basketball team in
catharsis meetings in
CIA connections withn
composition of settlers in
construction of
crops in
defectors from
degeneration of
drugs used in
education in
embassy investigations of
equipment and supplies for,
escapes barred from
Extended Care Unit (ECU) in
false billing of
family ties in
first settlers in
funds for
Guyanese government support of
harsh conditions in
health care in
housing in
inequities in
interrogation rehearsals in
Jones’s house in
mass movement to
public relations for
Public Service Unit (PSU) in
punishments in
radio broadcasts from
Relationships Committee in
Ryan party in
self-criticism statements required in
senior citizens in
sensory isolation box in
sexual restrictions in
site for
six-day seige in
U.S. goods sold from
work schedules in
see also White Night; White Nights; Peoples Temple
Jonestown Express band
Kagele, Arthur
Katsaris, Anthony
Katsaris, Maria
background of
during brother’s visit
during father’s visit
as financial officer
as John Stoen’s surrogate mother
as Jones’s mistress
in Ukiah Peoples Temple
in White Night
Katsaris, Steven
in Concerned Relatives
in Guyana
in Ukiah
Kennedy, Myrtle
Kerns, Jeanette
Kerns, Penny
Kice, Tom
Kice, Tom Jr.
Kice, Wanda
Kilduff, Marshall
Kim Sung
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
King, Pete
Kinsolving, Lestern
Klingman, Dale
Kopp, Quentin
Krause, Charles
Ku Klux Klann
Kwan, David
Lane, Mark:
book on Temple by
in Buford defection
in Jonestown
letter to Ryan from
in Mazor affair
on Temple payrolln
Laurel Street Tabernacle, Indianapolis
Lawrence, DeeDee
Lawrence, Marie
Layton, Carolyn Moore
background of
as Jones’s mistress
in Jonestown
during Katsaris visit
in Ukiah Peoples Temple
Layton, Karen Tow
Layton, Larry
background of
in Port Kaituma ambush
during Ryan visit
in Ukiah Peoples Temple
Layton, Lisa
Legal Services Corporation
Lemmons, Ken
Leroy, Tish
Levering, Bob
Lewis, Chris
Lewis, Freddy
Lewis, Mae
Lindsay, Gordon n
Living Word
London, Tony
Looman, Carolyn
Lopez, Vincent
Lucientes, Christine
Luckhoo, Lionel
Luke, Patrick McDonald
Lund, Mike
Lynn, Indiana
McCoy, Richard
Broussard defection investigated by
during Katsaris visit
relatives assisted by
in Stoen custody case
Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church, San Francisco
Mc Elvane, Jim
during Ryan visit
in Ukiah Peoples Temple
in White Night
McGowan, Annie Jean
McHarg, Gerald
MacInnis, James Martin
MacIntosh, Bob
McLeod, Bob
Macumba (voodoo religion)
Malmin, Bonnie
Malmin, Edward
Mann, Laurence
Marable, Birdie
Marchesano, Joe
Marks, Milton
Marx, Karl
Mazor, Joe n
Mendelsohn, Robert
Mendocino Plan
Mertle, Deanna (Jeannie Mills)
Mertle, Eddie
Mertle, Elmer (Al Mills)
Mertle, Linda
Mescauskas, Eric
Methodist church
Milk, Harvey
Miller, Christine
Mills, Al, see Mertle, Elmer
Mills, Eddie
Mills, Jeannie, see Mertle, Deanna
Mingo, Vibert
Mitchell, Emerson
MK-ULTRA programn
Mondale, Walter
Moore, Annie
Moore, Barbara
Moore, John
Moro, Aldo
Morrison, Andrew
Moscone, George
Mother Jones
Moton, Pamela
Moton, Russell
Mueller, Esther
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, Reg
Mutschman, Jane
Myers, Violet
Nasciemento, Christopher
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, (NAACP)
National Broadcasting Company (NBC) National Enquirer
National Relief Committee, Guyana
Nazis, American
Nelder, Alfred
New Day
Newton, Huey
New West
New World Liberation Front
New York Times
Nixon, Richard Norfolk Journal and Guide
Oliver, Beverly
Oliver, Billy
Oliver, Bruce
Oliver, Howard
O’Neill, Chris
Ortiz, Fran
Parker, Lewis
Parks, Brenda
Parks, Dale
Parks, Edith
Parks, Gerald
Parks, Joyce
Parks, Patricia
Parks, Tracy
Partak, Tom
Peace Mission movement
Pearson, Drew
Peoples Forum
People’s National Congress (PNC), Guyana
People’s Progressive party, Guyana
Peoples Temple:
as alternative social order
arms stockpiled in
bank accounts of n
Benn’s investigation of
