Loving Desire

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Loving Desire Page 7

by Renee Young

  As the game continued everyone seemed to be having a blast. Dylon had to take a shot, Sierra wasn’t allowed to speak until her next turn, Colt had to lose an article of clothing, Becky made all the guys drink, Tasha-luckily- had to take a drink of water, Matt had to do a shot, Maya also had to take a shot. There was a lot of drinking and tapping done by literally everyone at the table which had everyone laughing. We made it to Ethan who pulled his block and then smirked at me.

  “Truth or Dare?” Shit. I glanced at Nova who I knew wanted to laugh. We had a sleepover once, just her and I and we made a pact-as middle school kids did. We would never choose Truth. We wanted to be daring. With a groan and a sigh I looked at the younger of the Mathews brothers.

  “Dare.” He looked pleased with my answer. He took a sip of his beer and tapped the table. I could have sworn I heard Sawyer mutter something about it being a stupid rule but I kept my laughter down, just waiting for my dare. “I dare you to spend the rest of the evening in just your bra and underwear.” He decided, followed by taps and drinks.

  “Bold of you to assume I’m wearing underwear.” I smirked with a drink and a tap on the table. I’d purposely not worn underwear. I’d wanted to be able to tease a certain someone, which worked. My drink and tap was met with an entire table of the same.

  “Shit.” Matt muttered.

  “New dare.” I winked at Ethan who let out a breath.

  “I dare you to..” He started while thinking it over. “Make Sawyer blush, and if you can’t you have to chug your drink.” He finished. Easy enough.

  I turned to my best friend. “Can I see your phone?” She nodded and handed it to me unlocked. I went to her photos and found the one I was looking for. Standing from my seat, I walked over to the man himself. He stayed facing the table keeping a straight face. He was gonna try and make this difficult. I stood behind him and bent over him. I let one hand lay flat against his chest as I held the phone out for him to see. With one look at it he raised his beer to his lips and tapped the table. I brought my face close to his ear and let out a little breath. Another drink and tap.

  “Do you remember what I said as we took this photo?” I asked him as he looked at the photo of us from our shoot. He shook his head a little as he continued to look at the photo of me still in the silk robe being pushed against the wall by him. My hand was in the waistband of his jeans and our hips were pressed together. I had my lips just at his ear.

  I smirked ready to seal this. I let my hand on his chest trail a little further south. “You’re feeling a little stiff.” I started. “I promise I won’t bite.” I paused flipping to the next photo which was the last one we took. I was just in the red underwear with his arm over my bare chest, his other hand just under the elastic of my panties as he bit my shoulder and my ass pressed into him. Sawyer let out a little sound of approval, “But you can.” I finished.

  Once again Sawyer had his beer to his lips as he chugged the rest of it with continuous taps on the table. It was hard to miss the red that colored his cheeks and I stood to my full height and raised my hands in victory before returning to my seat and taking my own drink with a tap.

  “I wanna see those photos!” Tasha butted in. Everyone rushed out their agreement. I didn’t mind so I shrugged and looked at Sawyer.

  “Just not that last one, the rest go for it.” I handed the phone back to Nova and let her show everyone the photos we’d taken. By the end, just about everyone needed a new drink. There was a common consensus that everyone wanted a chance to do photos like that, which had my bestie beaming.

  “My turn now!” I announced, pulling everyone's attention back to the game. I picked my block, pulling it gently from its place before reading my own handwriting. “Everyone has to change places. Yes that includes you and Jamie.” I said directly to Nova, knowing she was about to object. I decided to just steal Nova’s seat and let everyone else fill in. This time I’d ended up with Sawyer on my left and Matt on my right.

  “Who goes now?” Nova asked and I decided just to have Matt go and we would start a new order. He had to do a shot, again. Sierra, who was finally able to talk again, had to now talk with an accent. Becky got to change the rule, thank god. Now everytime you took a drink you had to compliment someone. Jamie made all the girls drink, which got a little loud with the compliment throwing, but it was fun. Ethan made us all take a picture together. Tasha is the one who actually ended the game. The tower fell when she pulled the block telling her we had to do a waterfall.

