Time For Love Box Set

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Time For Love Box Set Page 97

by Karen Deen

  “Why can’t I breathe?” she whispers.

  “Because my touch does to you what you do to me, every time I’m near you. This is real, baby.” My hand moves to her cheek and her eyes glaze over, her head dropping into my hand. Not sure she even realizes she’s doing it.

  “Why me?”

  “Because the universe chose you to be mine and me to be yours. Who are we to argue?” I wish she could see her own beauty that is more than just skin deep.

  “I don’t know how to do this, Xavier?” Her unsure whisper is pulling at my heart strings.

  “Me either. We’ll work it out together. Okay?” Slowly her head nods up and down. She is so cute.

  I can sit here all day staring into those eyes and touching her, but I can hear that sensible voice in my head yelling at me to pull back again.

  “Now let’s finish our coffee and get you back to work. Before your sister comes looking for us chasing the coffee you promised.” Slowly I lean back and take my hand away. I don’t want to. The energy that was passing through it slowly disappears.

  So much for lightening up the moment. I fell straight back down the rabbit hole. I manage to keep the conversation light for the rest of the coffee date. Walking back to the office, we keep chatting about plans for the rest of the day. Approaching her building, I plan on walking her up to her office but again she declines. I need to find out what that is about. That’s for another time.

  “See you in the morning.” Ally looks at me waiting for my answer.

  “Wouldn’t miss it. Thanks for the coffee.” I can’t resist a kiss, leaning in and placing one on her cheek. Lingering there a little longer than a friendly kiss. As I pull away, I see the happiness on her face. She enjoyed it just as much as I did. “Next time I’m walking you to your office, no arguments.” I slowly slide my hand out of hers and back away from her as she enters the building. Still looking over her shoulder at me. With a face that is glowing. My work here today is done. Now time to go work off that tension that is sitting under the surface. Anyone would think I’m a teenage boy again.

  If there’s one place in this world I feel at home in, this is it.

  Loud music pumping, weights clinking, smell of sweaty bodies. More than anything, it is the energy you find in the air in a gym. People using their mental and physical strength to improve themselves. It’s no competition with other people. You are just working against yourself. Trying to drop that weight, or increase that fitness, get back to where you want to be. Determination and loads of it, buzzing through the air.

  “Hey, big brother. What’s on the agenda for tonight? Want to grab some dinner and run over plans for the next few weeks? There are a few things we need to sort out. Or are you playing lover boy with Alesha? I’m still in shock after you told me your big secret. You’ve never wanted to date a quiet woman like Alesha. You better not play her like the others.”

  “Not a chance. This is different, I promise you that. Now, can we not stand here in the middle of the gym discussing my love life?”

  “Okay, back to my question then, what are you doing tonight? Can we get together to go over a few things we need to sort out?”

  “Sure, come over and I’ll cook some dinner. I’m training with Kane when I get home, so just come over when you’re ready.” Nat has keys to my apartment just like I do for hers. It’s come in handy a few times when she has locked herself out. Plus, there was that one time I left my keys at the girl’s house, after doing a quick morning runner while she was still sleeping. I sure as hell didn’t want to have to go back and get them. I rang Nat who met me and let me in. I then rang and changed the locks. Costly exercise for sleeping with a chick I should have just walked away from at the bar. There was obviously a lot of alcohol consumed and I ignored the sensible little man in my brain. This woman was a stage-one clinger. From the moment I pushed into her, she had us married off and a house with the white picket fence. Not my scene and I knew I needed to abort that night as quick as humanly possible. That’s why there was no way I was going back for my house key.

  “Do you want me to bring anything with me? I can go past the shops on the way there. While you and Kane are beating each other up with the gloves.” Nat is wiping down the equipment our clients have just been using before the next ones arrive.

