Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7) Page 2

by GM Scherbert

  “Bull, I know this hurts and that no one means more to you than that woman and Country, but you gotta be with us on this. You can’t run off all half-cocked looking for blood wherever you can get it.” Handing me a glass of Jack he lifts his own to me before I down it, doing absofuckinglutly nothing for my nerves.

  “I know Boss, but they got her- and she was going into labor when they were leaving.” Pulling my phone out I see that it has been almost four hours since they walked outta The Dungeon. “Four fucking hours, Prez. She could be on the side of the fucking road having our babies right now and she is all fucking alone. The one thing that Country and I swore to her we would never let happen.”

  Thinking back to the night that Country and I gave her the reassurances that we would never leave her and the baby. About two weeks after Sara and Gun’s wedding, when my brother Joseph and Christopher were up helping finish the remodeling of Wayne’s house. She would never have to struggle another day without one of us close enough to help, to reach out to, to lean on.

  *Almost six months ago

  When Zack reached out the day of Sara and Gun’s wedding was what really did her in and it’s when all this shit started. If only Country and I had taken care of that piece of shit at the time, but NO- we couldn’t fucking leave our hands off our girl long enough. This is our fucking punishment for that- her doubting us at every corner. Doubts that we will not be there for her when she needs us most, when the baby comes. Having her pulling away from us slowly each time she wakes up like this.

  After she woke up again this morning with a start, we knew that we couldn’t hold off on this any longer. We have her bound to the bed in only a minute, I know that we need to put all the worries that have been running rampant to ground. She has been waking up absolutely drenched with nothing but doubt and question on her face since that fucking dipshit.

  “Little Spitfire, remember we have guests in the house so I am going to have to gag you to make sure that you keep quiet after we have asked you a few questions.”

  “Johnathan what are you talking about? What’s going on? Why do you guys have me all tussled up? What time is it? Can’t I just go back to sleep?”

  “No” comes out harsher than I imagine Wayne wanted it to and she grimaces at it. “You have to start accepting what it is that we have been telling you Heather. You waking up every night like this, and neither one of us can fucking take it anymore. You doubting us is not something that either one of us will stand for. We didn’t do it in the beginning of this whole thing and we will surely not do it now that we are with you growing our child.” Running a hand through his beard he goes on, “You are the only thing that matters to us. After this you will have no doubts in either one of us.” As he says that he strokes a hand over our girl’s belly, which is still only barely showing the signs of her precious cargo.

  Knowing it is my turn, I move slowly over our girl, and take up her left hand in mine before bending slightly and kissing the ring that is there. “You have been holding back from us these last two weeks. Pulling back after the day of the wedding, the day that Zack called.”

  She pausing for a long while before answering us. Looking from myself to Wayne and back, she begins slowly. “I thought that I was doing better, I really did. It’s just at night when the darkness takes me, I can’t control what thoughts are racing through there. You shouldn’t hold it against me because I don’t know what I am thinking.”

  I speak harshly as I draw her chin up so that her eyes meet mine. “That is not what we are speaking about Little Spitfire. We are speaking of the fact that you haven’t spoken to us or even come to us for comfort any of those nights. It has been two weeks since the wedding and how often have you woken up?” Pausing only briefly I see her eyes drop in answer before I go on. “How many times have you thought about him? Thought of the things that he said to you on the phone? The things he might have said to our daughter?” Seeing her eyes still dropped low I pause until they raise to meet mine. “Those are the things that we need to help remind you of, the things that you should have come to us about. Those are the things that you will be punished for right now. Nothing more.”

  “Yes, I understand Master Johnathan, I understand. I know that I should have come to either you or Master Wayne, I didn’t realize that my thoughts were having such a big impact on our lives. I didn’t see it affecting me as much as you have seen and pointed out to me. I will take whatever punishment that you see fit to give to me, Master’s.”

  “That’s a good girl,” Country says looking from me to our girl. “Let me help you up onto your knees and Master Johnathan will redden up that ass of yours while I fuck that pretty little mouth. No coming, Spitfire. This one is for us and to remind you that you need to come to us whenever you are feeling this way. You need to be able to talk to us about any and everything that happens. Especially with the baby coming we need to have that trust between us, if we don’t have that we wouldn’t be able to trust that you would be able to safe word while we were sceneing.”

  Nodding my head in agreement, I go on, “Little Spitfire there is nothing that either of us would do to put you at risk. You are our number one priority and we will never let anything happen to you, even if that means not letting us have our pleasure because you are not to be trusted.”

  Seeing shock take over her face, I cut that shit off quick, “Whatever that look is, wipe it off your face. We would never scene or find our pleasure with anyone else if that is what you were thinking. I was speaking of denying ourselves if we couldn’t trust you to be open and honest with us, not bringing someone else in. That is something neither Master Wayne or I would ever do. We have made this commitment to you and have no plans to change that. EVER”

  Loosening the bindings, I move quickly behind her, pulling up her hips and make sure she is stable on her knees before heading over to get the paddle and crop outta the closet. Moving behind her again seeing Country bury himself deep into Heather’s mouth, I feel my cock harden as I hear the noises of not only the mouth fucking but the gaging that is going on. Nothing is such a fucking sweet sound to my ears.

