Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7) Page 11

by GM Scherbert

  She pauses again and grabs for the bottle of water on the table. Twisting the cap off, she is quick to take a drink before putting it back on the table.

  “The older man, the one that I would find out was Wrangler, Country’s Dad was the next to speak. He talked to Bull and said something about ‘the boy and you have been thick as thieves these last years. Neither of you being able to leave well enough alone. Taking this girl together and moving her in, playing family when you made mine disappear. That shit won’t do.’ That is when he started to pound on Bull with a few of the others standing close by before saying. ‘If either of you think that you can take away the next generation of the Demon Riders you are fucking wrong.’”

  “The contractions kept coming and I figured that something must be wrong with Bull, that he must be knocked out cold to let this man anywhere near me, and that is exactly what Wrangler did. He knelt before me and I can’t miss the resemblances to Wayne, the same jaw and eyes, not to mention the cut of his cheek. Stroking a hand over my belly, his green eyes meet mine and the smile in them was chilling. ‘You are coming with us. It is too bad that you are already in labor, it may be a painful trip for you. If you could’ve just held out for a little while longer, those babies must really wanna start their new lives as the next generation of the Demon Riders, back in Texas with us and all.’”

  “I try to scramble to my feet as his words started to sink in, but I was quickly grabbed up from two of the Demon Riders. As they storm towards the exit, with me sandwiched between them I saw Shadow outta the corner of my eye. Looking from me to the two men on either side, he didn’t have time to draw his weapon, before the man on my right dropped me to pull a weapon of his own firing at Shadow. Grabbing me back up off the floor, the men continue their exit as I glance back only to see a pool of blood spreading underneath Shadow. I tried to look further into The Dungeon but I couldn’t see Bull or any of the other members. I hoped to fuck that no one had been killed, especially over me.”

  At that a sharp knock lands on the door of the meeting room. Tank is outta his seat before the rest of us, and heading for the door, with his hand on his piece. Cracking the door, I notice the prospect who was stationed at our room. “Sorry Tank, but the babies are making noise, and Bull told me to let y’all know if that happened.” With that he turns and moves back to his post.

  Blaze stands and gives us a break so that we can get to our room to settle the babies down. Bull is up outta his seat and helping me within moments. As we move together with our woman out the door, our motions that were once easy, are somewhat stilted and out of practice.

  Opening the door to our room, Bull moves to the far side of the bed, grabbing up the baby who is there. Heather moves to the baby closest to us, and has her shirt down and a baby latched onto her breast as she settles herself onto the bed. Making my way to her I sit next to her on the edge of the bed, and am in awe of this shit yet again. Our woman feeding our babies is a picture that I don’t think I will ever be able to get outta my mind.

  Finishing up with Wyatt, Bull is quickly there waiting to hand Wynnie off to Heather. I reach out for Wyatt and as he settles into me, I can’t control the smile that spreads. Even the thoughts of my father and what he has done to our lives, can’t stop the happiness that I am filled with holding our baby.

  As Heather finishes up feeding Wynnie, Bull takes Wyatt from me and places him back into his crib. Coming around, he grabs up Wynnie from Heather and places her into her crib as well. I glance over to Heather and see her adjust her clothing back.

  “Let’s get this shit done with. I would like nothing more than to be able to get a good night’s rest.” Grabbing up for my uncast hand, she goes on, “sandwiched between the men I love.”

  Bull is the first to answer, “As you wish Spitfire.”

  Helping first me and then Heather to her feet, we make our way through the door. Nodding at the prospect as we pass, we head back in only having been gone about thirty minutes. All the Brothers are still there and take their seats as we entered the room again.

  Heather barely pauses after she enters the room to finish the rest of her story.

  Chapter twenty-three


  Looking around the room, I don’t wait until the men have gotten comfortable before I dive in again. “The next time that I was coherent, we were inside a hotel room. The two men that were in the van, an older man that I hoped to fuck is a doctor by how closely he is looking at my body, and an older woman. As I start moving a little the fog in my brain only worsens. The man I am guessing to be a doctor places a hand on my shoulder and pushes me back to a laying position. Trying to adjust my body, a pain rips through my abdomen sending me back down to the bed. I register little of what the old man is talking about, but I remember something about ‘fetch ‘em out.’ Which scared the ever-living fuck outta me. He went on to let me know that he had drugs I could have but they would not be good if I was going to breastfeed the babies. So, I went without, for the babies and to keep some kind of order to my mind.”

  “It was only then that I realized that the babies had come. I looked towards Wrangler and asked where my babies were, if they were healthy, if I could see them. Wrangler answered me quickly, ‘Yes, of course you can see ‘em. We were just letting you rest until you got your strength up and woke up outta that fog you were in, sweetheart. I would never keep those babies away from their momma.’ I knew that I would not let anything happen to my beautiful babies and I would do whatever it took for them, and myself, to get back home.”