  “No. Thanks but I need to grab a few things for myself. I’m out of beers and a few other things. If you beat me there, just chill out, I won’t be long.” I know what she is like. As soon as she arrives, she’ll be in the kitchen trying to sort out dinner. Nat loves to cook. Constantly tells me how much better than me she is. One thing our mother made sure before we left home was that we knew how to cook. Not just basic meals but to really love to cook and be adventurous with what we make. I enjoy it but not as much as she does. I won’t admit to her, but Natalie is an awesome cook and better than me. Sometimes when I walk into her apartment, the smell from the kitchen makes my mouth water.

  “Who have we got left this afternoon?” Nat asks as I am looking at our bookings.

  “George and Francis will be here any minute and then Luke has booked in. Not sure if he is here to train or to check me out because I took Ally out a couple of times. You know, playing big brother and all that.”

  “Please do not make this a pissing competition with him. You would do the same if it was me, so just take the questions and be polite. If you really like Alesha, which I think you do, then you need to have a great relationship with her brother. Got it?” Hands on her hips, I can tell by her stance that this is one of those conversations that I am supposed to listen to.

  “Yes, Mom. I’ll play nice. Luke seems like a good guy, so I can’t see any drama. Anyway, you’ll be here to referee, won’t you?”

  “You’re ridiculous. I’m not protecting you from making a dick of yourself. There is only so much this twin-sister bond covers. So how did coffee go today?” Her expression softens when she wants to know how Alesha is. “Were you a gentleman?”

  “How can you doubt that? You know me better than that. Of course I was. I’ll never be anything but a gentleman to Ally. Not a chance.” I was annoyed she would even think I’d be anything less than that.

  “You really like her. She’s different than all the others, isn’t she?” Her voice is soft and caring. The one she brings out when she knows I need my twin sister and not just a friend. Someone who knows the real me.

  “There is something about her that has me, Nat. I can’t stop thinking about her. She lights up the room when she walks in. I want to spend every minute I can with her. I don’t know how to deal with all this. You know I have never felt like this with anyone else. It’s like she just cast a spell on me with her eyes the first time she looked at me. I know that sounds like all girly crap. I don’t understand it all, but what I do know is that woman has me wanting her bad. I’ve got to try to hold back. She’s not the sort of woman who you can rush. This is a whole new world for her, too.”

  Natalie stares at me, a look of shock plastered on her face. Her mouth slightly open like she was about to say something but then stopped.

  “What’s wrong with you? You’re never lost for words.”

  “Today I am. Xav, I had no idea how infatuated you are with Alesha. I could tell you liked her, but this is really serious. Not just a normal ‘get her into your bed’. Not even a casual relationship. You’re looking to get to know her because you want more. Holy shit. I never thought I would see the day. What is even more frustrating is that I was supposed to find love before you. Why do you get to be first all the time?” Putting my arm around her shoulders, I can’t help but feel that, although she is joking, part of her is serious. She wants to find her prince. He just hasn’t arrived yet. He will have to be pretty awesome to pass my brother test, I can tell you that. My sister only deserves the best, nothing less. It’s her reward for putting up with me for all these years. I know I’m not easy to love.

  “Nat, your prince will come. When it’s right he will turn up. It will be
when you least expect it. You will know it’s him. Take it from me. It’s like a train hits you at full speed. Then you are running behind the last carriage trying to catch it to join the ride.” I am glad I’m fit because I feel like I’m running flat out at the moment, trying to get us both on the train and we are close, just not quite there yet.

  “Yeah, yeah. We’ll see. Here comes our next two clients so no more soppy crap. Let’s get moving.” I knew that was Nat’s way of stopping the conversation that was getting too deep for a gym chat.

  I poked her in the ribs and jumped sideways. “You started it. Now get back to work, slack ass.”

  The next hour passes quickly and before we know it, Luke is in the gym and striding across to where we are.

  “Hey, man. How you doing?” He has his hand out shaking mine. “Hi, Natalie, how was your day?”

