends who helped to inspire this book and guide it into print:

  Bruce K. Nichols, senior editor, The Free Press, who saw the historical need for a fresh interpretation of the trials of Mayor Jimmy Walker against the background of the Jazz Age, Prohibition, and a political era that led to the demise of Tammany Hall and the ascendancy of Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia and Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt to the presidency. Other Free Press members who also deserve credit for creative assistance include Dan Freedberg and Jolanta Benal.

  Marilyn Annan and John Moytka, dedicated and knowledgeable librarians at The New York Times; Whitney Bagmall, librarian, Columbia University law library; Miriam Bowling, curator of manuscripts, New York Public Library; W. Bernard Richland, aide to Judge Samuel Seabury, and former New York City corporation counsel; twenty members of the Seabury legal staff; Sheldon M. Harnick, lyricist, “Fiorello!; Brooks Atkinson, former New York Times drama critic and essayist; John B. Oakes, former editor of the editorial and op-ed pages, New York Times, and A. H. Raskin, deputy editor; Bethuel M. Webster, attorney, diplomat, president of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York.

  And once again, to Shirley Mitgang, for devotion and wise counsel, and to Esther, Lee, Laura, Gina, and Caroline Mitgang and David Goodman, for rations, quarters, and inspiration.


  The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below

  Acuna, Chile Mapocha

  Adams, Hattie

  Adler, Polly

  Adonis, Frank

  Advertising Club

  Age of Innocence, The (Wharton)

  Ager, Milton

  Alice Adams (Tarkington)

  Allen, Janet. See Walker, Janet Allen

  Ambassador Hotel

  America Comes of Age (Siegfried)

  American Newspaper Guild

  American Tragedy, An

  Anti-Saloon League

  Arrowsmith (Lewis)

  Asbury, Herbert

  Atkinson, Brooks

  Atlanta Constitution

  Attell, Abe

  Auden, W. H.

  Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens, The

  Babbitt (Lewis)

  Baer, Arthur (“Bugs”)

  Ball, Ernest R.

  Baltimore Sun

  Bankers Club

  Banton, Joab H.

  Barrymore, Ethel

  Barrymore, Lionel

  Belasco Theatre

  Belmont Park

  Bender, Albert

  Berle, Adolf A., Jr.

  Berlin, Irving

  Berlin, Isaiah

  Berry, Charles W.

  Beyer, Robert S.

  Beyer Tile Company

  Biltmore Hotel

  Black, William H.

  Blackstone, Sir William

  Block, Billy

  Block, Max

  Block, Paul

  Blue, Wednesday

  Blumenthal, A. C. (“Blumey”)

  Bogart, Humphrey

  Bolton, Guy

  Bonagure, Guy

  Bontemps, Arna

  Bonus Army of World War I veterans

  Boston Herald

  Bourdet, Edouard

  Brenner, Dorothy

  Bridge of San Luis Rey, The (Wilder)

  Brodsky, Louis B.
br />   Brooklyn Bar Association

  Brooklyn College

  Brooklyn Dodgers

  Broun, Heywood

  Bruckner, Henry

  Buffalo Evening News

  Bunk of 1926

  Burke, Nan Walker (sister of Jimmy)

  Burns, James MacGregor

  Calvary Cemetery

  Campbell’s Funeral home

  Cantor, Maurice F.

  Cappel, Peter

  Captive, The

  Cardozo, Benjamin N.

  Cather, Willa

  Cayuga Democratic Club

  Central Trades and Labor Council

  Chevalier, Maurice

  Chicago Tribune

  Chicago White Sox

  Church of the Annunciation

  Cincinnati Reds

  Citizens Union

  City Affairs Committee

  City Club of New York

  City College of New York

  Clean Books Bill

  Cleveland, Grover

  Clinton, DeWitt

  Cloth Shrinkers Union

  Coen, Irene Luzzatto


  Collins, George

  Columbia University

  Law School

  Columbus, Christopher

  Combs, Earle

  Comden, Betty

  Commodore Hotel

  Communist Party

  Community Church

  Compton, Arthur H.

  Compton, Betty (“Monk”)

  charges against

  death of


  divorce from Walker

  in Oh, Kay!

  married life with Walker

  marries Walker

  as mistress of Walker

  Compton, Florence

  Conboy, Martin

  Connolly, Maurice E.

  Coolidge, Calvin

  Cooper, Irving Ben

  Copeland, Royal S.

  Cordes, John

  Cosden Oil

  Costello, Frank

  Cotton Club

  Coughlin, Father Charles E.

  Coward, Noël

  Cradle Snatchers, The

  Crain, Thomas C. T.

  Crater, Joseph Force

  Croker, Richard

  Cross, Guernsey T.

  Cruise, Michael J.

  Cullen, Countee

  Curley, James

  Curry, John Francis

  testimony of

  Walker’s post-trial attempt to run in special mayoral election and

  Curtin, John J.

  post-trial personal attack on Roosevelt and Seabury

  Cuvillier, Louis

  Davis, Matthew L.

  Dawn, Elaine

  Debs, Eugene V.

  Delmonico’s Restaurant

  Dempsey, Jack

  Depression of the 1930s


  Hoover and

  Roosevelt and

  DeSapio, Carmine

  De Witt Clinton Hotel

  Diamond, Jack (“Legs”)

  Dilagi, Michael

  Doctors Hospital

  Dodsworth (Lewis)

  Dos Passos, John

  Doyle, Dr. William F. (“Horse Doctor”)

  Dreiser, Theodore

  Dugan, Joe

  Dugan, William

  Duke of Duluth, The

  East Hampton Star

  Ederle, Gertrude

  Einstein, Albert

  Einstein, Isadore (“Izzy”)

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Elmer Gantry (Lewis)

  Empire State building

  Empire Theatre

  Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre

  Equitable Coach Company

  Equitable Trust Company of New York

  Evening Graphic

  Fageol, Frank R.

