Time For Love Box Set

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Time For Love Box Set Page 125

by Karen Deen

  “You have asked me something that’s crazy, but I must admit very appealing to both me and my big cock.” Always the one to lighten the moment with his ego. “I’m worried you will go all girly on me after a while and become attached and I don’t want to hurt you. You’re the only woman who I’ve told my real reason for not wanting anything permanent. So, you know that fuck buddies is all we can ever be. Do you really honestly think you can cope with that?”

  If he wants my honest answer it’ll be I don’t know. I keep telling myself I can. I know I’m not ready to settle down for marriage and the average two point five kids. The one thing I’m certain of, though, is that I don’t want to walk away from Kane just yet. He’s a sex god that plays my body like a master but it’s more than that.

  Sure, he can dominate me and pleasure me until I’m incoherent. The best part, though, is he knows when to bring gentle Kane into the room too. He gives me both sides of him. He reads my body and knows what I need. In a way I’m being greedy. I’m thinking of my needs and how he’s the first man who takes care of me in a way I didn’t even know I would enjoy.

  The way he’s stroking my cheek tells me that I bring something to him too. He might not admit it or understand it, but he needs relief from his mind. I can do that for him. In a way I hope gives him more than a nameless, faceless one-night stand can.

  “I know I can. I’m the one suggesting it. You can’t tell me you don’t want more of the last two nights. Without having to worry about the nagging phone calls or the text messages wondering what you’re doing and why you haven’t been in contact. I’m not needy like that. I don’t care what you do every second of every day. I’ll only care that while we’re together we’re having a good time.” I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince harder, me or Kane.

  “What you’re saying is that this is just purely about good, hot, spine-tingling sex? No wining and dining needed. That you’re okay with a message to meet for a booty call? I’ve got to admit this sounds too good to be true.” Kane’s looking at me like he’s trying to work out what’s going on in my head.

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying. Do you think you can handle it? I know I’m irresistible and I don’t want you all brokenhearted and devastated when I throw you aside when I’ve had enough of you.” Like that’s going to happen, but it doesn’t hurt to bring out the inner bitch to show a bit of self-confidence.

  “Oh, I’ll be perfectly okay with spending more time inside you, Red. That’s for sure. You just name the time and the place, and I’ll control the rest. That’s the way this will work. Will you cope with me taking control of your little games of pleasure? You know me but there’s a lot more to learn if you’re willing. You take me as one who likes a crazy adventure but how wild can you be, Red?”

  “Maybe you need to find out.”

  “Get ready for the ride of your life, little lady. This may be a lot wilder than even you imagined.”

  I giggle at the thought of my body being any wilder than it has been the last week with Kane.

  “Let’s see if you can keep up, Kane.”

  We both just lie silently looking into each other’s eyes. The feeling of change is hanging around us and we both need time to soak it in.

  “Are we really doing this?” Kane breaks the silence. I bite my bottom lip and, slowly releasing it, I nod up and down. The intensity gets too much and simultaneously we both start to laugh.

  “Do we need to do some pinky swear thing?” Kane asks in between laughing and falling onto his back on the bed.

  “Or, cut a finger and make a blood pact. Isn’t that what you boys do, gross things like that?” I remember Luke trying to get Zach to do that when we were little. Grant smacked him around the back of the head and told him not to be so stupid, that it would hurt and get infected. Besides, they were already brothers who shared blood so why in god’s name did they need to do that. Always the practical boring one was Grant.

  “Hey, that’s part of becoming a man, being a blood brother. At least you get a scar from that. Not like a wimpy girly pinky swear.”

  “Whatever. Anyway, we do need to finish talking this through, though.” I try to guide him back to the serious part of the conversation.

  “Like what? We get to fuck whenever we want, and we just promise not to fall in love. How hard can it be?” A heaviness sits on my chest with that statement. I’m not sure what it is but I push past it.

  “So, you have no problem with me sleeping with other men at the same time?” I know the reaction that’s coming before it even happens.