  I’m not the slightest bit worried about Luke. I know he is protective of his two sisters, but he seems to be also a little laid back. We got on well the other night at the bar and nightclub. He knew I was checking out Ally, it’s not like I was very discreet. He didn’t warn me off then, but let’s see what happens today.

  “Hey Luke. Ready to be worked hard? No easy options in my gym.”

  “Then I’m in the right spot. Nothing beats a good hard workout. You hanging around, Nat, or am I just being punished by Romeo here?” And there it is. The first comment about Ally.

  “How about we get out whatever you, as the big brother, feel you need to say now, so then I can concentrate on making you suffer.”

  Chuckling, Luke has a grin that tells me he is cool with this whole thing. “Good idea. Simple, man. You hurt her, I will kill you. If that is not enough, then Grant and Zach will step up and God help you if my father gets hold of you.”

  I’m laughing at Luke and Nat is standing there not knowing what to say or do. “I didn’t expect anything less. I don’t plan on hurting her, man. Just the opposite. Your sister is special and all I want to do is make her happy and see her smiling.” I’m dead serious as the words come out of my mouth.

  “Then we have no problems. She needs someone to help her see the world. She might be quiet but is a good person underneath. Just take it easy with her. If it helps, watching her the last few days, she is totally off balance. It’s pretty funny to watch. She likes you, man, and she doesn’t know what to do with that.” Luke sticks his hand out for mine. We shake to show there are no issues between us, as long as I do the right thing.

  Nat breaks the silence between us. “Are you two going to stand around all afternoon or do you plan on training? I’m leaving you to it. Luke, I’ll catch you next time. Xav, I’ll see you at your place later. Try to stop chatting like women and get into it, will you, before the hour’s up.”

  “Yes, boss,” we both reply at the same time.

  Natalie grabs her water bottle and towel, and is off towards the locker room. She can read me better than anyone in this world. Time with Luke today is what I need. A good workout and time to find out more about the woman who is rushing into my life at the speed of lightning.

  “Let’s get you warmed up and then we might get into some boxing and weights to finish. Sound good to you?” I need to burn energy and boxing is the best way to do it for me rather than stand and watch other people training while I’m instructing.


  Time started to move quickly, and we were through the hour before we knew it. I thought about asking Luke several questions on Ally, but every time changed my mind. Part of me wants to find out all there is to know about her. My heart tells me, though, I should learn it from her. Get to know her through talking to her, not what other people say. I know if Ally listened to what other people say about me, she wouldn’t be getting to know the real me. Not many people know the real me. One thing the workout did, was help me to wear myself out. By the time I go home and train with Kane, I have a chance of sleeping tonight.

  “Thanks, Xavier, that was an awesome workout. Need to keep in shape to keep my woman happy.” His whole face lights up as he mentions Zoe.

  “What’s the go with you and Zoe? Last night you looked like you were going to eat her alive on the dance floor, or fuck her there. One or the other.”

  Luke chuckles as he is rubbing the sweat off his body with his towel. “Long story. Last night was the night I’ve waited a very long time for. Now everyone knows she’s mine and I’m never letting her go. When you know, you know. Nothing can change it.” He is looking at me making sure I get the hidden meaning to his message.

  “Yeah, I’m quickly discovering that. Happy for you, man. She looks like a great woman, and the way she was looking at you last night, she seems as happy as you are.”

  “She is more amazing than you’ll ever know. Speaking of my hot girlfriend, I need to get moving so I can get home to her. Not sure on my plans for the next week, I could be away for a few days. I’ll be in touch, though. We need to do this again, it was great.”

  “Anytime, Luke. Call me when you’re ready. I enjoyed it, too. Nice to get my own workout at the same time. Got a feeling there are going to be plenty of days I’m going to need to burn off excess energy.” I give him a wink.

  “Too much information. Remember, she’s my sister. Things I never want to hear. Got it?”