  Pausing briefly, I take another sip of water before continuing. “After getting back in the van with Wyatt, Wynnie, Wrangler and Bear a few hours later, I could barely stay awake. When I wake again, it’s to the babies crying and my breasts and uterus screaming. Wrangler tells Bear to pull over to the side of the road so I can feed the future of the Demon Riders. After finishing up feeding Wynnie, I catch Bear staring at my uncovered breast licking his fucking lips. Catching my eye, he only grins wider as he adjusts himself, stroking his dick a few times before slowly turning away.”

  The shiver that racks my body at the memory gives me pause. But hands reach for me on either side, and I know that my men are here to support me through this.

  “This same shit happened time and again as we made our way to Texas. At one of the stops, Wrangler tries to deter me from escaping and I remember asking him, what was going to happen once we get wherever it is that we are going? Was he going to keep me and the kids locked up? His answer frightened me. He said, ‘That I would be locked up but, once I was more trustworthy I would be given the same freedoms as any of the other club whores. You’ll have to earn that fucking freedom though.’ When I asked How would I do that? He answered me laughing, ‘The same way any good whore does. On your back with your legs spread wide.’”

  “That was the last time we spoke during the trip. We pulled up to their clubhouse sometime later, and that’s when Wrangler told me to get up and get the next generation. He made a big deal of presenting Wyatt to the group, holding him up in the air like the fucking Lion King. Each man seems enthralled with the little bundle that was being presented to them. All except two that is, Zack and Bear. Their looks are something entirely different, more of a hungry wolf, and their eyes had not moved off my body during the entire thing.”

  “When his little show was done, Wrangler made sure I knew the score, getting my attention with a sharp slap to the face. ‘Don’t think that you will be doing anything without my permission. If you want to be around to see this little boy grow up, you better fall in line.’ That’s when I am pushed into a room after being taken down the hallway. The next two days passed slow; I wasn’t sure what time it was other than day or night. Bear brought in my meals, but his eyes are never far from my body during that time. Even going so far as trying to touch me the last two times that he had come in. When I screamed, and slapped at him each time, I fought him off until Zack’s voice bombed from the other side of the doo

  Grabbing up for the water, I finish the last of it before finishing my story. The hands on my body grab up for my hips holding onto me tightly as I finish

  “That last day, the day you came and found me was the worst. When I woke up I saw Zack standing inside the room with Bear next to him. The grins on their faces caused me to bolt up and back up to the head of the bed. Moving forward Zack walked towards the head of the bed, while Bear moves the opposite way adjusting himself as he walked. I asked them what they wanted. Zack only laughed and answered me dryly, ‘Nothing that I haven’t already had you stupid fucking slut. But, Bear here, can’t seem to get the thought of your fucking pussy off his mind. And seeing that you have been fucking both Country and Bull, we thought we would give it a go. Your always up for a good fucking time, right?’”

  “The next thing he says made my heart sink. He lets me know that ‘Country won’t be able to help me because they had fucking killed him days ago.’ Leaning into me, he pushed me so that I was lying flat on the bed. Zack grabs for my hands tying them above my head, stretching my body in ways that it should not have been moved with having had the twins only three days prior. He made some fucking comments about how he knew how much pain I liked and that him and Bear would be able to give me that fucking pain.”

  Closing my eyes, the thoughts of what happened are fresh at the surface. “The first strike with Bear’s belt landed across my breasts, and had me screaming out within a second. As the blows continue to rain down on me, I wasn’t sure how much of it I could take. The ones that landed across my C-section stitches were the worst, but Bear only laughed as my screams mixed with tears. They continue and Zack tries to fuck my mouth which I ended up biting his cock off when he rammed it down my throat.”

  The groans that rise up in the room, are not for the fact that I injured him, but the method in which I did it. As I glance around the room, each man has colored a shade of green with the thought of their cock being bitten off.

  “That’s when I saw Pearl.” Looking directly towards Blaze and then catching Tank’s eyes I go on. “She came to rescue me and stopped me from getting raped. There will never be a day that goes by that I am not grateful for what she has done. After she frees me, Zack’s screaming continues. I catch movement and grab the gun from Pearl quickly taking a few steps closer to the men. I fire the gun towards the men and as I register what I have just done, I take a few steps back. The door then opens and Bull comes into view. Moving quickly towards me, Bull removes the gun from my hands and moves swiftly towards the men still on the floor. As my eyes follow one of the men that I love, I know that I am finally safe, and relax into Pearl who has throwing her arms around me. My knees give away as Pearl helps me to the floor. The only thing that draws my attention back to the men on the ground are the loud pops that I hear as Bull reaches them.” Looking towards Johnathan, I reach for his hand and squeeze tight and take a deep breath. “That’s what happened, the whole fucking story.”

  Blaze stands and thanks me for telling the tale. He nods towards the door, and Johnathan helps me back to our room. Not before I bend over to Wayne kissing him sweetly on the lips, a kiss that he takes control of instantly, deepening it and driving a pang of heat through me. As Johnathan and I move his hands roam over my body. As we reach the door to our room, he kisses me deeply, before letting the prospect know not to leave his post and turns back the way we came.

  Once inside I make my way to our small bathroom, and clean up a bit. Just as I finish and cut the light, I hear the babies started to make noise, and know that they need to be fed. Moving quickly, I grab up one and then the other feeding the babies in turn. Tucking them back into bed, I find myself exhausted by the events of the last few days and curl up on the bed, waiting for them to come back and be wrapped up in the men I love.