  “Fuck no! Not a fucking chance is any bastard touching you while we’re doing this. Understood?” Kane is almost growling by the time he’s finished.

  “Well, then maybe we do have a few things we need to talk about. Hmmm?” Kane makes fun of me for being an easy target. Not that he’ll admit but he is so easy to provoke as well. We make a matching pair.

  “My rules, you’re mine until this is over. In the bedroom, I control the fun. That’s it. Easy. Now are we done?” Kane rolls his eyes at me as I start to open my mouth again.

  “Oh my god, you are so painful. No, we are not done. Now listen. One.”

  “Man, how long is your list?” Kane grumbles

  “Shut up and listen. Now, number one, I agree, no other partners while we do this. Number two, we can stop this at any time with no problems, but we need to tell the other person, face to face. Number three, we don’t tell anyone. Number four, if one of us calls and the other is busy, we can’t get upset. Remember this is casual so it just happens when it happens.” I pause thinking if I missed anything I wanted to say.

  “Now are you done? I need to consummate this fuck-buddy arrangement.” His hand is already running up my thigh.

  “Really? I don’t know if I can physically last another round.” He thinks I’m joking but part of me is dead serious.

  We start with a slow kiss just touching and feeling our bodies pressed together. I do love this part of Kane, the soft gentle man who just wants to make me feel good. It’s like all the pent-up energy has left Kane’s body and now he just wants to take it slow and enjoy the sensual feelings. I’m all for this kind of sex too. I need to take it slow. My body needs to be totally aroused to take him inside me again.

  Oh god, his hands are like magic. As they sweep across my body, he’s like the puppet master. He brings to life every sensation, convincing my body it’s able to take another round. I’m already floating to that place he takes me where everything feels amazing. As I start to close my eyes, my body’s senses are rising to the point where he’s making me crazy with wanting him. The noise of my phone ringing makes us both jump of fright.

  “Ignore it,” Kane mumbles as he buries his head in my neck planting kisses all over me.

  I want to, god, I so want to, but it’s Alesha’s ringtone and she freaks out if I don’t answer.

  “I can’t, it’s Lesh and you know she worries if she can’t get me.” With a scowl, he reluctantly pulls back. I reach out and grab my phone, answering it.

  “Hi Lesh, how are you?” My breath hitches slightly as Kane takes my breast in his mouth and starts sucking it to distract me. Oh god, so good. Hmm I’ll get him back for this.

  Alesha starts telling me about her dinner last night with our parents and Mom being the crazy mother of the bride. All the while, Kane is trying to distract me with licking and sucking various parts of my body. I’m trying to cut Alesha off and tell her I’ll meet up with her a bit later for coffee. I’m about to explode and come while I’m on the phone to my sister which is not ideal. I can’t believe she isn’t hearing my breathing and stumbling words. Finally, I manage to cut her off and get a few words in.

  “I was just about to get in the shower, Lesh, so I’ll stop over later for a coffee, if that’s okay?”

  “Sure, we don’t have much planned. Xavier has just headed over to his place to check on Kane. He’s a bit worried about him from what I told him last night.” I sit bolt
upright in bed nearly throwing Kane onto the floor. Repeating her words so he’ll understand, I start pacing the room. Naked, mind you.

  “Xavier is on his way to see Kane to check on him? What a good friend your fiancé is.” Kane stops moving and his face registers the panic I’m feeling.

  She starts to talk again but I cut her off quickly.

  “Got to go, Lesh, busting to go to the toilet then shower. Will talk later.” I don’t even wait for her to say goodbye, I just hang up in her ear.

  “Shit, I need to get out of here. Xavier can’t find me here.” I start picking up my shoes and putting them on. Trying to find my underwear.

  He grabs me by the shoulders and holds me still until I look at him. “Calm down, Lilly, we’ve got time. Plus, you can’t go home in what you arrived in. We need to find you some of my clothes to do your walk of shame in. Not that I’m complaining about you standing completely naked, in a pair of fuck-me heels again.” I break free from him, scanning the room again for my coat. Shit, I remember now I left it in the living room where I stripped out of it. Heading out of the bedroom, I hear the knocking on the door.