  Laughing, I smack him on the shoulder as we both head to hit the showers. I like Luke and it’s comforting to know he’s on team Xavier with Lilly. Now to convince Alesha to jump onto team Xavier, too.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Amazingly, I’m awake way before the alarm is set to go off. Knowing I’m about to see Xavier has me wide awake and ready to go for the morning.

  Standing in front of the bathroom mirror brushing my teeth, I start to wish I had taken Lilly up on her offer to go shopping. I want Xavier to look at me and think wow. How do I manage to keep his interest from the other women in the gym? Walking around with shorts that should be called underwear, the ones that creep up your butt cheeks every time you squat down. Or the sports crop tops they wear with nothing over the top. The glistening of the little diamond they have in their belly button ring, or the little butterfly or rose bud tattoos that are peeking out of the top of their gym pants that you know go down onto their tight ass. They are like a little tempter for any guy to wonder where that picture leads to.

  I have none of that. Plain Jane standing here. Hair pulled back in a pony tail. No makeup. A gym outfit I’ve owned for a year. It still works and is good quality but just boring black and grey. I can’t even contemplate leaving my bedroom without a shirt over the sports crop top. No one wants to see my stomach flapping around in the gym. Plus, it helps hide my butt. I wonder if they make gym shorts that suck in the fat on your ass. You know, like the underwear we all have in our drawer that you only wear under those outfits that need the extra help. The underwear that almost cuts you in half for the whole evening. You can’t sit properly, eating is out of the question because you are struggling to breathe. But hey, you look good, no panty lines in that dress and every man — and woman for that matter — thinks you’re two sizes smaller than you really are. Whoever invented ‘suck-me-in pants’, as I like to call them, is likely a very wealthy person by now. Because let’s face it, every woman has at least one pair of these in her drawer, if not multiple. Well, except if you are built perfectly, like Lilly. She will never need them. Lucky for her.

  Deodorant on, teeth done, mouthwash gargled. I’m ready to go. Now I just have to wait thirty minutes for Xavier. That’s what happens when you can’t sleep with excitement. I feel like a kid on her first day of school. Well, maybe a bad example. If I said that for Lilly and her loathing of anything school-related except the boys, she would laugh. For me, it’s spot on.

  Pacing for five minutes, I’m flicking through my social media. I have a friend request from a Dana Floren. I have no idea who this is. I’m always very cautious with who I accept as a friend. Opening her profile, it all clicks into place.
She is the weirdo from the gym who is mad about Xavier. I can’t help but stalk her page. I’m a little shocked to find pictures of her at the gym with Xavier while they are training. If you didn’t know any different you would look at her page and think they were a couple. It makes me feel on edge. I wonder if he knows about this. The photos have been taken by someone else. Maybe she has a friend who helps her out. Capturing her secret moments with him. Urgh. I feel sick looking at them.

  That’s it. Lunchtime today I’m dragging Lilly to the shops. I’ll show that Dana who she’s competing with. Xavier is mine and I’m about to work out how to make that happen. I’ve got no idea what I’m doing but at least I’m one step ahead of her. Xavier actually likes me, he can’t stand Dana. Big tick for the little shy one.

  I must have gotten carried away on my phone, jumping six foot when my alarm goes off. Xavier will be here in five minutes. I need to get downstairs. Grabbing my bag, keys and water bottle, I’m out the door and down to the foyer in record time. I don’t want to be late. Looking out, I see he’s already there, sitting at the curb. Arm draped casually on the door, body twisted my direction. I can’t see his face clearly due to the darkness outside, but I can make out the outline. Even that is enough to make me smile. The closer I get, the more I can make out the smile on his face. How anyone can be that chirpy this early in the morning is a mystery to me. I must admit, though, I felt a little smiley myself when I first got ready, before I picked up my phone.

  “Morning, Ally.” Xavier beams at me as I slide into the Jeep. “A bit chilly this morning. Are you ready to get warmed up?”

  “Morning to you, too. I hadn’t really noticed the temperature yet. I’m sure you will have me overheating before long.” Probably sooner rather than later.


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