  Making sure to give her a few warm up slaps before moving in with the paddle, my cock throbs as I laid the first of twenty with her paddle. Seeing the words imprint onto her ass after that first strike always does things to me. As I continue on with the paddle, the flames and words form on her flesh over and over. The sounds of pleasure coming from Country only increase with each blow that I land. Moving onto the crop I only get a few across her thighs and ass before needing to bury myself in her.

  Knowing that Country must be close to chasing his orgasm, I feel the added pressure from each stroke of him bottoming out in her mouth because her pussy clamps down on my cock like no other time. I’m only able to last a few short minutes before I am cumming deep inside of her as Country finds his own release in her mouth.

  Stroking a hand over her shoulder and down her back, I speak words that have never been truer. “You are ours, Little Spitfire, we will always be here to watch over you and protect you, no matter what or who comes our way.”

  Shaking my head outta thoughts of that night, I gotta remind myself that we will get Heather and the babies back keeping the promises to her that we have made over and over.

  Moving towards Tanks office, I peek in and find him working on his computers. He has video feeds from lots of different cameras working.

  “What you looking at Brother?” Pointing towards the multitude of screens.

  “Just getting all the views from in and around the club and seeing what path they took outta there. Patching together that and the path that the vans took is going to take a while to piece together. The best I got at this moment is that they were headed south. Much more than that, I can’t tell yet.” Clapping me on the shoulder, he adds, “I’ll find her Brother, it’s just gonna take me a little bit.”

  “I know you will do your best, Tank. It’s just so fucking hard not knowing who’s got her or what they are
planning to do with her and the babies.”

  Chapter six


  The next time that I am aware, I am inside a hotel room with four people. The two men that were in the van, an older man that I am hoping to fuck is a doctor by how closely he is looking at my body, and an older woman. As I start to move a little the fog in my brain only worsens. The man I am guessing to be a doctor places a hand on my shoulder and pushes me back to a laying position. Trying to adjust my body, a pain rips through my abdomen sending me back down to the bed.

  “I wouldn’t be doing that sweetheart. Those babies didn’t wanna come so I had to go on in and fetch ‘em out.” Says the man that I am hoping is a doctor even more. “You are gonna be sore as fuck, but at least you were knocked out at the time that I went in to get ‘em. I don’t have any pain killers that would be safe for you to feed those youngens, Wrangler told me not to give ‘em to you until you could answer, he says it’s up to you.” Looking from me to Wrangler and back he goes on, “Wanna feed those babies off those fucking sweet tits of yours or you wanna make the pain go away? Just tell me whatcha want.”

  “Babies?” Barely remembering what the fuck has happened tonight, I had completely forgot about the babies in my haze. “Where are my babies? What did you do to them? Where are they?” Dropping my eyes, I don’t raise them again before asking, “Are they alive?” Looking up to the doctor then Wrangler, I drop my voice to a whisper asking, “Can I see my babies? Please?”

  “Yes, of course you can see ‘em. We were just letting you rest until you got your strength up and wake up outta that fog you were in, sweetheart. I would never keep those babies away from their momma.” Looking from me across the room, my eyes follow his and I see the woman who had been standing by the doctor is now on the other side of the room with a baby in her arms.

  As she comes forward I see the baby wrapped tightly in a blue blanket. Reaching out for the baby, I clench my teeth together as another jolt of pain takes me over. Comforting the baby and settling back down onto the pillows behind me, this little thing starts screeching and I feel my nipples tingle.

  Without thought, I struggle with my coverings and try my best to hide myself as I bring the baby to my breast. This little angel has no problem latching on and is suckling within moments. Losing myself in the moment I almost forget where I am and what has transpired over the last few hours, when he opens his eyes and I get lost in the most beautiful blue eyes, the eyes of his father, Johnathan.

  After nursing for only a few minutes, I hear a coo from across the room and look up to find the same woman holding another bundle. As she walks up to me, I see a pink blanket and the coos turn into cries as she gets closer to me.

  Looking down I see that baby Wyatt is asleep, moving him off I adjust my clothing. Placing him off to the side, I reach my arms out to the woman and bring my baby girl, Wynnie closer. She quiets quickly and looks up at me with the biggest brightest green eyes, the eyes of her father and grandfather, Wayne and Wrangler.

  I adjust her over and start feeding her on the opposite side that I had just fed her brother. She also has no problem latching onto me and getting the food she so loudly demanding only moments ago, not unlike Wyatt.

  Looking around at the other people in the room, I am not sure what the fuck is going on or what the fuck will happen. I do know one thing though, I will not let anything happen to these beautiful babies and I will do whatever it takes for them, and myself, to get back home to their daddies as soon as possible.

  After getting back in the van with Wyatt, Wynnie, Wrangler, and Bear, a few hours later, I barely stay awake for twenty minutes before sleep takes me. When I wake again, it’s to the babies crying and my breasts and uterus are screaming as well.

  Wrangler tells Bear to pull over to the side of the road, so I can feed the future of the Demon Riders. Rolling my eyes, I try to move and the pain in my gut only rivals the fear I have of the future.