  “What’s that?” Maya asked.

  “So one person, in this case Tasha, starts drinking then after her drink is to her lips the next person starts and so on throughout the circle. You can’t stop chugging until the person in front of you does.” I explained. We did the challenge, and luckily no one took it too far by making someone have to chug too long. I’d always hated when people did that even though that was the point of the game.

  After we cleaned up the game and put it away to play again sometime we all voted to take a little break and snack a bit.

  “It feels good you know?” A voice said from beside me on the couch.

  “What’s that?” I asked my best friend.

  “Having everyone together just being carefree. It feels like we’re young again.” She sighed wistfully.

  “We’re only twenty-four. I think that still makes us young.” I teased.

  “I know that, but we have responsibilities now.” She shrugged. I knew what she meant. This whole night just felt stress free and relaxing. I was actually having fun. I was laughing and genuinely enjoying myself like I used to.

  I didn’t have to worry about the fact that very soon people could possibly be peering into my very personal thoughts. I wasn’t stressed about not having a job. I was just here and happy.

  I was happy.

  “What are you ladies doin’ over here?” Jamie asked as he plopped beside his fiance and his older cousin fell beside me. He handed me another glass of wine before his arm reached up on the back of the couch behind me. It wasn’t around me really, but it opened him up to me.

  “We are talking about how much fun we’re having. Is everyone else enjoying it?” She responded which had the two diving into a conversation about their friends while I turned my attention to Sawyer.

  “That was a very dirty trick you pulled earlier.” He whispered in my ear. His hot breath hit the delicate skin of my neck and I felt my body respond to his proximity. My response was to just take a sip of my wine and tap his leg that was practically under me now from him getting closer. He repeated my action and tapped my thigh.

  “So did you decide on who you wanted to bring to bed with us tonight, or will it just be you and me?” He asked with a smirk.

  Every cell in my body wanted me to give into this man. Allow him to show me just how good he is, but I still wanted him to know that I was in charge. I wanted him to be the one to give in to me, not the other way around. “That depends. Is there a dress code?” I asked in what I hoped was a seductive tone. I watched his Adam's apple bob and he swallowed before clearing his throat. As his lips parted to make a response his doorbell rang.

  Chapter 11

  I’ve never been so turned off so quickly as I was when Sawyer wrenched the door open. There, in nothing but a rather short trench coat, that I suspect didn’t cover anything, stood Tabitha. She wore an alarmingly high pair of heels that probably would have caused some serious damage had they been on my feet.

  Out of curiosity, and definitely influenced by alcohol, we’d all followed Sawyer to answer the door. We were like a group of teenage girls watching scary movies and someone showed up randomly. We all stood behind the man as if he were the most bave, and we peered around him to see who the intruder was.

  I was the person right behind the glorious being, with my hands on his hips and bending forward I peeked out from behind him. The whole situation almost had us bursting into laughter, and I would have- had the intense jealousy not resurfaced. I could hear the
rest of our party holding in snickers as the girl stood there confused.

  “Uh-” She stuttered when she noticed he wasn’t alone.

  “Tabitha,” Sawyer greeted, not sounding even the least bit happy to see her.

  “Can I come in?”She asked, letting her eyes move over all of us.

  Allowing the wine to take over for just a moment, I rose to my full height and leaned up to Sawyer’s ear. “She’s not really my type, sorry.” I whispered letting my lips graze his skin lightly. He knew I was referring to him asking about us sharing the bed with someone tonight. “Now, while you decide what you want to do; I need more wine for the next game. What was it, Nov?” I spoke a little louder.

  “A type of ‘would you rather’, but when you pick one you actually have to do it.” My best friend answered and I smirked.

  “I guess you get to go first Sawyer. Who would you rather?” I whispered again in his ear. I dug my nails ever so slightly into his hip where my hand was resting before I pushed myself away from him to let him take care of his visitor.