  My feet stop instantly, frozen on the spot. “Shit, he’s here,” I whisper. Kane is trying not to laugh at me.

  “Stop it. Where can I hide? I know, the en suite.” Totally forgetting I’m still naked, I run on my tiptoes towards the en suite bathroom in Kane’s room, picking up my underwear I spot on the way. “Get rid of him. I’ll wait here. Do not under any circumstances tell him I’m here!” My whisper is getting quite forceful.

  “Or what?” His hands on his hips.

  “No more of this.” I wave my hands in front of my body madly. “Now go!”

  “Don’t threaten to play that game, Red. You will wish you hadn’t. I play to win, I never lose.” He goes to walk away with a stupid smirk on his face.

  “Kane.” He stops as I point to his body. “Clothes, idiot.”

  Bending down, he picks up a dirty pair of shorts off the floor and continues down the hallway.

  Oh my god, I can feel my heart beating like crazy in my chest. I’m shivering. I grab a towel and wrap it around me to try to warm up my body, even though I think the shivers are from my nervous energy.

  He better pull this off, or the secret will be over before it’s even started.

  Chapter Twelve


  Fuck Lilly make me laugh and grow hard as nails at the same time.

  I need to calm my cock down to open the door to Xavier. If I don’t get there shortly, he’ll use his key to make sure I’m okay. I have a feeling Alesha is as good at reading my moods as Xavier is. It’s like they have a sixth sense when it comes to me. It’s not a bad thing to have someone looking out for you.

  Pulling the door open, I see the smiling face of my best friend.

  “You took a little time to answer the door, buddy. Wouldn’t happen to have company, would you?” For fuck’s sake, this guy can read me like a book.

  “None of your business, smartass. Let’s just say, though, I don’t want you staying long. What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were staying at Alesha’s place last night,” I try to deflect from the inquisition about me having someone in the apartment.

  “Yeah, we did. After we had the dinner from hell with Sophia and Mitch. I know Alesha is the first daughter to get married, but man, that woman is crazy. She’s like the bridezilla mother from hell. She’s worse than Ally, who funnily enough is the bride and it’s her wedding. She’s quite calm about the whole thing. I never imagined Sophia to be like this. Ally is just as shocked by it.” I can tell he’s about to interrogate me again. He has that cheeky smile he gets on his face when he’s about to take a jab at me about something.

  “Anyway, I know you think I didn’t notice the change of subject. So, who’s the chick you have hiding? Are you going to introduce me?”

  I’m trying to keep my poker face. “Not a chance, man. No way you are seeing any girl I’m sleeping with, who is currently naked. Maybe one day when she is clothed, which isn’t happening right now. We may be friends but I’m not that way inclined. No sharing of my chicks, ever!”

  “Whoa, okay, calm down. You know me, I don’t share either. Not a fucking chance. Just wanted to warn the poor girl what she’s in for. You know, how she can do better and all that.” Now laughing at his own jokes, I put my arm around his shoulder.

  “Now can you tell me why you’re here and then fuck off? I have unfinished business waiting for me.”

  “You only need like five seconds, surely you could have finished before answering the door.”

  “You know you’re a dick, right? Shall I show you the door?” Finally, he gets the picture, I want him to speak up and get lost. Holding his hands up in the air in defense, he backs away.

  “If you must know, I just called in to check you were okay. Ally said you looked a little stressed last night and were looking for me. Just wanted to make sure you were fine or see if you still needed to talk.” Both our mannerisms change to one of caring and friendship.

  “Thanks, Xav. It means a lot you came over. Thank Alesha, too. You’re one lucky man. She has a good heart, man. Yeah, I got through it. You might be able to guess how, I’m sure I don’t need to elaborate. Just a shitty week and it got on top of me. If you’re around later, still wouldn’t mind a good workout session with you, or a run in the fresh air.”