blacks recruited for
bloc voting by
bus trips by
California as new base for
care homes run by
Case’s investigation of
catharsis sessions in
children in
churches raided by
college students in
communal system in
Concerned Relatives’ contact with
corporal punishment in
as cultn
defection of Eight Revolutionaries from
degeneration of
Democratic party work by
direct mailings by
as Disciples of Christ affiliate
double standard in
employment for members of
Examiner reports on
faith healing in
family ties displaced in
FCC investigation of
finances of
founding of
“free press” contributions from
fundraising for
Georgetown office of
during Hearst kidnapping
infiltration feared in
information as measure of power in
in inner-city issues
IRS investigation of
Jones’s birthplace toured by
Kilduff story on
letter-writing campaigns by
local residents’ response to
Los Angeles site for
Malmin as surrogate leader in
marriages in
members’ donations to
membership figures for
mementoes sold by
military training in
national tours by
as nation unto itself
newsletter of
Peace Mission raided by
planning commission of
in police brawl
political base built by
political radicals’ support for
political shift in
politicians given gifts by
properties signed over to
properties sold byn
public schooling for children in
racial composition of
racial integration in
recruitment for
recruits screened in
Republican party work by
Ryan visit blocked by
San Francisco district attorney’s investigation of
in San Francisco politics
San Francisco site for
satellite congregations of
security at
sexual politics in
siege mentality in
social services provided by
socioeconomic status of members in
Soviet relations with
sports in
staff of
“troops” in
Ukiah church built for
U.S. customs investigations of
white elite in
after White Night
see also Jones, James Warren; Jonestown
Peoples Temple of the Disciples of Christ Church Act ()
Perry, Nancy Ling
Pickering, Carolyn
Pietila, Danny
Pietila, Wayne..
defection of
Pike, James.
Podgorski, Tom
Port Kaituma ambush.
Concerned Relatives notified of
dead and wounded in
evacuation after
Guyanese troops ordered in after.
Jones’s knowledge of
residents’ response to
shots fired in
victims stranded after
Privacy Act
Prokes, Kimo
Prokes, Mike.
on public relations team
during Ryan visit
in San Francisco Temple..
after White Night
Purifoy. J.R.
Putnam, Jesse
Putnam, Mary
Quadros, Janio
Rackley, Alex
Ray, James Earl
Reagan, Ronald
Red Brigades.
Redwood Valley, California
Reid, Ptolemy..
Reiterman, Tim:
en route to Jonestown
in evacuation from Port Kaituma
Jones interviewed by
in Jonestown
in Port Kaituma ambush
Republican party
Reuben, Dave
revolutionary suicide, concept of
Rhodes, Odell.
Rhoten, Ben
Richartz, Pat
Richmond, Indiana
Richmond Palladium Item
Ritchings, Edna
Roberts .A. (Skip)
Robinson, Greg:
en route to Jonestown
in Jonestown
in Port Kaituma ambush .
reactions to death of
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Rosas, Kay
Rubin, Anthony
Rudder, Emil
Ryan, Leo
anticipation of visit by
Concerned Relatives’ contact with
in Jonestown
knife attack on
Lane’s letter to
liberal beliefs of
in Port Kaituma ambush.
press and..
reactions to death of.
at U.S. Embassy.
Sacred Heart Church, Guyana.
Sammon, Thomas J..
San Francisco
San Francisco, California.
San Francisco Bay Guardian
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Eraminer ...
Jones story in
Ryan trip covered by.
Temple exposes in
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
Santayana, George
Saulsbury, Donn
Savio. Mario
Schacht, Larry
Schollaert, Jim
Segerhammer. Carl
Simon, Al
Simon. Barbara
Simon. Bonny
Sly, Don
Smart. Al
Smith, Julie
Social Security Administration, U.S.
Social Services Department, Mendocino County
Somerset Methodist Church, Indianapolis
Soul Steppers
Soviet Union
Speier, Jackie
Spence, Guy
Stalin, Joseph
Stapleton, Ruth Carter
Starr, Kevin
State Department, U.S.