  Everyone trailed after me letting their laughter out. Ethan came and stood beside me as I grabbed the wine. He pulled the bottle from my hand making me pout a little.

  “Don’t worry, beautiful. I’m just gettin you a glass. I’m bein’ a gentleman.” He winked at me. His similarity to Sawyer threw me off for just a moment. Sure they looked alike and they were both cocky, but there was something so different about them. Something I couldn’t quite place.

  Maybe the difference was that Ethan didn’t have me clenching my thighs from just a glance in my direction. His voice didn’t send shivers down my spine, and his laugh didn’t create goosebumps throughout my body.

  “Well thank you.” I winked at him taking my glass from his hand. He followed me with a little grin almost appearing like a puppy.

  We found the rest of the party minus his brother all gathered in the living room. Each person had their own drink in their hand. I plopped down beside my best friend and Ethan squeezed into the space on the other side.

  “It’s my house and no one left room for me to sit?” His deep voice called as he came into the room with a beer in his grip. “That’s fine. I don’t mind sitting on the floor.” He smirked in my direction, coming towards me. He made himself comfortable on the ground right in front of me. He grabbed my calf and pulled my leg over his shoulder.

  “Where’s your guest, Sawyer?” His brother asked what we all wanted to know.

  “I asked her to leave.” He shrugged which caused my leg to raise a little. “So are we playing or what?” He changed the subject.

  I wasn’t sure how I was feeling honestly. We’d been flirting all night. Fuck we’ve been flirting since we met. He’s so good at intriguing me and turning me on, and then he does something or something happens that just completely kills the vibe. Had he not gotten that call while I was trying to give him my phone number I probably would have invited him back to my place that very day.

  “Right, Jamie, give everyone five strips of paper and a pen.” Nova commanded. He nodded and stood up grabbing all of the stips we’d prepared beforehand. “Okay, everyone, you have to write something on each strip. Make sure you don’t write anything too gross. You may end up drawing your own strip so don’t write anything you wouldn’t do. You may write them about specific people.” She explained to us once we all had our paper. “When you’re done toss ‘em in that bowl.” She pointed to a glass bowl on the table in the center of the room.

  I filled out my slips with things I felt were fairish. Stuff I wasn’t afraid to do, and I kinda couldn’t wait to see what else everyone wrote. I made Sawyer put my paper in the bowl so I wouldn’t have had to get up. He seemed awfully smug with the strips he wrote out, and I couldn’t decide if I was weary or excited. I guess it would all depend on if I’d pull any of his or not.

  “Alright everyone got their strips done and in the bowl?” We all nodded and Nova dove into how to play. Essentially when it was our turn we would each pull two strips of paper and we would decide which we’d rather do. We have to read them aloud, unless they have our name on them. For example, say the paper said ‘Kiss Nova’; if she pulled that one she’d have to put it back without telling anyone what it said. Once we read each of the two papers we pick which one we want to do then we put the other one back in the bowl. Then we have to do what the paper demands. Simple enough.

  “Who wants to go first?” I asked.

  “Me!” Tasha shouted before anyone had a chance to say anything. We all chuckled at her enthusiasm and no one argued, letting her go first. She hopped from her spot on the chair and skipped over to the bowl. “Okay okay okay; Would you rather tell everyone about your most awkward sexual experience-” She paused to grab another strip “Or show everyone how to dougie?” She read the paper. “Well considering I don’t know how to dougie I think I have to go with the first option.” Everyone laughed and she plopped down in her seat before diving into a story about how she had her hands down her ex boyfriend’s pants when his grandma walked in and asked them to join her for dinner. When she got to the table grandma proceeded to hand her a bottle of hand sanitizer. Poor grandma. We all enjoyed a laugh at that.

  “Next person!” Matt went second. He chose between singing a Christmas song and telling everyone a deep dark secret. Needless to say we all had Mariah Carey stuck in our heads after that. Sawyer went next and I found myself intrigued.

  “Would you rather- Who the fuck wrote this?” He busted up laughing. “Can I just put this back?” He asked, holding up the strip. I grabbed it from him and read it before busting up laughing.