  Chapter twenty-four


  The story that my Brothers had only heard for the first time, was no easier hearing the second for me, or Bull I’m guessing. The look on his face when he returns from taking our ol’ lady back to our room leaves nothing to the imagination.

  Prez is standing before Bull is even in his chair. “Well, we have heard what these fucking Demon Riders did to one of our Brothers, and his ol’ lady. The only thing left to decide or vote on is the path we take from here.” Looking around the table there is only a brief pause before he takes the vote. “All those in favor of ending the lives of the men that we have brought home with us say Aye.” The noise is resounding coming from my Brothers, and I know that the vote is unanimous. “Any opposed?” the room is silent as I glance around it.

  “Well, then it seems that we have a couple men to put to ground tonight before we get home to our women.” Nodding towards Tank, he goes on, “Tank will stay back and keep an eye on the clubhouse, as we take care of business. The rest of us will head over to the garage and get some justice on the men that thought they could take from us, take what was ours.” Hesitating for only a second he goes on, “Again, anyone that is not comfortable with this shit, don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out.”

  Not a Brother moves, they are all longing to dole out some punishment for the atrocities done to our ol’ lady and the attempted murder on me. As Blaze makes his way out the door, Bull comes to help me up and we are short steps behind him. Making our way through the clubhouse and out to the back garage we wait as he unlocks the door.

  Stepping inside we are greeted with the putrid smell of blood mixed with urine. Moving into the garage, I see the four men that we have brought home with us strung up tight. As I approach them, I look up and am met with the eyes of a man I had long thought dead and buried, my father.

  Stepping closer to him, there is little that I can think to say. This man that brought so much pain to my Ma, my Brothers, and my ol’ lady. I do the only thing I can think to do, the thing that I thought I had done years ago. Wasting no time, I draw the gun outta the waste of my jeans and shoot the fucker right between the eyes. Not feeling anything except a sense of peace that this fucking piece of shit has finally met his end.

  I begin to wish the cast on my arm was off, when I can do little except watch as my Brothers take turns on each of the other three Demon Riders. Bull lands the most hits, and I am sure that he is holding nothing back, much like I would do if possible.

  Looking around the garage I find an old tire iron, and decide it’s my turn. Moving towards each of the men, I take a few swings with it before I hear a whistle that draws me from my momentum. Seeing Blaze nod his head at me, each of my Brothers draw their weapon, including me. The sound is deafening as each pulls the trigger in sync, ending the lives of these fucking bastards.

  Making our way back to the clubhouse, we let the prospect know that he will be helping Bull and a couple others clean up the mess we left. I am deemed to not be of any help with the casts, so I head back to our room.

  Moving straight for the shower in our room, which proved to be more than difficult. Scrubbing off any trace of what has just happened became difficult with the casts, but eventually I made it work.

  Toweling off, I make my way back towards the bed. Finding myself snuggling into bed behind the woman that I love, even though it can’t be much past six or seven at night. Knowing that our road will be bumpy, but the love we share will pull us through.

  Chapter twenty-five


  The beating we put on those three helped to relieve some of the anger that has been building up in me since the day that this shit all began. Thankfully the sun is out as we start digging. It takes about two hours to get these fucks put to ground. When we are finishing up, I head back into the clubhouse, seeing Blaze and Tank at the bar I move towards them.

  “Thank you Brothers, for everything that you did for my family. I don’t know how we will ever be able to truly pay you back for everything that you have given back to me, to us.”

  Cutting me off Blaze doesn’t hesitate in his answer. “It is nothing that you ever need
to thank us for. We are your family as much as Country and Heather are, don’t forget that. You were there for us when we needed someone to keep eyes on Pearl, and you will be there if we need it in the future.”

  “That’s fucking true, both parts of that.” Smiling I reach towards the beer that the bartender has placed in front of me. Taking a long drag outta the bottle, I swallow finding the taste not nearly enough to quench my thirst.

  “We are having the Brothers over tonight, the woman are at home cooking up the food with the kids now. You, Country, and Heather should stop over. I know that you will all want to spend some time with the babies and Sophie, but all the kids will be there and it’ll be nice for everyone to see that you guys are all safe and sound.”

  “Yea, I think that would be nice. I’ll head to our room now and see about getting us together.”

  Nodding their heads at me, they each turn back to the bar and resume the conversation they were previously in. Making my way down the hallway, I can’t help but be consumed with happiness that my woman, our children, and my best friend will be together for a long time to come.

  Opening the door, I see Country wrapped around our girl tight and know that this is where I belong. Moving towards the bed, I shut the door quietly but as I turn back towards the bed, I see two sets of eyes on me.

  Stopping at the side of the bed, I sit on the edge in front of Heather as I say, “Prez is having a BBQ tonight and would like for us to bring the kids. I know that we have only just gotten home,” seeing the concern of her face I add, “we don’t have to stay long Spitfire, he just wanted everyone to be able to relax and have a bit of fun after this trying time.”


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