Steele, Ray
Stewart, Loretta
Stewart, Mable
Stoen, Grace
child born to
in Concerned Relatives
courtship and marriage of
in custody battle
defection of
in Georgetown
Jones’s relationship with
in Jonestown
in Ukiah Peoples Temple
Stoen, John Victor
custody battle for
in Jonestown
paternity of
in Peoples Temple
in White Night
Stoen, Tim:
as attorney
in Concerned Relatives
courtship and marriage of
in custody battle
defection of
during Examiner expose
in Georgetown
Jones’s relations with
in Jonestown
paternity statement signed by
in Ukiah Peoples Temple
Stromwall, Clarence
Strongest Poison. The (Lane)
Sung, Steve
Sun Reporter
Swinney. Marvin
Swinney, Mary
Swinney, Tim
Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA) .
Taylor, Richard
Teekah, Vincent
Thielmann, Bonnie
Thomas, E. Paul
Thomas, Herbert
Thrash, Hyacinth
Tidemann, Paul
Timofeyev, Feodor
Todd, John
Touchette, Albert
Touchette, Charlie
Touchette, Debbie
on public relations team
Touchette, Joyce
Touchette, Michelle
Touchette, Mike
in Jonestown
Townes, Le Flora
Tracy, Phil.
Treasury Department, U.S.n
Tropp, Dick
Tropp, Harriet
Truth Enterprises
Tucker, Alleane
Tumminia, Frank
Turley, Harold
Ukiah. California
Ukiah Daily Journal
Ukiah Peoples Temple, see Peoples Temple; specific individuals
Vance, Cyrus
Walker, Barbara
Washington, Edward
Washington Po
Waugh, Dexter
Webster, William
Weed, Steven
Western Addition Project Area Committee (WAPAC)
White, Dan
White Night (mass suicide of November )
arrests after
California members’ reactions to
checkbook journalism after
children killed first in
death count inn
escapes from
in Georgetown
government investigations after
Jones in n
members’ acquiescence in
Miller’s argument against
outsiders’ reactions to
poison for
politicians’ response to
Temple assets transferred during
testimonials to Jones during
see also Port Kaituma ambush
White Nights (preparations for mass suicides)
after Blakey defection
fear generated in
first test for
Jones’s conceptualization of
Jones’s role in
as manipulation tools
sex as issue in
as unchallenged
Wideman, Marvin
Wilkinson, Deanne
Williams, Cecil
Wills, Fred
Willse, Jim
Wilson, Audrey
Wilson, Edwin
Wilson, Joe
Winberg, Russell
Winberg, Wilma
Wings of Deliverance church, Indianapolisn
Worrell, Claude
Wright, Rosalie
Wright, Unita Blackwell
Young, Guy
Younger, Evelle
Zablocki, J.
Tim Reiterman has specialized in investigative projects as a reporter and editor for most of his four decades in journalism. He was awarded his undergraduate degree and his master’s in journalism at UC Berkeley, where he began his reporting career covering the tumultuous 1960s and early 1970s for major publications. While attending college, Reiterman began working for the Associated Press, where his coverage included the Patty Hearst kidnapping and the Hells Angels. He moved to the San Francisco Examiner, where he investigated Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple before covering Congressman Leo Ryan’s trip to Jonestown in Guyana in 1978.
Reiterman was wounded in the jungle airstrip attack that killed Rep. Ryan—the first congressman to die in the line of duty—and three newsmen and a temple defector. He spent eighteen months investigating abuses within the temple before the tragedy and years following it unraveling why and how it occurred.
After stints on the Examiner’s investigative team and as city editor, Reiterman moved to the Los Angeles Times, where he led the investigative team and helped supervise Pulitzer Prize—winning coverage of the 1992 Los Angeles riots and the 1994 Northridge earthquake. Projects Reiterman directed and edited were nominated for several Pulitzer Prizes, won top awards from Sigma Delta Chi and Investigative Reporters and Editors in 1997, and won the Associated Press’s top sports enterprise award in 2000.
Reiterman lives in San Francisco, where he covers criminal justice, prisons, and state government for the Times. He has taught at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism for nearly a decade.
John Jacobs, Reiterman’s collaborator, was a widely respected journalist who died in 2000. Jacobs earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree at UC Berkeley, as well as a master’s degree at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He worked at The Washington Post from 1977 to 1978 before moving to the San Francisco Examiner. When Reiterman was hospitalized after the Port Kaituma shootings, Jacobs traveled to Guyana and largely took over responsibility for Examiner coverage of the Jones story there.
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