  “Can do.” Xavier pats me on the back and heads for the door. “Now go use up that last five seconds you have left in you and message me later when the coast is clear. Enjoy, tiger.” He’s chuckling to himself as he closes the door behind him.

  I stand leaning against the door thinking about the morning so far. Waking up to another round of incredible sex with my temptress. Propositioned to become her fuck buddy. Xavier turning up to check on me and show how much he cares as a friend, because his girl could tell I was not myself. I feel pretty lucky that I moved into this building. Not only have I found the best friend I’ve ever had but the women he’s brought into my life are pretty awesome too.

  Now speaking of women, there is one waiting for me, hopefully still naked.

  “Little Red, Little Red, come out, come out wherever you are,” I call as I walk back towards my room.

  I see her blonde head peek out from behind the bathroom door. “Is he gone? Did he suspect anything?” The concern in her eyes makes me want to grab her and kiss that worry right out of her.

  “Don’t worry, Little Red, the big bad wolf scared him off.” She opens the door fully and prances out with a towel wrapped tightly around her chest. Still in those damn shoes.

  “Whatever, you idiot. Just tell me, did Xavier know it was me in here?” I can tell she isn’t up for a joke right now.

  “It’s okay, Lil, he guessed I had company but has no idea it’s you. He just wanted to check on me. Your adorable sister was worried about me yesterday. Must be something about you Stevenson women that you can read me well.”

  “Alesha better not be reading you as well as I am, or there’ll be trouble for both of you.” Her hands are on her hips with mock anger. “I don’t share my men, you know.”

  “Funny, I just told Xavier the same thing.” I walk closer to wrap her in my arms. “For now, you’re mine, and while that’s the case, I won’t share you with anyone. Understood, Red?” She slowly nods her head and then looks up at me with those beautiful big eyes. I can’t resist leaning down and kissing her. This arrangement I’m starting to see could be very dangerous for us both. I know I should get her home, but I just need one more time to keep me going until we meet up again. Whenever that may be.

  This run up into the mountain trails with Xavier is just what I need. It’s different than running the streets where you pound the flat pavement, and the repetitive sounds of your feet hitting the ground soothes the soul. Up here on the trails, your mind needs to be sharp as you’re running on uneven surfaces and winding along the trails which are covered in foliage. Between the fr
esh air and the concentration and exertion your mind is totally consumed. It clears the head.

  We reach the clearing on top of the mountain which looks out over the valley. It still makes my skin crawl a little each time we’re up here now. Xavier copes better with it than I do. He reminds me every time that this is a happy place for him where the love of his life accepted his hand in marriage. When I first met Xavier, I never would have imagined him married or such a softie when it comes to Alesha. It’s like she casts a spell over him every time she’s in the room.

  We stand and catch our breath while just looking out to the spectacular view. I contemplate what my life would be like if I took the path of marriage like Xavier. Could I cope with coming home to a woman who would want to hear all about my day while I help care for the children? I can see the vision of the woman in the kitchen, apron around her waist, taking dinner out of the oven as I enter the house. Just picture the serenity.

  “You should have seen the way the skull was cracked open and you could see the brains. Hang on, Johnny, just let Daddy finish telling Mommy about my day and then I’ll read you a bedtime story. Come and sit on my lap and listen to my story and then we can take you upstairs to your room.

  “So, then my partner looked in the dumpster and there was another body as well. It looked like it had been stabbed multiple times, with both his hands chopped off. Besides that, I had a good day. Thanks for asking.” I stand up lifting my son with me and kissing my wife on the cheek. “Okay I’ll just take Johnny into bed now and get him settled. Then I’ll be back down to have dinner together and tell you more about the case.”

  Who the hell am I kidding? That is why I made my choice. Meanwhile, I look across at Xavier who I can imagine is thinking of a totally different happily ever after than me.

  “So, you sure you’re good, man? Need to chat about anything?” I take a moment to decide if I should take him up on his offer or just let it slide and suck it up. Lilly sure did help to work my bad mood out of me with her visit. Not that I can tell him that. I must admit, there’s still a heaviness weighing down on my brain that I need to shift.


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