  Fairfield Hotel

  Fallon, William J.

  Farewell to Arms, A (Hemingway)

  Farley, James A.

  Walker invited to Roosevelt White House

  Farley, Thomas (“Tin Box”)

  Thomas M. Farley Association

  Faulkner, William

  Fay, Larry

  Fay, Lorraine

  Fears, Peggy

  Federation Bank and Trust Company

  Ferber, Edna

  Fertig, Maldwin


  Fitzgerald, F. Scott

  Fitzgerald, Zelda

  Flood, Patrick

  Flynn, Edward J.

  Foley, James A.

  Ford, Henry

  Foster, William Z.

  Fowler, Gene

  Franco, Francisco

  Frankfurter, Felix

  Free Milk Fund for Babies

  Free Synagogue

  Friars Club

  Friedman, Jeann

  Friendly Sons of St. Patrick

  Front Page, The

  Fuller, Hector

  Fulton Fish Market

  Fusion Party

  Gaiety, the

  Gardner, Charles W.

  Garibaldi, Giuseppe

  Garner, John Nance

  Gehrig, Lou

  General Theological Seminary

  General Tire and Rubber Company

  George III, king of England

  George V, prince of Wales

  Gershwin, George

  Gershwin, Ira

  Girones, Jose

  Glynn, John J.

  Godkin, Edwin L.

  God’s Trombones (Johnson)

  Goering, Hermann

  Golden Rule Pleasure Club

  “Good-by Eyes of Blue” (Walker)

  Good Government advocates (“Goo-Goos”)

  Goodier, James H.

  Gopher Gang

  Gordon, Vivian

  Grabowski, John

  Grand Central Terminal

  Grand Street Boys Association

  Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald)

  Green, Adolph

  Green, John

  Greenpoint People’s Regular Organization of the Fifteenth Assembly District


  Guinan, Texas (Mary Louise Cecilia)

  Gunther, John

  Gustavus Adolphus, crown prince of Sweden

  Guys and Dolls

  Billy Haas’s Restaurant

  Haberman, Philip

  Hagerty, James A.

  “Hail, Hail, the Gang’s All Here”

  Hammond, Fred

  Hampden, Walter

  “Happy Days Are Here Again”

  Harding, Warren G.

  Harlem Renaissance

  Harnick, Sheldon M.

  Harper’s Weekly

  Harrison, William H.

  Harvard University

  Law School

  Hastings, John A.

  Hayes, Patrick Cardinal

  Hearst, Mrs. William Randolph

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Roosevelt supported by

  on Walker

  Hecht, Ben

  Hemingway, Ernest

  Herwitz, Oren

  Hill, David B.

  Hines, Jimmy

  Hitler, Adolf

  Hofstadter, Samuel


  Seabury investigation and

  Holmes, John Haynes

  Home to Harlem (McKay)

  Hoover, Herbert

  Bonus Army of World War I veterans and

  Depression of the 1930s and

  1928 presidential campaign

  1932 presidential campaign

  Prohibition and

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hornblow, Arthur, Jr.

  Hotel Astor

  Hotel Owners Association

  Hotel Ten Eyck

  Hotsy Totsy Club

  House, Edward

  Howe, Louis

  Hoyt, Waite

  Hudson Dusters

  Hughes, Charles Evans

  Hughes, Langston

  Hurston, Zora Neale

  Hylan, John F. (“Red

  New York Times on

  “I Like Your Way” (Walker)

  Imperial Theatre

  International Workers of the World

  Interstate Trust Company

  Irving, Washington

  Jackson, Andrew

  Jacobs, Joe

  Jamaica Racetrack

  Jazz Age, described

  Jazz Singer, The

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jessel, George

  Jimmy the Well-dressed Man (Kaufman)

  Johnson, James Weldon

  Johnston, Alva

  Jolson, Al

  Jones Beach

  Kaufman, George S.

  Kearney, Philip

  Kelly, “Honest John”

  Kennedy, John Fitzgerald

  Kennedy, Joseph P.

  Kern, Jerome

  Kerrigan, Charles F.

  Knappen, Theodore

  Koenig, Mark

  Kosciuszko, Thaddeus

  Kresel, Isidor Jacob


  Seabury investigation and

  Krock, Arthur

  Ku Klux Klan

  Kurzman, “Tough Jake”

  La Follette, Robert

  La Guardia, Achille

  La Guardia, Fiorello H.

  Bonus Army of World War I veterans and

  City Hall, Walker’s visit to


  elected mayor


  Fusion Party and

  garment industry appointment for Walker


  mayoral campaign, unsuccessful

  Prohibition and

  Roosevelt compared to

  Seabury, supported by

  Tammany Hall reform efforts

  U.S. Conference of Mayors, as president of

  Walker compared to, by Robert Moses

  Lanza, Joseph (“Socks”)

  Lardner, Ring

  LaSalle School

  Lawrence, D. H.

  Lawrence, Gertrude

  Lazzeri, Tony

  Lee, Robert E.

  Legal Aid Society

  Lehman, Herbert H.

  Levy, George B.

  Lewis, Sinclair

  Liberty League

  Lincoln, Abraham

  Lindbergh, Charles A.

  Lindbergh, Charles II

  Lindemann, Leo “Lindy”

  Lindemann, Mrs. Leo


  Lippmann, Walter

  “Little Augie”

  “Little Tin Box” (Harnick)

  Livingston, Nick

  Long, Huey

  Lopez, Vincent

  Louise, princess of Sweden

  Low, Seth

  Luciano, Lucky

  Lulu Belle

  MacArthur, Charles


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