  “Yes, please put that back.” I agreed and he looked at me gratefully.

  “What’d it say?” Ethan asked. I looked at him and couldn’t contain my laughter again.

  “It said and I quote ‘Full on make out with Ethan’.” Sawyer answered looking thoroughly disgusted. Ethan shared the look. “Seriously though, who wrote that?” Becky raised her hand proudly and winked at Ethan. Well okay then.

  “Okay, draw again.” I told Sawyer.

  “Alrighty, would you rather spend the rest of the night shirtless, or-” he grabbed another slip, “demonstrate your favorite sex position with the player of your choice.” Hey that was mine. He dropped his head back on the couch which landed between my thighs and looked up at me. “Up you go.” He winked at me and I jokingly rolled my eyes with a playful sigh. He stood first and then offered me his hand to help me stand as well. The second I was steady on my feet he bent down and curved his arm around my thighs just below my butt and pulled me up into him. I let out a squeal and my arms naturally went around his neck to keep myself from falling. Not that I worried about his ability to keep me up.

  “Don’t forget you have other people in the room this time.” Nova teased as he walked us over to a wall.

  “I make no promises.” Sawyer said quietly with a wink. “Remember this? ” He paused while looking at me, referring to our photo shoot. “I want you like this.” He whispered in my ear as my back pressed against the smooth surface. He grabbed my hands, that slid down his chest a little, in one of his and raised them above my head and kept them trapped. “I want to watch as you ache to dig your nails into me. I want to see you let everything go while I hold you tight against me. I want you to depend completely on me to keep you up while I pound into you over and over again.” He continued to speak in my ear, and then finished his little speech with a nip at my neck. A tortured breath pushed through my lips and I tightened my thighs, pulling him even closer to my center. All thoughts of being in charge left for just a moment, before they came back stronger than ever. I bet he’s never submitted to a woman before.

  His alpha energy screamed domination. He’s never not been in control before, and the thought that I could possibly have him on his knees for me surged through my mind.

  “What if I want you under me? What if my desire stemmed from you relinquishing control to me? Could you let a woman like m
e take charge? Would you be able to handle that? Let me ride you as you resist the urge to take over?” I taunted in his ear as we stayed in that position. “Could you listen while I told you everything I wanted you to do to me? Do what I told you to? Taste me where I craved your mouth? Touch me where-” I was cut off by a guttural groan releasing from him. His grip on my hands loosened as if he were giving in. He wanted to listen to me.

  “Was this what they were like during your photos?” A voice whispered, pulling me from my haze of temptation and want.

  “This is exactly how they were, just with less clothing between them.” My best friend answered.

  The fact that the room we were in was full of people didn’t do anything to dampen the sexual tension, but it did remind us we couldn’t rip each other’s clothes off and just fuck right here. Unfortunately. With a reluctant sigh, Sawyer set me back down on my feet. Then he had to steady me because of my wobbly legs, which earned me a smirk from not only him but Nova as well. Jerks.

  “Who’s turn is it?” I asked, my voice was a bit breathier than usual as well, which didn’t help the teasing looks I got.

  “Why don’t you go Liv?” Ethan suggested and while I was ready to just sit back and watch for a moment while I calmed down, I couldn’t give up the chance to play so I shrugged and grabbed two slips of paper before sitting back in my seat.

  “Would you rather give the player of your choice a hickey or-” I read it. “Hold on who wrote this?” I chuckled but didn’t read it aloud. “I have to grab a new one this has my name on it.” I announced, refolding the strip and putting it back. It said ‘remove Olivia’s bra with your teeth’. I wasn’t sure if that was Sawyer, or Nova. I feel like they’d both write something like that. I looked at everyone, trying to get a read and actually a few of them seemed suspicious. “Wait, how many of you wrote a tag about me?” I asked.

  Nova, Sawyer, Ethan, Sierra and Matt all raised their hands. “I was gonna, but I was worried that Dylan would get it so I didn’t.” Maya informed us.


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