  Moving slowly, I get first Wyatt then Wynnie out to feed. Seeing that they are both still so little, the feedings don’t take more than a few minutes each. Not knowing anything about where we are I know that I will not be able to make a run for it with two babies, so I must sit and wait. Hoping that soon Wayne, Johnathan and their Brothers will be coming to my rescue.

  As I am finishing up feeding Wynnie, I look over to catch Bear staring at my uncovered breast licking his fucking lips. The shiver that runs through me is something that I will never warm from. Catching my eye, he only grins wider as he adjusts himself, stroking his dick a few times before slowly turning away.

  Not knowing how much longer we will be on the road, I don’t want to push my luck with these guys, so I keep my mouth shut tight. Only hoping that Wayne or Johnathan will be here soon to get us and take us home.

  Three hours later, and the babies are crying again. The same scene plays out before me. The van pulls over- this time at a little truck stop. Wrangler goes in to get some food and drinks for us, and Bear is left to fill the tank and watch me and the babies. Before Wrangle moves outta the van he lets me know that if I so much as make a peep to anybody, the pain I am currently in will be no comparison.

  As I shift in my seat, looking out the window I see Bear moving around the vehicle to the gas pump. The vehicle parked directly behind us catches my eye, and hope fills me. It is short lived, seeing the driver getting out of the car- it’s the doctor that only last night was cutting my babies outta me.

  Knowing that now is not the time to attempt anything, I move slowly towards Wyatt and unstrap him from his car seat. Lifting my shirt, I am quick to get him latched onto my breast to feed. Trying to relax into the feeling of him suckling on my breast, my mind drifts to the men that I love.

  A few weeks after we found out that we were having a baby, Johnathan and Wayne took me out on a special date. We left Sophie with Wayne’s Ma and Gran and we went out for dinner, ending up at The Dungeon.

  The main room of The Dungeon was not being used, so they took me on the stage in front of the few members that were there. They had me bound to the cross and splayed out before them and all to see within thirty minutes of entering The Dungeon.

  Johnathan is the first to land a blow with what feels to me is a flogger. As his hits reign down, I fall into a certain peace knowing my men are here with me. That they are commanding my body and using it in any way they see fit. I know that as this pregnancy gets further along, our time at The Dungeon or playing at all might be limited.

  The way those men worshiped my body that night, I knew that they would never let anything happen to me or the babies that I carried.

  Lost for only brief seconds I glance back up seeing Bear staring through the window at my breasts, and a shiver runs through me. Not being able to adjust my clothing much with Wyatt there, I try to not look at the man that is licking his lips and palming himself through his pants. The next ten minutes’ pass in much the same manner as I finish feeding Wyatt and strap him back in.

  When I am reaching for Wynnie, I notice the passenger door open, and am fucking relieved that Wrangler is back. Unstrapping Wynnie I pull her up to me, and she is quick to latch on. Adjusting my clothing as best as I can, I notice that Wrangler is still facing the front but when he speaks there is no doubt he is talking to me.

  “Heather, I know that you are worried and that you wish you could be home. That is no longer possible for you, but we will go get Sophie when things calm down, and you can have all your kids together. Bear fucked up, but Zack just couldn’t wait any longer to get to you or we would’ve had you all together from the start.”

  “What’s going to happen once we get wherever it is that we are going? Are you going to keep me and the kids locked up?”

  “Until you are comfortable with your new life, yes that is how it will have to be. Once you are more reliable you will be given the same freedoms as any of the other club whores. You’ll have to earn that fucking freedom though.”

  “How would I do that?” is all
I can think to say.

  “The same way any good whore does,” laughing he goes on, “On your back with your legs spread wide.”

  Chapter seven


  It’s been almost thirty-six hours and we still have no fucking clue where they went with Heather. After speaking with Prez, I walk past Pearl on the way into Tank’s control room and the warm embrace she gives me does little for my dark thoughts. The thoughts of my Brother, our woman, and children and where the fuck they are in the front of my mind.

  “We’ll get her back, Bull. Her and those beautiful babies of yours.” Squeezing tight, she pulls back briefly before continuing. “If that fuck Zack had any part in this, Tank won’t have a problem tracking them the fuck down. Then, your babies and your ol’ lady will be back to you in no time flat.”

  Nodding my head to Pearl, I have no words to try and make her or myself feel better. Making the final steps down the hall, seeing Tank fast at work on his computers, I just watch for a few moments before he answers the questions that have been running rampant since they took her.

  “I think I know which way they went with both Heather and Country. I’ve pulled up footage” pointing towards a screen on his left, he continues, “the first van that pulled outta The Dungeon heads south, I lose it somewhere about four hours outta Chicago. That’s the one that has Heather and two Demon Riders in it.”

  Looking between the monitors, he points to a screen on his right, “The van that I think picked up Country, from the bits I’ve been able to piece together, headed the same way eventually. From what I can put together that van left here with Zack and two Demon Riders in it, they must have already had Country’s body in it.”

  From behind me, Prez steps quickly into the room, shutting the door behind him. Looking intently between me and Tank he waits for Tank to go on.


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